/giphy goat drunk
Two beers and a shot of larceny bourbon so far and I’m not done. I’m about 115 lbs. I get loopy fast. You’re pretty lucky if there’s no typos here. Am I a drunk alcoholic yet? Should it be a goal?
@DrunkCat holy mother of pearl! now i just have to see if the BK across the street has it. just get rid of the bread and you’ve got a fairly healthy meal that should get me all the way to dinner.
@carl669 They discontinued it for a little bit because of pansies by they’ve brought it back under Supreme Breakfast Sandwich. I’ve never been happier.
@f00l They’re clearly trilopods. Or maybe some sort of flower. Aliens! Or maybe it’s those weird Koosh things from the 90s – weren’t those called water weenies? Nope. I know what it is. Football stadiums. What was the question again?
So don’t let your pot plants smoke. Unless they go outside first. And no getting around this by letting your pot plants vape indoors either. You gotta train 'em.
Doing a century ride is nothing. I actually know/am related to someone so mentally fragile that she does 2-3 ironmans a year.
Let me tell you, as I know this person well and am devoted to her, it is all so very painful to watch her disintegrate. And I must (since I care about her deeply), think up new dis-affirmations and discouragements every day to text her as a forms of family support for long-term sanity. This is far harder, and more strenuous and traumatic for us than some superfit healthnut’s race training is to them.
We’ve managed to put her into such a bad and fitness-dissonate headspace that she only trains 2-3 hours daily. So we’re making progress.
We always make sure there is a remote control hidden in her gear, to remind her that she will always be welcome on the couch, if she ever cleans up her act and makes some proper amends for being so damned superior. I only hope that she, and you, and other similarly deranged persons can someday appreciate the harm you’ve caused to The People Of Walmart and our kin.
@f00l I try to do a century each year and I did one a few weeks ago and, at least for me, a century is not nothing. I freely admit that an ironman is more, even a lot more. But to all you century riders - feel free to feel good about it. (And you may find the 8 hour, arthritis strength Tylenol will help your knees and not to bad for you kidneys)
I only have one teensy little bad habit. I’m happy to tell idiots that they’re, well, idiots. One of these days, one of them is going to take it personally. At least I hope they do.
Eating like crap, definitely. Got me a sweet tooth like crazy. I also have a tendency to drink way too much. Oh, and I get stressed and anxious pretty easily, which is why I drink. I do get plenty of sleep, usually. Probably too much. That’s another problem.
Everything but the drinking and smoking (I do partake of both, but only occasionally, and in small quantities). Also I don’t take proper care of my mental health, which I probably ought to start doing now that I’m married, huh?
It’s midnight Meh, of course I don’t get enough sleep. So worth it!!!

@rhcurry02 you don’t need sleep. Sleep is a lie!
We’ll all sleep when we’re dead!!
/giphy goat drunk

Two beers and a shot of larceny bourbon so far and I’m not done. I’m about 115 lbs. I get loopy fast. You’re pretty lucky if there’s no typos here. Am I a drunk alcoholic yet? Should it be a goal?
@shortman /giphy goat drunk
@shortman I did that wrong but tried to fix it, Yay for challenges!
@DrunkCat yummy!
@DrunkCat How do you not take a nap afterwards at work? Wait, do you nap at work?
@DrunkCat holy mother of pearl! now i just have to see if the BK across the street has it. just get rid of the bread and you’ve got a fairly healthy meal that should get me all the way to dinner.
@carl669 They discontinued it for a little bit because of pansies by they’ve brought it back under Supreme Breakfast Sandwich. I’ve never been happier.
Whoops, guess I should’ve clicked the “two or more of the above” option. I’ll blame lack of sleep.
I’m glad there was a “Two or more of the above” option. I was having trouble picking my worst of the worst health habits.
@heartny so you also have a problem w/ indecisiveness?
@elimanningface Maybe. I’m not sure.
I stare for far too long each day at the Australian $5 bill.
What exactly are those weirdo yellow bug-looking things? Drunk-till-plastered Australians?
@f00l They’re clearly trilopods. Or maybe some sort of flower. Aliens! Or maybe it’s those weird Koosh things from the 90s – weren’t those called water weenies? Nope. I know what it is. Football stadiums. What was the question again?
The Q:
How long will it take us to get as drunk as your average Aussie?
Time to start training.
@f00l That’s not really fair. I’ll never catch them. It’s like asking how long before I’m the same age as my grandpa! He’ll always be older!
From Byron, “Andrea Del Sarto”
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp,
Or what’s a heaven for?”
/giphy Aussie drunk

@capguncowboy until he dies, then you have a chance to catch him
Sure, I’ll tell you my worst habit, ya narcs!
Aw, just introduce us to your worst habit at the next Burning Man. We’ll show your ours if you’ll show us yours too.
/giphy show and tell

@f00l I’ve actually got a handle on it right now because my wife says pot smoke’s bad for babies or something.
So don’t let your pot plants smoke. Unless they go outside first. And no getting around this by letting your pot plants vape indoors either. You gotta train 'em.
I think mine is not listening to my body when it says “quit biking or you’re going to regret this in the morning” and just saying “shut up knees”
I’m signed up for a century in three weeks so let’s see if my legs hurt so much I can’t operate the clutch in my car on the drive back home
Doing a century ride is nothing. I actually know/am related to someone so mentally fragile that she does 2-3 ironmans a year.
Let me tell you, as I know this person well and am devoted to her, it is all so very painful to watch her disintegrate. And I must (since I care about her deeply), think up new dis-affirmations and discouragements every day to text her as a forms of family support for long-term sanity. This is far harder, and more strenuous and traumatic for us than some superfit healthnut’s race training is to them.
We’ve managed to put her into such a bad and fitness-dissonate headspace that she only trains 2-3 hours daily. So we’re making progress.
We always make sure there is a remote control hidden in her gear, to remind her that she will always be welcome on the couch, if she ever cleans up her act and makes some proper amends for being so damned superior. I only hope that she, and you, and other similarly deranged persons can someday appreciate the harm you’ve caused to The People Of Walmart and our kin.
@f00l, @minivanmegafun you’re both weird but being weird isn’t a bad habit or all that unhealthy so it’s okay.
@f00l I try to do a century each year and I did one a few weeks ago and, at least for me, a century is not nothing. I freely admit that an ironman is more, even a lot more. But to all you century riders - feel free to feel good about it. (And you may find the 8 hour, arthritis strength Tylenol will help your knees and not to bad for you kidneys)

Don’t mind me …
/giphy troublemaker
I only have one teensy little bad habit. I’m happy to tell idiots that they’re, well, idiots. One of these days, one of them is going to take it personally. At least I hope they do.
Me first?
/giphy hope springs eternal

@f00l I think that giphy is going to cause me to have a seizure. Yikes.
Can’t help self.
/giphy idiot

Yeah. Again.
@f00l Richards has never performed the song live on tour . . . Such a shame. Great song.
My life. Even if the things I keep having to come down from often are unrelated to alcohol, drugs, sex, or rock and roll.
Eating like crap, definitely. Got me a sweet tooth like crazy. I also have a tendency to drink way too much. Oh, and I get stressed and anxious pretty easily, which is why I drink. I do get plenty of sleep, usually. Probably too much. That’s another problem.
Way too much sugar…
Everything but the drinking and smoking (I do partake of both, but only occasionally, and in small quantities). Also I don’t take proper care of my mental health, which I probably ought to start doing now that I’m married, huh?
/giphy sleepless gaming dipper

@thejackalope Not really related to my bad habits… but couldn’t pass it up!
/giphy quick gag

ice cream and chocolate