@koalamoo That they do. And actually, they're lovely. I've been able to meet a large group at a local farm. They're very curious, yet shy. And they're very dependant on having company, they need to be kept with at least one other alpaca or they get depressed.
@jaremelz Ooohh, that sounds terrific. There's a B&B a few hours from here that is an alpaca farm as well, and you can buy the fiber from them. I keep trying to talk hubby in to a weekend there. :)
@jaremelz Yes, very useful critters, and I do have some alpaca-wool clothing and it is awesome. All I'm saying is the cute is only skin deep; their true nature is occasionally displayed coming from within.
@thismyusername Even with my prejudice against cephalopods, you almost had me until "swallow prey whole." I knew there'd be something nightmare inducing.
Red panda? Obscure? It's the frigging Firefox! And I have been to several stores that only sell alpaca products. Let's also red flag pygmy marmosets while we're at it.
@koalamoo Except when people to all kinds of awful stuff to them so they can keep them as pets. Do not post, upvote, or pass around any images/videos of pet Slow Loris.
@The_Baron Yeah, I've read about some of that. My only experience with them is in zoos. Would I love a pet slow loris? Sure. Do I know better, and feel that others should too? Absolutely.
It's a MUAD'DIB: the adapted kangaroo mouse of Arrakis, a creature associated in the Fremen earth-spirit mythology with a design visible on the planet's second moon. This creature is admired by Fremen for its ability to survive in the open desert.!
Jerboa, duh

@awk Pygmy Jerboas are the ultimate cute.
alpaca are not obscure... and if you've ever seen one spit they are not all that cute either
@duodec But they make divine yarn for us knitters. :)
@koalamoo That they do. And actually, they're lovely. I've been able to meet a large group at a local farm. They're very curious, yet shy. And they're very dependant on having company, they need to be kept with at least one other alpaca or they get depressed.
@jaremelz Ooohh, that sounds terrific. There's a B&B a few hours from here that is an alpaca farm as well, and you can buy the fiber from them. I keep trying to talk hubby in to a weekend there. :)
@jaremelz Yes, very useful critters, and I do have some alpaca-wool clothing and it is awesome. All I'm saying is the cute is only skin deep; their true nature is occasionally displayed coming from within.
Aye Aye, aka Daubentonia madagascariensis.
@cercopithecoid I'm famous!
Dwarf Donkeys, man. Dwarf Freaking Donkeys. Cutest thing EVAR!
Sugar gliders

Stupidly high maintence and can smell badly but fuck f they are not cute.
Well, the axolotl is certainly the cutest creature to lend its name to a famous magical realism short story.
@brhfl I used to keep one of these when I was a kid, so I don't consider them all that obscure...
@brhfl - I was trying to remember this name as soon as I saw the question. Extra stars for you
@thismyusername Even with my prejudice against cephalopods, you almost had me until "swallow prey whole." I knew there'd be something nightmare inducing.
@BadTouchRobot Flying foxes are cool and frickin huge.
All good answers, but I'm going with pangolin:

@metageist I deal with precise pangolins all day long, and some trusty tahrs as well.
@awk me too! but looking forward to a xenial xerus soon :-)
Red panda? Obscure? It's the frigging Firefox! And I have been to several stores that only sell alpaca products. Let's also red flag pygmy marmosets while we're at it.
If a shirt site has them made into a plushie, they're not so obscure anymore.

The wild haggis

Dormouse (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dormouse)
Are capybara considered obscure? Those are pretty cool too. They're so calm.

I voted for the pudu, but really the klipspringer is cuter (at least the babies are)

I voted for the Pudu because it was the only name I did not recognize and I had to Google it. I won't have to anymore, though.

@KDemo Yes. Dik-dik is the correct answer. Always.
@Starblind - Forgot that Glen had a dik-dik. Or was it the other way around?
@Starblind - Oh, and thanks for reminding me . . .
Coatis are kinda cute, maybe obscure, but they are kind of dickheads like racoons (saw them in Argentina, they steal everything)

@metageist i love coatis
@metageist Disney had a show about a Coati years ago (Wonderful World of Disney show). I wish those were still readily available.
Why is it always about you pretty creatures? Huh? I will have you know that in my neighborhood I am considered a catch!

How about some perry love?

I'm sure everyone has seen the video of the Red Panda getting scared shitless.

fennec fox, hands down
The slow loris!
@koalamoo Except when people to all kinds of awful stuff to them so they can keep them as pets.
Do not post, upvote, or pass around any images/videos of pet Slow Loris.
@The_Baron Yeah, I've read about some of that. My only experience with them is in zoos. Would I love a pet slow loris? Sure. Do I know better, and feel that others should too? Absolutely.
@koalamoo The Winner in my book!!!
It's a MUAD'DIB: the adapted kangaroo mouse of Arrakis, a creature associated in the Fremen earth-spirit mythology with a design visible on the planet's second moon. This creature is admired by Fremen for its ability to survive in the open desert.!
Least Weasel!

@gregormehndel Inadequate obscurity alert.
@duodec Granted, I guess, but c'mon, these little guys are cute. I've seen all of the others in this thread, even the elusive hollbollian.
@gregormehndel It's like a mini stoat! One of my favorites.
@hallmike - Well done.
@hallmike ha! Thanks? I think.
Jamaican Rice Rat of course!
Rusty-Spotted Cat, which is the world's smallest wild cat:

Ok, no, not really.