Cell phone and liquid mishap:
Mine was a magical moment of slo-mo action, as an errant toss onto the sofa led to a ricochet onto a bolster pillow, a flip onto the ottoman, and then straight into a glass of milk that was sitting a few feet away from the initial target of the toss… With the wife as my witness, my first reaction was to signal a field goal with my arms in the air, and a triumphant shout of “GOAL!”… And then I scrambled to do the bag of rice thing, which worked after a solid day and a half in the drying process.
@arosiriak Lost my Samsung Tracfone [apparently in the snow on our driveway] tho I had no idea at the time…
I found it 2-3 weeks later laying in the slushy wet watery gravel at the edge of our driveway after a thaw.
The screen was intact, so I wrapped it in paper towels to initially dry it off, and then put into the proverbial jar of dry rice for about a week [sans battery].
When I took it out and put the battery in, it came on, so I shut it off, and charged the battery to full, and I still use it for playing music on my many bluetooth devices [almost exclusively sourced from Meh] some 6 or more years later.
Off the roof of my car. Driving down the road. At 45 MPH. Saw it fly off in my rearview mirror. Landed just right I guess because there was no damage. Damn good case too.
One of the park bathrooms (pit toilet) nearby has a hand-written sign saying “Please secure your car keys and phone before using the toilet” - presumably posted by a park employee with personal experience in the retrieval of same …
In the early days of smart phone, I once chucked an iPhone across the room in anger, but aimed at a pillow. It retaliated by bouncing, and driving one of its corners into a laptop display, destroying the display.
@IWUJackson +1 - after a couple of fumble-fingered drops onto hard surfaces, with no case.
To be honest though, while I usually have my phone with me, I probably use it far less than the average person.
@IWUJackson@macromeh Nope. Count me in as well. Several potentially fatal drops over the years, but the case has protected it each time so far… of course tomorrow is another day!
@IWUJackson High-five!! I thought I was the only one. Never a broken screen yet. I’ve had the same iPhone 6 for many years. Before that I had a couple Samsungs that failed for other reasons just out of warranty. I’ll never own another Samsung…designed to fail, IMO.
I dropped my phone/slid out of my pocket while backing up on my mower. So not only did I see it fall, but I knew it was too late to try and safely grab it and got to watch the ensuing metallic electronic confetti fly out the front as I backed over it.
@chienfou true, but most good modern riding mowers have an override on the key specifically for keeping the blades engaged while in reverse- that way you can back up to a hedge without running it over, or quickly back over a small spot you missed while turning on a standard lawn tractor, otherwise you would have to drive around and come back across just to cover a small swipe. And in the case of my zero turn- a new Cub Cadet- the blades are engaged at all times.
have an override on the key specifically for keeping the blades engaged while in reverse
Correct. But if you read (and HEED) the instructions most say to turn the key to the enabled position ONLY when you need to use it, then turn it back to the non-enabled spot.
A week after my new phone, a Pixel 3, arrived which was two weeks after my son told me to get a case for my soon to arrive phone since, he reminded me, the back is all glass too, I dropped it while trying to turn it off one-handed going up concrete steps (my other hand was holding my work bag). It, of course, landed on a corner and crumbled some of the glass there, but not on the screen or back. It worked fine and I taped it over with clear packing tape. Then I got a case and have yet to drop it. Listen to your children!
I’ve never broken my phone but my granddaughter thought she could accelerate it into the sidewalk when her mother told her no to something on a call and she reacted like a young kid would. cost me around $100 at the time.
i was in an elevator… my phone slipped out of my hand and into the gap between the elevator car and the wall of the building! Fortunately i was wearing headphones and was able to GENTLY pull it back up. So… while the worst place to drop it, it was actual a good ending.
I was at an outdoor concert a couple of years ago- it’s only port-a-potties and there’s not much light. A twenty-something was using her phone as a flashlight and dropped it in. She called her friend in and both of them were in there with the door closed- there was a fair amount of shrieking. They came out with a phone wrapped in toilet paper. I was impressed.
Back in the early 00’s I had my phone in a shirt pocket, I put down a soda I was carrying, I bent over to pick it up and my Nokia slipped right in, fully submerged. Luckily it was a Nokia, so it still worked without issue, those things were tanks. I just took it apart and gave it a good cleaning so it wouldn’t be sticky.
Bathroom of a nightclub many years ago. Front went this way, back went that way, battery was somewhere else. Not only was it on a gross floor, I was drunk as was every other girl in there. Trying to pick up all the pieces before some stepped on all the bits was a bitch!
Worst? Most memorable was when I dropped my phone into a beer.
@mrhanlon did you drink it? I mean the beer, not the phone…
@mrhanlon Grab the phone and yell: Spit it out!!!
@eeterrific I certainly did!
My phone buzzed itself off the edge of the counter into the dog’s water dish.
@Tin_Foil yep, the arch-enemy of glass
@Tin_Foil glass down on an uneven Concrete floor.
@Oldelvis @Tin_Foil My better half has done this enough times for us to make it an official corollary to Murphy’s Law.
@Tin_Foil Same! That’s when I found out the cover for my new phone didn’t protect the corners.
@Tin_Foil I hope everything is fine with concrete…
Cell phone and liquid mishap:
Mine was a magical moment of slo-mo action, as an errant toss onto the sofa led to a ricochet onto a bolster pillow, a flip onto the ottoman, and then straight into a glass of milk that was sitting a few feet away from the initial target of the toss… With the wife as my witness, my first reaction was to signal a field goal with my arms in the air, and a triumphant shout of “GOAL!”… And then I scrambled to do the bag of rice thing, which worked after a solid day and a half in the drying process.
@arosiriak Lost my Samsung Tracfone [apparently in the snow on our driveway] tho I had no idea at the time…
I found it 2-3 weeks later laying in the slushy wet watery gravel at the edge of our driveway after a thaw.
The screen was intact, so I wrapped it in paper towels to initially dry it off, and then put into the proverbial jar of dry rice for about a week [sans battery].
When I took it out and put the battery in, it came on, so I shut it off, and charged the battery to full, and I still use it for playing music on my many bluetooth devices [almost exclusively sourced from Meh] some 6 or more years later.
/giphy wet phone
@arosiriak Pillows on the couch are of the devil and are foisted upon us by his minions: our wives.
/giphy phone drop
Champagne. Total waste of good alcohol.
@yougotrossed you mean you didn’t drink it??!!!
Public urinal - but glad to say it wasn’t me! So technically I’m answering for a friend.
@ybmuG I’d be pissed.
@mehcuda67 @ybmuG
Pissed off or pissed on? Sorry, I couldn’t resist!
Nowhere yet, but just a matter of time.
Onto my face
@edguyver14 candy crush in bed while falling asleep?
Off the roof of my car. Driving down the road. At 45 MPH. Saw it fly off in my rearview mirror. Landed just right I guess because there was no damage. Damn good case too.
Wasn’t my phone, but I’ve fished one out of an airplane lavatory…
@dashgod GROSS!!! You won
Must of been pretty blue!!
@dashgod @Lynnerizer
it would certainly make ME sad…
One of the park bathrooms (pit toilet) nearby has a hand-written sign saying “Please secure your car keys and phone before using the toilet” - presumably posted by a park employee with personal experience in the retrieval of same …
Carpet. Seriously. I specifically buy cases with grippy sides. The only phone I ruined was a Razr that went through the laundry in my jeans.
@tweezak but did it get clean?
Cement driveway.
No where yet…
Just lucky, I guess.
Behind my recliner where it is very difficult for me to reach
In the early days of smart phone, I once chucked an iPhone across the room in anger, but aimed at a pillow. It retaliated by bouncing, and driving one of its corners into a laptop display, destroying the display.
I don’t know. Where?
/giphy idk where
Am I the only one who can say they successfully have never broken a screen?
@IWUJackson +1 - after a couple of fumble-fingered drops onto hard surfaces, with no case.
To be honest though, while I usually have my phone with me, I probably use it far less than the average person.
@IWUJackson @macromeh Nope. Count me in as well. Several potentially fatal drops over the years, but the case has protected it each time so far… of course tomorrow is another day!
@IWUJackson High-five!! I thought I was the only one. Never a broken screen yet. I’ve had the same iPhone 6 for many years. Before that I had a couple Samsungs that failed for other reasons just out of warranty. I’ll never own another Samsung…designed to fail, IMO.
I dropped my phone/slid out of my pocket while backing up on my mower. So not only did I see it fall, but I knew it was too late to try and safely grab it and got to watch the ensuing metallic electronic confetti fly out the front as I backed over it.
@Chumrats and THAT’S why the blade on many lawn mowers is set to turn off if you back up.
@chienfou true, but most good modern riding mowers have an override on the key specifically for keeping the blades engaged while in reverse- that way you can back up to a hedge without running it over, or quickly back over a small spot you missed while turning on a standard lawn tractor, otherwise you would have to drive around and come back across just to cover a small swipe. And in the case of my zero turn- a new Cub Cadet- the blades are engaged at all times.
@chienfou @Chumrats I guess you’re just lucky it didn’t demand a blood sacrifice.
Correct. But if you read (and HEED) the instructions most say to turn the key to the enabled position ONLY when you need to use it, then turn it back to the non-enabled spot.
A week after my new phone, a Pixel 3, arrived which was two weeks after my son told me to get a case for my soon to arrive phone since, he reminded me, the back is all glass too, I dropped it while trying to turn it off one-handed going up concrete steps (my other hand was holding my work bag). It, of course, landed on a corner and crumbled some of the glass there, but not on the screen or back. It worked fine and I taped it over with clear packing tape. Then I got a case and have yet to drop it. Listen to your children!
I’ve never broken my phone but my granddaughter thought she could accelerate it into the sidewalk when her mother told her no to something on a call and she reacted like a young kid would. cost me around $100 at the time.
hopefully you made her work it off…
i was in an elevator… my phone slipped out of my hand and into the gap between the elevator car and the wall of the building! Fortunately i was wearing headphones and was able to GENTLY pull it back up. So… while the worst place to drop it, it was actual a good ending.
In the ass?
Most recently into the sink as I was doing dishes
Against the wall, with all my strength, after a particularly frustrating call with my boss.
I was at an outdoor concert a couple of years ago- it’s only port-a-potties and there’s not much light. A twenty-something was using her phone as a flashlight and dropped it in. She called her friend in and both of them were in there with the door closed- there was a fair amount of shrieking. They came out with a phone wrapped in toilet paper. I was impressed.
@sammydog01 as soon as it drops in there. For me it’s gone…lost cause.
@FearTheNoFear @sammydog01
People poo in there! Festival people. I don’t think even if my phone floats I’d go get it.
Well…maybe if it was floating.
@FearTheNoFear @therealjrn There was probably a fair amount of alcohol involved.
@FearTheNoFear @sammydog01 @therealjrn or other festival-type pharmaceuticals/substances no doubt!
@chienfou @FearTheNoFear @sammydog01 Given enough pharmaceuticals/substances maybe it’s not that much of a stretch.
Well, I placed it on a surface in the back of my car and it slid down a little bit when I closed the hatch.
Really enjoying my new phone, by the way.
On the floor?
Back in the early 00’s I had my phone in a shirt pocket, I put down a soda I was carrying, I bent over to pick it up and my Nokia slipped right in, fully submerged. Luckily it was a Nokia, so it still worked without issue, those things were tanks. I just took it apart and gave it a good cleaning so it wouldn’t be sticky.
Bathroom of a nightclub many years ago. Front went this way, back went that way, battery was somewhere else. Not only was it on a gross floor, I was drunk as was every other girl in there. Trying to pick up all the pieces before some stepped on all the bits was a bitch!
@tinamarie1974 Stepped on your what?
@therealjrn my phones bits and pieces! Dirty mind over there
The worst place to drop your phone is face down on the