The bronze sculpture “Let Us Beat Our Swords into Ploughshares,” was created by Soviet artist Evgeny Vuchetich, and presented to the United Nations on 4 December 1959 by the Government of the USSR. The sculpture, depicting the figure of a man holding a hammer aloft in one hand and a sword in the other, which he is making into a ploughshare, is meant to symbolize man’s desire to put an end to war, and to convert the means of destruction into creative tools for the benefit of mankind. It is located in the North Garden of the United Nations Headquarters. [October 2001]
The penis mighter than the sword.

/giphy Sean Connery snl
Edit: meh, good enough
@cengland0 @guyfromhawthorn

@cengland0 @guyfromhawthorn @mike808
Pulling the right sword,

Can make you King!
Settled by Inigo Montoya, the sword wins.
Fundamentally, Pen Guy is probably just signing some written orders for Sword Guy to carry out.
Matthew 10:34
@tweezak Late again. His scheduled time was 10:30.
I’ll trust Zorro on this one.

/image pen sword
Looks like we’ve got a lot of people that have never written with a sword.
@brennyn Or killed someone with a pen.
Joker said so…
@jnicholson0619 He reached up with his dead hand and signed it in his own blood.
Had his name been “Sorro,” who knows if he would’ve ever tried to sign his initial with his sword.
Depends on the situation. A sword can be mighty with the right training. But in tight spaces, I prefer a pen with a nice, sharp, steel point.
The pen can be used to send the sword into battle
Depends on who holds it.
@altoidbox I have to agree.
The US Supreme Court kills with pens and probably would shoot their eyes out with swords.
Why choose when you can have both?

“The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp.”
–Terry Pratchett
I’m up for Rock Paper Scissors now.
/giphy rock paper scissors

Well. Not yet.
Note the sculpture origin:
Words are mightier than the sword, and yet actions speak louder than words. It’s a no win situation. Gimme some crayons!
Hold my pencil.