In my household, walking over to the sink and washing your plate was just part of getting up to leave the table. This carried over into adulthood and I still usually wash things as soon as I’m done using them.
@OnionSoup That often?! Carp! I have been way off schedule.
Please don’t tell any other things I might be wrong at. I would hate to find out you have to flush this often too.
My wife absolutely refuses to do the dishes and she merely dislikes vacuuming. So if I vacuum I’ll have to do the dishes too. If I do the dishes, there’s a 50/50 shot she’ll vacuum if she’s in the mood for it.
@kjady I though you had 8 cats running the vacuum! This I gotta see. If I could get my cats to do even a little light housekeeping, it would be regarded as a miracle!
@kjady victory! I uparmored the charging station. Since they can’t slap the bumper/knock it off they can’t make it back off, ride on it, smack it again every 10 minutes.
@kjady@Kyeh was just Picard and/or Riker. I thought I had one but I don’t.
Multiple will smack it and when they knock it off it slowly backs away and tries to redock and sometimes one will be on top with a crowd.
When is actually running they mostly stay just in front, but when it’s in dock/charge mode they mess with it. Probably cause it’s quieter/slower. Very annoying
@kjady@Kyeh well… I was getting a little too ashamed and cleaned Sunday then after multiple attempts got it charged via spray bottle deterrent. Than ran it successfully. So. Good plan to sort of help despite it’s issues.
They proceeded to wake it up multiple times while I was trying to sleep before this occured to me. I’m sure it can be duplicated.
He might stay on while steering it since it’s in a low power mode/hard to say. Not sure I can film while doing it.
And I’ve only uploaded the one video with the kittens forgot what account I even used to do that. Lol.
Dishes, since the dishwasher does most of the work & there aren’t too many elaborate meals coming out of my kitchen. Of course, not having a choice, this is purely hypothetical in my case.
Well, not too long ago it would have been a toss-up, but since getting a cordless Shark vacuum here several months ago, I have to say, vacuuming is by far less of a pain than the dishes!
You’re welcome for the plug, Meh.
Forget about me vacuuming, gimping around on one crunch for the last 30 years makes that someone else’s chore!
BUT… With all this talk about people HATING to do the dishes I’m more interested to know WHY people aren’t using an automatic dishwasher?
@Lynnerizer I’ve never lived anywhere with a dishwasher, or known anyone with one. Well, as a kid I had a couple of friends with dishwashers in their house, but in both cases it was broken and just used as a dish storage cabinet.
Yeah, I guess it was pretty presumptuous for me to think most people have a dishwasher. I know when my dad’s wife moved into our house she refused to use the dishwasher, but that was just her preference and she was weird back then anyways!
@Kidsandliz@Lynnerizer When I bought this house thirty-mumble years ago, it didn’t have a dishwasher, but there was an obvious place to install one, so that was pretty much the first thing I did.
@brennyn Yeah, like I told Kidsandliz below, (or above) guess I shouldn’t have been so presumptuous. I really thought MOST people had dishwashers!
I sure am feeling pretty ignorant now though.
@Lynnerizer Hmm… well if you want to pay the rent for me somewhere that has a dishwasher I’d LOVE to move!!! The few times I have had one has been wonderful! Actually I saw they sell counter top small ones you hook up to the sink but I have so little counterspace in this pit I am not sure where I could even put it (not to mention the assholes who own this place would likely write up a lease violation for owning it).
@Lynnerizer Late to the conversation here (last month was killer for a lot of reasons).
Early in our marriage, we went to my in-laws for Thanksgiving. My mom came with us (my dad had passed away). My mom was one of those people that you try really hard not to correct. She didn’t take it well, you know?
So, after the meal, we started cleanup. Mom takes charge in the kitchen. I see her rinsing the dishes off. Then she declares “They’re ready!”
And I said, “For what?”
Mom: To put in the dishwasher.
Me: Mom, they don’t have a dishwasher.
His family was fairly well off, they’d had the house built back in the fifties. Never had a dishwasher. Six kids, two adults. And no dishwasher.
Question unclear. Do you mean I choose one and someone else will do the other? Awesome!
I’ll choose dishes because I need the dishwasher stacked and things put away my way.
Vacuum as I don’t have a dishwasher - machine or human. Dishes take longer, both sides of the sink get full so you can’t easily use the sink, and then the drying rack becomes a balancing act. Sure I could do them sooner but I don’t as I hate doing them.
Between the house cleaner (every other Tuesday) and the robots, I don’t do much vacuuming these days. And the dishwasher cleans most of the dishes. 21st century life!
@macromeh One year, my then-husband asked what I wanted for my birthday. I said “A maid.” He laughed, but I was serious. I worked 6 days a week and didn’t want to spend my one day off cleaning. We used that cleaning service for years, probably until I moved out. Best gift ever, even better than the KitchenAid stand mixer and Cuisinart food processor I’d asked for in the past.
Dishes will smell, bacteria, all sorts of stuff. So unless you have dog shit on your rug (which, sorry, meh offer wouldn’t help) you should prioritize what matters.
It is like asking when you clean your bathroom, but not all the way do you leave the toilet, mirror, shower, vent fan dirty?
What psycho doesn’t prioritize cleaning. the mirror and vent fan will be okay. just like the carpet. the dishes… you eat off of those things, they stink, get your shit together!
@KNmeh7 I hate cleaning the bathroom, so I usually clean whatever I can’t stand any longer. Sure, I never have a completely clean bathroom, but at least things are getting cleaned.
My floors are wood or tile, so I just have two area rugs to vacuum. That’s doable.
@Butwhole Nope, no party tricks for me. You see, around our house “poopy head, poopy pants” and just about anything else “poopy” are terms endearment. So I wasn’t poking fun at you, I was truly excited about your username. My apologies if you were offended.
Dishes, because vacuuming requires the floor to be cleared of all clutter before it’s done, which is a secondary job. If someone clears the clutter for me first, I’d pick vacuuming over dishes.
@lisaviolet That doesn’t sound very fair. We’d always done it the opposite way, if I cooked then you clean or vise versa. Guess it all works out because these days he does everything!
Cheers to good guys!
I actually like dishes. Or brushing my teeth. Or really anything that lets me splash water everywhere. (My hands prune up something fierce though, and I swear my nails are going to fall off.)
Vacuum. I don’t have to justify my answer!!
Dishes, because I have never have more than two or three to wash at a given time. Also the vacuum is loud.
In my household, walking over to the sink and washing your plate was just part of getting up to leave the table. This carried over into adulthood and I still usually wash things as soon as I’m done using them.
Vacuuming is so much less obnoxious than dishes…
… Plus you only have to do it once a year.
@OnionSoup That often?! Carp! I have been way off schedule.
Please don’t tell any other things I might be wrong at. I would hate to find out you have to flush this often too.
If you smash the dishes into little pieces, you can vacuum them up and get both chores done at once.
/giphy work smarter not harder

My wife absolutely refuses to do the dishes and she merely dislikes vacuuming. So if I vacuum I’ll have to do the dishes too. If I do the dishes, there’s a 50/50 shot she’ll vacuum if she’s in the mood for it.
With eight cats wielding a vacuum is very satisfying. Watching them run in terror is the only revenge I get after them waking me up all night.
@kjady Keep the vaccum next to the bed. If they wake you turn it on. They’ll get the message quickly.
@callow Nope, I stoop to their level, right in the middle of prime napping time. I don’t sleep? Neither do you.

/giphy eight cats
@kjady I though you had 8 cats running the vacuum! This I gotta see. If I could get my cats to do even a little light housekeeping, it would be regarded as a miracle!
@kjady can’t have nice things

Granted it’s not the woot era shark or the shop vac used to suck up all the hair. They might retreat d
From. Those.
@kjady victory! I uparmored the charging station. Since they can’t slap the bumper/knock it off they can’t make it back off, ride on it, smack it again every 10 minutes.
@kjady @unksol
Aww, I’d like to see them riding it!
@kjady @Kyeh was just Picard and/or Riker. I thought I had one but I don’t.
Multiple will smack it and when they knock it off it slowly backs away and tries to redock and sometimes one will be on top with a crowd.
When is actually running they mostly stay just in front, but when it’s in dock/charge mode they mess with it. Probably cause it’s quieter/slower. Very annoying
@kjady @unksol Yeah, I’m sure it gets old, but it would be fun to see once or twice.
@kjady @Kyeh well… I was getting a little too ashamed and cleaned Sunday then after multiple attempts got it charged via spray bottle deterrent. Than ran it successfully. So. Good plan to sort of help despite it’s issues.
They proceeded to wake it up multiple times while I was trying to sleep before this occured to me. I’m sure it can be duplicated.
He might stay on while steering it since it’s in a low power mode/hard to say. Not sure I can film while doing it.
And I’ve only uploaded the one video with the kittens forgot what account I even used to do that. Lol.
At best might get him sitting on it at some point
I choose not the play this game of mutually assured chore-done-tion.
Vacuuming kills my back for later that day and all the next day.
Dish washing then leads to how high you can stack them in a dish drainer.
Dishes. (Answer automatically left-justified.)
Dishes, since the dishwasher does most of the work & there aren’t too many elaborate meals coming out of my kitchen. Of course, not having a choice, this is purely hypothetical in my case.
Well, not too long ago it would have been a toss-up, but since getting a cordless Shark vacuum here several months ago, I have to say, vacuuming is by far less of a pain than the dishes!
You’re welcome for the plug, Meh.
@Kyeh How is the battery doing? Their site says the life expectancy is only 6 months to a year. Yeesh, not very promising…?
@ircon96 @Kyeh I certainly hope that isn’t true! I bought one in February that I really like. I use it numerous times a week but only for one area.
@callow @Kyeh Hopefully, they’re just trying to temper expectations so they don’t have to cover it under a longer warranty…?

@callow @ircon96 Sorry! I meant to answer but forgot; I really don’t know because I’ve only had it since May. I sure hope it doesn’t die that soon.
Dishes. I don’t eat off the floor. (The dog can have anything that makes it there.)
I fucking HATE doing dishes.
@haydesigner me too, that’s why I do it. One less thing to hate the next day.
C) don’t answer, just walk away.
Forget about me vacuuming, gimping around on one crunch for the last 30 years makes that someone else’s chore!
BUT… With all this talk about people HATING to do the dishes I’m more interested to know WHY people aren’t using an automatic dishwasher?
@Lynnerizer Because some of us live in apartment buildings that don’t have one (dishwasher).
@Lynnerizer I’ve never lived anywhere with a dishwasher, or known anyone with one. Well, as a kid I had a couple of friends with dishwashers in their house, but in both cases it was broken and just used as a dish storage cabinet.

Yeah, I guess it was pretty presumptuous for me to think most people have a dishwasher. I know when my dad’s wife moved into our house she refused to use the dishwasher, but that was just her preference and she was weird back then anyways!
@Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer When I bought this house thirty-mumble years ago, it didn’t have a dishwasher, but there was an obvious place to install one, so that was pretty much the first thing I did.
@brennyn Yeah, like I told Kidsandliz below, (
or above) guess I shouldn’t have been so presumptuous. I really thought MOST people had dishwashers! 

I sure am feeling pretty ignorant now though.
@Lynnerizer No big deal, I get the convenience factor. Just isn’t worth it for me even if I had it.
@Lynnerizer Hmm… well if you want to pay the rent for me somewhere that has a dishwasher I’d LOVE to move!!! The few times I have had one has been wonderful! Actually I saw they sell counter top small ones you hook up to the sink but I have so little counterspace in this pit I am not sure where I could even put it (not to mention the assholes who own this place would likely write up a lease violation for owning it).
@Lynnerizer My sister has a brand new one in her condo but won’t use it because it upsets her dogs!!
@Lynnerizer Late to the conversation here (last month was killer for a lot of reasons).
Early in our marriage, we went to my in-laws for Thanksgiving. My mom came with us (my dad had passed away). My mom was one of those people that you try really hard not to correct. She didn’t take it well, you know?
So, after the meal, we started cleanup. Mom takes charge in the kitchen. I see her rinsing the dishes off. Then she declares “They’re ready!”
And I said, “For what?”
Mom: To put in the dishwasher.
Me: Mom, they don’t have a dishwasher.
His family was fairly well off, they’d had the house built back in the fifties. Never had a dishwasher. Six kids, two adults. And no dishwasher.
Question unclear. Do you mean I choose one and someone else will do the other? Awesome!
I’ll choose dishes because I need the dishwasher stacked and things put away my way.
I have a dishwasher, not too tough to load and unload it.
Vacuum, I can move the furniture around better than my spouse. Also I can turn it into a workout of sorts!
@rawhid so frustrating when you finish vacuuming and realize your fitbit is still on the charger.
@njfan @rawhid yep that would be a bummer. I put my (referb) series 6 iWatch on the charger when I go to bed & put it on when I get up!
Vacuum as I don’t have a dishwasher - machine or human. Dishes take longer, both sides of the sink get full so you can’t easily use the sink, and then the drying rack becomes a balancing act. Sure I could do them sooner but I don’t as I hate doing them.
Between the house cleaner (every other Tuesday) and the robots, I don’t do much vacuuming these days. And the dishwasher cleans most of the dishes. 21st century life!

/giphy first world life
@macromeh One year, my then-husband asked what I wanted for my birthday. I said “A maid.” He laughed, but I was serious. I worked 6 days a week and didn’t want to spend my one day off cleaning. We used that cleaning service for years, probably until I moved out. Best gift ever, even better than the KitchenAid stand mixer and Cuisinart food processor I’d asked for in the past.
Dishes will smell, bacteria, all sorts of stuff. So unless you have dog shit on your rug (which, sorry, meh offer wouldn’t help) you should prioritize what matters.
It is like asking when you clean your bathroom, but not all the way do you leave the toilet, mirror, shower, vent fan dirty?
What psycho doesn’t prioritize cleaning. the mirror and vent fan will be okay. just like the carpet. the dishes… you eat off of those things, they stink, get your shit together!
@KNmeh7 I hate cleaning the bathroom, so I usually clean whatever I can’t stand any longer. Sure, I never have a completely clean bathroom, but at least things are getting cleaned.
My floors are wood or tile, so I just have two area rugs to vacuum. That’s doable.
I wouldn’t want to do the dishes, the vacuum can suck all it wants.

I bet you’re great at parties.
@Butwhole Nope, no party tricks for me. You see, around our house “poopy head, poopy pants” and just about anything else “poopy” are terms endearment. So I wasn’t poking fun at you, I was truly excited about your username. My apologies if you were offended.
Dishes, because vacuuming requires the floor to be cleared of all clutter before it’s done, which is a secondary job. If someone clears the clutter for me first, I’d pick vacuuming over dishes.
Dishes because I get to watch the birds outside my window.
Whoever cooks the meal does the dishes.
He cooks more than I do. And that’s the way (uh huh, uh huh) I like it.
@lisaviolet That doesn’t sound very fair.
We’d always done it the opposite way, if I cooked then you clean or vise versa.
Guess it all works out because these days he does everything! 

Cheers to good guys!
@Lynnerizer I make bigger meals than he does. His cleanup is way easier.
And he IS a great guy. I never forget that.
/giphy nap

Think I’ll just wait and do the one who did the dishes…
@chienfou Be careful of that hip.
I actually like dishes. Or brushing my teeth. Or really anything that lets me splash water everywhere. (My hands prune up something fierce though, and I swear my nails are going to fall off.)
@pakopako Until we can get the house robovac-proofed (which is never), I’ll have to keep on vacuuming - and we both load the dishwasher already.