In August of 2011, a neighbor found a scrawny gray cat up his tree. His resident dogs and cats were barking and hissing at the intruder, who completely ignored them, because he was stalking a squirrel who was bigger than he was. How could I not love a cat like that?
I took him in, named him 'Doc' because he was gray and grizzled just like ol' Doc Adams from Gunsmoke (yeah, I'm that old) and a better friend nobody ever had. For 14 years, he slept with me every night, and loved me every minute of our lives.
On Friday, March 13th, at noon, he was put down. That was fitting, because Friday the 13th at High Noon is an epic time, and he was an epic cat.
@Chakolate I understand. We have 4 rescues each cat has picked a different family member to sleep with. Mine is Zoey, who keeps me from being able to toss and turn as I like - but I would miss her if she wasn't there.
Docusate sodium - I'm constipated.
Doctor Who, anyone?
@einrad My fav for sure
One of my best friends has the nickname "Doc" since his last name is savage. So I'm gonna go with my friend.
The other doc savage gets points for inspiring indiana jones though.
@Nexar Enterprise or Jeffersonian
@nadroj I'm hoping Enterprise!!
@nadroj Enterprise
Been binging on M*A*S*H every night for the last week or so and thus I'm thinking Hawkeye Pierce...
@baqui63 My third fav
Sittin' on the dock of the bay.........
@mfladd ^^ Yes, this!
Doc from the Love Boat
@sammydog01 ^ love from @densa (see below)
Two docs that have brought me pleasure over the years: Doc Martin, darkly funny, and Doc Martens, boots to die for.
Dr. Pepper!
Dr. Ken jeong
Hickory Dickory Dock!
Doc Brown, or Doctor Phlox from Star Trek Enterprise.
@PocketBrain starred for Dr. Phlox
What's up, Doc
E. E. 'Doc' Smith
Doc's give me way more bad news then good news. I am scared of them.
Barbara Manning wrote a song about my favorite Doc(k):
There's also this awesome video:
My first professional-grade trumpet was a Getsen Severinsen model. Had a trigger for the first valve slide. That was fuckin' sweeeeeeeeet.
Have to give a vote for Doc from the Love Boat.
@densa already put up by @sammydog01 earlier. I will send him your love.
@densa He was my favorite (although Gopher was cuter).
@sammydog01 comment should have read him/her since I have no way of knowing.
@mfladd for future reference I'm a her- Sammy was my dog's name
@sammydog01 aww....thanks for letting me know. I shall not make this mistake again :)
@WTFhqwhgads Brrrrt >>> dakka
Hmm, it's almost like they're leaving someone out... but who? Let me think.

Doctor Scholls.
In August of 2011, a neighbor found a scrawny gray cat up his tree. His resident dogs and cats were barking and hissing at the intruder, who completely ignored them, because he was stalking a squirrel who was bigger than he was. How could I not love a cat like that?
I took him in, named him 'Doc' because he was gray and grizzled just like ol' Doc Adams from Gunsmoke (yeah, I'm that old) and a better friend nobody ever had. For 14 years, he slept with me every night, and loved me every minute of our lives.
On Friday, March 13th, at noon, he was put down. That was fitting, because Friday the 13th at High Noon is an epic time, and he was an epic cat.
Bye, little dude.
@Chakolate Please accept our heartfelt condolences for the loss of your beloved friend.
@Chakolate Sounds like a terrific cat. I too am sorry for your loss.
@mfladd Thanks. Every so often I think of him, and cry and laugh at the same time.
@dsadaigle He really was - one terrific cat.
@Chakolate I understand. We have 4 rescues each cat has picked a different family member to sleep with. Mine is Zoey, who keeps me from being able to toss and turn as I like - but I would miss her if she wasn't there.
I like Doctor Dolittle. The original with Rex Harrison was my favorite as a child.
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