The number 42 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", calculated by an enormous supercomputer over a period of 7.5 million years.
@bigbo2003 fun fact:later in the series, when Arthur find an approximation of the question with "What do you get when you multiply seven by nine," turns out the answer in base 13 is 42.
Dammit, I answered and then realized I totally should have answered Count Chocula. Count Choc 4 lyfe. I could eat a bowl the size of a goddamn baby rhinoceros.
@Pavlov took the word right it off my mouth...
@bigbo2003 or number i should say...
@Pavlov yes..
And for those confused...
The number 42 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", calculated by an enormous supercomputer over a period of 7.5 million years.
Yep.. the answer is math...
@bigbo2003 fun fact:later in the series, when Arthur find an approximation of the question with "What do you get when you multiply seven by nine," turns out the answer in base 13 is 42.
@simplersimon Found this Car Badge on eBay:
@earlyre Ordered. Thank you.
@earlyre It will be mine!
The lesser of 6 evils.
Booberry, YES! Frankenberry, yes. Count Chocula, no.
Who are we to blame for this issue now?
You insensitive clod!
Oooh, a riddle. I love riddles!
What's it gots in its' pockets?
@Bingo string or nothing.
That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.
The answer is: "What"
As in: "What" is the answer to the question.
Dammit, I answered and then realized I totally should have answered Count Chocula. Count Choc 4 lyfe. I could eat a bowl the size of a goddamn baby rhinoceros.
toe jam
@hippiechik and Earl.
Revised answer: My greatest weakness is buying things I don't need online. Especially from mediocre Websites.
@JonT - sorry - I got locked out for a minute and couldn't edit my reply above - don't know if it was my connection or server (over)load . . .
I love lamp
Joni Mitchell.
@duodec I love purple.
Chocula, definitely Chocula.
Catshirts. Meh needs to sell more catshirts.
@narfcake you, my friend, are certified catshirt crazy
What is the question to this answer?
@hamjudo What?
@JonT I can't stop watching this! Help me!
Your discrimination against Booberry is noted, sirs.
It's mine. You can't have it.
A pound of feathers.
neoprene underwear.
I refuse to dignify that with a response.
MEH... You know this is a hot item(s)... Why you no have enough to make it at least 3 hours? Like Double-U tea eff! Ok... For real though...
Biscuits n' gravy.
-drops mic and saunters away, leaving you all to ponder in awestruck bedazzlement-
And, per se, and.
And this is why we can't have nice things.
I don't know.
Always nice to find fellow carpet enthusiasts.
Cogito ergo sum
Leave the cat alone!!!!!
Coelacanth. One of my favorite answers.