Wave Wilson aka Dreadpool.
The guys from ZZ Top.
Kyle MyLockslong
Telly Savales
Bob Marley
@rtjhnstn Do you mean Bald Marley?
Bob Newhair (You really got to see him now)
/image starburns
Tom CruiCut
Jane Bou-Fonda (bouffant)… /giphy stretch
@medz Would you say it’s a bulbous bouffant?
@PocketBrain yes. A bulbous bouffant.
Hairius Rucker
Dirty Hairy
/giphy dirty hairy
@phendrick Another dirty hairy:
I think I’m going to have to go with Bugs. Rodger and Peter are more one offs and everyone knows bunnies are better than rabbits.
Hairy Styles Benedict Comberbatch
/image steven tyler
Marilyn Cornrow
Sean Combs. (That one was toooo easy)
Not a hair celebrity, but I really dig Irk’s hair.
…am I the only one? Tell me I’m not. It’s okay if you’re lying, just say it.
Kid, of Kid n’ Play
Shawn White, The (Blow)Drying Tomato
Keanu Weaves
Debbie Hairy!
Alec Baldwin.
Unless you’re a Republican, in which case pretend I said Adam Baldwin.
No one has commented on this yet? WTF is up with the soft core S&M Octoberfest Biermädchen?! Seriously.
@xenophod I like the new meh.
Brian Ur-lock-er
About 20% of us needed a choice: “I don’t see what you’re doing, so I ‘nominate’ someone with unique hair”
@DrWorm Ohhhh. NOW I see what they did thair.
Used to be Adrian Paul until he cut it off.
Daenhairys Targhairyen, the Hair to the Throne.
Gene Wildhair (RIP)
Trent Razor
Chris Prattail
Bea-52 Arthur (also RIP)
Richard Branson
@pmarin Richaird Branson
@cinoclav See what you did thair… LOL
Lester Bangs
@JaredParker I think you’ve won the thread.
Let’s go bilingual and say Morena Baccarin.
@dannybeans qué?
@dannybeans @therealjrn Pelo Moreno Baccarin?
@zachdecker No creo que “pelo” es necesito. “Una morena” = “a brunette.”
mas cerveza por favor
Simon Cowlick
Anybody say T’haira Banks yet?
Joe Rogaine /image Joe Rogan with hair
Wave Wilson aka Dreadpool.
The guys from ZZ Top.
Kyle MyLockslong
Telly Savales
Bob Marley
@rtjhnstn Do you mean Bald Marley?
Bob Newhair (You really got to see him now)
/image starburns
Tom CruiCut
Jane Bou-Fonda (bouffant)…
/giphy stretch
@medz Would you say it’s a bulbous bouffant?
@PocketBrain yes. A bulbous bouffant.
Hairius Rucker
Dirty Hairy
/giphy dirty hairy
@phendrick Another dirty hairy:
I think I’m going to have to go with Bugs. Rodger and Peter are more one offs and everyone knows bunnies are better than rabbits.
Hairy Styles
Benedict Comberbatch
/image steven tyler
Marilyn Cornrow
Sean Combs. (That one was toooo easy)
Not a hair celebrity, but I really dig Irk’s hair.
…am I the only one? Tell me I’m not. It’s okay if you’re lying, just say it.
Kid, of Kid n’ Play
Shawn White, The (Blow)Drying Tomato
Keanu Weaves
Debbie Hairy!
Alec Baldwin.
Unless you’re a Republican, in which case pretend I said Adam Baldwin.
No one has commented on this yet? WTF is up with the soft core S&M Octoberfest Biermädchen?! Seriously.
@xenophod I like the new meh.
Brian Ur-lock-er
About 20% of us needed a choice: “I don’t see what you’re doing, so I ‘nominate’ someone with unique hair”
@DrWorm Ohhhh. NOW I see what they did thair.
Used to be Adrian Paul until he cut it off.
Daenhairys Targhairyen, the Hair to the Throne.
Gene Wildhair (RIP)
Trent Razor
Chris Prattail
Bea-52 Arthur (also RIP)
Richard Branson
@pmarin Richaird Branson
@cinoclav See what you did thair… LOL
Lester Bangs
@JaredParker I think you’ve won the thread.
Let’s go bilingual and say Morena Baccarin.
@dannybeans qué?
@dannybeans @therealjrn Pelo Moreno Baccarin?
@zachdecker No creo que “pelo” es necesito. “Una morena” = “a brunette.”
@dannybeans qué?
mas cerveza por favor
Simon Cowlick
Anybody say T’haira Banks yet?
Joe Rogaine
/image Joe Rogan with hair