Wow, an extraordinarily "meh" meh-rathon. What a bore (warning: contains cranky content).

f00l went on a bit of a rant said


Ok, nothing interesting up so far.

Remember when Meh used to sell cool Chromebooks?
That event now feels like it was a few centuries ago.

Ok, maybe I missed something good while writing this post.

What are the odds of that, one wonders?

Also, now with the New IRK Sales Protocol, I won’t get one.

I’m usually using cellular. Like right now.
So, no IRKs for me.

Exactly why are we supposed to stick around for this? I forget.

Ah! The conversation! That must be it.

Ok. Conversation:. Let’s have some.

Hey @carl669:

This meh-rathon is a fucking bore and I won’t get an IRK, and I already know all that, and that all fucking sux.


Feel feel to pint out that I’m a fuckwad whiner/moaner.

Ok, I’ve done some conversation now.

Hey @dave
Hey @chadp

Since I won’t get an IRK, how about you people sell me a meh bag? Or some other swag?

(Prefer that offer happens at a sometime predictable hour or time
As, I have both an ongoing life, and a sometime need for sleep,)
