Why don't our emails show you what we're selling?
12Every day we send out a Meh email that highlights the day’s deal. Or does it? It steadfastly refuses to reveal the actual thing we’re selling.
What’s your theory for why we do that? How would you explain it to a friend who asked you? (Feel free to tell us if you love that we do that or hate that we do that, but I’m more interested in your thoughts about why we do it.)
- 87 comments, 28 replies
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If you knew what it was you wouldn’t buy it and they need the traffic.
It’s fun trying to guess the item from the posts before actually seeing what it is. I have to know if I’m right or not.
Also, there is a slight chance it might be something good, until you actually know what it is.
I like trying to figure out based on their wordplay what items may be.
I know the real reason. It’s because █████ ██████ ██ █████████ and ██████ █████████ █ █████ ████ system.
I’m not sure anyone, except those who do not have a life, ever reads them. Yeah, I read every one of them. DON’T JUDGE ME.
@Barney We’re back to customer service from hell, my favorite email topic! YES I WANT PERFECTION FROM MY THREE DOLLAR PURCHASE.
@Barney You, like many of today’s serious people must be a very busy person to afford not to read them and that’s fine by today’s standards.
To torture us
I like the old days before the e-mail that comes many hours after I already checked the website.
█████████ where’s █████ ████ canned tuna █████ ██ ██ █████████ ████ ██ ███ waldo ███ ███ similar to ███ ██ in ███████ irk’s ████ audiobook series.
█████ manifesto ████ prophesy ███████ ██ pokemon-inspired ████ ███ ██ ████ ███ ██ business strategy. ███ █ ████ neural irk ██ for ███ boring ███ ██ defense ████.
I believe that conventional marketing theory holds that you get a better conversion rate by dangling a teaser in front of the customer and then getting them engaged with the full presentation at the point of sale. But that may be too intellectual. It might be just that you’re a bunch of jerks, and want to mess with us. Who knows? I certainly don’t. That’s why I haven’t signed up for the emails. I prefer information.
Simple: because every other ecommerce site sends us an email with what they are selling, Meh would, of course, send an email that does not tell us what you are selling. You are the anti-ecommerce of ecommerce, so much so that it comes full circle and you do eventually sell something.
Most of the marketing emails I’ve unsubscribed lately are ones that present either a small subset of what’s currently featured/discounted, or one teaser item, or just a teaser that doesn’t identify the featured item. That latter type is similar to Meh’s format, except that the sender has more than one item; they just lead with the teaser and hope we follow the bait.
I hate that latter kind of crap.
And I dislike being pestered about stuff I have no intention of buying.
So, for me, the default is “unsub”, and if that doesn’t work, they get plonked into my blocklist.
That said, here I am, regularly checking on what’s listed at Meh - because it will be just one item, and there’s a decent chance that it will merit consideration, or perhaps even provide a chance to mock the merch. And because sometimes Meh even does some of the mocking for me; a refreshing display of willingness to admit that not everything is absolutely perfect. That’s rare, and needs nurturing.
I open and check the chat. Rarely read anything else. Most of the time I have already checked the sale before the email arrives.
My guess on why the emails - click through numbers can be quantified and used to sell advertising. I would not go to the site if I already knew I did not want the item. Unless I was (and I am) a weirdo that reads the forums and needs to see the click face.
/giphy clickbait
I unsubscribed as soon as I found out there was a web link to read it. I only ever read the chat at the bottom, since I already visited the site by the time the email showed up. (I realize that’s not the question Dave asked, but that’s the answer I have.)
Because it’s fun to guess! I like it.
@PooltoyWolf Addendum as of this morning: if this new format is what we will be seeing from now on, I am no longet a fan!
@PooltoyWolf Ugh, same here.
@Kyeh I’m very glad I am not the only one who doesn’t like it. The new format seems blasé and boring. Way too simple for a site like Meh…
@PooltoyWolf No longer a fan, even…can’t believe I didn’t catch that typo.
@PooltoyWolf Yeah, and I kind of get a kick out of those semi-blacked out smartass remarks. It’s especially fun if one of your own makes it into the email.
@Kyeh Exactly!! Like the time I told Irk he probably shouldn’t be snorkeling in a toilet bowl.
@PooltoyWolf Let’s face it, all the hardcore mehtizens have already checked the site way before the email gets sent. Nothing to guess.
@sammydog01 I mean…that’s fair.
Yeah, amusing and often clever.
Also, sometimes there’s a really oblique hint that a Mehrathon is coming up.
By jove I think I’ve got it! The "got it"as to why Dave is asking this question in the forum. Meh is thinking of doing away with the emails because they are firing the person who formats them. Does that person know they are fired?
On second thought I don’t know.
The person might have caught a clue from having been asked to crawl down this long tube and rescue the poor widdle kitten only to find a stuffed toy with a sound chip that meows pitifully every three seconds. But by then, it was too late.
Oh wow, it’s the end of an era. These new emails look weird.
well, if the item did not interest a person (like offering me smart phone accessories, since I don’t have a phone), the person would not visit the site.
unless they like clicking on the “meh” every day, which I also don’t do, lol.
this way, you have to go to the site to see what’s for sale.
so, it generates traffic, and who knows, possibly increases sales, somehow.
I’ve already checked the deal before I actually get the email, so I mainly just read them for the chat at the bottom. And then I archive them because it’s theoretically amusing to go back and look at old emails in case something about the deal or the forum comments change that day.
And to actually answer the question, I’m guessing it’s because being cheeky about the daily deal fits Meh’s vaguely irreverent tone (though that’s been toned down a lot since the early days) while still getting normal people to be curious enough to click.
Because the items being sold are so uninteresting that meh has to provide some kind of excitement, or else they wouldn’t get any website traffic
I read every one of the Slack “chats” at the bottom of the email. And, if I’ve posted in the deal of the day thread I look to see if my reply is in there.
They obviously want the web traffic and clicks. Plus, they use the emails for analytics purposes I’m sure.
I’ll be sad to not have my guessing game in the mornings checking the email! The new blurred picture is okay too i suppose. Glad to see the slack chat remain (even its a little small!)
They say that if you cross your eyes just right, you can see what today’s deal is. All I ever see is a schooner.
While it’s definitely a cute marketing ploy to get us to wonder and click, I bet the real reason is some legal thing - like because of the deal, they can’t show it on email, only on the website. Similar to when you’re on certain websites and the deal is so good, you have to add it to your cart in order to find out what the price is.
If they won’t show me the price, I won’t add it to the cart to find out. It’s never that good.
Just tell me already
You do it so that you generate traffic on your website. More traffic =greater value, so that when you guys sell out like Woot did, you guys can cash out with more money.
Writing on the landing page appears to have lost its spark. Did someone quit? Ok yeah you don’t show it to increase site traffic. But I’m here for the writing. What happened to the writing?
I glance at them and try to guess, but mainly use it as a direct link to the Meh website and as a reminder to click the stupid circle. Oh did I mention I’m back to 3 days in a row
For me, it’s always a nice little surprise to start the day. Once in a while I find something I can actually use.
@tpettus I agree - it’s kinda fun in a wrist cutting way.
I’m not a fan of clicking to see the product, but I accept it as your shtick. Meh.
I do like the mystery of what you’re selling, but I prefer the hidden clue over the blurry picture. Not sure why you’re doing it, but if I had to guess, probably a government mandate
Government Mandate? If the IRS couldn’t break even running a brothel, I doubt that any other agency is going to have any success resurrecting a defunct gay magazine.
Opacity is the mother of margins.
And any margins less than half an inch make it a pain in the neck to trim the finished pages accurately.
I have a reason that will take you back in time to your youth
Buddy is growing up:
Mom always told me ██████ and I hated it then. Now I say it to my kids. Love you mom!
SallySweet reminisced:
Wow! Haven’t heard that in years!
Wiz3b#!lpt is confused, and apparently mad about it:
What is the reason?
Being a career IT person I just assumed it was easier to program
Because who knows WHEN you’ve finally gotten around to reading that email?
age related vision decline?
I never got the previous emails, in spite of being subscribed, so this is all new to me.
Because you want to see the click through rate on your email marketing campaigns.
It’s part of the “quirky” persona Meh cultivates.
You know, thinking about it, I can’t imagine a situation where any of my friends would ask me something about meh (or even know it exists).
@macromeh My friends seem to go silent or change the subject when I talk about it.
I have better friends, they not only told me about Meh, they warned me.
I hate the new blurry picture. Bleah.
They weren’t originally going to send out any emails. But since they were forced to do it, they redact the deal from the daily email for spite and petulance.
I think it’s time to leave meh. You know we’re all thinking it.
@SEGAStaRBiTS64 Yeah, right. You’ve been here all of 5 minutes with no purchases.
@Barney okay
You’re so ashamed of the deals that you don’t want any evidence of it after it’s over that day?
Whew. They’re back.
@djslack well, fuck.
Ooh, a meh face! I like this idea!
You do it because it’s surprisingly a Major Effing Hassle (M.E.H.).
Wait for it…waaaaait for it…
Intrigue in the most annoying way infused with a little vulgarity presents as enticing to the reader because it all seems a little prohibited…… and then reader cannot wait to see WTH is selling. On most occasions you are selling some ordinary item like masks( yep I bought them) at higher than usual price or not. Yet readers return because there is an unspoken promise,or hope,or wish that something spectacular something is going to show up and the reader does not want to miss it…just in case.
oh there is lots of useful, valuable information you can gain from encouraging someone to click on a link, especially if you give them a deadline (when do they click? How frequently? Where do they click from? Is it always the same place? How often does a click become a sale?) It wouldn’t surprise me if collecting and selling that information is more valuable than the markup on random overstock goods
First off… Hate it! But, not enough to unsubscribe… YET!
I’m with the guy that said you probably make more selling data about us than selling random overstock goods!
You want that click on the email to demonstrate how loyal and blindly engaged we are!
Because you have devolved over the years to selling nothing but junk every day. When I began making purchases back in 2014, I made many quality purchases. Now you have sunk beneath flea market strata.
Is so they can say, MADE YOU LOOK!
So people will visit the site and maybe Bibi gate for whatever else you got happening there…
For clicks.
If they showed what they’re selling then anyone wouldn’t pay any attention to what’s for sale.
I thought it was just a reminder email to click the meh button and fuel my unhealthy obsession with getting streaks.
Overall I have to assume you want traffic on the site regardless of if you are selling a great deal on a robot vacuum or almost expired candy corn no one wants. If you just tell us then we won’t show up. Also a gateway to the other deal sites to look for something interesting on the candy corn days.
Almost all of the above!
Bots. Lots of bots.
Just a slightly different take on clickbait. Getting in front of our eyes is the biggest part, getting us actually to the site is the next biggest. That bit of mystery is what gets us to click, knowing that even if we’re not particularly interested in the exact item, it will almost definitely be a good deal on it
If you ran ads, then I would say it was for the clicks. But as it is, more web traffic from people who don’t end up buying the product doesn’t seem like it would benefit you. It does get you some data though–how many people are actively engaging with your system.
For click through data.
You sell stuff? Cool!
I absolutely hate it, and 90% of the time I don’t even bother going to see what it is - which has probably cost you quite a few sales.
I need more tshirts
Very disappointed with the quality of the products.
For example the casserole alum pot painted with ceramic
Coating ,that you advertise was a ceramic pot .
Yes I could return at my expense over $20 alum pot cost $24 be very careful in purchasing products from this co.
RSS all the way, baby!
Because Meh are selling RTX3000 series cards and you bet they don’t want their stock to run out in 3… 2… 1.
By the time the email comes around, I’ve already checked the site.
Not a fan. I’ve unsubscribed in the past because of this. Somehow, I started getting emails again. It’s still annoying.
@RobertLeBlah same here. Emails started up yesterday after I unsubscribed years ago. Stop abusing us Meh. We don’t want your life.
Because you need the click to show your suppliers it’s worth them listing their products. Truth be told they should just trash it instead. Outdated, defective, and disappointing are words I would use to describe the junk you’ve been selling since you sold WOOT.
Getting people hooked on clicking that meh button and keeping their streak going
i honestly don’t understand what has been going on with the emails. i signed up for the daily deal email and that was great - personally i don’t read the redacted parts about the deal anymore, i just like the funny chats at the bottom and then i click through to see what all is for sale that day. but then i started getting “since you voted [x] in our poll, you might like…” emails from you guys. and in fact i got several in one day, and two or three were exact duplicates of each other.
so, i sent an email letting you know that a.) there seemed to be a glitch in the email system but also b.) i did not sign up to receive such emails in the first place and wasn’t a fan. i must say, the customer service was excellent - i received a response right away, and even got a coupon for letting you know there was a problem. wow! cool! the CS rep i spoke with also said if i didn’t want to receive those emails, i could simply unsubscribe from them. could i have been a fool? was it really that simple? i decided to find out and clicked unsubscribe.
and indeed, i stopped receiving those annoying “if you like X we think you’ll like Y” emails…but i also stopped receiving the daily deal teaser emails which i liked very much (and had said as much in my original email). i knew it was too good to be true.
however, i didn’t re-subscribe, because i didn’t want to start getting emails i didn’t sign up for again. and i mostly forgot about the whole thing until last week maybe? when i started getting the traditional daily deal teaser emails again. and actually i was pleased, i thought maybe y’all had fixed something, to where i had only unsubbed from the emails i didn’t want, and was getting the ones i did want…a simple concept as it should’ve been all along. but then, i started not getting those emails again, and instead getting a random assortment of different teaser emails…which i don’t want. today was just a big blurry picture of A Thing and a link to this forum post. i wish you hadn’t messed with a good thing, and i REALLY wish you didn’t start sending unsolicited emails to those of us who had unsubscribed. presumably these new ~tactics~ result in more clicks and hopefully more sales but, i’d much rather the way it was please.
and…there was a link on today’s email to edit my email subscriptions. i clicked it and got an “Aw, snap! Something went terribly wrong. We couldn’t find the page you’re looking for.” classic.
@jerk_nugget Too bad you can’t go back and unvote in all the polls. Of course then they might go off your purchase history. I’d agree though. Spamming us is irritating though.
@jerk_nugget I NEVER get the “if you liked…” emails and I visit every day (unless something weird happens) and I always answer the poll. I didn’t know there were those emails! And Meh, please don’t start demonstrating them for me!-TIA
Shit, you can still do RSS? You do it to direct traffic to your site. Super annoying and the items aren’t even worth buying. It’s a lot of junk that ends up in landfills. Don’t contribute to this.
Coffee! Please bring back that deal. It’s what keeps me pressing the Meh button!
@Bevs40 Today’s Side Deal is Harry and David Coffee
Some of the logic in these comments is… illogical. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Because it’s like opening a present each day… Except you have to pay for it and it’s not wrapped in gift wrap. Ok, it’s nothing like opening a present.
It makes me smile. I’m a fan.
If you’re looking for a way to make people stop buying your stuff, this is it.
It may increase the likelihood of someone going to take a look and then buying. It might be amusing. I usually go to Meh before I get the email so they don’t drive my first visit to the site.
And yet the emails do show you what’s on SideDeal.
It’s like the opt-in at Starbucks. You used to get an e-mail announcing double stars day. No action required. Now you have to click a “take the challenge” button to get it. Let’s Starbucks know you’re at least looking at their e-mail and not blindly hitting the delete button. Meh makes you take one more step, one to see the product and two to actually buy it. Just to make sure you really want to accumulate unopened boxes or uneaten food. Then your storage or rat problems are on you, not meh.
Because your data shows a higher sell rate if you get people to the actual sale page, versus allowing them to choose or dismiss from their inbox. It’s classic showroom tactics, used car salesmen style. It’s manipulative, not cute. But their are greater sins.
Because you’re in league with Satan and this is what he commands.