You guys, you're trending in Korean twitter haha
12Apparently, your cute Korean hello message in the front page of your website is captured by so many Koreans and they're RT-ing :D
The upsurge of Korean consumers has to do with the recent increase in Korean people who directly purchase from foreign website rather than relying on foreign forwarder (thanks to a recent change in Korean customs). So, definitely start marketing for Koreans from now on, they looooove these products!
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I love Koreans.
I also love Koreans. And Korean food. Mmmm. 비빔밥.

maybe the greatest meal of all time!
I don't know about that. The drunk burgers I ate with the egg on top were pretty good. Yaki mandu made a great late night stumble home snak
I love Bulgogi
Experiments in e-commerce: how many people from a country we don't ship to can we get to buy a product we told them in a different language not to buy?
@eunsoo are any of these us now?
Why won't Hercules promote us? Selfish jerk.
It's time to seize this opportunity and get aggressive. Front page video of Irk in a traditional hanbok outfit needed.
Where can I learn more about the recent changes to Korean customs? Would like to understand what changed...
Dude, that could fill a book (and has, I'm sure). For one thing multigenerational households are less common than even a few decades ago.
I meant customs fees. Found out Korean government removed the import duty for the items imported individually from the overseas countries.
Is it $5.00 shipping to Korea?
It's $5 shipping to a place that will ship it to Korea for an additional fee.
@somf69 From our FAQ: We don't, but other services will forward it on for a fee. We’re not at all connected with them, so use whichever one you prefer.