@mtb002 He is responsible for his own safety (besides the fact, that he is, you know, a puppet) Don’t confuse that with him claiming that his own safety is entirely in his hands. Being responsible means that he is the one that has the obligation to keep himself out of harm’s way, not that he alone controls what happens. The most likely reason someone else affects Irk’s safety is because they are irresponsible.
Decision tree: 1. Is the Pedestrian holding up a white cane? Y: Yield. N: 2. Is the pedestrian in the street? Y: Yield. N: 3. Is the pedestrian standing at a crosswalk that is not part of a lighting controlled intersection? Y: Yield if they look like they intend to cross (I usually don’t wave though.) N: 4. Is there a red light? Y: Stop. N: Just keep driving.
As a pedestrian, I tend to try and look like I’m not intending on crossing the street until a broad gap appears, then I go for it.
Someone standing stationary on the side of the road: Drive as normal. As i understand the sign “Yield to Pedestrians in Walkway” to mean that they are in the actual road or their momentum will carry them into the road and not standing waiting to cross
Well around here a pedestrian trying to cross the street is just one that’s looking down at their phone and may step into traffic at any moment without looking. It’s makes for some very nervous driving. They don’t even look, they just step out defiantly.
I’ve been told that since the law would fault the driver of the car in a pedestrian-vehicle collision that people don’t mind stepping out in front of cars at speed because it’ll be the drivers fault not theirs.
Agreed. Sometimes I am not even trying to cross and people stop for me. I am like a meter from the edge of the road, just standing there doing my thing and people get pissed because I don’t cross. Idiots.
Wait until people find out they can “play chicken” with self driving cars without a chance of being hit. Every time the car swerves to avoid the pedestrians.
There’s a popular intersection on the Burke Gilman trail in the university district in Seattle. Has a flashing stop sign. I watched a pedestrian get hit by a car because even though the pedestrian had right of way, the car was paying more attention to the cyclists who were stopped for the flashing stop sign and blew through the crosswalk.
That stop sign definitely bothers me. Quite a lot. Maybe, just maybe, it bothers me more than it should.
I’ve been thinking this for years! I refuse to cross in front of a stopped car. I don’t trust the bastards. I’ll walk behind them if I think it’s safe but never in front.
I’m an aggressive pedestrian. I have to be, 'cause I live in New York. If I have the light, I cross. If you’re turning, you better let me go, unless you’ve got someone having a baby in the back seat or something.
Remember: you drivers are protected by 1000+ pounds of metal. I’m a walking mass of soft flesh, and the most protection I might have is a leather jacket. You’ll win.
Or, in brief: “You can break the laws of man, but you can’t break the laws of physics.”
I always defer to the tons of hulking machinery barreling down the highway at twenty over the speed limit, regardless of whether the local statutes tell me that I have the right-of-way.
Irk- “I’m responsible for my own safety.” Sure you are, little guy, sure you are.
@mtb002 yeah until they lose you like they did Glen
@medz Too soon
@mtb002 He is responsible for his own safety (besides the fact, that he is, you know, a puppet) Don’t confuse that with him claiming that his own safety is entirely in his hands. Being responsible means that he is the one that has the obligation to keep himself out of harm’s way, not that he alone controls what happens. The most likely reason someone else affects Irk’s safety is because they are irresponsible.

/giphy aspirin
Two-thirds ehh, today we learned Irk is an optimist.
Decision tree: 1. Is the Pedestrian holding up a white cane? Y: Yield. N: 2. Is the pedestrian in the street? Y: Yield. N: 3. Is the pedestrian standing at a crosswalk that is not part of a lighting controlled intersection? Y: Yield if they look like they intend to cross (I usually don’t wave though.) N: 4. Is there a red light? Y: Stop. N: Just keep driving.
As a pedestrian, I tend to try and look like I’m not intending on crossing the street until a broad gap appears, then I go for it.
@kazriko 5. Are they blocking an interstate? Y: Just keep driving. N: Just keep driving.
Irk has a lot of pedestrian-related beefs.
You’ve merely glimpsed this berg’s tip
Someone standing stationary on the side of the road: Drive as normal. As i understand the sign “Yield to Pedestrians in Walkway” to mean that they are in the actual road or their momentum will carry them into the road and not standing waiting to cross
Well around here a pedestrian trying to cross the street is just one that’s looking down at their phone and may step into traffic at any moment without looking. It’s makes for some very nervous driving. They don’t even look, they just step out defiantly.
I’ve been told that since the law would fault the driver of the car in a pedestrian-vehicle collision that people don’t mind stepping out in front of cars at speed because it’ll be the drivers fault not theirs.
Staring too long at phone possibly related to faulty risk/reward assessment.
Agreed. Sometimes I am not even trying to cross and people stop for me. I am like a meter from the edge of the road, just standing there doing my thing and people get pissed because I don’t cross. Idiots.
@Fen_Star Try facing the other direction if you’re just hanging out on the corner . . .
Irk is apparently never in a hurry, and willing to wait a very long time (how long is too long?) in order to ensure his safety.
Better to be a late Irk than the late Irk
So… Why did Irk cross the road?
@daveinwarsh He was following the chicken.
Wait until people find out they can “play chicken” with self driving cars without a chance of being hit. Every time the car swerves to avoid the pedestrians.
@caffeine_dude Well, not "every time . . ."
Driverless Car Hits Man
@beavsco That car attempted self driving without any special equipment. Ambitious, but poorly thought out.
There’s a popular intersection on the Burke Gilman trail in the university district in Seattle. Has a flashing stop sign. I watched a pedestrian get hit by a car because even though the pedestrian had right of way, the car was paying more attention to the cyclists who were stopped for the flashing stop sign and blew through the crosswalk.
That stop sign definitely bothers me. Quite a lot. Maybe, just maybe, it bothers me more than it should.
I’ve been thinking this for years! I refuse to cross in front of a stopped car. I don’t trust the bastards. I’ll walk behind them if I think it’s safe but never in front.
@WINTERMUTE You don’t live in the land of the oblivious texters
I’m an aggressive pedestrian. I have to be, 'cause I live in New York. If I have the light, I cross. If you’re turning, you better let me go, unless you’ve got someone having a baby in the back seat or something.
Remember: you drivers are protected by 1000+ pounds of metal. I’m a walking mass of soft flesh, and the most protection I might have is a leather jacket. You’ll win.
Traffic weaving in Manhattan!
Fun for the reckless!
Was an aficionado once.
Or, in brief: “You can break the laws of man, but you can’t break the laws of physics.”
I always defer to the tons of hulking machinery barreling down the highway at twenty over the speed limit, regardless of whether the local statutes tell me that I have the right-of-way.