Winter Storm Mateo
4First off who names these things? Secondly we need to use more intimidating names like Snowpocolypse was awesome. It told you what to expect. So Detroit might get a foot and the best they come up with is Mateo. Might as well have gone with Winter Storm Barry at least then Detroit would know it was getting a beating.
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Winter Storm Snowy McSnowface?
Stormy McStormface, no?
@aetris Drizzle McNizzle?
Col. Sleet Sanders?
Icy McIceface?
@medz - The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.
@aetris Winter Storm Windy McWindface.
Doctor Drizzle N. Schlickroads
I think recycling medical terms for storm names would be particularly effective: winter storm feculent emesis. Hurricane enterocutaneous fistula. That sort of thing.
@shahnm But then I wouldn’t want to watch the weather report during supper.
@phendrick Or before or after, for that matter.
Winter Storm Frigid McBruiserton!! It’ll freeze your pipes and kick your ass!
@lljk Thanks, that was interesting and from about the time I stopped using and switched to… more accurate (at least during the two-ish months I compared them), faster to read, no ads, no talking idiots, and no weather sensationalizing (making the weather seem more exciting than it really is).