Green and yellow (Green Bay Packers...I'm a Minnesota girl, so naturally I hate the Packers). Oddly, those same colors are the best color combination for a tractor (John Deere).
Hard to choose "worst" when your options are wrong. The Jacksonville Jaguars' team colors are black, teal, gold, and white. GOLD, numnutz, not "mustard."
@capguncowboy I am in the vanguard of those who have no interest whatsoever in football, but I am also among those whose pockets are picked regularly by the Jaguars (via the city's football lovin' government) to provide for never-ending improvements to their Palace of Sports. The latest debacle is the commitment of $43 million of the city's tax funds for a new covered practice field and outdoor arena. Yet even I know that the team sucks eggs.
I wouldn't have bothered replying to this particular "choose the loser" game had the team's colors been correctly listed, but I am, alas, somewhat of a stickler for "process," a tendency considered by many to be a character flaw.
@magic_cave Hey, that covered practice facility will really help attract the 5-star recruits to your college! Oh wait, this is a professional team where players are competing for a job, so they don't need to attract recruits.
@jqubed You'd think that team owner Shad Khan, with his $5billion net worth, could at least find some he could buy to bulk the team up a bit. I guess the market's tighter than I thought.
@magic_cave But then he would not have $5 billion dollars. Why not have thousands give up thousands of dollars, Shad will be the first with 1000, because what is a thousand dollars. /s
@magic_cave He has some incompetent management. I do think the pools in the stadium are cool, though; I'd want to check that out sometime. Jacksonville doesn't really have any business owning an NFL team, though. In a league with only 32 teams it doesn't make much sense to me to have a team in such a small market. Jacksonville is only market 54 in the US-Canada TV world; markets that are larger include Calgary, AB, Albuquerque-Santa Fe, Edmonton, AB, and Greensboro - High Point - Winston-Salem. I think the municipality keeps them to try to make Jacksonville seem bigger and more important than it frankly is. On the other hand, Jacksonville is bigger than New Orleans, Buffalo, and Green Bay-Appleton, which all have NFL teams also. Buffalo has had terrible teams for a long time, but they still support their team. On the other hand, what else are they really going to do up there? Whereas in Florida I'm sure there are all sorts of other fun things to do besides paying lots of good money to watch a terrible team lose at football.
Orange and turquoise. And I'm a Miami Dolphins fan. There's something about Florida, (Of course! It's fucking Florida!) that inspires people to think that orange and turquoise complement each other. WTF?
If golf was a sport, pick a golfer, any golfer, and whatever they are wearing while golfing, is the correct answer. AMIRITE?!
Green and yellow (Green Bay Packers...I'm a Minnesota girl, so naturally I hate the Packers). Oddly, those same colors are the best color combination for a tractor (John Deere).
Hard to choose "worst" when your options are wrong. The Jacksonville Jaguars' team colors are black, teal, gold, and white. GOLD, numnutz, not "mustard."
@magic_cave I'm surprised anyone pays enough attention to the Jaguars to know the difference :D
@capguncowboy I am in the vanguard of those who have no interest whatsoever in football, but I am also among those whose pockets are picked regularly by the Jaguars (via the city's football lovin' government) to provide for never-ending improvements to their Palace of Sports. The latest debacle is the commitment of $43 million of the city's tax funds for a new covered practice field and outdoor arena. Yet even I know that the team sucks eggs.
I wouldn't have bothered replying to this particular "choose the loser" game had the team's colors been correctly listed, but I am, alas, somewhat of a stickler for "process," a tendency considered by many to be a character flaw.
And yes, I did indeed notice the big smile!
@magic_cave Hey, that covered practice facility will really help attract the 5-star recruits to your college! Oh wait, this is a professional team where players are competing for a job, so they don't need to attract recruits.
@jqubed You'd think that team owner Shad Khan, with his $5billion net worth, could at least find some he could buy to bulk the team up a bit. I guess the market's tighter than I thought.
@magic_cave But then he would not have $5 billion dollars. Why not have thousands give up thousands of dollars, Shad will be the first with 1000, because what is a thousand dollars. /s
@magic_cave He has some incompetent management. I do think the pools in the stadium are cool, though; I'd want to check that out sometime. Jacksonville doesn't really have any business owning an NFL team, though. In a league with only 32 teams it doesn't make much sense to me to have a team in such a small market. Jacksonville is only market 54 in the US-Canada TV world; markets that are larger include Calgary, AB, Albuquerque-Santa Fe, Edmonton, AB, and Greensboro - High Point - Winston-Salem. I think the municipality keeps them to try to make Jacksonville seem bigger and more important than it frankly is. On the other hand, Jacksonville is bigger than New Orleans, Buffalo, and Green Bay-Appleton, which all have NFL teams also. Buffalo has had terrible teams for a long time, but they still support their team. On the other hand, what else are they really going to do up there? Whereas in Florida I'm sure there are all sorts of other fun things to do besides paying lots of good money to watch a terrible team lose at football.
Marlins. They also have one of the worst logos.
@Ignorant And the most garish stadium.
@cinoclav they don't have much going for them.
Steelers throwback

But if not restricted to US teams, the Serbian Mega Leks

@2many2no It's like if Zack Morris and AC Slater had a basketball team
@2many2no That is awful!
@2many2no My eyes! Ze goggles do nossink!
Anything orange on skin makes me want to throw myself off a cliff
@Hair_in_a_can I take it you don't eat Cheetos then?
@Thumperchick Maybe only Flaming Hot Cheetos.
@jqubed I really dislike the Brown's colors.
@jqubed I just hate brown people.
Wait, what was the question?
@Thumperchick But they're the colors of Reese's Pieces!
Let's not kid ourselves here, okay? Washington Redskins colors are garnet and gold, same as those FSU scumbags.
Not a pro team, but worth mentioning, somehow Va Tech's maroon and orange totally works. Plus their mascot is a turkey.
Happy to see the Cleveland Browns are winning at something
@patthetuck Underrated comment IMO, well done.
@MEHcus we can't let them win too many things
@Lotsofgoats Best Undercover Quarterback is a pretty sought after award
For accuracy's sake, Cleveland's colors should read "Poop and sweet potatoes".
Orange and turquoise. And I'm a Miami Dolphins fan. There's something about Florida, (Of course! It's fucking Florida!) that inspires people to think that orange and turquoise complement each other. WTF?
idk but the Norwegian curling team still wins best uniform

Teal and purple, both visually:
And statistically
With two degrees from Bowling Green State University, I am a big fan of orange and brown. Go Falcons!