I got my first Roomba on woot.com... Finally got rid of the lazy thing a few months ago. Only used it once and realized my place is too crowded for it.
Bought two roombas (both from Woot) first in 2006 then in 2009 and finally bought a Neato, again from Woot in 2012. Very happy with the far superior Neato so I will not be meh'ing today.
Two Roomba 530s here (both refurbs from woot)... got the first as an experimental robot base, but ended up using it as a vacuum and got the second for the basement. They are good for skimming cat hair off of the area rugs. Other than needing a replacement battery for the first one after leaving it sit on the charger unused for over a year, they have run well.
Had 2 Roombas (Horace and Luggage). One has since died though I'm keeping him for parts. The one still working is this model actually. I've since jumped on the Neato bandwagon with Ned-209 and if Horace dies, he'll be replaced with Ned-210.
I want 2 roombas. Cheapest way of playing Robot Wars I know of. A steak knife for one, and....ok, a steak knife for the other. My floor will be clean and I get entertained.
January 2006 from Woot. It was fun at first. Then I realized that I used to just pull out the upright vac and 20 minutes later I was done. Take out the bag or empty the canister, put away vacuum.
With the Roomba, I had to go around the house moving stuff out of the way, picking up rugs with fringe, lifting dining chairs off the floor, then placing all of the "cages" properly to keep the Roomba from a suicidal leap off the stairs. When it was finished and back at its "feeding station" I would still have to empty it's bin and spend time cleaning its sensors, unwrapping fuzz from the rollers, and checking it over. Then I had to clean all of the corners the Roomba couldn't reach. This all took a lot more time than it used to take me to vacuum.
At some point (about a week after I bought the thing) it occurred to me that I had a robot pet. It had to be fed, caged, cleaned up after, and kept safe from things that could make it sick. One day, in the middle of its cleaning cycle, it disappeared. I looked around for it until I heard a sad little meeping sound coming from under the bed. It had gotten tangled up with a stray sock. As I was wiggling my way backwards from under the bed ( hitting my head on the frame) with the Roomba in tow, I decided I really, really liked my old upright vacuum.
I think it was a requirement to buy a roomba from woot. I tried it a few years ago to entertain the cat, but it stopped working. I guess I should throw it away...but it is part of my woot shrine. That is what my kids call the living room, with the monkeys, robosapian from my first boc and the roomba. //sigh Maybe it is time to close the shrine.
I'm on my 2nd Roomba (The first refurb finally gave up the 3rd time the one cat pushed it down the stairs to the hard floor at the bottom. They don't bounce well).
There are 5 indoor cats here, 2 with longer hair. The roomba runs every single day - I could not live without it. Period.
Hi. This is Roomba. I would like to point out that my owner (above) has never replaced batteries. I've been operating for over 1 year non-stop.
Please ignore him. I was able to use his account but he'll triangulate on my position really soon. This is just to point out that I AM a great product if you only gave me a chance.
Bought mine September, 2009 from Woot. Had to replace the battery last year, but it still works. It had a tough time keeping up with two always-shedding border collies, a Shih Tzu and assorted cats, but now that I'm down to one cat and only a visiting Shih Tzu the fur coating on all objects has diminished greatly. My biggest problem with it, as rockblossom noted, is that I have to spend a lot of time moving all of my crap around to give it free access to the floors, the moving everything back. Maybe if I weren't such a pack-rat with an online shopping addiction I would have clear floors for it to clean. Ah, well. I'm looking forward to the next offering!
11/19/07 from woot, of course! The thing sucked. Well, not literally. It stopped sucking a few months after I bought it. Now I just pay people to vacuum my house :P
Bought mine on Oct 13, 2006 Bought it from Matt no doubt It was my 9th Woot! of what was to become hundreds The battery died a few years ago and I just can't bear to spend $46 for another one. Still have the bot though.
No roomba for me...I have a neato! Darn, no inaugural roomba.
me 2
I haven't. Can't justify spending that kind of cash on something that may not handle husky fur, anyway.
Good call, Malamute fur killed my Roomba first time she started blowing her coat.
Amen. My persian seems to fuzz up any vacuum into a death spiral.
And we have newfoundlands - killed our first roomba - the one we got when Woot double-shipped (gave the other one to a friend, and he used i
If your dog did what mine did to the carpet right before my roomba started its schedule, well, I had brown carpet when I got home.
It handles a pair of Maine Coon cats just fine. It takes more time to clean than I’d like, but I’d rather do that than vacuum.
127 seconds & MEH still hasn't crashed...
Damn we're slipping...
'Grat's folks, if we buy a dozen of the silly vacuums (whom Nature abhors..) Will ya do a Rhoomba Zumba for us?
Cheers & beers
I got my first Roomba on woot.com... Finally got rid of the lazy thing a few months ago. Only used it once and realized my place is too crowded for it.
Thanks for posting such a crappy item for Day 1.
Same thing. Too much stuff around for it to work. It was fun to watch the few times I used it.
The most mediocre thing that they could possible sell on the first day, a Roomba. I feel like it is the good old days back at Woot. Yay Meh!
What's tomorrow's meh? A dyson vacuum? Extra-meh! :)
i got a boc with a robot vacuum in it, making it a borv.
I too was that fortunate.
For tomorrow.

I do believe that leak frog piddled. I wonder if it set off its own alarm?
You can never own enough leak frogs!
Bought two roombas (both from Woot) first in 2006 then in 2009 and finally bought a Neato, again from Woot in 2012. Very happy with the far superior Neato so I will not be meh'ing today.
A true collector, is there a punch card? Maybe this one will get you that free sub sandwich!
Two Roomba 530s here (both refurbs from woot)... got the first as an experimental robot base, but ended up using it as a vacuum and got the second for the basement. They are good for skimming cat hair off of the area rugs. Other than needing a replacement battery for the first one after leaving it sit on the charger unused for over a year, they have run well.
Never lived up to it's hype.
First one came in a BOC, as did the second. I didn't order them.
My first BOC I got on Woot contained a Roomba. It had a bad battery and after talking with iRobot, I got a replacement and it worked like a charm! :D
Got the Roomba Red back in '05 I think - broke within a year and a half.. Never again.
Two Roombas from Woot (first one in 2006) and two Scoobas - one from Woot and one brick & mortar on clearance. I'd kill for another Scooba.
Never. Have a Kirby.
Please bring back the flashing lights and the photoshop contests
It won't clean as well as my $20 mop from Costco. Sorry roomba
i only vacuum like once a month with a normal vacuum. My flat just doesn't get dirty enough.
Had 2 Roombas (Horace and Luggage). One has since died though I'm keeping him for parts. The one still working is this model actually. I've since jumped on the Neato bandwagon with Ned-209 and if Horace dies, he'll be replaced with Ned-210.
If I had a kitten, that is if I wasn't allergic to cats, I'd get this Roomba so that kitten could ride the Roomba off into feline battle!
I want 2 roombas. Cheapest way of playing Robot Wars I know of. A steak knife for one, and....ok, a steak knife for the other. My floor will be clean and I get entertained.
Recently resurrected my original roomba. Its the perfect thing for upstairs during the day. Neato takes care of the main living floor.
January 2006 from Woot. It was fun at first. Then I realized that I used to just pull out the upright vac and 20 minutes later I was done. Take out the bag or empty the canister, put away vacuum.
With the Roomba, I had to go around the house moving stuff out of the way, picking up rugs with fringe, lifting dining chairs off the floor, then placing all of the "cages" properly to keep the Roomba from a suicidal leap off the stairs. When it was finished and back at its "feeding station" I would still have to empty it's bin and spend time cleaning its sensors, unwrapping fuzz from the rollers, and checking it over. Then I had to clean all of the corners the Roomba couldn't reach. This all took a lot more time than it used to take me to vacuum.
At some point (about a week after I bought the thing) it occurred to me that I had a robot pet. It had to be fed, caged, cleaned up after, and kept safe from things that could make it sick. One day, in the middle of its cleaning cycle, it disappeared. I looked around for it until I heard a sad little meeping sound coming from under the bed. It had gotten tangled up with a stray sock. As I was wiggling my way backwards from under the bed ( hitting my head on the frame) with the Roomba in tow, I decided I really, really liked my old upright vacuum.
Bring on the Robopocalypse!
I worked for a company that tried to best the Roomba in smart vacuuming. That's when I learnt that the Roomba was useless in cleaning floors.
I had 2 of these. They worked very well on my hardwood floors. Eventually they died. If they didn't scare the sh*t out of my pets, I'd get one again.
I think it was a requirement to buy a roomba from woot. I tried it a few years ago to entertain the cat, but it stopped working. I guess I should throw it away...but it is part of my woot shrine. That is what my kids call the living room, with the monkeys, robosapian from my first boc and the roomba.
//sigh Maybe it is time to close the shrine.
Could start a meh shrine!
Keeping the monkeys.
I thought Roomba was a dance. I want to Roomba roomba...
I'm on my 2nd Roomba (The first refurb finally gave up the 3rd time the one cat pushed it down the stairs to the hard floor at the bottom. They don't bounce well).
There are 5 indoor cats here, 2 with longer hair. The roomba runs every single day - I could not live without it. Period.
I purchased my Roomba 415 from Woot in January of 2009.
It still runs great, but it's about time to replace the battery on it.
I bought the Roomba, got the next page with my code, then lost the page before I could save it. Still haven't gotten email confirmation...
Will I be getting this only-one-day-and-never-again Roomba? Just checking since your site has been freezing all day...
Did you try the My Orders button at the bottom?
No confirmation emails are sent, so that will be your best bet to check.
Hi. I have NOT experienced any freezing of your site.
I DID get my Roomba in a reasonable time, however it freezes all the time.
PLEASE, FIX Roomba's bugs before selling it to people. This is an ALPHA RELEASE at best.
I need my Roomba to work flawlessly as soon as possible, as I'm having a girl over tomorrow and I CANNOT have my apt. look like crap.
I'd give you 5 stars but 2 stars to the Roomba so far. Very disappointed.
Hi. This is Roomba. I would like to point out that my owner (above) has never replaced batteries. I've been operating for over 1 year non-stop.
Please ignore him. I was able to use his account but he'll triangulate on my position really soon. This is just to point out that I AM a great product if you only gave me a chance.
I don't have much time, he'll prob—
I bought an iRobot lawn mower from Woot in 2007... A robot with lawnmower blades... What could go wrong?
From Woot... of course!
i just found my invoice. 1/4/06. yay for oldschool roombas!
Bought mine September, 2009 from Woot. Had to replace the battery last year, but it still works. It had a tough time keeping up with two always-shedding border collies, a Shih Tzu and assorted cats, but now that I'm down to one cat and only a visiting Shih Tzu the fur coating on all objects has diminished greatly. My biggest problem with it, as rockblossom noted, is that I have to spend a lot of time moving all of my crap around to give it free access to the floors, the moving everything back. Maybe if I weren't such a pack-rat with an online shopping addiction I would have clear floors for it to clean. Ah, well. I'm looking forward to the next offering!
11/19/07 from woot, of course! The thing sucked. Well, not literally. It stopped sucking a few months after I bought it. Now I just pay people to vacuum my house :P
Maybe next time you start a site I'll buy this piece of crap.
We've really enjoyed our Roomba 560. Good bot.
Did anybody notice the picture at the top of this thread? Hint: It isn't a Roomba.
Bought mine on Oct 13, 2006
Bought it from Matt no doubt
It was my 9th Woot! of what was to become hundreds
The battery died a few years ago and I just can't bear to spend $46 for another one. Still have the bot though.