You may have free concert tickets
4I saw this article,, and sure enough I have 2 sets of 2 tickets for eligible concerts, also a lot of $2.50 credits I didn’t know I had, apparently.
Might be worth looking if you ever used TicketMaster in the past. You can find the list (if you’re eligible) here:
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There are also ebook compensation awards for past purchases on Barnes and Noble, and on Amazon. I got a notice that says ‘We are happy to let you know that within the next several days you will receive your portion of the Apple Settlement as an electronic credit placed in your Barnes & Noble account.’ I’ve never been an Apple user. Friends have just found gift card balances in their Amazon accounts, ranging from $1.67 to over $200.
@OldCatLady I actually got that one too. Almost $19 credit from Amazon. Yay!
@OldCatLady I ended up with 137.00 in credit, very excited!
@ACraigL Thought I would have some credit on Amazon but only got credit from B and N.
@mehbee I only got $17., which is a small fraction of what I had spent. Wow, $137. is a fortune. Congratulations!

@OldCatLady i got $97 from this one!
@OldCatLady Thanks, as much as I read it’s a blessing! My husband is constantly wishing that I was not addicted to books. I answer that it could be a lot worse…has he seen the price of shoes today??? Hey reading keeps me off the streets.
I checked my Ticketmaster account and didn’t see any vouchers, but your link gave me 4. There are several concerts I would have used them for but everything is sold out. Sneaky, Ticketmaster.
@sammydog01 I’m putting a reminder on my calendar to check every week to see what they add.
I checked last night… I have 10 sets of tickets available. I used ticketmaster a ton back in the day.
I’m happy to say I have no vouchers because I’ve avoided Ticketbastard like the plague for decades. The only show I’ve used them for in the past 10 years was John Hodgman at the Marine’s Memorial Theater.
Wow, it looks like I maxed out the 17 $2.25 credits and 17 2-ticket vouchers.
So now I have to camp out on that page and watch for any concerts to pop up that I care about? What a pain.
@dave Why couldn’t they just give away speaker docks instead?
@dave my fiancee said she signed up for an announcement list of voucher friendly concerts from the ticketmaster site, as 311 and Weezer both sold out before she got tickets. They’re good until like 2020 I believe.
I just checked, and after numerous attempts, I finally found my account under my old Earthlink dialup email address that I used back in the early aughts before I got gmail. I have a couple vouchers, but I cannot update my email address since I don’t have access to the old Earthlink account. Lame.
I no longer have access to the email I used to set up and access my Ticketmaster account. What should I do?
Please reach out to the legal claims administrator, Garden City Group, at or (877) 317-9139.
Hopefully things will open up again soon.
@conandlibrarian saw this. Guess ill have to wait until the next wave opens up
It’s a cool thing but sadly, as with most such cases, the attorneys are the ones who really made money off of this:
"Under the Settlement, Ticketmaster will pay all of the attorneys’ fees and out-of-pocket expenses for the attorneys that have been certified to represent the Class and for the costs of administering the Settlement. You will not be required to pay any attorneys’ fees or costs from your share of the Settlement.
Lead Class Counsel filed with the Court an application (the “Fee Motion”) asking for an award of up to $14,960,000 in attorneys’ fees, which represents a “multiplier” of less than 1.9 times Lead Class Counsel’s “lodestar” (the amount of time the lawyers for the Class have spent working on this case over the past ten years, multiplied by their hourly rates, as of March 31, 2012). Lead Class Counsel also sought to recover the costs and expenses they have spent pursuing this case, not to exceed $1.5 million.
On February 27, 2015, the Court entered an order granting the Fee Motion and approving Lead Class Counsel’s attorneys’ fees in the amount of $14,960,000 and costs and expenses in the amount of $1,230,871.11. Ticketmaster will pay attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses to Lead Class Counsel in these amounts as ordered by the Court. These amounts are in addition to any other recoveries provided for in the Settlement. They do not come out of, and will not affect, the recoveries available to you and other Class Members."
This on a $45M settlement of a $400M class action lawsuit. It is truly good to be a lawyer.
I was able to use my codes this morning. I will be seeing:
/image Darius Rucker

/image Rob Zombie

Yes, I have very odd taste in music.
Just acquired Gwen Stefani in NC … gifted them to a friend’s kid who is just starting out… 16 more vouchers to go!