Wacky Packages for me. I’m sure I’m dating myself.
Not at all. Wacky Packages have been re-born so many times, that it’s impossible tp extrapolate a person’s age based merely on his/her affinity for Wacky Packages:
Now @aetris on the other hand, gave away too much by attaching an image. Based on the specific logos that are lampooned, it strongly suggests these particular stickers go back as least as far as the 70’s.
@jsh139@lseeber I graduated class of 1998. Our area was always a few years behind the trends due to our location and lack of media with most of us having no cable. I grew up with micro machines, the original NES, and ninja turtles and wouldn’t trade it for anything
/giphy 80’s kid
@jsh139@tnhillbillygal Na… you’re way younger than me then. I think there was something you said in another thread at some point that gave me that impression. But I was apparently off base, lol. You’re the same age as one of my daughters.
I had an awesome car eraser collection. I discovered if you stuck enough staples in the bottom of them, they would just glide over the desktop. We used to race them in class.
I was a kid long ago - my prized school possession was a leather satchel, with a shoulder strap. Just one slushy Chicago winter pretty much did that in.
/giphy satchel slush
@stolicat I love this gif. That’s a local Philly reporter named Steve Keeley. I can’t stand listening to him, therefore my love for watching him get plowed.
I was thinking lunch box (I had a Flipper and a Hot Wheels). But as @cinoclav mentioned, a Tot-50 stapler and a good eraser could make an excellent desktop racer even if it wasn’t car shaped.
But the best thing of all was not mine, it was something a friend had. An olive drab pencil case with military patches and rank insignia from his father and uncles sewn on it. He had it all through grade school. I thought that was the coolest thing ever.
Ah, school life before mobiles and hand held games.
@blaineg thanks. No matter how many times I try to look at it, it still starts to form in the same place. It’s tripping me out that it isn’t actually a magic eye.
@ZeroCharisma I got the magic eye thing to work. It shows… stuff. Stuff that shouldn’t be shown. Not at a family place like this, anyway. I will never be the same.
@blaineg@RiotDemon My Compositions books from Middle and High School. Filled with ideas, stories and drawings the likes of which would, for a a modern student, would lead to an expulsion and psychiatric evaluation.
When I was a kid, these plaid book bags were de rigueur! Mine was blue and green/ shoulder strap and it was the beginning of what would become a lifelong shoulder bag fetish!
@lakertaylor13 My lunch bag from when I was in Junior High. It is purple, and I am a guy. I liked the color and I think it was on sale. I got made fun of for the color, but I just ignored it and eventually they stopped. I was one of the only kids that brought a sack lunch too.
@lakertaylor13 this was my first time commenting a picture, so there is just a random H under the picture. Also, I did not know you can’t edit your picture or caption after a few minutes. About the bag pack: This is my last backpack I used from Sophomore year of high school through five years of college. Still holding up even heavy high school books and even heavier college textbooks.
Found it! I think it has an identity crisis. That looks like it’s supposed to be Mt. Fuji, it’s stamped as a Chinatown souvenir, and on the back it says “Made in Japan”.
@blaineg it was updated a few days ago because if you didn’t remove the s from https, the photos didn’t show up for anyone except the person that posted. They enabled the embed function so now it’ll work, but it added the white framing that imgur has.
I had a baseball-game lunchbox - it had a spinner to determine the play, and magnetic pieces to represent baserunners. It also had a spot to wire in the scores - if you did it in pencil it could be easily erased.
My TI-85 calculator. Not because I was a nerd (I was, but hear my out), but because of all the games it played. It had a completely kick ass version of Tetris. Also, I figured out how to program it to use as a chat device with another calculator so I could chat secretly in class.
Pogs. I know it’s not technically a “school related” item, but, really, it was. That’s the only place anyone cared about them, and school is the only reason I had any.
/image pog and slammer
The spiral notebook with the growing collection of stickers on the cover. Especially the scratch-and-sniff ones…
@shahnm A spiral notebook, but with micro-perforated pages, so you got a clean edge when you tore a page out, instead of the usual ragged mess.
Wait, that was probably college, does that count?
@shahnm Wacky Packages for me. I’m sure I’m dating myself.
@pitamuffin @shahnm
Not at all. Wacky Packages have been re-born so many times, that it’s impossible tp extrapolate a person’s age based merely on his/her affinity for Wacky Packages:
Now @aetris on the other hand, gave away too much by attaching an image. Based on the specific logos that are lampooned, it strongly suggests these particular stickers go back as least as far as the 70’s.
My trapper keeper with the handy zipper pouch inside to keep my Alf cards and garbage pail kid stickers.
/giphy yes
@jsh139 @tnhillbillygal hmmm… for some reason I was thinking you were closer to my age but now I’m guessing not, lol! My kids had trapper keepers.
@jsh139 @lseeber I graduated class of 1998. Our area was always a few years behind the trends due to our location and lack of media with most of us having no cable. I grew up with micro machines, the original NES, and ninja turtles and wouldn’t trade it for anything
/giphy 80’s kid
@lseeber @tnhillbillygal Class of 1994 here. Loved my Trapper Keeper and Garbage Pail Kids.
@jsh139 @tnhillbillygal Na… you’re way younger than me then. I think there was something you said in another thread at some point that gave me that impression. But I was apparently off base, lol. You’re the same age as one of my daughters.
I had an awesome car eraser collection. I discovered if you stuck enough staples in the bottom of them, they would just glide over the desktop. We used to race them in class.
@cinoclav I had a couple of those erasers, too!
@cinoclav Erasers that look like cars, cool! I once helped my daughter build a car that looked like an eraser for the Pinewood Derby.
@cinoclav @macromeh that is so great!!
@cinoclav Back when “Desktop” had a different meaning. Simpler times.
@heartny Oh, yeah.
My Frito Bandito pencil eraser
@mfladd I forgot I had one of those!
My Pee Chee folders? They had info inside that was pretty handy AND they were a perfect scribble/coloring pad. Also, they were very cheap.
I had a Marvell hero lunch box, because DC was so lame. RIP Stan Lee. You brightened this kid’s lunchtime every day.
I was a latch key kid. I was so proud when mom and dad gave me my first house key. I was the only kid in my classroom that had a key to their house.
Yes, I’m old, dammit. Now be quiet, I’m trying to sleep.
@Barney You sure it wasn’t more like this?
@mfladd And you are how old?
@Barney Old enough to know when not to answer a question
(but old enough to remember this show )
@Barney @mfladd You bet your bipee! (or is it bippee?)
A Sonic the Hedgehog trapper keeper.
I had the pen with four colors of ink. Yeah, I’ll say it.
@katbyter I was always jealous of those.
@katbyter I still do, it’s just a lot more expensive. On the other hand, it also writes every time I pick it up.
Definitely the Bic 4-color pen:
But we also had a craze at one point for Diener rubber hippo erasers:
Just the hippos, though there was a pelican-admiral I always thought was cool.
I was a kid long ago - my prized school possession was a leather satchel, with a shoulder strap. Just one slushy Chicago winter pretty much did that in.
/giphy satchel slush
@stolicat I love this gif. That’s a local Philly reporter named Steve Keeley. I can’t stand listening to him, therefore my love for watching him get plowed.
@cinoclav @stolicat I love how he keeps on going though.
I was thinking lunch box (I had a Flipper and a Hot Wheels). But as @cinoclav mentioned, a Tot-50 stapler and a good eraser could make an excellent desktop racer even if it wasn’t car shaped.
But the best thing of all was not mine, it was something a friend had. An olive drab pencil case with military patches and rank insignia from his father and uncles sewn on it. He had it all through grade school. I thought that was the coolest thing ever.
Ah, school life before mobiles and hand held games.
@duodec AKA real life
@ZeroCharisma is that a magic eye? I start to see something, but then it goes away.
@RiotDemon @ZeroCharisma Notebook cover, to my eyes. But yea, it has the look of a magic eye pattern.
@blaineg thanks. No matter how many times I try to look at it, it still starts to form in the same place. It’s tripping me out that it isn’t actually a magic eye.
@ZeroCharisma I think this QR code is broken - I can’t get it to scan.
@ZeroCharisma I got the magic eye thing to work. It shows… stuff. Stuff that shouldn’t be shown. Not at a family place like this, anyway. I will never be the same.
@blaineg @RiotDemon My Compositions books from Middle and High School. Filled with ideas, stories and drawings the likes of which would, for a a modern student, would lead to an expulsion and psychiatric evaluation.
When I was a kid, these plaid book bags were de rigueur! Mine was blue and green/ shoulder strap and it was the beginning of what would become a lifelong shoulder bag fetish!
@lakertaylor13 My lunch bag from when I was in Junior High. It is purple, and I am a guy. I liked the color and I think it was on sale. I got made fun of for the color, but I just ignored it and eventually they stopped. I was one of the only kids that brought a sack lunch too.
@lakertaylor13 I love purple.
@Barney Yeah you do!
@lakertaylor13 this was my first time commenting a picture, so there is just a random H under the picture. Also, I did not know you can’t edit your picture or caption after a few minutes. About the bag pack: This is my last backpack I used from Sophomore year of high school through five years of college. Still holding up even heavy high school books and even heavier college textbooks.
I never took it to school because it was a treasure, but a wood roll top pencil box, like this.
Mine has a Japanese looking print. Still have it somewhere.
@blaineg I wouldn’t have taken it to school either!
@blaineg @mehbee My sister had one of those, she never took it to school. I would’ve, and then lost in the snow. Probably why they never gave me one.
@blaineg 99% sure Japan never had elephants
Found it! I think it has an identity crisis. That looks like it’s supposed to be Mt. Fuji, it’s stamped as a Chinatown souvenir, and on the back it says “Made in Japan”.
Hmm, has Imgur changed something? I’ve never seen the frame and ad before.
@blaineg it was updated a few days ago because if you didn’t remove the s from https, the photos didn’t show up for anyone except the person that posted. They enabled the embed function so now it’ll work, but it added the white framing that imgur has.
@blaineg Oh lordy, I forgot about those (apparently it wasn’t prized). But I think mine were metal.
I had a baseball-game lunchbox - it had a spinner to determine the play, and magnetic pieces to represent baserunners. It also had a spot to wire in the scores - if you did it in pencil it could be easily erased.
I had the coolest pocket protector at the nerd table
Steve Canyon! Including the matching thermos (that lasted a week, until you dropped it and the glass inside shattered).
@notthesamplejet I still have flashbacks about the sound a glass thermos makes when you drop it.
My TI-85 calculator. Not because I was a nerd (I was, but hear my out), but because of all the games it played. It had a completely kick ass version of Tetris. Also, I figured out how to program it to use as a chat device with another calculator so I could chat secretly in class.
depends on the age - i definitely have had the following treasured school related items through the years:
also, these:
if you lost one of the pieces you were screwed
@jerk_nugget Oh yea, I remember trying to make something to fill up the gap so I could keep using it.
Definitely my art gum eraser. It was like Silly Putty but I was allowed to have it in class!
Pogs. I know it’s not technically a “school related” item, but, really, it was. That’s the only place anyone cared about them, and school is the only reason I had any.
/image pog and slammer
My fancy pants Jansport backpack with the leather bottom so I wouldn’t beat it to hell in one year.
My school system banned the “Trapper Keeper” notebooks for some strange reason. So I wanted one.
But when I got to high school and procured a pilfered elevator key from an A/V buddy…all was well in my little world again.
I had a sweet Jansport bag. And a Trapper Keeper.
And y’all look like you need scribedelivery in your lives.
I’m sorry, @ChadP, you must complete an AMA before posting sketchy links.
@therealjrn Have I not done an AMA?
@ChadP Did you?
@therealjrn Probably somewhere along the line.
@therealjrn Sketchy link: instantregretkit.com
/giphy sketchy link
@medz @therealjrn That’s…weird.