Why Meh should hire me.

un0 went on a bit of a rant said

Good day my lovely people of the internet forum. Today I'm writing this topic to provide some insight to the HR/Fellow nerds over at Mediocre Laboratories in to why it would be a fantastical idea to hire me. Below, I'm going to list some absolutely incredible reasons why hiring me would be such a great idea.

Reason 1: I'm a fat guy. And everyone knows that every office needs the "Office fat guy". Why you ask? Well, let me tell you my fine sirs and or madams. Fat people in the office provide great moral support for all employees. For example, Linda, who isn't fat, looks at me, said fat guy, and thinks, "hey, I totally dont want to be fat, I should work out more and be happy I'm not fat". Leading Linda to be happier in the workplace for lookin' good.

Reason 2: Touching on reason 1, as a fat guy, I love food. Mainly sweets. Can you say free candy? Got a sweet tooth and cant find a candy bar anywhere? Don't fret my fellow co-worker, let me open my desk and show you my stash of sugary goodness.

Reason 3: My years of sitting on my ass making people who are absolutely wrong feel that they're right. That's right, I'm talking about customer service. Where the customer is never right and you have to deal with it, because without them, you don't get a paycheck. I've worked in customer service for years, and in webhosting, so hey, there are skills that I have.... I mean, they're not like, super duper awesome degree skills, but they're skills, dammit.

Reason 4: I can type at over 80 words per minute, so replying to emails (whether they're customer emails, or responding to HR requesting I stop hitting on Linda) will be super efficiently fast, and stuff.

Reason 5: With this next sentence I'm going to type, and that you're going to read, I guarantee that you will say the following: "Holy shit he's stupid" or "Holy shit that's awesome!" or a combination of both.

I chase tornadoes.

So there you have it, the reasons why I should start at Meh next Monday.