Crawling over/around the bed to get to the far side to start the fitted sheets to fit the mattress, and then having to adjust/readjust them to take up any slack.
We got an adjustable bed earlier this year. So I bought a thing to help keep the sheets in place when the bed moves. It has like 8 clips attached to a big loop that ends up under the mattress that you then cinch down. I don’t remember exactly what it was called, like a mattress bungee or something. It works, but it is such a pain in the ass to get sheets off and then back on the bed. But it needs some type of clip and this seemed like the solution that did not involve lifting the mattress or crawling under the bed.
ETA; it’s called a bed scrunchie. Amazon has it and woot has had it a few times. I bought it from one of them.
Remove cats, pillows and other obstacles from the bed.
Lift the most annoying corner of the mattress and slide fitted sheet over it.
Move to next-most-annoying corner, pull sheet taut, discover that the sheet is in the wrong orientation.
Return to first corner. Remove two cats; one from pile of clean sheet, one from open space on bed. Reposition sheet to align correct corner.
Return to second corner. Pull sheet taut, slide bottom edge under mattress, fish cat out from under sheet.
Proceed to next corner; stretch sheet into place and flip lower edge under mattress. Extract cats from under sheet.
Proceed to final corner. Remove cats from remaining section of sheet and from open area of mattress. Stretch last corner into position, shoo away cat trying to sharpen claws on mattress pad apron, remove other cat from sheet, restretch corner, and flip it down under the mattress. Note large mobile lump under sheet. Make daiquiris.
@Kyeh D’Artagnan the white and grey striped one. He’s the lap cat. Pretty sure it was Snickers and whatcha in the sink. Whatcha will let you pet her. Snickers just won’t. Oh well.
@yakkoTDI Perhaps it is better to befriend the bedbugs. Perhaps you could illicit their help making the bed. It’s their home after all and you’re their next meal.
@hchavers@mike808 I don’t know the hands in the pocket technique. Unless you mean the way I always posture myself when my wife asks for help with any housework.
Would you provide a public service by posting a
link to a demonstration of this maneuver right here on meh forums?
@accelerator@hchavers@mike808 We have a minimal inventory approach. We have one fitted sheet at all times and we wash and refit it on the bed same day. When that one has met its end, we buy a new one on Amazon and the next day we have new sheets.
@Kidsandliz my “blankets” are those microfiber $20 comforters meh sold a while back. Comes off those fine in the wash/dry it feels like. Microfiber sheets are worse. Maybe it’s easier to get of cotton? Like many things if I had a woman over there would need to be some cleaning and explanation
None of the above. Our sheets are striped, so direction is obvious. Bed is in the middle of the room, so easy to walk around to put on sheets. It’s not a major chore.
I just dislike changing my bedding. Not that it doesn’t need it but the disassemble, wash, dry, assemble thing every week. I want a “Jetsons’” bed where I push a button and it’s done.
@Kyeh@steeltoesenator@Tripod2 I take it you don’t have any cats (or dogs). The insanity of the cat is half the reason to have one. (The other half is the fur. We love the fur.)
Crawling over/around the bed to get to the far side to start the fitted sheets to fit the mattress, and then having to adjust/readjust them to take up any slack.
We got an adjustable bed earlier this year. So I bought a thing to help keep the sheets in place when the bed moves. It has like 8 clips attached to a big loop that ends up under the mattress that you then cinch down. I don’t remember exactly what it was called, like a mattress bungee or something. It works, but it is such a pain in the ass to get sheets off and then back on the bed. But it needs some type of clip and this seemed like the solution that did not involve lifting the mattress or crawling under the bed.
ETA; it’s called a bed scrunchie. Amazon has it and woot has had it a few times. I bought it from one of them.
The removal of cats from said bed.
@kjady repeat.
Fitted sheet installation procedure:
See also “weasel help”.
@kjady @werehatrack
@docflash was literally just looking for this lol
@kjady @werehatrack this (adorable) asshole
There are also two in the sink, I’m pretty sure I heard the coffee pot come on…
@kjady @werehatrack Your cat’s name is Lump? That’s a great name for a cat. I’ve got a “Lump” cat here at my place.
Is that Whatcamacallit? Adorable is right - really a beautiful cat. Pretty naughty though!
@Kyeh D’Artagnan the white and grey striped one. He’s the lap cat. Pretty sure it was Snickers and whatcha in the sink. Whatcha will let you pet her. Snickers just won’t. Oh well.
Oh, okay. D’Artagnan is beautiful!
Everyone who answered “pillowcase installation” hasn’t seen the master technique:
Right!!! My method exactly. I actually strip the pillowcases off inside out, wash them and leave them that way till I put them on.
centering the non-fitted sheet
Yanking the fitted sheet down over each corner of my deep mattress.
Fighting with the bedbugs.
@yakkoTDI Perhaps it is better to befriend the bedbugs. Perhaps you could illicit their help making the bed. It’s their home after all and you’re their next meal.
Changing the damn bedding!
The anticipation of having to fold a fitted sheet after changing and washing your bedding.
@heartny we’re supposed to fold them?
Folding the fitted sheet after removal and washing.
@hchavers You do know the “hands in the pockets” technique?
The wife had never known it her whole life and it blew her mind when I taught her.
@hchavers martha stewart did a demonstration years ago on her old show. Super easy. Look for it online.
@hchavers @mike808 I don’t know the hands in the pocket technique. Unless you mean the way I always posture myself when my wife asks for help with any housework.
Would you provide a public service by posting a
link to a demonstration of this maneuver right here on meh forums?
@accelerator @hchavers @mike808 We have a minimal inventory approach. We have one fitted sheet at all times and we wash and refit it on the bed same day. When that one has met its end, we buy a new one on Amazon and the next day we have new sheets.
@accelerator @hchavers
@accelerator @hchavers @mike808 Trouble with doing it that way is when folded you can’t tell the fitted from the flat sheets.
At the animal shelter I semi fold up the fitted ones and roll them up to finish it off. then it is easy to tell which is which.
Tucking in the side next to the wall.
Or the sheets that have shrunk and are constantly coming off of the one corner opposite where you are.
Putting the duvet in the duvet cover…
@tjwbiowa I’ve been told this is the second hardest thing to do in the world. My wife told me only childbirth is harder than replacing a duvet cover.
Getting enough cat hair off the sheets that is worth putting them on
@unksol And while not a sheet, off the blankets.
@Kidsandliz my “blankets” are those microfiber $20 comforters meh sold a while back. Comes off those fine in the wash/dry it feels like. Microfiber sheets are worse. Maybe it’s easier to get of cotton? Like many things if I had a woman over there would need to be some cleaning and explanation
@unksol Mine are
cat hair magnetfleece blankets. Bought at IKEA.Centering from side to side! Ugh! Going back and forth tugging and tucking to make sure it’s even.
Remembering to do it…
Folding the fitted sheet of the set I just removed and washed so I can put it away.
The actual work involved…too much from start to finish
None of the above. Our sheets are striped, so direction is obvious. Bed is in the middle of the room, so easy to walk around to put on sheets. It’s not a major chore.
I just dislike changing my bedding. Not that it doesn’t need it but the disassemble, wash, dry, assemble thing every week. I want a “Jetsons’” bed where I push a button and it’s done.
Taking everything off the bed and then putting it back again. I sleep in an upper bunk filled with plushies, don’t judge me.
Getting the cats (I have four) to stop helping. They take turns hunting the gremlins under the sheet.
@Chakolate My dog always wants to “help” too! I end up making the bed in stages depending on when he goes elsewhere.
@Chakolate That is the same issue I’ve got, only it’s two cats and a chihuahua in my case.
@Chakolate @Tripod2 @steeltoesenator
No doors to your bedrooms?
@Chakolate @Kyeh @steeltoesenator @Tripod2 doors would ruin the fun
@Kyeh @steeltoesenator @Tripod2 I take it you don’t have any cats (or dogs). The insanity of the cat is half the reason to have one. (The other half is the fur. We love the fur.)
@Chakolate @steeltoesenator @Tripod2
I have a cat; I’ve HAD cats for the past 40 years!
@Chakolate @Kyeh @steeltoesenator @Tripod2
Kyeh is fully cat vetted just not fallen into the trap of so many you are probably undatable.
I could do with less loose fur. It’s nice when it’s on the cat. Less so when I can’t wash it off things
I need a square bed.
Well, they always bring out the red stuff. Then I charge it. Repeatedly.
It’s held by the toreador asshole, so I also charge them. And miss.
This is v annoying.
After a while, that toreador asshole starts sticking me up w daggers
V annoying.
Then they finish me off with a sword.
Most fucking annoying.
Well, you wanted to know.
Oh. You asked about changing my bedding?
Well, I wish the fabric weren’t always red, I guess.
/image toreador poster
/image red square