@awk@thismyusername Why would I need more gadgets in my house to worry about? We have 4 laptops, 1 desktop, 3 kindles and all the other stuff. A phone is just another distraction (don't have a landline either). People can always e-mail me and I will reply eventually. If I am not home - well, that's their problem.
@Pinky@djslack Another wipe-it-on-a-tshirt here. Granted, it also depends on what I'm wearing; if it's a good shirt, then I'll hold off until I have something I care less about.
I bought that Monster screen cleaner last time it was up for sale. I am impressed how well it cleaned my laptop screen, phone, and my husband's dirt-encrusted laptop.
Why is there no "I don't have a phone" option?
@serpent everyone look at the statistical outlier!
@serpent because that's just a more specific "never" 👎
@serpent stares at the no-phone guy
@serpent How do you check what's on Meh.com?

@Lotsofgoats But I probably would've cleaned it if I had it! I don't like dirty screens.
@PocketBrain On my laptop.
@awk @thismyusername Why would I need more gadgets in my house to worry about? We have 4 laptops, 1 desktop, 3 kindles and all the other stuff. A phone is just another distraction (don't have a landline either). People can always e-mail me and I will reply eventually. If I am not home - well, that's their problem.
@Thumperchick A person that can't be contacted 24/7 is sure spooky nowadays. Thankfully I don't need a phone for work, so I am fine.
So my question still stands. I am sure it could be considered some sort of discrimination in our day and age.
@serpent you clearly fall into the "never" category.
@serpent you will join us one day... join us one day... one day...
does wiping it on my jean-clad leg count?
@Pinky I was going to say t-shirt, but yes, this.
@Pinky @djslack Another wipe-it-on-a-tshirt here. Granted, it also depends on what I'm wearing; if it's a good shirt, then I'll hold off until I have something I care less about.
@Pinky I prefer a t-shirt and a little bit of spit if it's really bad. As an additional benefit no one ever borrows my phone.
What screen?
Rubbing around inside my pocket seems to keep mine pretty much spotless.
I OCD-level-wipe mine on something after pretty much every use. Occasionally I breathe on it first.
(My glasses are a different story however... whenever I get around to cleaning my glasses it's like somebody washed literally everything.)
I bought that Monster screen cleaner last time it was up for sale. I am impressed how well it cleaned my laptop screen, phone, and my husband's dirt-encrusted laptop.
nothing to say about it, since i've never tried it