@Barney While I was very happy with the bag, my BOC was just ok. I got a screen protector for my cell phone, a pink cloth storage basket, an F5 refresh magnet, a thing to make my iPad into a pinball machine and a pair of really nice size 13 men’s shoes that don’t fit me or my husband (which made him sad), but happily fit my stepson. Sorry yours sucked so bad. I’ve only gotten two BOCs, both during birthdays and neither has been anything to cheer about but they weren’t that bad.
@RiotDemon A rubber pocket purse, a see-through blob thing that seems be saying it has a tummy ache, a plastic tumbler, a broken glass whale, and a
tie down strap.
Yep, I’m one of the many Wooters suckers supporting the site with a $10.75 donation
@brhfl YouTube is helpful. I only pretty much wear eye makeup… When you never wear makeup, it makes a huge difference when you do even just eye makeup.
My favorite YouTubers for out there eye makeup:
/youtube vintageortacky sailor moon
@RiotDemon I usually wake up about ten minutes before doing a given thing so beyond mascara & lipstick that coördinates with my wardrobe, not really. Maybe one shade of eye shadow on a good day.
I like that the first vid is Sailor Moon based. You clearly get me.
@brhfl the Sailor Moon eye makeup series are the first videos I saw of hers. She does a lot of videos about makeup that I’ll never do, but I enjoy watching her.
@RiotDemon I’ll have to watch Mercury for no other reason than Ami being my fave. Much as I probably should I just can’t see myself being that motivated to turn my face into a work of art right now. Maybe a few years down the line if this administration hasn’t killed me. If nothing else, I should probably dedicate part of my routine to foundationing away my stubble.
@RiotDemon@brhfl This is all beyond my abilities. I threw away all of my makeup, along with all of my dresses, when I retired. But I do love the purple.
@RiotDemon Have considered it, for sure. Honestly, for a while my attitude was just wait for E and see what happens, but healthcare is just really expensive, in case folks haven’t been keeping track . Been doing IPL on the rest of me, which has been very good for the ol’ self esteem, but they warn you about your face like the world will fold in upon itself if you attempt it so… that’s my last step. I’m sure eventually it’ll be laser or electrolysis, all just a matter of financials.
@Barney Totally get it, and all the power to you. Personally, I was just reflecting last night about how I often buy clothes and then receive them and think… I’ll never have the confidence to pull this off. And then they sit in my drawers, building up stronger and stronger cedar scents, until maybe two or three years later I find them and by then I’m stronger… So I have like… three complete wardrobes. My M-F masc wardrobe, my weekend femme wardrobe, and then my… maybe in three years this will be useful wardrobe. That system… consumes a lot of space.
I haven’t worn any makeup in decades. This no doubt makes me unprofessional or something. Woah, no shock there.
Same with dresses, tho I keep a few because they are beautiful to look at. The wearing of them is something else tho. Even the thought of it - or being around some place where there are lots of younger women doing the “dressed strappy sandals look” makes me start trying to deconstruct semiotics of clothing and culture, and often makes me a little uncomfortable.
(re the deconstruction thing: I do not claim competence with it).
This is likely an inner projection of mine, and a holdover reaction from youth, when I was uncomfortable; the cool kids rejected everyone (the cool kids were great parentally approved-of ultra-conformists, in those days); anyone outside their group was either a wanna-be loser, a crazy-loser, or a loser-loser.
I wore makeup at night when I lived in Manhattan and was going out, and it was playful and fun, not something to prove you were proving yourself to be a competent member of society. But I dislike the occasional “social requirement”.
Even after all these decades, I still have not come to terms with all this. Still not at ease. Still wanting to be an adult someday, perhaps. Or not.
Those bold looks in those makeup videos make me wonder what it takes to wear something like that all the time. Is it a party and evening look, a “play with your look” look, an “individuality statement” look?
When one is wearing that noticeable a statement on one’s face, what are the emotional implications? Does one change one’s “mood persona” to match the boldness, to a degree (compared to a naked face, or to what is called a “natural look” face or a “subtle” face)?
Same with clothes? What is the relationship of one’s emotions, and one’s social persona, wearing a “carry this off” appearance vs something intended to be simply “background, yet appropriate” clothing?
A lot of this applies to stereotypical “masculine” vs “feminine” clothing, esp at “events” in the evening.
When I was young, growing up, as much as I liked pretty clothing, I was quite aware of a set of messages.
The clothing commonly worn by middle and upper class males usually seemed to indicate “i belong here, I am part of the alpha-group here, this clothing is comfortable, appropriate, and dignified without my having to worry about it or work at it or think about it, because the world revolves around my gender. All the serious worldly power belongs to us by default. We need to make no particular statement with our clothing beyond that, and certainly do not need to worry over individualizing ourselves.”
Of course, clothing and appearance on males could indicate far more: dominant/less-dominant, conformist/less-so (academic males and their beards!), successful/less-so, and also membership in various groups and sub-groups, and all sorts of other stuff.
Commonly worn female-clothing on adults, at gatherings, when I was a child:
What a long list of the emotional status and personality indicators among individuals! And in the conformist 1050’s:
confident/vulnerable, matter-of-fact/less-so, keeper-of-civilization/bohemian, flamboyant/ethereal/non-demonstrative, foreground/background, perfectionist/more-sloppy, controlling/follower, fashion-forward/normal/conservative, emotional/playful/serious/competent, flirty/vamp/playful/restrained/not-playing, bold/secure/out-there/conformity, dressy/casual, tailored/relaxed;
not to mention expressing the thoughts and moods that applied to a given moment;
and on and on and on.
And that was before one got to the sexual and gender implications. The middle-class or upper-class female of the fifties, in those tailored, controlled, rather sporty (even in formal-wear) designs!
She was supposed to be competent and cheerful and vivacious without being daring or challenging norms. All the exaggerated pointiness and those waist-belts and tailoring to indicate that she was competent and “with-it” and a modern sexual female, there for her family or her man, without ever being out-of-control or offering any sort of challenge or control-struggle to (male or cultural) authority in areas other than home, family, appearance, and society. For sure a sexual being. But not even slightly on her own terms.
Or so I read all that, then and now.
OK. I just went nuts above, because that’s the way i do go nuts, thinking about all this.
Can you tell this is slightly unresolved for me? Yeah, still nuts here.
Most of my family seems to be very good at this. The males follow the usual: the females either both “fit in” and are comfortable; or, in the case of females with very significant power-careers (lawyer, mba, accountant, marketing, etc), seem to have worked it out and be at peace with it. It doesn’t seem to bother them as it does me. Perhaps it’s a generational thing.
And what are the time, social, and emotional costs (to anyone) either of having to play this elaborated game when one doesn’t want to; or of it not being ok to play this game, when one does want to; based on preconceived ideas of what we are supposed to be?
I really wish playing with all this was less about catering to social position and social stance and social expectation indicators and more about it just being ok to do some personal expression, or not.
I don’t suppose this (the social imperatives of expected appearance, given the norms and signifiers) is a game that stops tho. Too many rewards for playing it well, and it does not stop being a readable social and power tableau, ever.
The people in those makeup vids seem to be having a great time and doing interesting things. Good for them.
Wearing t-shirts is a great resolution to my confusion, I suppose. Keep It Simple, Stupid.
@f00l I love T-shirts and jeans (and comfy shoes). That’s my wardrobe now. The last time I semi-dressed up was a little over two years ago when I was summoned for jury duty. I wore business attire. It was because of this, I think, that I was picked to be on the jury. -sigh-
I’m thinking about wearing my favorite blue jeans and meh T-shirt when I visit my new lawyer in 10 days. Yep, that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m so looking forward to getting this over. It’s time for me to find a new “normal” life.
@thismyusername They were already prepackaged and ready to go since Wednesday. All are shipping out of Carrollton, so Amazon has nothing to do with it.
I really do not understand this fascination with Woot Bags of Crap.
You know it’s going to be crap… and yet you cannot resist.
If it is the surprise you’re after, why not call up your local Salvation Army thrift shop and ask them to:
Randomly grab about 5 bucks worth (their prices) of stuff and throw it in a bag.
Label the bag “BoC”.
Tell them you’ll be in to pick up the bag later that day.
Then, when you come in, hand them 5 bucks plus tax… and are invariably disappointed upon spying the contents, you can hand them the bag back and say:
Thanks for the anticipatory entertainment! And thanks for saving me 5 bucks shipping. And may I please have a donation form so I can write this entertainment off?
@RedOak $5 doesn’t even buy two t-shirts at my local Salvation Army.
The reason for the BOCs is the same as for the Fukobukuros here, and thousands and thousands are willing to gamble some dollars for stuff that might be worth a lot more.
@f00l It appears I am deficient in the following key areas for that payback buzz:
I don’t gamble, 'never even bought a lottery ticket. Not based on principle - I just don’t get a kick out of it.
I’m so cheap 5 bucks is too much.
I don’t have the patience to try for the BoC/Fuku.
… Although I will admit I did break down and bagged my first (and likely last) Fuku early in the Mehathon! It was late (early?) and I happened to refresh the page at exactly the right time for the next deal.
@RedOak I’ve gotten a few usable/useful items in a BOC. I must say that usually at least half of it goes to Goodwill, but it’s fun to open the box to see what crap I got.
Yes, I gamble. Sometimes, I’ll also spend up to 2 dollars every few months on the never-win lottery!
And, I didn’t get a Fuko, but I did get a BOC…
@RedOak Goodwill tends to be the fairest of the thrift stores here, as the majority of clothing are priced by type, not the condition, size, or brand as some other thrift stores do. One of the local for-profit Veteran’s thrift stores tends to be the cheapest; tshirts are typically 0.99 to 1.99. A few other for-profit operations tend to be the most expensive; most tshirts are at least $2.95 (+ tax), if not higher.
OTOH, those for-profit stores will sell almost anything and everything they can. Including a toilet. And I bought it too.
(1.28 gpf, 800 MaP score, tank and bowl, new in boxes, verified undamaged, for $15? Done. Installed it at my parents’ house to replace their sucky 1.6gpm with a pathetic <400 MaP.)
Strangely my cheapness hasn’t lead me to expertise in our area thrift stores. We do regularly donate to Salvation Army so we only see the alley door and chat with the friendly chaps helping to unload.
I do have mid-level expertise in Estate Sales and veteran expertise in curb drive by/bike by trash picking.
Although I will admit I did break down and bagged my first (and likely last) Fuku early in the Mehathon! It was late (early?) and I happened to refresh the page at exactly the right time for the next deal.
That’s the first step, you know.
You’re doomed. Kinda like how marijuana leads inexorably to selling one’s children in order to buy heroin.
I believe it’s a bit early, given your situation and your individualistic POV, to provide 12-step referrals.
Therefore I can only wish you every happiness, blessing, and joy in your inevitable straight-to-the-gutter journey through life.
@narfcake the interesting thing I find at the curbside - there is a sweet spot, demographics-wise. It helps that we live in an area that includes a range of demographics closeby.
So lower priced (homes) neighborhoods can be a crap shoot, sometimes you get lucky but often not.
Really high priced neighborhoods are usually, but not always a complete waste of time. We drive thru them on the way to taking the kids to school.
In between priced homes? The good stuff more likely sits at the curb.
Recently grabbed a higher end model Shark whose cord had been cut. Harvested a cord off another curb-vacuum and it’s in business. Sucks much better than our older Dyson.
My working theory - higher priced home owners need tax deductions so they donate anything of value. That, and (at least in some cases) they didn’t get that way (wealthier) by buying stuff to throw it away.
@narfcake parts of California are cost-crazy. Between real estate and all the various crazy taxes one wonders how anybody with average or less income can afford to live there.
The homes in our Midwest suburban area range from $100K to $8 or 10 million with only a few above that range.
@narfcake exactly my point. Who provides services to those folks? Who works in restaurants and retail? And where do they live? It appears California could not function without illegal aliens working off the books and living in massively higher densities in apartments than the code allows.
@RedOak Many in the service sector commute. Further inland (40 miles or so), the cost of living is much less, but so are wages. Minimum wage in those areas are the norm, but offer that in the expensive areas and good luck finding someone to take that job.
Offer $18/hour to wash the dishes, and you’ll find folks who’ll do the 2-hour commute.
@RedOak The best surprises at yard sales come from areas with lots of military families. Things picked up in Italy, Greece, Africa etc. often weigh a ton, and when new orders come in, there is a household goods weight allowance - and out goes that inlaid marble card table.
Crap is crap. You’re likely to end up with stuff you don’t want/need. But you play because you might win the crap lottery - which is looking pretty awesome for this round.
It’s like a lottery with better odds and lower payout. Sorry you didn’t score this round.
@lichme did the babydoll go with you? Bring back pictures of her in exotic locations!! (Yeah I live for the smiles of babies…I need more in my life! Will talk to the nieces and nephews!) (of course, if she is getting too recognizable, disregard.)
I couldnt get a boc no matter how many times I tried – or fukoburoro for that matter though I tried all day long ( actually all night long since I am overseas)… I could buy VMP items all during the special hour but couldn’t get what I truly wanted which was the birthday bag/- So in the scheme of things not a big deal but wish we could return to days before captcha – thus no woot or meh ( boc or fukobukuro) ( insert sad face here)
@f00l My friends are getting ready to do an intervention. They think I’m too consumed with cleaning out Mom’s house, and not doing any fun stuff. They are right.
@Barney Grab the personal and high value stuff then hire out the balance. Around here there a few places that will do the job cheap or free if you donate the stuff. It is easy to be overwhelmed with that kind of project. I keep getting frustrated with similar projects.
I helped clean out my parents house when they moved. I spent too much time on items for donation.
I am currently trying to do my Mom-inlaws house. She downsized but keeps remembering more stuff she wants. It is making it difficult to clean and donate. I have someone lined up to sort and clean for me but I don’t want to cause issues.
I will send good thoughts your way. I get much more done when I am in a positive mood. Make a list that is managable like “I will empty this drawer and be done with it today.” Have you ever heard of flylady.net? Lots of good concepts and organization tips there. I do not follow everything but I use some of the ideas.
Sorry for the book…TL:DR Positive attitude and organize a plan. Allow or hire help.
@speediedelivery Thank you. One of my friends describes my task as “eating the elephant”. You know, "How do you eat an elephant?
/image how do you eat an elephant?
Yep, a little bit at a time, because it can be so big and overwhelming. And it is. Also, it doesn’t help that Mom was a shopaholic.
@Barney My family (both sides) including me are hoarders. Not like the tv show but if it might be useful it must be kept. I am trying to do better but it is hard. I am able to donate but sorting sentimental stuff is the worst.
Yes, I did buy a boc and a fuko. Yes, I have a problem but I am not very far along in the recovery steps.
@narfcake LOL…
Yeah. I saw that. Nothing too scary there. At least I can pick up the pallet with my tractor & load it into my workshop for the ‘unveiling’.
The trouble is, it could be ANYTHING.
Got my second BOC ever in the mail today. It’s … unique.
They really want me to get a smartphone because I got a bunch of different cases and holders for Iphone products. Also worth noting - a bamboo spoon set, the aforementioned bag (in purple), a “knife and cutting board tool”, and a Woot monkey.
Still wrapping my head around this but I get the feeling other people would like the stuff I got (especially the monkey which, to be honest, scares me).
I got my BOC today. Placeholder weight said 4.3, like most folks, but it actually only weighed a little over 2 pounds. Obviously not the Roomba I was seeking. This probably ranks among the crappiest of all the BOCs I’ve received to date:
• Rustic Bears Tin Bear Sitting Clock
• Veggetti Spiral Vegetable Cutter (have one, hate it)
• Plant terrarium glass, teardrop shape
• Purple wire mesh pencil holder cup
• Hi-Pro Netbook Sleeve (got one in the last BOC)
• Woot! flying monkey with red and white cape (have one)
• Navy blue “Don’t Touch My Crap” bag
• 2 small bags Texas air (not pictured)
The shirt sale is going on and I bought soooo many bear shirts!! It took a bit of time, I had to purchase them two at a time to get the most out of the $10 off of $20 deal. So excited!!
@narfcake I am wondering how quick they will cut off the “all design” option, I know that they can only do a limited number of designs each day. All my orders will be from there.
@mikibell@mikibell Paradox of choice. 7,500 designs doesn’t make it easy. Yes, the back catalog is a boon, but it also made things much much harder to decide versus when it was only the daily, the reckoning (34 designs max.), and if a side sale was happening at the time. And if you didn’t buy it then, it’d be gone.
All I got that is worth anything to me, is in the following picture. The rest is going to Goodwill.

Edit: I love purple.
@Barney No photo? What is Goodwill getting?
@sammydog01 Sorry, I’m not going back outside, in the heat and humidity, and taking another picture. It’s just not worth it.
@Barney I don’t blame you.
@Barney While I was very happy with the bag, my BOC was just ok. I got a screen protector for my cell phone, a pink cloth storage basket, an F5 refresh magnet, a thing to make my iPad into a pinball machine and a pair of really nice size 13 men’s shoes that don’t fit me or my husband (which made him sad), but happily fit my stepson. Sorry yours sucked so bad. I’ve only gotten two BOCs, both during birthdays and neither has been anything to cheer about but they weren’t that bad.
@mehbee BOC’s and suckage go hand in hand. Maybe one of these days you and I will get one of the good ones.
@Barney A girl can dream
Phew. I’m glad I didn’t get a BOC. What other junk did you get?
@RiotDemon A rubber pocket purse, a see-through blob thing that seems be saying it has a tummy ache, a plastic tumbler, a broken glass whale, and a
tie down strap.
Yep, I’m one of the many
Wooterssuckers supporting the site with a $10.75 donationCheck out the header image makeup.
Purple, amongst other colors.
@RiotDemon That’s kind of pretty.
@Barney @RiotDemon Very pretty! Sometimes I wish I sucked less at makeup.
@brhfl YouTube is helpful. I only pretty much wear eye makeup… When you never wear makeup, it makes a huge difference when you do even just eye makeup.
My favorite YouTubers for out there eye makeup:
/youtube vintageortacky sailor moon
/youtube xsparkage neon eye
Do you wear makeup often?
@RiotDemon I usually wake up about ten minutes before doing a given thing so beyond mascara & lipstick that coördinates with my wardrobe, not really. Maybe one shade of eye shadow on a good day.
I like that the first vid is Sailor Moon based. You clearly get me.
@brhfl the Sailor Moon eye makeup series are the first videos I saw of hers. She does a lot of videos about makeup that I’ll never do, but I enjoy watching her.
@brhfl this one I think was my favorite of them all:
@Barney there’s purple.
@RiotDemon I’ll have to watch Mercury for no other reason than Ami being my fave. Much as I probably should I just can’t see myself being that motivated to turn my face into a work of art right now. Maybe a few years down the line if this administration hasn’t killed me. If nothing else, I should probably dedicate part of my routine to foundationing away my stubble.
@RiotDemon @brhfl This is all beyond my abilities. I threw away all of my makeup, along with all of my dresses, when I retired. But I do love the purple.
@Barney I may never feel comfortable wearing a dress outside my own home but I can’t imagine throwing any of them away… sigh…
/image purple dress

Sorry, @brhfl, even the purple ones are gone and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.
@brhfl ever think of laser, or will that become obsolete on meds?
@Barney ehhh… Not crazy about dresses. It’s been seven years since I wore one.
@brhfl sorry if I got you mixed up with someone else. Couldn’t remember which thread that was talking about treatments and what not.
@RiotDemon Have considered it, for sure. Honestly, for a while my attitude was just wait for E and see what happens, but healthcare is just really expensive, in case folks haven’t been keeping track
. Been doing IPL on the rest of me, which has been very good for the ol’ self esteem, but they warn you about your face like the world will fold in upon itself if you attempt it so… that’s my last step. I’m sure eventually it’ll be laser or electrolysis, all just a matter of financials.
@Barney Totally get it, and all the power to you.
Personally, I was just reflecting last night about how I often buy clothes and then receive them and think… I’ll never have the confidence to pull this off. And then they sit in my drawers, building up stronger and stronger cedar scents, until maybe two or three years later I find them and by then I’m stronger… So I have like… three complete wardrobes. My M-F masc wardrobe, my weekend femme wardrobe, and then my… maybe in three years this will be useful wardrobe. That system… consumes a lot of space.
@brhfl Ahh, that’s like my skinny, not skinny, and fat wardrobe! Yep, takes up a lot of room.
Oh goodness. Words again. Forgive.
I haven’t worn any makeup in decades. This no doubt makes me unprofessional or something. Woah, no shock there.
Same with dresses, tho I keep a few because they are beautiful to look at. The wearing of them is something else tho. Even the thought of it - or being around some place where there are lots of younger women doing the “dressed strappy sandals look” makes me start trying to deconstruct semiotics of clothing and culture, and often makes me a little uncomfortable.
(re the deconstruction thing: I do not claim competence with it).
This is likely an inner projection of mine, and a holdover reaction from youth, when I was uncomfortable; the cool kids rejected everyone (the cool kids were great parentally approved-of ultra-conformists, in those days); anyone outside their group was either a wanna-be loser, a crazy-loser, or a loser-loser.
I wore makeup at night when I lived in Manhattan and was going out, and it was playful and fun, not something to prove you were proving yourself to be a competent member of society. But I dislike the occasional “social requirement”.
Even after all these decades, I still have not come to terms with all this. Still not at ease. Still wanting to be an adult someday, perhaps. Or not.
Those bold looks in those makeup videos make me wonder what it takes to wear something like that all the time. Is it a party and evening look, a “play with your look” look, an “individuality statement” look?
When one is wearing that noticeable a statement on one’s face, what are the emotional implications? Does one change one’s “mood persona” to match the boldness, to a degree (compared to a naked face, or to what is called a “natural look” face or a “subtle” face)?
Same with clothes? What is the relationship of one’s emotions, and one’s social persona, wearing a “carry this off” appearance vs something intended to be simply “background, yet appropriate” clothing?
A lot of this applies to stereotypical “masculine” vs “feminine” clothing, esp at “events” in the evening.
When I was young, growing up, as much as I liked pretty clothing, I was quite aware of a set of messages.
The clothing commonly worn by middle and upper class males usually seemed to indicate “i belong here, I am part of the alpha-group here, this clothing is comfortable, appropriate, and dignified without my having to worry about it or work at it or think about it, because the world revolves around my gender. All the serious worldly power belongs to us by default. We need to make no particular statement with our clothing beyond that, and certainly do not need to worry over individualizing ourselves.”
Of course, clothing and appearance on males could indicate far more: dominant/less-dominant, conformist/less-so (academic males and their beards!), successful/less-so, and also membership in various groups and sub-groups, and all sorts of other stuff.
Commonly worn female-clothing on adults, at gatherings, when I was a child:
What a long list of the emotional status and personality indicators among individuals! And in the conformist 1050’s:
confident/vulnerable, matter-of-fact/less-so, keeper-of-civilization/bohemian, flamboyant/ethereal/non-demonstrative, foreground/background, perfectionist/more-sloppy, controlling/follower, fashion-forward/normal/conservative, emotional/playful/serious/competent, flirty/vamp/playful/restrained/not-playing, bold/secure/out-there/conformity, dressy/casual, tailored/relaxed;
not to mention expressing the thoughts and moods that applied to a given moment;
and on and on and on.
And that was before one got to the sexual and gender implications. The middle-class or upper-class female of the fifties, in those tailored, controlled, rather sporty (even in formal-wear) designs!
She was supposed to be competent and cheerful and vivacious without being daring or challenging norms. All the exaggerated pointiness and those waist-belts and tailoring to indicate that she was competent and “with-it” and a modern sexual female, there for her family or her man, without ever being out-of-control or offering any sort of challenge or control-struggle to (male or cultural) authority in areas other than home, family, appearance, and society. For sure a sexual being. But not even slightly on her own terms.
Or so I read all that, then and now.
OK. I just went nuts above, because that’s the way i do go nuts, thinking about all this.
Can you tell this is slightly unresolved for me? Yeah, still nuts here.
Most of my family seems to be very good at this. The males follow the usual: the females either both “fit in” and are comfortable; or, in the case of females with very significant power-careers (lawyer, mba, accountant, marketing, etc), seem to have worked it out and be at peace with it. It doesn’t seem to bother them as it does me. Perhaps it’s a generational thing.
And what are the time, social, and emotional costs (to anyone) either of having to play this elaborated game when one doesn’t want to; or of it not being ok to play this game, when one does want to; based on preconceived ideas of what we are supposed to be?
I really wish playing with all this was less about catering to social position and social stance and social expectation indicators and more about it just being ok to do some personal expression, or not.
I don’t suppose this (the social imperatives of expected appearance, given the norms and signifiers) is a game that stops tho. Too many rewards for playing it well, and it does not stop being a readable social and power tableau, ever.
The people in those makeup vids seem to be having a great time and doing interesting things. Good for them.
Wearing t-shirts is a great resolution to my confusion, I suppose. Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Also, I like t-shirts a lot.
@f00l I love T-shirts and jeans (and comfy shoes). That’s my wardrobe now. The last time I semi-dressed up was a little over two years ago when I was summoned for jury duty. I wore business attire. It was because of this, I think, that I was picked to be on the jury. -sigh-
I’m thinking about wearing my favorite blue jeans and meh T-shirt when I visit my new lawyer in 10 days. Yep, that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m so looking forward to getting this over. It’s time for me to find a new “normal” life.
Yep. That jury outfit was a total error unless you wanted to be chosen. Silly you.
@f00l I never said I was smart.
4.3 lbs won’t be here until the end of the week
@mikibell Consider yourself lucky, I think.
Consider yourself lucky, @Barney.

@mfladd How did you get a picture of my BOC? I have a band aid over my webcam.
It’s a good thing you took that when I had clothes on.
@Barney Did you? Are you sure?
@mfladd Nasty man.
How did you get it so fast?
edit: holy crap mine is due today… woot has really amazon’ed it up haven’t they?
@thismyusername Yep, pretty fast. Good luck with yours!
@thismyusername They were already prepackaged and ready to go since Wednesday. All are shipping out of Carrollton, so Amazon has nothing to do with it.
well mine didn’t make the delivery cutoff, so I won’t see it until monday.
@thismyusername That’s tomorrow!
@narfcake well except for the ownership, paychecks, source of much of the crap, but I get the jist
I /FAILed again.
It’s cool.
@Barney, at least some old bag has come to live with you.
I really do not understand this fascination with Woot Bags of Crap.
You know it’s going to be crap… and yet you cannot resist.
If it is the surprise you’re after, why not call up your local Salvation Army thrift shop and ask them to:
Then, when you come in, hand them 5 bucks plus tax… and are invariably disappointed upon spying the contents, you can hand them the bag back and say:
competition instinct. people want the chase and the “win” even when the result is hardly a “win”.
as in how many stores gamify shopping, and how even Uber gamifies driver rewards to get the drivers to keep driving.
… and there’s nothing stopping you from snapping a pic to share your short-lived haul with us!
@f00l hmm. I’ve never been sucked in by the auction adrenaline either - whether it be in person or on eBay.
I’m too damned cheap.
@RedOak Pay me 5 bucks and I will.

@Barney that would deprive you of the high you get betting this time will be different - there’ll be a 50 inch flat panel TV all only for 5 bucks!
Nope. It would not deprive her of that high. Would intensify it.
@RedOak Sorry, I don’t watch TV.

@RedOak $5 doesn’t even buy two t-shirts at my local Salvation Army.
The reason for the BOCs is the same as for the Fukobukuros here, and thousands and thousands are willing to gamble some dollars for stuff that might be worth a lot more.
I think the thrill of getting one, and then getting to crow about it, are the biggest pleasures of all.
Kinda like landing front-row center seats for your favorite heavily in-demand concert.
@narfcake haha. I thought of you as I wrote that, wondering exactly that, I kid you not!
@f00l It appears I am deficient in the following key areas for that payback buzz:
I don’t gamble, 'never even bought a lottery ticket. Not based on principle - I just don’t get a kick out of it.
I’m so cheap 5 bucks is too much.
I don’t have the patience to try for the BoC/Fuku.
… Although I will admit I did break down and bagged my first (and likely last) Fuku early in the Mehathon! It was late (early?) and I happened to refresh the page at exactly the right time for the next deal.
@RedOak I’ve gotten a few usable/useful items in a BOC. I must say that usually at least half of it goes to Goodwill, but it’s fun to open the box to see what crap I got.
Yes, I gamble. Sometimes, I’ll also spend up to 2 dollars every few months on the never-win lottery!
And, I didn’t get a Fuko, but I did get a BOC…
@RedOak Goodwill tends to be the fairest of the thrift stores here, as the majority of clothing are priced by type, not the condition, size, or brand as some other thrift stores do. One of the local for-profit Veteran’s thrift stores tends to be the cheapest; tshirts are typically 0.99 to 1.99. A few other for-profit operations tend to be the most expensive; most tshirts are at least $2.95 (+ tax), if not higher.
OTOH, those for-profit stores will sell almost anything and everything they can. Including a toilet. And I bought it too.
(1.28 gpf, 800 MaP score, tank and bowl, new in boxes, verified undamaged, for $15? Done. Installed it at my parents’ house to replace their sucky 1.6gpm with a pathetic <400 MaP.)
@narfcake thanks for that run down.
Strangely my cheapness hasn’t lead me to expertise in our area thrift stores. We do regularly donate to Salvation Army so we only see the alley door and chat with the friendly chaps helping to unload.
I do have mid-level expertise in Estate Sales and veteran expertise in curb drive by/bike by trash picking.
@RedOak Not too much luck for curbside finds and even less for yard sales here.
I do have 6 Goodwill and 9 other decently sized thrift stores within a 10 mile radius, so odds of finding good stuff is greater.
@RedOak said:
That’s the first step, you know.
You’re doomed. Kinda like how marijuana leads inexorably to selling one’s children in order to buy heroin.
I believe it’s a bit early, given your situation and your individualistic POV, to provide 12-step referrals.
Therefore I can only wish you every happiness, blessing, and joy in your inevitable straight-to-the-gutter journey through life.
@narfcake the interesting thing I find at the curbside - there is a sweet spot, demographics-wise. It helps that we live in an area that includes a range of demographics closeby.
So lower priced (homes) neighborhoods can be a crap shoot, sometimes you get lucky but often not.
Really high priced neighborhoods are usually, but not always a complete waste of time. We drive thru them on the way to taking the kids to school.
In between priced homes? The good stuff more likely sits at the curb.
Recently grabbed a higher end model Shark whose cord had been cut. Harvested a cord off another curb-vacuum and it’s in business. Sucks much better than our older Dyson.
My working theory - higher priced home owners need tax deductions so they donate anything of value. That, and (at least in some cases) they didn’t get that way (wealthier) by buying stuff to throw it away.
@RedOak All valid points. I think the problem is that “lower priced” here means it’s still a $400k home.
Some areas here in SoCal still haven’t reached back to their peak levels from 2006, but many have, and some have far exceeded it already.
@narfcake parts of California are cost-crazy. Between real estate and all the various crazy taxes one wonders how anybody with average or less income can afford to live there.
The homes in our Midwest suburban area range from $100K to $8 or 10 million with only a few above that range.
@RedOak In some parts of the Bay Area/Silicon Valley, $100k/year qualifies as “low income”.
@narfcake exactly my point. Who provides services to those folks? Who works in restaurants and retail? And where do they live? It appears California could not function without illegal aliens working off the books and living in massively higher densities in apartments than the code allows.
@RedOak Many in the service sector commute. Further inland (40 miles or so), the cost of living is much less, but so are wages. Minimum wage in those areas are the norm, but offer that in the expensive areas and good luck finding someone to take that job.
Offer $18/hour to wash the dishes, and you’ll find folks who’ll do the 2-hour commute.
@narfcake crazy.
@RedOak It is, but better they spread the wealth a bit, at least. Much in that area lean left.
@RedOak The best surprises at yard sales come from areas with lots of military families. Things picked up in Italy, Greece, Africa etc. often weigh a ton, and when new orders come in, there is a household goods weight allowance - and out goes that inlaid marble card table.
Crap is crap. You’re likely to end up with stuff you don’t want/need. But you play because you might win the crap lottery - which is looking pretty awesome for this round.
It’s like a lottery with better odds and lower payout. Sorry you didn’t score this round.
@Thumperchick This round, or the round before, or the round before that, or the round before the round before, or…
Inside info? For the Fukus at the Mehathon? How many were there anyway? I noticed at least two.
There were 3 listings.
(Speaking of which, @lichme- Mehstalker has an incorrect URL for the first of the 3 Mehrathon Fukos.)
I’d say it’s the one showing 0 sold, but they’re all showing that (and yes, I saw that explanation).
It’s the one showing 0 comments.
It needs the deal and discussion thread URLs updated
@SpaceBreak On vacation for a week out of the country, I’ll fix it when I get back
You could have left your brain at home and hard at work. Then your vacay would be even better!
@lichme did the babydoll go with you? Bring back pictures of her in exotic locations!! (Yeah I live for the smiles of babies…I need more in my life! Will talk to the nieces and nephews!) (of course, if she is getting too recognizable, disregard.)
@RedOak As @SpaceBreak said - there were 3 listings for fukobukuro during the Mehrathon. Total of 600(ish?) sold.
@Thumperchick @RedOak @SpaceBreak
632 (202 + 195 + 235). Although considering that there may have been some duplicate orders…
@Thumperchick You can buy a brown bag of ??? at Michael’s for $5. I’m seriously tempted.
@OldCatLady ooh… crafty surprises!
@OldCatLady what? Since when??
@RiotDemon My local store has them by the checkout counter.
@OldCatLady never seen them at mine. I’ll have to look around next time. I would totally buy that.
I couldnt get a boc no matter how many times I tried – or fukoburoro for that matter though I tried all day long ( actually all night long since I am overseas)… I could buy VMP items all during the special hour but couldn’t get what I truly wanted which was the birthday bag/- So in the scheme of things not a big deal but wish we could return to days before captcha – thus no woot or meh ( boc or fukobukuro) ( insert sad face here)
Shit. I got a BOC wootbot letter in my crap.
@daveinwarsh Nice! Congrats. Lucky you, I think. My BOC arrives tomorrow. I’m prepared for the usual disappointment and no letter.
@daveinwarsh Maybe you’ll get the pallet. Yippee!
@daveinwarsh that was always my biggest hope and fear to get. Mostly fear.
@daveinwarsh Oh no, what a bad day for you.
@daveinwarsh what does that mean?
@RiotDemon It means they are going to send him more “special” crap.
@RiotDemon @Barney And a lot of it.
@Barney well that’s exciting (terrifying?).
@RiotDemon Yep, yep.
Do you feel that you missing out in your life, due to a lack of purple pallet shipments?
/giphy pallet shipment

@f00l I’m sorting through enough crap right now, that I don’t really need a pallet of it.
I think you need a second thru 100th opinion on that.
@f00l My friends are getting ready to do an intervention. They think I’m too consumed with cleaning out Mom’s house, and not doing any fun stuff. They are right.
@Barney Good- I hope they force you to something fun against your will.

@Barney Grab the personal and high value stuff then hire out the balance. Around here there a few places that will do the job cheap or free if you donate the stuff. It is easy to be overwhelmed with that kind of project. I keep getting frustrated with similar projects.
I helped clean out my parents house when they moved. I spent too much time on items for donation.
I am currently trying to do my Mom-inlaws house. She downsized but keeps remembering more stuff she wants. It is making it difficult to clean and donate. I have someone lined up to sort and clean for me but I don’t want to cause issues.
I will send good thoughts your way. I get much more done when I am in a positive mood. Make a list that is managable like “I will empty this drawer and be done with it today.” Have you ever heard of flylady.net? Lots of good concepts and organization tips there. I do not follow everything but I use some of the ideas.
Sorry for the book…TL:DR Positive attitude and organize a plan. Allow or hire help.
@sammydog01 @barney Agreed.
@speediedelivery Thank you. One of my friends describes my task as “eating the elephant”. You know, "How do you eat an elephant?

/image how do you eat an elephant?
Yep, a little bit at a time, because it can be so big and overwhelming. And it is. Also, it doesn’t help that Mom was a shopaholic.
@Barney My family (both sides) including me are hoarders. Not like the tv show but if it might be useful it must be kept. I am trying to do better but it is hard. I am able to donate but sorting sentimental stuff is the worst.
Yes, I did buy a boc and a fuko. Yes, I have a problem but I am not very far along in the recovery steps.
@Barney @sammydog01
/giphy purple Kansas fun

/giphy purple fun

/giphy Kansas fun

@mflassy Rock Chalk Jayhawk, Beat Texas!
@speediedelivery I think that Mom is now making me a hoarder. I don’t want to be one. Maybe you and I can form a support group.
I’ve heard a bunch of hilarious Texas jokes lately.
@ACraigL I know. Should I be afraid…
@daveinwarsh To give you an idea …
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
@narfcake LOL…
Yeah. I saw that. Nothing too scary there. At least I can pick up the pallet with my tractor & load it into my workshop for the ‘unveiling’.
The trouble is, it could be ANYTHING.
Should I post here what I get??
@daveinwarsh absolutely.
/8ball Should @daveinwarsh post the letter crap?
I’m one of the idiots who constant gets bad BoC’s, swears that’s the last one, then buys another.
Mine is due for delivery today…
Got my second BOC ever in the mail today. It’s … unique.
They really want me to get a smartphone because I got a bunch of different cases and holders for Iphone products. Also worth noting - a bamboo spoon set, the aforementioned bag (in purple), a “knife and cutting board tool”, and a Woot monkey.
Still wrapping my head around this but I get the feeling other people would like the stuff I got (especially the monkey which, to be honest, scares me).

/giphy scary monkey
I got my BOC today. Placeholder weight said 4.3, like most folks, but it actually only weighed a little over 2 pounds. Obviously not the Roomba I was seeking. This probably ranks among the crappiest of all the BOCs I’ve received to date:
• Rustic Bears Tin Bear Sitting Clock
• Veggetti Spiral Vegetable Cutter (have one, hate it)
• Plant terrarium glass, teardrop shape
• Purple wire mesh pencil holder cup
• Hi-Pro Netbook Sleeve (got one in the last BOC)
• Woot! flying monkey with red and white cape (have one)
• Navy blue “Don’t Touch My Crap” bag
• 2 small bags Texas air (not pictured)
Most of it’s headed to the dumpster, as expected.
I’m liking that bear clock for some reason.
@mflassy I think I’ll give it to one of my co-workers for his man cave. After I glue it back together.
@mflassy I had one of those bear clocks. The time was right twice a day. But it was cute.
@heartny I’d actually use the glass terrarium. Make a geeky thing out of it. You can buy those things on eBay shipped for $1-2.
Everything else is…
The shirt sale is going on and I bought soooo many bear shirts!! It took a bit of time, I had to purchase them two at a time to get the most out of the $10 off of $20 deal. So excited!!
@ConAndLibrarian I’ve done 6 separate orders already.
@narfcake I am wondering how quick they will cut off the “all design” option, I know that they can only do a limited number of designs each day. All my orders will be from there.
@ConAndLibrarian The breaker hit once already!
Also replace 6 with 10.
@narfcake I am at 5 orders so far. I imagine I will get a few more in.
@narfcake One order, one in the cart. Halfway through the shirts.
@narfcake arrrgghhh the pressure to find something I LOVE!
@mikibell @mikibell Paradox of choice. 7,500 designs doesn’t make it easy. Yes, the back catalog is a boon, but it also made things much much harder to decide versus when it was only the daily, the reckoning (34 designs max.), and if a side sale was happening at the time. And if you didn’t buy it then, it’d be gone.
@narfcake exactly!!!