The housekeeper comes in every other week for a top-to-bottom cleaning (3 stories). In between, the robots vacuum a couple times a week.
When I cook (which is most of the time), I usually clean up right after the meal rather than let things pile up.
Now for the general clutter - that is usually only a once-a-month-or-so undertaking.
No comprende.
Before company comes over
Whenever the entropy is sufficient to overcome the lethargy.
As soon as the barrel has enough rain water in it.
After The 3rd Blue moon in a odd year.
Stop judging me!
/image ain’t nobody got time for that
What month is this?
/giphy What is this cleaning of which you speak?
Well, it’s just going to get dirty again so just do it all at once right before selling the house. You only have 24 hours in a day, use them wisely.
Once a month, whether it needs it or not.
When I’m in the mood or when company is coming.
The wife calls the maid whenever she wants.
About every 2-3 weeks I clean the whole house but I clean daily.
The housekeeper comes in every other week for a top-to-bottom cleaning (3 stories). In between, the robots vacuum a couple times a week.
When I cook (which is most of the time), I usually clean up right after the meal rather than let things pile up.
Now for the general clutter - that is usually only a once-a-month-or-so undertaking.
Ten minutes before someone whose opinion matters to me comes over
Well, unfortunately we have roaches, so I clean every night, and it’s a pretty deep clean. Anything to keep those nasty critters away.
Clean… what?
@pakopako Your junk?
@pakopako @yakkoTDI
Not that kind of junk (smirk)
I try not to really.
The cleaning lady comes every three weeks!