You Goat Yourself Into This (March 2022 Scapegoat Blame Thread)


February flew by so fast. Feels like the shortest month we’ve had in at least a year. Wonder why that is?

In other news, @ironcheftoni made a good habit of keeping us fed with a steady supply of recipes for our dining pleasure. All that on top of holding the blame for a solid 4 weeks of frustration from the crowd. Well done.

However, we have to move on to greener pastures (at least I hope so, for the sake of the goats) and get on with the business of stringing up a new goat for a spring feast. For better or worse, @mbersiam stuck their neck out and is willing to spend March on the chopping block.


Good luck to the new scapegoat, and I hope you all enjoy putting your problems squarely on the shoulders of someone else for another month.