@ACraigL No there probably wasn’t enough money in the account when the tried to take a payment. The payment is due right at pay time and since I get paid on the last day of the month it changes. Oh well life goes on.
@f00l I usually tend towards a grim reaper for my avatars… Or photos of my cats. Maybe one day I’ll show a photo of my horns on my head… Yeah right, too shy. Haha
@cranky1950 very kind of you, indeed, but it is based on date of sign up… month to month renewal… in my estimation, then it has to be variable by person
Reading before coffee, I saw ‘devamped’, and my mind fleshed the term out to ‘devampired’. Now I’m wondering whether that will affect your wine and wild wimmen lifestyle. Okay, I’ll go drink my caffeine.
Fukin autocorrect devmped
@cranky1950 By choice?
@ACraigL No there probably wasn’t enough money in the account when the tried to take a payment. The payment is due right at pay time and since I get paid on the last day of the month it changes. Oh well life goes on.
@cranky1950 want us to look into it and try to get your VMP going again?
@shawn nah it’ll happen again unless the payment date is changed to the 16th. Usually by the end of the pay period my bank account is pretty barren.
@cranky1950 Oh sure, blame autocorrect when there’s a perfectly good scapegoat to blame instead.
/image odd toe co wreck
@narfcake then I’d have to post in another thread and given my advanced age I’d probably forget about it in mid click.
@cranky1950 There are no limits to which thread a scapegoat can be blamed here.
@narfcake when did /image start returning gifs?
@RiotDemon Probably just a coincidence that the returned .gif is an animated one.
/image animated coincidence
I’m curious.
/image animated Riot Demon
Just what I hoped for.
@RiotDemon, I like that. Do you think it fits?
It kinda matches my idea of an avatar I’d assign your way, if I were King of Avatar Assignment.
Probably when @giphy went all Skynet on me and keeps trying to goad me into kicking his bot ass.
/image animated skynet
Dear @giphy,
I hate your filthy stinking guts. You make me vomit. You’re scum between my toes!
PS: I’m leaving you for /image because it treats me right!
/image animated treat me good
@ruouttaurmind omg, image is so much better than giphy.
/image animated who knew?
@f00l My secret photo! Nooooooo!
@f00l I usually tend towards a grim reaper for my avatars… Or photos of my cats. Maybe one day I’ll show a photo of my horns on my head… Yeah right, too shy. Haha
/image animated f00l
/image animated fool
@cranky1950 I bet if you ask @shawn nicely he could set it up for the 16th ish day of the month. He seems to be able to work magic.
My various f00ls are ok, but not as good as your Demon. That Demon rocks.
@f00l I concur. The demon is awesome.
/image animated awesome demon
W. T. F. It’s like a bot conspiracy against @ruouttaurmind, innit. Is that purple dinosaur bot behind this whole thing?
/giphy awesome demon
/image static animation
/image animated static
@mikibell If they’re pulling all the payments at the same time, I don’t want to ask him to mess up his code.(more than it is).
@cranky1950 very kind of you, indeed, but it is based on date of sign up… month to month renewal… in my estimation, then it has to be variable by person
/giphy I love you too
@giphy Do not.
/giphy yes I do
@giphy Hey you2 get a thread
@ruouttaurmind fail on the animated awesome daemon LOL
@Kidsandliz Right? @giphy is bullying me by providing search results not even remotely related to my search terms.
@giphy Not.
@ruouttaurmind down with /giphy. All hail /image
/image gif all hail
@RiotDemon THIS!!! @giphy is OUT!
@Kidsandliz For more deets, check out this thread…
Reading before coffee, I saw ‘devamped’, and my mind fleshed the term out to ‘devampired’. Now I’m wondering whether that will affect your wine and wild wimmen lifestyle. Okay, I’ll go drink my caffeine.
@OldCatLady Took me way too long to figure it out. And I’ve had plenty of coffee.
Does this make you cranky?
/giphy cranky
You stole my thunder. May I please have my thunder back?
/giphy another one bites the dust
Consider it a blessing. So far I cannot bring myself to kill VMP. And (unfortunately) our credit card is pretty near unlimited at 5 bucks a hit.
/image devmped
@cranky1950 wow
@cranky1950 now that one was worth enlarging.