@Zebus Also agree - but I couldn’t vote because my browser always shuts down or has “an error occurred so the page was reloaded”. So luckly I usually don’t want what is being sold on Sunday’s so I can exit. But missing Bad Company was bad.
@Zebus I’m late to the party, but glad to see this had so many stars. I swear I wore that vinyl album out! I need a really good turntable, and preferably one where I can stack three or four albums on. Can’t seem to find that style of equipment any more–even with vinyl making a big come back. Probably looking in the wrong places.
@heartny I guess I’m not the only one old enough to remember that song, which has been playing in my head most of the day. I thought the Monkees were fairly dreadful back in the day, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find that either they’ve sharpened or I’ve mellowed with age.
@gertiestn Their stuff has popped up now and then while I’m running through the stations on my satellite radio. Some of the songs actually are catchy with a good hook and fun to sing along with as I’m rocketing down the interstate.
@accumulator I loved the Art In America song. I remember being disappointed in the rest of the album though. But hey, prog rock with a harp. What could be more anti-punk?
My favorite, Sierra, by Sierra, on their first album, Sierra. Unfortunately, with a name like theirs they are lost in any search, so good luck finding them on YouTube.
Damn you, @jasontoon! This is the second time you’ve made me choose between Wilco and They Might Be Giants!! That turns these frivolous Sunday pastimes into an existential crisis. And as if that weren’t bad enough, you throw in Belle & Sebastian just to fuck with me that much more. Now I’m going to spend the next couple hours trying to decide. Poop!
@InnocuousFarmerbecause I was not allowed music as a child has to be one of the saddest things I’ve read in awhile. I hope you’ve been able to make up for it as an adult. I can’t imagine not having music in my life. It touches a part of me that nothing else seems to and it connects me to special people in my life.
@LaVikinga Ah, it was a bit of an exaggeration. Childish sing-alongs were fine, and then, later, explicitly religious music was allowed. It was only anything with reference to sex, drugs, swearing, or other unwholesomeness (i.e. pretty much all mainstream music) that was excluded.
I’ve been making up for it, to a degree. My problem these days is in finding things that I want to listen to that I haven’t already heard.
usually with these polls i usually just pick the only one i’ve kinda-sorta-maybe heard of.
but today was tough! i narrowed it down to public image, yellow balloon, and talk talk. in the end i chose talk talk just because of the glorious repetition (and it was first to get stuck in my head) but what a great list today.
TMBG because I have so many of their CDs
As usual, just had to pick a random song.
Somehow missed the best eponymous song ever?
Bad Company - Bad Company
I couldn’t even bother to vote, there is no second answer.
@Zebus I agree!! But I went with Iron Maiden so I could see the poll results. Usually I just let these Sunday polls go…
PS Happy Birthday meh

@Zebus Also agree - but I couldn’t vote because my browser always shuts down or has “an error occurred so the page was reloaded”. So luckly I usually don’t want what is being sold on Sunday’s so I can exit. But missing Bad Company was bad.
@Zebus I’m late to the party, but glad to see this had so many stars. I swear I wore that vinyl album out! I need a really good turntable, and preferably one where I can stack three or four albums on. Can’t seem to find that style of equipment any more–even with vinyl making a big come back. Probably looking in the wrong places.
Action Figure Party:
no “Who Are You?”
or are added words not allowed?
@f00l Added words are not allowed. (That’s assuming @jasontoon is using the same rules as the list he linked to.)
Happy Birthday to Meh
Happy birthday to Meh
Happy Birthday dear Meh
Happy Birthday to yoouuuuu…
Happy Birthday
BTW, normally I’m not inclined to be a music fascist.
But for this poll, the correct answer would be “R.A.M.O.N.E.S.”
@f00l If you check your work carefully, I think you’ll find the answer is spelled P.I.L.
Best eponymous song is the theme song from the Monkees

@heartny Agreed!!
@heartny I guess I’m not the only one old enough to remember that song, which has been playing in my head most of the day. I thought the Monkees were fairly dreadful back in the day, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find that either they’ve sharpened or I’ve mellowed with age.
@gertiestn Their stuff has popped up now and then while I’m running through the stations on my satellite radio. Some of the songs actually are catchy with a good hook and fun to sing along with as I’m rocketing down the interstate.
Minor Threat, Ian MacKaye.
One of the best voices in American Punk and still keeppin it alive.
THANX Ian you helped make my teenage years Great
@elvs This is a fact.
Minor Threat, Ian MacKaye.
One of the best voices in American Punk and still keeppin it alive.
THANX Ian you helped make my teenage years Great
@elvs So nice, you posted this twice.
public image video says not available for me, Meh.
@Yoda_Daenerys Same here BUT WAIT
@Yoda_Daenerys yeah, it’s apparently blocked in the US. nevertheless, i went on my own public image listening binge on youtube.
Here are a few you missed, with the bonus that each is from a self-titled album…
Bad Company / Bad Company
Art In America / Art in America
Icehouse / Icehouse
@accumulator I loved the Art In America song. I remember being disappointed in the rest of the album though. But hey, prog rock with a harp. What could be more anti-punk?
Motorhead’s cover of R.A.M.O.N.E.S. is amazing…
… but voted for Minor Threat.
Just realized that The Ramones COVERED the Motorhead song R.A.M.O.N.E.S., not vice versa.
Yeah weird but still. Ramones.
I’d like to give it to Minor Threat but this is Meh so TMBG it is.
My favorite, Sierra, by Sierra, on their first album, Sierra. Unfortunately, with a name like theirs they are lost in any search, so good luck finding them on YouTube.
These playlists are always a treat, @jasontoon. Thanks
@borisparsley Diito McDittoface! Always worth a click or two, minimum.
Damn you, @jasontoon! This is the second time you’ve made me choose between Wilco and They Might Be Giants!! That turns these frivolous Sunday pastimes into an existential crisis. And as if that weren’t bad enough, you throw in Belle & Sebastian just to fuck with me that much more. Now I’m going to spend the next couple hours trying to decide. Poop!
In case the Belle & Sebastian link doesn’t play for others in the U.S., here’s one that does.
Blue Oyster Cult “Blue Oyster Cult”
I selected “Motörhead”, because I was not allowed music as a child. Or because they’re eponymous? I wouldn’t know.
It can be difficult, to know one’s self, to know what conspiracy of errors comprise the things that one would recognize as one’s “decisions”.
'm also maybe a little hung over.
@InnocuousFarmer because I was not allowed music as a child has to be one of the saddest things I’ve read in awhile. I hope you’ve been able to make up for it as an adult. I can’t imagine not having music in my life. It touches a part of me that nothing else seems to and it connects me to special people in my life.
@LaVikinga Ah, it was a bit of an exaggeration. Childish sing-alongs were fine, and then, later, explicitly religious music was allowed. It was only anything with reference to sex, drugs, swearing, or other unwholesomeness (i.e. pretty much all mainstream music) that was excluded.
I’ve been making up for it, to a degree. My problem these days is in finding things that I want to listen to that I haven’t already heard.
usually with these polls i usually just pick the only one i’ve kinda-sorta-maybe heard of.
but today was tough! i narrowed it down to public image, yellow balloon, and talk talk. in the end i chose talk talk just because of the glorious repetition (and it was first to get stuck in my head) but what a great list today.
Jasontoon, some great songs here, but you forgot ‘World Party’ by World Party on the album ‘World Party.’
@trex67 oops the album is ‘Private Revolution.’
I am very disappointed to see that Black Sabbath is not an option in this poll…
Rammstein, I think, has
more letters per syllable
of words seen today.
But I voted for TMBG because I like to think Frank Zappa thought they were good.
Built to Spill - Built to Spill
@miskreeta oooo nice one!