I had to click several times, because in true Comcast fashion, it screwed up and gave me the wrong gender and ethnicity. After several tries, I was finally "blessed" with Stanky Asshead.
@Headly I was in a non-profit board meeting one time, and the treasurer would not stop saying things like, "We really appreciate Cox around here." i spent the whole meeting trying to keep a straight face.
On a separate note, I just got off the phone with Verizon. One of my FIOS boxes died. They're shipping me one overnight, just have to send the old one back with the prepaid label. Their customer service for me has been as good as Comcast's is bad.
Sounds like some crappy Chromecast knockoff.
^ Stanky wanker
I'm Professor Fuckstick. Can't argue with that.
Hi, I'm All Star Dingus.
Hello, I am Wayward Butthole, It is a pleasure to meet you.
I'm Clown Goat...

I think mine was meant for @Barney.
@JonT Awww.
@JonT Shudder
Royal Pie Face. That is hurtfully on point.
@ABitterWoman Your Highness...
Princess Assclown? Do I need to buy a dress?
Nevermind. I got a second one which is more apt: Senor Fatass.
@DaveInSoCal We're related! I'm Obsessive Assclown!
El Grande Dumb Dumb. That's just how I roll.
I'll wait til I get home to see what Google Images finds for this...
All-star Asshead. Lookit me! I'm an all-star!
^ Mewling Turd.
I had to click several times, because in true Comcast fashion, it screwed up and gave me the wrong gender and ethnicity. After several tries, I was finally "blessed" with Stanky Asshead.
And if you've ever heard me on the phone with those Motherfucking assholes you'd believe it.
Wayward Dillweed. Not sure that's such a bad thing...
Cum gurgling butt muscle.

But "luckily" I have Cox. They suck less.
@Headly I was in a non-profit board meeting one time, and the treasurer would not stop saying things like, "We really appreciate Cox around here." i spent the whole meeting trying to keep a straight face.
@cleverogre I simply can't say enough good things about Cox. Just saying "Cox" leaves a good taste in my mouth.
Stupid Poop. Who am I to argue with Kabletown?
Total McTesticle - anything with Mc in it is funny to me.
I knew I should have turned off the webcam.
Stupid Fatass
sounds about right!
Nightmare Asshole.
It's like they KNOW me!
On a separate note, I just got off the phone with Verizon. One of my FIOS boxes died. They're shipping me one overnight, just have to send the old one back with the prepaid label. Their customer service for me has been as good as Comcast's is bad.
@Cinoclav They're also very accessible over social media if you'd prefer to interact with the support people that way.
Grandma McTesticle
No but we may be related.
I can't decide which one I like best: "Moldy Boogerface" or "Aggressive Nose Picker"