When dreams turn into cold cream
10Going back just one week, @mikibell posted what at first glance seemed a little creepy. He was dreaming about @shawn and me (post link).
After learning that our appearance in the dream helped @mikibell solve an issue I asked for a pint as a reward. To our utter surprise, today became pint day. Yes, 4 beautiful pints of creamy deliciousness, that are probably being fought for with weaponry as I type this, arrived frozen and ready to gorge upon.
I'm sure many people have dreamed about @shawn and me in the past (probably lots of nightmares) but none had led to a windfall of ice cream pints.
Oh glorious day here at Mehdiocre (yes we're easily amused and won over by treats). Huge thanks @mikibell for being so much more than mediocre to us Mediocre folks. We don't deserve it and probably will never return the favor.
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Wow, thanks @mikibell. Really sweet of you to send over some ice cream. If I had a way to bump you to the front of the Fukubukuro line I'd totally do it.
@shawn Please just have a fukubukuro soon.. I misplaced my credit card and I am waiting to replace it until the Fukubukuro is over :) I hope you all enjoyed the ice cream. And I am just going to leave that image alone -- no comment :)
Cone man the barbarian?
@KDemo Ssssssssssssss
Does it seem less creepy if I remind you I am a she, not a he ..and not in the Caitlyn s/he way?
@mikibell I thought it was just me. I was torn between creepy and cute, so I just left it alone. I don't know if the she factor makes it better, or not.
@mfladd hehehe I think it is my admiration for their amazing skills with this site that made them take over my remote in that dream ;) Ask me about mainframes, I can figure those out -- ask me about websites, I got nothing!!
@mikibell So sorry, I done got your gender all mixed up. I promise not to make that mistake again.....unless you pull a reverse Caitlyn on us.
@mikibell oh and I never was actually creeped out, I thought the whole dream thing to be quite entertaining.......male or female.
@denboy no worries @ all! Did you get your fair share of ice cream?
@mikibell and just so you know the creepy/cute comment I gave is about that ice cream picture Shawn posted - it is like special victims crime in the freezer section.
@mikibell not yet, but I checked before I left and I'm setup for Monday.....barring any covert weekend office missions.
@denboy save me some for my next trip to Dallas
@shawn Maybe I can hide it or put a threatening note on it. It's a tough assignment I'd say but I'll try.
@shawn I am sorry..I remembered you lived elsewhere after I sent the pints..
@mikibell no worries. I'm in Dallas frequently
@mfladd Cone molestation?
@mfladd I figure what I was thinking would make @shawn blush.. that is why I didn't make a comment ;)