Have been waiting for this landmark event to take place. The anticipation is killing me (and by killing me I mean I'm mildly curious and like the idea of buying some decent stuff for a great deal)!
"When is the mehrathon" is about to be paired up with " how do I cancel my VMP?" as the tag team champions of the world for the most asked and annoying questions in the forum.
Consider the reality of a Mehrathon. Do you really want to sit around and watch speaker dock after speaker dock come up for sale and take forever to sell out?
Soon. Soon. There were no bids on eBay, so...
@nadroj Frantically tries to find another of this week's most popular culturally relevant internet images ...I got nothin'.
@nadroj Greece is on Indiegogo... it is not going well. https://www.indiegogo.com/greek-bailout-fund.html
Your guess is as good as mine.

probs gotta say the secret word (and it's probs not "bath")
Well it shouldn't happen this weekend... I mean the meh staff need to go blow things up, not worry about logistics and webcode or what not. :D
@thismyusername We do, however, need video. Especially drone video.
When is the next fuckubro? That's what I want to know lol
@catman25 I would imagine a fuck u bro is under your control... just sayin'
"When is the mehrathon" is about to be paired up with " how do I cancel my VMP?" as the tag team champions of the world for the most asked and annoying questions in the forum.
Yes, yes, but when is it?
@miko1 26.2
The Mehrathon will occur when 100% of customers sign up for VMP
The Mehathon happens when every member signs up ten more active members
@Foxborn amehway?
@tedesj basicly
@Foxborn More active than what? Your average houseplant?
Consider the reality of a Mehrathon. Do you really want to sit around and watch speaker dock after speaker dock come up for sale and take forever to sell out?