Your cube/desk/workstation
6Anyone inspired to share photos or descriptions of your work situation?
I’m interested, but admittedly might want an opportunity to gloat about my new cube. I work for the State of Washington. I probably shouldn't say more than that because then I’d have to . . . uh . . . So, where do you work?
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Hey, looking at this just gave me the idea to use this photo as wallpaper; instant camouflage!
That's me right next to Karen! The good old office!
@TheVertigo - Yeah. I have to wear a name tag too. Your view is pretty brutal. Is the paddock ergonomic? Thanks for sharing.
@KDemo as long as i get in early i can steal my neighbors extra straw. my real cube is boring!
I'd show you a picture of my view but I have to look at the likes of @JonT, @Hollboll, @Moose, @Hart, @Troy, and @Chadp all day and nobody wants a boring ole picture of them. Oh, and the Biebs, he's here too.
@MEHcus idk if you can call him beibs after what @hart did to him.
@hollboll I'll happily leave this one to my imagination. Way to go @Hart!
@KDemo They make it sound worse than it is. I mean, it's pretty bad, but not that bad.
@hart - Why are you holding back?
I work from home a lot but also go out to fix computers and printers for the public library system.

This is slightly outdated because the left part of my desk fell during a spirited match of Soccer Physics and hasn't been fixed yet.
I also have an inflatable Brachiosaurus on my monitor now.
@JonT LOL I love that you are using speaker socks as monitor stands!
@hallmike My whole desk is built out of Bracketrons and speaker docks.
@Moose And I bet it won't collapse like that cheap laminated pressed board Jon uses
@hallmike How did I just realize that you called them speaker socks? New million dollar idea...TRADEMARKED, NOBODY STEAL IT!
@JonT Heh - I didn't realize I did that. Must have had soccer on my brain. I'll split the idea 70-30 with you.
@JonT I like that handsome laptop bag/satchel. I need one so I can look more business-y.
@ABitterWoman Thanks! I actually got it for free from a coworker a couple jobs ago that was giving away a bunch of stuff.
Bit of a mess currently :P
the drone on the floor is @harrison's
@katylava- Can't tell - is it "deconstructed"?
@katylava What's the big white box on the floor? Also, is that a 27'' monitor?
@dashcloud it's an ottoman. i lean back in my chair and put my feet up and use a wireless keyboard and trackpad on a lapdesk. which was in my lap when i took the picture.
@katylava For privacy sake, I hope the drone's camera is off...
@katylava and now I'm jealous
@ChadP My desk has no lights above it.
@ChadP lucky
Fun fact: that lamp was designed by @Moose.
@ChadP Did they put you in a closet and convince you it's an office?
@KDemo kind of...
@ChadP; I like it.
@ChadP you could play the fun game of "identify the products previously sold on Meh" on my desk.
@ChadP: Saving one of everything for the meh branch of the Smithsonian?
@JonT Yes, in my previous job I designed lamps. This is a post confirming that his post is true. My lamps can be found in many retailers. Or maybe not, they might all be gone.
I work from my dining room table, so mine is pretty boring.
I work from home. My office is in the only room of the house I'm allowed to leave messy. Otherwise, the wife flies in on her broom shooting unforgivable curses at me from her wand.
@capguncowboy Back to work, honey!
@JonT I think he was going a bit more towards Bellatrix.
@Cinoclav so long as she doesn't think I was referring to Mad Madam Mim!
I'm an IT engineer, so I have a lot of junk around my desk. Just recently started with a new company, so I haven't yet decorated my walls.

@The_Baron Needs more screens

@JonT more displays = more internets
@The_Baron How many are for work, and how many are for playing games at work ?
@ceagee With most companies, they expect "more monitors = more work being done". But out of 15 things up, I usually have at least one or two distractions in the second display.
@The_Baron I have trouble w/ the monitor on my laptop alone. I have no idea how you can watch so many w/o getting a massive headache. Or do they also supply aspirin as a perk ?
@ceagee It takes some adjusting, mental and physical. You get everything to a good spot and you get use to it. The standard with most companies now is a laptop and secondary 22-23in display. You have the email on the laptop and everything else on the second monitor. (The other stuff is just test laptops and stuff being fixed. I don't have to look at those very often)
So does Meh/Mediocre provide company Macbooks, or do you all just bring in Macbooks? @jont @katylava @chadp
@dashcloud provided
@dashcloud provided in lieu of any desktops.
@JonT @katylava and I used to want to work there........
@chellemonkey I've never used a Mac before, I was kinda against them since I've always been a PC gamer but I've had a really good experience with mine so far.
We don't have an office at all -- we work for libraries and archives around campus, so there is no central location. Some is done in the basement of the Music Library at some big tables. Other times it's in the vault of the Archives of Traditional Music. Very cool place.
@luvche21 Need picture otherwise it doesn't count as cool.
@ceagee Yeah, good point. I won't be working in the cool place for another week or two. Just the not-so-cool place.
@luvche21 we can wait : )
Very boring.

@Mavyn You've got a bunny and an aquarium! That's not boring.
@JonT The aquarium is a surrogate window.
@Mavyn ...and mirror.
@hallmike Yeah, which sucks. I try taking pictures of the fish, but there is always a reflection in the back panel. And, glad I don't work nekkid.
Two weeks in with the hidden treadmill desk and i must say I've enjoyed it.
@Ryaneil Roomba. Not as good as a baby arm, but still a nice touch.
Timely, just after posting this my roomba went for a grind at the end of the treadmill. It was not able to escape its grasp.
@Ryaneil Oh no! Did the roomba suffer an untimely demise?
@bluedyn Roomba survived with a little added character to the front bumper and a swift kick to the rear to dislodge it. Its certainly not a learning robot....
@Ryaneil Whew. That's a relief. Not that you couldn't find another for sale in the near future . . .
Although, a roomba funeral could have been fun.
@bluedyn Roomba funeral = smash it to bits and have a Neato clean up the mess.
I was just looking at my area and realizing what a mess it is. Maybe I'll do a little spring cleaning and then post a pic. All you can see at the moment is textbooks and novels. Oh, and tons of papers. I have Yoshi, some monkeys and Spiderman watching over the mess.
My office is in the shop right now because the passenger side speakers keep going out, and it's impossible to work without jams. I know what I'm thinking, and yes, I could probably fix it, but it's a brand new office so I'm not going to mess with it.