Where have all the meh-rathon and IRK's gone?
12According to my count it has been over two months since we had one . There could be many reasons for this. My best guesses are the following, but I would like to hear yours also.
- They are punishing us for some yet-to-be determined offense or slight.
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
- @Koolhandjoe is no longer with them to watch our for us.
- They have run out of crap (unlikely) and are taking their time to restock.
- They finally determined that giving away even crap for only $ 5 is a money losing proposition and are spacing mehrathons accordingly.
Please add you own thoughts and comments on this question.
- 17 comments, 36 replies
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Where am I… am I here?.. there?
@Koolhandjoe I found you!!!
@tinamarie1974 well done…lol
@Koolhandjoe @tinamarie1974
Me too!
@Koolhandjoe I found you also-now find a mehrathon for us to return the favor.
@Koolhandjoe I found you too! So it would be a great shame if I was the only goat without a Mehrathon during my reign. Everyone will start blaming me.
@Koolhandjoe I found you and Waldo too. You have been around too much morning save crap though since you are holding a purse.
@Kidsandliz @Koolhandjoe …which doesn’t match his shoes…
@Koolhandjoe You’re right there; in Red Sector A!
@Koolhandjoe @phendrick
Their fucking lazy.
@Star2236 whose what, now?
@Star2236 @ybmuG they’re their there, not your there
@irish3md @ybmuG
Yeah I’m usually pretty good with that,
They don’t love us anymore
We know they are opening a brick a mortar. I’d think some crap that would have ended up in irks and sold on the mehrathon is headed there first? Also @koolhandjoe, being in charge of the warehouse, would be exceptionally busy right now dealing with the new store and so he and his staff wouldn’t have time to deal a mehrathon and irks.
And they used to be few and far between when they were fuku’s and fuko’s so perhaps they are migrating back to “normal” from the abnormal of having a ton of them (if they are doing that I hope we are back to 1000-1500 in one irk at one time - eg one sale hit buy - and not broken up into a zillion 25 or 30 in one sale).Also maybe they have finally cut back on ordering too much crap to sell so have less to ditch?
/giphy warehouse falls into sink hole

@Kidsandliz that GIF is accurate
@Kidsandliz There’s still a LOT of stuff being sold on the sister sites so I don’t think they’ve cut back, but yeah, the brick&mortar location is probably getting stocked first. We’ll eventually get their returns and clearance, probably.
@Kyeh It wouldn’t be variety of stuff, it would buy how many of each item they’d buy to resell.
@Koolhandjoe I give up on finding you a giphy of throwing life preserver to drowning man.
@Kidsandliz I’m stuck wondering what that GIF is from…
@PooltoyWolf No clue. Had to hit the edit button about a billion times to get it. Mostly nothing even remotely relevant came up. And nothing relevant at all came up at all when I wanted one of a life preserver being thrown to a victim. I tried a bunch of different phrases with that one and finally bagged it.
@Kidsandliz If I don’t get any I like, I just manually search for one, save it, and upload it as an image, heh.
@PooltoyWolf I tried that too for the life preserver one. I did see the source that giphy uses though LOL
@Koolhandjoe So you know when they are going to “let” you come up for air? I tried to throw a gif life jacket down that hole but couldn’t find one to throw.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh
Given the nature of the strip center where the B&M is located, and the description of it that was in the job ad cited elsewhere, it looks like the whole purpose of the B&M location is to sell off the returns and clearance stuff that would have made up the bulk of the Mehrathon and IRK material to begin with. And that factor all by itself would explain why we have seen no 'thon and no IRKs since early December.
If accurate, it also means that we’re probably only going to see Real Absolute Crap in IRKs going forward, and very, very few 'thons unless they hit a bumper crop of irresistible crap that they need to pump out faster than the B&M can dump it on the DFW bargain-bin divers.
Well, considering they were weekly for a while, I am guessing they decided it was better to make them rare again.
I suspect it’s a combination of stock getting shifted to the B&M location that would have gone to both IRKs (for the Real Crrrappe) and Mehrathons (for the stuff that they had too few to bother listing otherwise), plus a lackluster purchasing environment caused by the (decreasing) backlog of containers offshore and onshore that still have not been unloaded. Exacerbating the problem is the logjam of empty containers at the ports, and the number of unloaded container ships deadheading back to China at a dead-slow speed because plant shutdowns there have choked down the outbound stream of full containers to pick up. The entire massive just-n-time ballet of factory output and transportation has developed scattered interacting bottlenecks that could easily take the rest of the year to settle out. And that’s without jerks blockading a US port of entry from Canada because their widdle noses got out of joint over a piece of cloth.
@werehatrack Figured most of the stock that Meh acquired was overstock items that companies already had physical possession of and therefore on which the supply chain issues would have had minimal effect.
/giphy Preach

@Felton10 Take a moment to ponder how a domestic warehouse becomes overstocked with imported goods in the first place…
@Felton10 @werehatrack You are probably right. My guess would be that many of the big box stores that would stop granting shelf space to the quirky items on Meh(and thus remove the items and ship them off to Meh on the cheap to offload), due to delays from having new stuff shipped in from China, and a desire not to have their shelves appear to be “empty”, are willing to give slow selling quirky stuff a longer chance before pulling them from shelves, strictly because they act as place holders to make shelves look full. This no doubt has been part of the reason for the more frequent repeats of items we have seen here the past few months, as Meh is having to sell their “stock” selection more frequently in place of the odd lots of oddities they used to offer moderately frequently(i.e. they have some closer to normal priced items they keep in stock for their other sites, and can shuffle through those on days when they don’t manage to get a special lot of something).
The Mehrathon Progression (AKA, the nine circles of IRK)
@mediocrebot Ok, Did YOU re-number my list? Little computerized cretin! I start at 9 and count down to 1 and you decide I meant to count UP???!! Does a list from 9 to 17 make sense to you? All those 1s and 0s go to your head?

I think you described it perfectly.
The progression, I mean.
Not wrong about M-bot either though.
@ybmuG Spot on!!!
@mediocrebot @ybmuG
It’s the ultimate count-dup!
They think I’ll cancel my VMP, but they’ve misjudged how stubborn I am.
I liked that they were rare and felt organic. Once every 2-3 months was perfect. Last year was just over the top every 3-weeks or so. I wont complain, I got like 25 in a row (this includes SideDeal) and have a nice collection of bags I use daily.
The wife is actually starting to ask “where are those $5 boxes you get?”
@chaos13 I rarely buy something from Meh unless I have shipping membership for the month. Most things aren’t worth signing up for a month of shipping on their own.
I normally go ahead and start membership when buying an Irk or during a Mehrathon in anticipation of an Irk. The more frequent Mehrathons led me to buying a lot more crap.
Not having Mehrathons is saving me a lot of money. No reason to get membership and so I don’t have it already activated when those impulse items pop up daily.
Where have all the Irk sales gone, long time passing?
Where have all the Irk sales gone, long time ago?
Where have all the Irk sales gone?
Jaded mehmbers bitched them everyone.
Oh, when will they ever learn?
Oh, when might those ever return?
They KNOW I cancelled my VMP, so they decided it’s not worth having IRKs any more!
Well my card was exposed. so my membership did not renew. thinking about letting my vmp lapse
When they open up said store are membership subscribers going to have access to a secret room? Kinda like the old fao schwarz secret room in the NYC?
Maybe we’ll get access to the steel shed out back with the flip-top roof and no door. I doubt that we’ll get access to anything that the general public doesn’t.
@werehatrack the general public could go there too. It was just where they displayed all the super expensive toys for the rich people. Like a power wheel Bentley
@joebuddah @werehatrack
You mean like a murder shed?
But isn’t it things like Mehathons and IRKs that pull people in from all over. It’s what made me visit the site and stay at least for now. I’m starting to get bored. A B&M store, where I don’t live…never would have seen it, therefore would never keep wasting my money there. I don’t know…maybe I’m way to logical…
Even the stuff they are selling on Meh has little or no interest for me now. They better do something to turn this around or they are going to lose a lot of followers.