up for adopting a 2000+ year old cat? : )
132,000-Year-Old Cat Etching Found at Nazca Lines Site in Peru
Archaeologists came across the faded feline outline while conducting maintenance work at the UNESCO heritage site.
Beginning of the article:
The image, stretching for 40 yards on a hillside in Peru, shows a creature with pointy ears, orb-like eyes and a long striped tail. It appears to be a cat lounging, as cats often do.
Archaeologists stumbled across the faded etching while remodeling a section of a UNESCO heritage site known as the Nazca Lines, Peru’s Ministry of Culture announced last week.
The catlike geoglyph — which experts say dates to 200 B.C. to 100 B.C. — is the latest discovery among the carvings of larger-than-life animals and plants previously found between the towns of Nazca and Palpa, in a desert plain about 250 miles southeast of the capital, Lima.
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That kitty needs a really big litter box.
@Thumperchick The mountain behind the cat used to be a valley centuries ago. See what happens when there is no litter box for so long.
Saw the article yesterday, so very cool
You gotta be kitten me!
Just shows people liked to doodle 2000 years ago, too.
So the Peruvians had Catskills mountains before New York did?
It dates back to the Cataceous Period.
/image chalk horse England


/image chalk man England
@f00l I’ve been to that site (sight!)
It needs a name.
Just look at the facial expression. It already has a slogan.
”Serve me, human; you are always my inferior.“
@f00l Yes, but that’s every cat, ever.
I mean a name. Unless someone can do better, I’m going with Bill.
@blaineg @f00l
Boy, I miss Bloom County…
@chienfou @f00l You do know it’s back?
@chienfou @f00l And even all artsy.
@blaineg @f00l
Ooohhh that’s right… I forgot about that.
So is this like 14,000 cat years?