@haydesigner Don’t mind me, I’m a little grumpy cuz we’re getting the first significant snowfall of the season as we speak. The dearth of snow was nice while it lasted… bah humbug!
@phendrick@unksol this I agree with. I thought for sure driving in the snow was going to be terrifying. Since I grew up driving in heavy rain and the amazingly well kept roads of south Louisiana that NEVER accumulated lots of water on the surfaces, it was actually surprisingly okay. I do think that if people aren’t comfortable driving in snow, they shouldn’t. They become dangerous typically. And yes there are those that get overly confident and do stupid things and become just as dangerous as those terrified of it.
I never really minded driving in snow. I always found it fun and a chance to apply energy management principles in controlling a vehicle. It was the other drivers that didn’t have a clue that I minded. They made what would otherwise be an uneventful trip hazardous to life threatening by their incompetence.
I always believed if one lived in snow prone climates that one should have had “snow restrictions” put on their licenses unless one had proper equipment such as snow tires installed, learned what to carry for emergencies, and received training on controlling a vehicle in snow/ice conditions.
The worse part of Snow is the salty, mush that comes with clearing it from the streets. The salt gets all over your clothes and car, causing stains, rust and rot.
@braveit1 My daughter spent a year in Michigan doing an internship. She didn’t drive all that much during the winter there yet when she returned home to the (no salt) PNW, her formerly rust-free car now has rust on the undercarriage.
@braveit1@macromeh I have lived in nothern Indiana all my life. And drove beaters that have never seen a car wash. Yes it will have rust. Wash it it it’s not coming back. But it takes a good 20 years to rush through. I agree they should rust proof from the factory. Maybe that’s an option but no one buys it.
It’s a thing to go down south to get rust free cars. Just not near the coasts
@macromeh@unksol most new cars come with rust proofing on the undercarriage but as time goes by, that rust proofing wears. When cars are put on lifts for service, unskilled techs can scrape it off by sliding the lifts. It can also scrape off when hitting things on the road. All it takes is for a small scratch to allow an entry point as the factory proofing can be quite thin. You can have ot reapplied to any car at any time but any rust has to be taken care of before you do.
The worst part of this survey is the misspelling of “treacherous”, which someone silently corrected when they quoted it above.
Here in Houston, we get reminded of the effects that derive from the existence of snow first-hand about once per decade. We get a light dusting a little more often, but those tend to have no more effect than a brief rain shower.
Back home, I just chose to avoid driving in it, because Seattle snow is always blanketed over ice, and it’s scary as hell to drive on. Especially since all I ever drove back then was muscle cars that would get squirrely in the rain, much less snow. Now that I live in Colorado, I would be okay with it if it wasn’t for our horrible road. It’s only about 2 miles long, but it’s washboard bumpy gravel with holes and ruts and even on a good day everybody breaks loose driving on it at 25 mph. When it snows… oh hell no, I’m not driving that. Too many steep drop offs for my little 2WD truck and me to go tumbling down. Yikes.
Not as much of it. I want my winter to be wintry.
Makes riding bicycle very difficult.
@yakkoTDI Yeah, that is bad. Even worse for roller skates.
@Jackinga @yakkoTDI
/youtube brand new key
What is this “snow” thing of which you speak?
Don’t mind me, I’m a little grumpy cuz we’re getting the first significant snowfall of the season as we speak. The dearth of snow was nice while it lasted… bah humbug!
The way it crunches under my feet sometimes and feels like squeezing cotton balls… . Awww, gives me the eeby jeebies.
The cold that comes with it. And the black ice.
I hate falling
Snow blindness
@sillyheathen Perhaps I am snow blind - I don’t see any even though it was forecast.
@macromeh looks like we MAY be in for a white Christmas. Probably not but it would be amazeballs if it did!
Oh pshaw, I guess you never had to drive on ice. I’ll trade you.
@phendrick I concur. Driving on snow can be fun. Driving on ice can be death when it’s hiding under the fun snow!
@phendrick @sillyheathen it’s only fun till you come across someone who goes like an idiot or should not be allowed to drive
@phendrick @unksol this I agree with. I thought for sure driving in the snow was going to be terrifying. Since I grew up driving in heavy rain and the amazingly well kept roads of south Louisiana that NEVER accumulated lots of water on the surfaces, it was actually surprisingly okay. I do think that if people aren’t comfortable driving in snow, they shouldn’t. They become dangerous typically. And yes there are those that get overly confident and do stupid things and become just as dangerous as those terrified of it.
It’s cold!
I never really minded driving in snow. I always found it fun and a chance to apply energy management principles in controlling a vehicle. It was the other drivers that didn’t have a clue that I minded. They made what would otherwise be an uneventful trip hazardous to life threatening by their incompetence.
I always believed if one lived in snow prone climates that one should have had “snow restrictions” put on their licenses unless one had proper equipment such as snow tires installed, learned what to carry for emergencies, and received training on controlling a vehicle in snow/ice conditions.
@Jackinga +This!+
The worse part of Snow is the salty, mush that comes with clearing it from the streets. The salt gets all over your clothes and car, causing stains, rust and rot.
@braveit1 My daughter spent a year in Michigan doing an internship. She didn’t drive all that much during the winter there yet when she returned home to the (no salt) PNW, her formerly rust-free car now has rust on the undercarriage.
@braveit1 @macromeh I have lived in nothern Indiana all my life. And drove beaters that have never seen a car wash. Yes it will have rust. Wash it it it’s not coming back. But it takes a good 20 years to rush through. I agree they should rust proof from the factory. Maybe that’s an option but no one buys it.
It’s a thing to go down south to get rust free cars. Just not near the coasts
@macromeh @unksol most new cars come with rust proofing on the undercarriage but as time goes by, that rust proofing wears. When cars are put on lifts for service, unskilled techs can scrape it off by sliding the lifts. It can also scrape off when hitting things on the road. All it takes is for a small scratch to allow an entry point as the factory proofing can be quite thin. You can have ot reapplied to any car at any time but any rust has to be taken care of before you do.
Everything is the worst part about snow.
It’s only good if you can look out the window at it from a warm place and you know you don’t have to go out in it.
Crossing the street through snow mounds and slush puddles.
The melting, mixed with salt, makes a brine that eats through metal.
I hate all the joy.
that it goes away so readily…
Shoveling is the only part I don’t like and it really doesn’t bother me that much
People are dumb and act like they’ve never driven in the snow before! Come on people it snows every year, this isn’t new.
Snow is beautiful. Until it starts to melt. The slushy muddy puddles that last for days are the debil.
The worst part of this survey is the misspelling of “treacherous”, which someone silently corrected when they quoted it above.
Here in Houston, we get reminded of the effects that derive from the existence of snow first-hand about once per decade. We get a light dusting a little more often, but those tend to have no more effect than a brief rain shower.
Idiots driving without snow tires !!
Back home, I just chose to avoid driving in it, because Seattle snow is always blanketed over ice, and it’s scary as hell to drive on. Especially since all I ever drove back then was muscle cars that would get squirrely in the rain, much less snow. Now that I live in Colorado, I would be okay with it if it wasn’t for our horrible road. It’s only about 2 miles long, but it’s washboard bumpy gravel with holes and ruts and even on a good day everybody breaks loose driving on it at 25 mph. When it snows… oh hell no, I’m not driving that. Too many steep drop offs for my little 2WD truck and me to go tumbling down. Yikes.
Hated finding out that pair of gloves I got as a Christmas present were not waterproofed…