@RiotDemon No, I have no delusions that we are anywhere near normal.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that Mom was able to take off one of Little Lady’s black spots and was trying to pick out the molded foam stuffing. She ended up removing an area of “skin” about the size of a large egg. Also, she was working on taking out one of Little Lady’s eyes. Poor little doggie. Anyway, I have a friend in Indiana, who is a very good seamstress, and has replaced the spot, reinforced all of the other spots, and re-glued the eyes. Little Lady should be back in town on Wednesday. We’ll see what Mom’s next move will be.
@lisaviolet Ice cream is necessary and of course makes this a 5 star dinner.
When I was a kid, maybe 3 or 4, mom told dad to feed us breakfast. He did. Big bowls of ice cream. Mom yells down from upstairs, “Honey, the kids are really quiet. What did you feed them?”. Long pause and dad says, looking guilty, “Ice cream” in sort of a questioning voice. I quick took my bowl, ran into the living room and crouched behind a chair wolfing down ice cream afraid mom would come downstairs to take it away. I got my first ice cream headache which is probably why I remember this.
Had a salad with organic mixed greens, tomatoes, honeycrisp apples, shredded goat cheese and salmon from Whole Paycheck. Downed it with a glass or two of Meh wine to try to forget how much I overpaid for all the ingredients.
Chicken breast, broccoli Normandy, & southwest salad.cooked the chicken in a basil & balsamic vinaigrette dressing in my electric pressure cooker. 20 minutes from frozen to plate! Love it!!
Had a gathering with old friends at a local place called Los Bandidos de Carlos and Mickeys. This evening they had an excellent Spanish guitar player for entertainment. I had queso fundido con rajas for my appetizer, and carnitas, guacamole, rancho beans, rice, freshly made salsa borracho and the best corn tortillas in town for dinner. I grabbed the picture from online for the restaurant, but my plate looked just like that.
@Kidsandliz door is always unlocked. And despite being a 41 yr old male I am frequently referred to as an Italian or Mehxican grandmother. Only in the good way of force feeding all who enter.
@Kidsandliz or plan a wonderful summer vacation around visiting the home of barbed wire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_F._Glidden_House
time it right and you can be here for my one non antisocial day where I have 50 ppl over and put out a spread worthy of the Norse gods.
@luvche21 My dad used to make fried tofu as an after school snack for us as a kid. He would also make a peanut butter sauce, but I often just ate it on its own.
@RiotDemon Well, my wife is Japanese, but it’s a Chinese recipe on a Japanese website (she normally uses cookpad.jp) - and you have to fiddle with the liquid amount since US flour is different than Japanese…
If you’re still interested in deciphering Japanese, I’ll dig around for a link.
No. Abuelos at Hulen. It was between my location and that of the person I was meeting. We were both cold and tired and in the mood for something easy.
The only Salsa Limon eat-in place I’ve even been to is the one on University and Morton. There is/was a lot of construction in that area - not sure whether that one is open right now or not.
You’re welcome. Since you won’t come to Texas to enjoy the local excellent BBQ, that leaves more for the rest of us, and we don’t have to without hang out with grumps who hate all things Texan for some reason.
I will concede that Texas is not the only place good BBQ can be found.
I thought the original Fuzzy’s Tacos was near TCU, but wasn’t sure. Looked it up. Yep. Used to hang there off and on, long before they started expanding.
Hope they migrate soonest in your general direction and proximity.
@Kidsandliz No, I just couldn’t remember if I’d actually eaten dinner. But I had like six ball doughnuts before I posted that, so I called that dinner.
@mfladd Chocolate is necessary for one’s health, well being and future happiness… You are welcome for the justification.
Back when I used to canoe across the state of Florida with adjudicated youth, staff would put M&N’s in one liter water bottles. I got really good at canoeing with a juvenile delinquent in the bow (front) of the canoe, eat them and not get caught. We’d refer to them as Vitamin M.
a can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle.
it was also all i had eaten since supper the night before, as I had spent that night, and part of the morning with plenty of “stuff” coming out both ends.
tried to blame the Vennison Chili mom had made, but i likely just caught a 24hr “flu” that’s going around (I work as a cashier at a rather busy grocery, and with the temperature roller coaster we’ve been on…)
@Kidsandliz so far, so good. no “episodes” in 24 hrs. didn’t even have a fever when i woke up this morning(did all day yesterday)
everything sounds like i got hit with a round of norovirus. what fun it is…
@yakkoTDI a very long ago housemate of mine would take cans of that, not open it, put the entire can, label and all, in one of those small teapot/coffeepot things you fill with water and plug in, cook it in there, open it (occasionally having a can explosion at opening) and eat straight from the can. Inside of that pot got really gross but I guess it didn’t matter as it didn’t touch the chili.
Tonight I’m having some lamb, some zucchini (with butter, and a trifling amount of malt vinegar), some sliced carrots (raw, of course), a glass of Merlot, and some gingerbread, still warm from the oven.
Tonight is chicken machaca, rice, refried beans and salsa verde with flour tortillas. Donuts for dessert, it’s game night. Talon and his relic blade Snowclaw making the world a safer place for elves and lesser beings. (Other PCs may have differing viewpoints.)
Taco salad. Just basic ground beef with a mild taco spice mix from Food Network, served on shredded lettuce with four-cheese shreds, sour cream, and broken up bacon bits.
Q: sautéed, roasted, fried, steamed, boiled, pressure-cooked, sous vide, infrared, microwaved, in a stew or soup, over rice or pasta, in a double boiler, sliced/diced/crushed/chopped, whipped, souffléd, en croute, stir-fry, raw, spiced, or with chocolate sauce?
@f00l perhaps @elimanningface ate it animal crackers in the left hand, sections of clementines in the right? Basic, simple, 2 year old style. No dishes, no cleanup other than one’s hand…
I do like the 2 year old approach.
Esp the parts about not understanding why I shouldn’t eat all I want and also getting to leave the cleanup for someone else.
I had a couple slices of pizza, a cup of hot cocoa, some sausage and naan crackers, and then some orzo and meatballs tonight. More dinner-like than my doughnuts.
Saturday we had a steak salad with the second-to-last piece of the prime rib roast we made for New Year’s dinner with friends. Sunday morning we had the last piece scrambled with eggs.
Remember that gingerbread? Me too. :-} I actually made it so that I could have some for breakfast. This morning I opened up a pint of peaches, and put half of them (including the syrup) over the slice of gingerbread, with a side of cold milk. It was delicious, thanks for asking.
@compunaut You know, this is a VERY easy recipe to make up. For you (and others) here it is:
1/2 cup butter (you could use some other shortening if you must, but butter is much more delicious)
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup Molasses (I like to use Blackstrap when I can find it)
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup hot water
I often add a teaspoon of vanilla to this (because I love vanilla).
Cream butter together with sugar; beat in molasses and egg. Stir in dry ingredients, alternating with hot water, until smooth. Bake in greased pan (13 x 9 x 2) at 350 for 30 minutes, or until done.
This is more cake-like than you might expect; not the sort of thing you make gingerbread houses from (I have a gingerbread cookie recipe for that, somewhere around here).
Spent the morning working on jewelry and didn’t eat lunch till 4pm (pizza with Italian sausage, Peruvian peppers, black olives and red onions). After lunch I installed my new modem and Roku and taught Roku to connect to my Netflix, Amazon and Sling accounts. Pleased as punch with new toy so far. But failed to go to grocery store, so dinner will be chips, fresh salsa, sour cream and root beer. I would eat that every day if my body didn’t start whining for protein and green vegetables.
Basic gluten free (for my wife) spaghetti and meat sauce. Aldi rice-based spaghetti, which is actually more or less ok. Grass fed ground beef and sauce made by using the base italian tomato sauce in the can simmered with onions, crushed garlic, and basil. Turned out ok.
I made a pot of onion and garlic tomato sauce (not completely from scratch as I used canned tomatoes). We had that over rotini with grated romano cheese, feta and spinach chicken burgers and mixed vegetables (carrots, cauliflower and broccoli). We also finished most of a bottle of meh wine (some of it went into the sauce).
For dessert, I tried some of the preserved gummi-bears. The ones that soaked in 40% ABV ethanol (80 proof vodka) for ~12 hours in the fridge followed by a seven hour rest at room temperature were not bad. Pleasantly soft with a more chewy center.
I now have ten cherry ones soaking in 60ml of 95% ABV ethanol so I can determine how much absorption there is. I’m also curious how their texture will differ from those soaked in the 40% ABV vodka.
(I forgot to click Say it on this until just how; I was talking about Sunday evening. More details to follow, but the cherry spiritus bears were a bust.)
@f00l Same here (well, I’ve had the boozy ones before).
@meh was soaking some in a peaty whiskey (she told me what kind but I don’t recall).
I’ve now used 40% ABV ethanol (aka cheap vodka) and 55% ABV ethanol (aka Pikesville Rye Whiskey), both with decent results (pineapple in vodka is quite pleasant, as is lemon in rye). I’ve not done either in a controlled experiment where I measure how much alcohol is absorbed by the bears.
I did try a controlled soaking in 95% ABV ethanol (Spiritus… like Everclear) and it was a bust (gelatin is not soluble in ethanol and the bears absorbed almost none of it, staying hard and small: ten bears in 60 ml of 95% ABV absorbed less than 2.5 ML of the ethanol).
I found several articles (some behind paywalls) regarding the absorption of ethanol by gelatin (technically by hydrogels); this article was one of the most useful.
TL;DR: more alcohol is not necessarily better. 50% ABV is probably the highest you want.
@baqui63@f00l i soaked them in something recommended as a cheap Lagavulin. I also can’t remember what is called. All I know is that I have this dish of gummy bears in my fridge and when I open the fridge a wall of whiskey rushes out and punches me in the face.
I have not eaten them yet, but I’m thinking of getting some sour mix to put over them. The bears are at least twice the size they were and sticky. And gosh are they potent smelling.
Well since I am on a business trip in Virginia Beach and the company is footing the bill I had bronzed rockfish, with squash and broccolini. Dessert was bread pudding with vanilla ice cream. It was Yummy.
Bronzing is a name that we apply to a technique similar to “blackening”, but at a lower temperature than is required for blackening. As with blackening, bronzing is cooking fish by coating the fish in spice and cooking it quickly on a pan or grill. Bronzing spices generally contain more herbs than blackening spices. The spice and the cooking process create a crispy, flavorful barrier around the fish being bronzed. To “bronze” properly, a stainless steel pan is heated over high temperature. (The skillet or grill should be dry before it is heated.) The food to be grilled should be at room temperature. Sprinkle the food with bronzing spice (notes: for more flavour, roll food into spice mix before cooking). Place the food onto the pan, drizzle with a small amount of melted, clarified butter. Cook for 1-2 minutes. Turn with a spatula and drizzle again with a small amount of butter. Cook for another 1-2 minutes and remove from the pan. Bronzing adds a distinctive flavour to fish while creating a savoury, moisture-retaining barrier around the outside. By creating a crisp, savoury coating of spice, the full flavour of the fish being bronzed develops inside – creating a delicious balance between the discrete combinations of flavour and texture. The heat required by bronzing means that you will need a good quality stainless steel pan which won’t warp when heated. A slim stainless or Teflon spatula is also helpful to remove the food from the pan without tearing the outer, spiced layer of the food away.
@f00l I am not sure. I pulled that description from online. I would think any of those would work, unless the cast iron would hold the bronzing mixture.
@Kidsandliz It’s even better the next day (just like chili). My wife makes everything from scratch. Everything. She grew up on a farm & they grew most of their food. I’m spoiled…
Last night PB&J again plus a banana and candy bar I found in the way back of the snack drawer (which is likely why it was still there since the post christmas candy sale candy is now gone).
Rotini with turkey meatballs, sauteed Roma tomatoes, scallions, baby Portobellos artichoke hearts, and Italian six cheese blend. Store bought tiramisu for dessert.
In place of going out to eat all of the time and having stuff with high sodium / fat content (if though it’s easy and yummy), get these. They are about $3-$4 each, easy, pretty healthy, and frigging delicious.
@hems79 Thanks, I’ll keep them in mind. But despite my dining out habits I eat only fresh veggies. Starch and protein can be boxed, canned, frozen, etc, but not vegetables. That’s why I get carryout mostly at Souper Salad, Panda Express, Taco Cabana and Taco Tote (local chain with a huge salsa/veggie bar).
@moondrake If fresh is just your preference and/or the loss of nutrients in frozen, I get it. However, there was no loss in taste nor texture in the teriyaki chicken I had the other day. Green beans tasted like they were harvested the day before and were still pretty crisp and tasty.
@f00l I always go inside because, you know, they fuck you in the drive thru. There’s no salad bar at TC, but I take good advantage of the salsa bar. I usually order the Cabana Bowl, which comes with a good handful of leafy greens. I use two or three 4oz containers of 50/50 fresh pico de gallo and salsa verde and add probably 6oz fresh onions to each meal. I don’t even have to ask for the larger salsa containers any more, they just hand me three when I order. When I get home I add a chopped tomato.
Chicken cordon bleu from my little local store’s meat department, mashed potatoes, veggies. I’m in the middle of my shift at work and about to eat a spinach salad.
@f00l Well, it’s a hotel. Everything is just how polite, helpful, and selfless you can be. In a moment of honesty I’ll deny later, I’m incredibly proud of how my guests and co-workers are fooled by it.
@KittySprinkles this makes me chuckle. I’m super nice to customers and get tons of compliments. If the customers could only see my eyes rolling or the faces I make sometimes when they walk away. I hope I never get caught, lol
@RiotDemon Hahaha. I’m lucky that I get to deal with mostly people staying in the hotel for business. People traveling for leisure are kinda shit! I rarely need to eye roll. Mainly these days for two people they hired that I want to throttle.
Are we tired of this topic? Oh well, I took a photo so I’ll post it anyway. Pork rib pan-fried in coconut oil with rice and Carribean inspired beans (black beans, onions, pineapple, chipotle, and a dash of bbq sauce and vinegar).
@msklzannie The only yogurt I actively like is lime 2% yogurt from a brand called Open Nature. It totally tastes like key lime pie. The mango is pretty tolerable as well.
@f00l Almost certainly. Let’s see…
“Grade A Pasteurized Reduced Fat Milk, Key Lime Base ( Sugar, Water, Key Lime Puree [ Lime Juice Concentrate, Pulp Cells, Lime Oil ], Lime Pulp Cells, Locust Bean Gum, Pectin, Natural Flavor, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride, Fruit Juice Concentrate and Turmeric [For Color])andLiveand Active Yogurt Cultures ( S . Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus, B. Lactis, L. Casei, L. Rhamnosus, L. Lactis ).”
Definitely not the healthiest yogurt on the market. But the only one I’m willing to eat. It’s not so much the sugar, they could use Stevia and I’d be just as happy. It’s the 2% milkfat. Makes it so much more palatable than the fat free stuff, which tastes like chalk to me.
Leftover Pie Five pizza and leftover spaghetti. Just can’t seem to get out of work in time to do any real cooking. Not very inspiring.
But I picked up a couple of nice steaks at the store, and a bag of big shrimp for cocktails. Hopefully this weekend we’ll do our first sous vide steaks and they’ll be worth the wait and the expense of the equipment.
I had a giant Nathan’s hot dog from Sam’s Club with Jardines sweet/spicy corn relish & spicy brown mustard. Tortilla chips + salsa on the side. Washed it down with Bavarian Dunkel.
I’m either a multicultural savant or an idiot.
And I don’t need any comments from the peanut gallery
Papa Ray’s Pizza, chopped garlic, onions, pepperoni, and bacon traditional crust. And since I made clam dip for the Puppy Bowl tomorrow, some chips and dip.
Tomorrow, making a sizeable batch of chicken wings, half with LaRue dillo dust (a sweet Texas BBQ style rub) and half garlic with parmesan added the last 10 minutes or so of cooking. And our last 4 monster cookies from the Christmas batch for dessert. It will be good.
@RiotDemon They were on sale at Albertsons, too. I love fresh pasta but I really prefer the unfilled kind. These were pretty good, though. If I’m hungry after popcorn at the movies tonight I’ll be eating the other half of the same meal. We’re seeing the animated Ghost in the Shell (again) in preparation for the live action one that’s coming out soon.
Chocolate chip ice cream as the main course (on sale at Krogers for $2.50 a half gallon), peanut butter and honey sandwich as desert. Oh and cherry tomatoes.
@f00l Grownups buy their own food and then choose what to eat. No kid in the house anymore that I have to feed a balanced diet to. I can eat what I want. When I had my first apartment I told my mom my first act as a grownup was to buy a thing of whipped cream in a can and spray it directly into my mouth (big drama growing up if we ever did that),
PS buy me some of those in the picture!!! I am reasonably sure they are not sold in a grocery store where I can use food stamps LOL
@compunaut I’m not a fan of that specific group of items, but I’ve had chips and salsa for dinner more times than I can count. I regularly make meals out of fries, onion rings, chips, or cookies. I’m a woman and I eat what I want when I want, sometimes it’s healthy or elaborate, and sometimes not. I’m answerable only to myself.
Leftover super bowl garlic-parmesan chicken wings, but there were only a few left. So for a side I heated up some leftover basmati rice with butter, folding in finely shredded mixed cheddar, jack, and queso cheese, and bacon bits, and a touch of season salt.
You guys spend way more time on cooking than I could ever stand to do. Mind you I am not against eating what someone else has slaved over in the kitchen for hours on end, I am just not willing to spend my time doing that. If it can’t be cooked in about 15 min I’m out (except on rare occasions). I have to grocery shop when I am hungry because otherwise I’d come home with next to nothing. I have trouble forcing myself to start cooking unless I am already hungry and then I don’t want to wait around for ages for it to be done.
@compunaut There actually are quite a few things I can make that take less than 15 min. If I’d ever remember to start cooking before I was hungry then this wouldn’t be quite as much an issue.
Once mom said she’d failed as a mom because none of her girls liked to cook, etc. I told her no she didn’t fail, she made us realize this was not automatically the woman’s job and that we didn’t have to like it. And we at least know how to cook due to the slight problem that to eat you sometimes need to cook.
And of course there was this other issue that DHS takes a dim issue of not cooking if you have kids to feed…
@Kidsandliz Dunno yet, I’ll have to look at what’s already defrosted. Might be turning leftovers into some variation of brunswick stew. I live in coastal Maine- I’m actually in a giant furnished house right now because during the off season I rent one of the places that tourists pay crazy money for in the summer dirt cheap. Hope you don’t mind the cold.
@PantHeist So what do you do about a place to live during the tourist season? I grew up in the snow belt. I even attempted to swim in the ocean in Arcadia - got in up to mid thigh and changed my mind. Legs were bright red when I got out. Worked in Maine one summer (lived in Unity). Leftovers are fine. Sounds you are doing something fancy with them. Me - it would be heat them up in the microwave. End of story.
@Kidsandliz It varies, last summer we lived in Eustis- it’s near Mount Sugarloaf so its tourist season is winter, very cheap in summer. I go swimming in the ocean here every Jan 1. It hurts, but it’s invigorating. I say it washes all the shit from the last year off.
Chili cook-off at work today, so what with sampling all the entries (and desserts) I never got hungry enough to eat dinner after coming home.
The soup is more of an art than a recipe. This time it included potatoes, water, milk, bacon bits, flour, butter, chives, celery leaves, parsley, sea salt, Hawaiian black salt, and a few shakes of pepper just so I can say I added it.
We did our first long sous vide cook on a nice eye of round roast. Olive oil and mustard rub, then patted in salt, pepper, and sage, then vac-bagged with sprigs of fresh rosemary. 30 hours cooktime at 136F. Then a brief 30-40 second sear on each side and end using a cast iron pan. The juices in the bag were used to deglaze the searing pan, then simmered to reduce then used to make gravy.
The beef was a uniform beautiful pink all the way through, juicy, and (especially for this cut of beef) really tender. There was a vein of gristly fat that had not softened or reduced that we had to trim around that was not visible until we started slicing. The beefy flavor was awesome. I am becoming more of a sous vide fan each time.
Last night we took some leftover roasted chicken, cubed it, warmed it and ‘sauteed’ it with barbecue sauce, and served that on rice. Good stuff. We try to always have some cooked rice in the fridge for quick dinners…
Cioppino, with fennel, saffron, tomatoes, wine, two kinds of fish, shrimp and mussels. The Instant Pot on slow cooker mode made the base broth with veggies, and proteins were added at the end on ‘keep warm’ setting, so they didn’t get overdone. Italian bread to soak up the broth.
Half a chicken bacon ranch Cabana Bowl, and half a chicken bacon ranch Subway footlong, both leftovers from previous purchases. Kind of a chicken bacon ranch week I guess. Probably making something good tonight, have a friend coming for dinner.
@CaptAmehrican I’ll find the recipe; didn’t use crock pot. It was surprisingly tasty, and would be especially good for somebody reducing carbs/gluten/pasta
It’s madness, I tell you. So it’s 7pm and I’m driving home from watching John Wick 2, looking for something appealing for dinner so I don’t have to go home and cook. I pass by Arby’s, their sign is for a promotion on fried fish sandwiches. Huh? Are their french fries going to start tasting fishy like Long John Silvers’? Speaking of which, here’s Long John Silvers, their sign is offering a special on fried chicken. No fishy chicken, thanks. Next up is McDonalds, offering a special on coffee. Next was Taco Bell, promoting breakfast. It seems like the fast food chains are working toward a common menu. I ended up at home empty handed, resigned to stirring in a can of chicken, some pico de gallo and grilled onions with some (very expired) prepared mac-n-cheese.
Thinly sliced leftover sous vide eye of round roast sandwich with horseradish sauce. And a handful of Sweets chocolate orange sticks left over from Christmas.
I made hot wings.
Homemade chicken and noodles for breakfast. Oatmeal for dinner. Um, I probably slept through lunch. I think I’m a little mixed up.
@Barney the other day at work I was eating a salad and a bowl of chili at 9am. For dinner I had an oven pancake.
Maybe we’re normal.
@RiotDemon No, I have no delusions that we are anywhere near normal.
Oh, I forgot to tell you that Mom was able to take off one of Little Lady’s black spots and was trying to pick out the molded foam stuffing. She ended up removing an area of “skin” about the size of a large egg. Also, she was working on taking out one of Little Lady’s eyes. Poor little doggie. Anyway, I have a friend in Indiana, who is a very good seamstress, and has replaced the spot, reinforced all of the other spots, and re-glued the eyes. Little Lady should be back in town on Wednesday. We’ll see what Mom’s next move will be.
@Barney oh no! Poor little lady. I’m glad you have a friend that can fix her up.
My co-workers didn’t think I was normal for eating that at 9am. Damn.
Chicken soup. From a can. I was gonna bake chicken, but he said it would take too long so I fixed him.
I fixed him a can of soup.
Now he’s off buying us ice cream.
@lisaviolet Ice cream is necessary and of course makes this a 5 star dinner.
When I was a kid, maybe 3 or 4, mom told dad to feed us breakfast. He did. Big bowls of ice cream. Mom yells down from upstairs, “Honey, the kids are really quiet. What did you feed them?”. Long pause and dad says, looking guilty, “Ice cream” in sort of a questioning voice. I quick took my bowl, ran into the living room and crouched behind a chair wolfing down ice cream afraid mom would come downstairs to take it away. I got my first ice cream headache which is probably why I remember this.
@Kidsandliz That’s funny. Your poor mom.
popcorn and vodka tonic.
@carl669 it might have been heavy on the vodka and light on the tonic.
@carl669 will you be reviving the drunk thread soon?
@RiotDemon done.
I had a muffin, and will be having a vodka drink of some sort. I bought some strawberries today, perhaps they will end up in the drink.
Chinese buffet. WAY TOO MUCH Chinese buffet.
@ruouttaurmind sounds good!
Had a salad with organic mixed greens, tomatoes, honeycrisp apples, shredded goat cheese and salmon from Whole Paycheck. Downed it with a glass or two of Meh wine to try to forget how much I overpaid for all the ingredients.
Steak quesadillas
PB&J sandwich and milk
Leftover carne asada burrito and 2 churros
French bread pizza - I was lazy tonight.
@tinkertime I love French bread pizza.
@Barney Yeah, they are pretty good aren’t they!
Chicken breast, broccoli Normandy, & southwest salad.cooked the chicken in a basil & balsamic vinaigrette dressing in my electric pressure cooker. 20 minutes from frozen to plate! Love it!!
Had a gathering with old friends at a local place called Los Bandidos de Carlos and Mickeys. This evening they had an excellent Spanish guitar player for entertainment. I had queso fundido con rajas for my appetizer, and carnitas, guacamole, rancho beans, rice, freshly made salsa borracho and the best corn tortillas in town for dinner. I grabbed the picture from online for the restaurant, but my plate looked just like that.

Cripes I need directions to some of you guys’ houses so I can come for dinner. Way better than my PB&J LOL
@Kidsandliz door is always unlocked. And despite being a 41 yr old male I am frequently referred to as an Italian or Mehxican grandmother. Only in the good way of force feeding all who enter.
@pfarro1 If you have one, your significant other must be happy not to have to cook. : )
@pfarro1 I forgot to add to my message - post directions please. Hopefully within driving distance…
@Kidsandliz I exist somewhere in the northern half of Illinois. Actually particularly close to Northern Illinois now that I think of such things.
@pfarro1 Rats. That is 600+ miles from me likely. Hmm. Maybe freeze dinner, get a cooler, put dry ice in and send it next day delivery? LOL
@Kidsandliz or plan a wonderful summer vacation around visiting the home of barbed wire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_F._Glidden_House
time it right and you can be here for my one non antisocial day where I have 50 ppl over and put out a spread worthy of the Norse gods.
Spaghettios, because fuck it!
@nogoodwithnames I loved them as a kid, now I’m more partial to eating Beefaroni!
Stouffers turkey breast medallions with dressing and whipped potatoes. A cherry pop tart for dessert.
@lordbowen you could totally have dessert after dessert. Pop tarts are good for you. or so they say.
Steamed buns, fried tofu, Japanese hamburger things. All homemade.
@luvche21 My dad used to make fried tofu as an after school snack for us as a kid. He would also make a peanut butter sauce, but I often just ate it on its own.
@luvche21 ooh, steamed buns! I love that fluffy texture. Do you have a recipe you’re willing to share?
@luvche21 - I expected you to say yogurt.
@conandlibrarian That’s the way it’s supposed to be eaten, right?
@RiotDemon Well, my wife is Japanese, but it’s a Chinese recipe on a Japanese website (she normally uses cookpad.jp) - and you have to fiddle with the liquid amount since US flour is different than Japanese…
If you’re still interested in deciphering Japanese, I’ll dig around for a link.
@KDemo haha, I don’t think I ate yogurt at all yesterday, or even today! Oh no! I’ll make up for it tomorrow though
Spicy pot roast sandwich and tots. Cold weather comfort.
Leftover Papa Ray’s pizza. And leftover honey-ginger chicken on rice. And some remaining Christmas monster cookies for dessert.
Out. Tacos.
@f00l Need I ask where? <cough>salsalimon<cough>
No. Abuelos at Hulen. It was between my location and that of the person I was meeting. We were both cold and tired and in the mood for something easy.
The only Salsa Limon eat-in place I’ve even been to is the one on University and Morton. There is/was a lot of construction in that area - not sure whether that one is open right now or not.
Used to go there some years ago when I knew someone living over there.
@f00l Dang it… you guys made me look that place up, and my first thought was, hey, we’ll have to check that out next time we visit my brother
…followed immediately by, DAMN IT! we’re not going back to TX, he moved home last summer…
man… now i get to miss out on all the cool places to eat.
hell, even the nearest Fuzzy’s is 600 mi away(E. St Louis.)
Sux not to get good BBQ and Tex-Mex. feel your pain.
@f00l never had any good bbq in texas and pretty sure it don’t exist
You’re welcome. Since you won’t come to Texas to enjoy the local excellent BBQ, that leaves more for the rest of us, and we don’t have to without hang out with grumps who hate all things Texan for some reason.
I will concede that Texas is not the only place good BBQ can be found.
I hope good BBQ is plentiful near you.
I thought the original Fuzzy’s Tacos
was near TCU, but wasn’t sure. Looked it up. Yep. Used to hang there off and on, long before they started expanding.
Hope they migrate soonest in your general direction and proximity.
Green chile pork carnitas. Not bad but I’ve had better
I think I had doughnuts…
@Mehsturbator THINK??? Umm were you in an alternative universe when you ate them?
@Kidsandliz No, I just couldn’t remember if I’d actually eaten dinner. But I had like six ball doughnuts before I posted that, so I called that dinner.
Potato soup!
And it’s true: I boiled them, them mashed them, then stuck 'em in a stew.
(1) Jambalaya
(2) Broccoli + tofu stir fry
Both leftovers, both tasteeeee.
/giphy your mom

@medz well good. She could use a date.
@medz That kid slays me.
3 ho-ho’s and a monster drink. Don’t judge me. 2017 sucks!
/giphy "judging you"

@mfladd Chocolate is necessary for one’s health, well being and future happiness… You are welcome for the justification.
Back when I used to canoe across the state of Florida with adjudicated youth, staff would put M&N’s in one liter water bottles. I got really good at canoeing with a juvenile delinquent in the bow (front) of the canoe, eat them and not get caught. We’d refer to them as Vitamin M.
Chicken cheddar potatoes soup
a can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle.
it was also all i had eaten since supper the night before, as I had spent that night, and part of the morning with plenty of “stuff” coming out both ends.
tried to blame the Vennison Chili mom had made, but i likely just caught a 24hr “flu” that’s going around (I work as a cashier at a rather busy grocery, and with the temperature roller coaster we’ve been on…)
@earlyre sorry you have been sick. Hope you are on the mend.
@Kidsandliz so far, so good. no “episodes” in 24 hrs. didn’t even have a fever when i woke up this morning(did all day yesterday)

everything sounds like i got hit with a round of norovirus. what fun it is…
/giphy the more you know
@earlyre I’ve had it. It’s reached plague proportions in cruise ships.
Lot’s of gummy bears.
@Ignorant The plan is to keep the dentist in business?
@Kidsandliz there is no plan other than to finish all these damn gummy bears meh sold me.
@Ignorant more power to you… and hopefully they didn’t send you the sugar free variety…
(if you’ve never seen them before)
Feeling lazy today so I am having a can of chili beans with some Boca burgers chopped up into it and some cheese sprinkled on top.
@yakkoTDI a very long ago housemate of mine would take cans of that, not open it, put the entire can, label and all, in one of those small teapot/coffeepot things you fill with water and plug in, cook it in there, open it (occasionally having a can explosion at opening) and eat straight from the can. Inside of that pot got really gross but I guess it didn’t matter as it didn’t touch the chili.
Dinner tonight - cheese sandwich - better than PB&J I had yesterday.
Tonight I’m having some lamb, some zucchini (with butter, and a trifling amount of malt vinegar), some sliced carrots (raw, of course), a glass of Merlot, and some gingerbread, still warm from the oven.
Maybe I should just have the gingerbread. :-}
@Shrdlu Well you could start with the gingerbread… just sayin’
Tonight is chicken machaca, rice, refried beans and salsa verde with flour tortillas. Donuts for dessert, it’s game night. Talon and his relic blade Snowclaw making the world a safer place for elves and lesser beings. (Other PCs may have differing viewpoints.)
Tonight I made chicken quesadillas. Tomorrow for lunch I’ll probably have a wrap with chicken, lettuce, and dressing.
Can anyone guess what was on sale at the grocery store? Lol
Taco salad. Just basic ground beef with a mild taco spice mix from Food Network, served on shredded lettuce with four-cheese shreds, sour cream, and broken up bacon bits.
@duodec what is the difference between a taco salad and a taco but with a broken shell?
@elimanningface Volume of lettuce.
@elimanningface As @moondrake stated but we also don’t put tortilla or chips in the salad.
Animal crackers and clementines.
Q: sautéed, roasted, fried, steamed, boiled, pressure-cooked, sous vide, infrared, microwaved, in a stew or soup, over rice or pasta, in a double boiler, sliced/diced/crushed/chopped, whipped, souffléd, en croute, stir-fry, raw, spiced, or with chocolate sauce?
Or something else? Prep details pls.
@f00l au naturale like the way it should be.
@f00l perhaps @elimanningface ate it animal crackers in the left hand, sections of clementines in the right? Basic, simple, 2 year old style. No dishes, no cleanup other than one’s hand…
I do like the 2 year old approach.
Esp the parts about not understanding why I shouldn’t eat all I want and also getting to leave the cleanup for someone else.
BBQ ribs and a baked potato…super yummy
Colorado Green Chili made with real-deal Hatch Valley green chilies.
leftover red lentil soup
I had a couple slices of pizza, a cup of hot cocoa, some sausage and naan crackers, and then some orzo and meatballs tonight. More dinner-like than my doughnuts.
Saturday we had a steak salad with the second-to-last piece of the prime rib roast we made for New Year’s dinner with friends. Sunday morning we had the last piece scrambled with eggs.
@SSteve OMG Prime Rib - been years since I have had that… want want want want want
If this thread continues I shall be forced to cook something interesting for dinner.
Beef and barley stew. No leftovers. I hate when there are no leftovers
Sprouts was having a sale on Alaskan salmon. Shared a baked fillet w/ rice & some sort of buttery garlic/dill sauce. Yummy
@compunaut I love Sprouts. I just went today and got some really good stuffed chicken breasts.
I had some delicious left-over pizza from Jet’s Pizza.
Remember that gingerbread? Me too. :-} I actually made it so that I could have some for breakfast. This morning I opened up a pint of peaches, and put half of them (including the syrup) over the slice of gingerbread, with a side of cold milk. It was delicious, thanks for asking.
@Shrdlu Methinks you are enjoying the teasing of us a bit overmuch
I had thought I was too far away to track down your kitchen by smell. But I might revise my attitude of risk/reward if sufficiently tempted. Hmmm.
Where did you say you keep the uneaten gingerbread? Fridge, counter, pantry, breadbox?
@compunaut You know, this is a VERY easy recipe to make up. For you (and others) here it is:
1/2 cup butter (you could use some other shortening if you must, but butter is much more delicious)
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup Molasses (I like to use Blackstrap when I can find it)
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup hot water
I often add a teaspoon of vanilla to this (because I love vanilla).
Cream butter together with sugar; beat in molasses and egg. Stir in dry ingredients, alternating with hot water, until smooth. Bake in greased pan (13 x 9 x 2) at 350 for 30 minutes, or until done.
This is more cake-like than you might expect; not the sort of thing you make gingerbread houses from (I have a gingerbread cookie recipe for that, somewhere around here).
Spent the morning working on jewelry and didn’t eat lunch till 4pm (pizza with Italian sausage, Peruvian peppers, black olives and red onions). After lunch I installed my new modem and Roku and taught Roku to connect to my Netflix, Amazon and Sling accounts. Pleased as punch with new toy so far. But failed to go to grocery store, so dinner will be chips, fresh salsa, sour cream and root beer. I would eat that every day if my body didn’t start whining for protein and green vegetables.
Basic gluten free (for my wife) spaghetti and meat sauce. Aldi rice-based spaghetti, which is actually more or less ok. Grass fed ground beef and sauce made by using the base italian tomato sauce in the can simmered with onions, crushed garlic, and basil. Turned out ok.
I made a pot of onion and garlic tomato sauce (not completely from scratch as I used canned tomatoes). We had that over rotini with grated romano cheese, feta and spinach chicken burgers and mixed vegetables (carrots, cauliflower and broccoli). We also finished most of a bottle of meh wine (some of it went into the sauce).
For dessert, I tried some of the preserved gummi-bears. The ones that soaked in 40% ABV ethanol (80 proof vodka) for ~12 hours in the fridge followed by a seven hour rest at room temperature were not bad. Pleasantly soft with a more chewy center.
I now have ten cherry ones soaking in 60ml of 95% ABV ethanol so I can determine how much absorption there is. I’m also curious how their texture will differ from those soaked in the 40% ABV vodka.
(I forgot to click Say it on this until just how; I was talking about Sunday evening. More details to follow, but the cherry spiritus bears were a bust.)
I thought I didn’t like gummy bears. But … have you tried soaking them in a peaty whiskey? Or in wine?
@f00l Same here (well, I’ve had the boozy ones before).
@meh was soaking some in a peaty whiskey (she told me what kind but I don’t recall).
I’ve now used 40% ABV ethanol (aka cheap vodka) and 55% ABV ethanol (aka Pikesville Rye Whiskey), both with decent results (pineapple in vodka is quite pleasant, as is lemon in rye). I’ve not done either in a controlled experiment where I measure how much alcohol is absorbed by the bears.
I did try a controlled soaking in 95% ABV ethanol (Spiritus… like Everclear) and it was a bust (gelatin is not soluble in ethanol and the bears absorbed almost none of it, staying hard and small: ten bears in 60 ml of 95% ABV absorbed less than 2.5 ML of the ethanol).
I found several articles (some behind paywalls) regarding the absorption of ethanol by gelatin (technically by hydrogels); this article was one of the most useful.
TL;DR: more alcohol is not necessarily better. 50% ABV is probably the highest you want.
@baqui63 @f00l i soaked them in something recommended as a cheap Lagavulin. I also can’t remember what is called. All I know is that I have this dish of gummy bears in my fridge and when I open the fridge a wall of whiskey rushes out and punches me in the face.
I have not eaten them yet, but I’m thinking of getting some sour mix to put over them. The bears are at least twice the size they were and sticky. And gosh are they potent smelling.
/giphy i am not ron swanson

Well since I am on a business trip in Virginia Beach and the company is footing the bill I had bronzed rockfish, with squash and broccolini. Dessert was bread pudding with vanilla ice cream. It was Yummy.
@mfladd what does bronzed mean? Type of cooking, or variety of fish?
Bronzing is a name that we apply to a technique similar to “blackening”, but at a lower temperature than is required for blackening. As with blackening, bronzing is cooking fish by coating the fish in spice and cooking it quickly on a pan or grill. Bronzing spices generally contain more herbs than blackening spices. The spice and the cooking process create a crispy, flavorful barrier around the fish being bronzed. To “bronze” properly, a stainless steel pan is heated over high temperature. (The skillet or grill should be dry before it is heated.) The food to be grilled should be at room temperature. Sprinkle the food with bronzing spice (notes: for more flavour, roll food into spice mix before cooking). Place the food onto the pan, drizzle with a small amount of melted, clarified butter. Cook for 1-2 minutes. Turn with a spatula and drizzle again with a small amount of butter. Cook for another 1-2 minutes and remove from the pan. Bronzing adds a distinctive flavour to fish while creating a savoury, moisture-retaining barrier around the outside. By creating a crisp, savoury coating of spice, the full flavour of the fish being bronzed develops inside – creating a delicious balance between the discrete combinations of flavour and texture. The heat required by bronzing means that you will need a good quality stainless steel pan which won’t warp when heated. A slim stainless or Teflon spatula is also helpful to remove the food from the pan without tearing the outer, spiced layer of the food away.
Is there some reason it has to be a stainless steel pan? What about cast iron or heavy lined copper?
@mfladd sounds interesting. Blackened food usually just tastes burnt to me.
@mfladd Dang. What restaurant served this feast?
@RiotDemon Bronzed is in between grilled and blackened. It was good.
@OldCatLady Catch 31 in the Hilton Oceanfront, Va. Beach
@f00l I am not sure. I pulled that description from online. I would think any of those would work, unless the cast iron would hold the bronzing mixture.
@mfladd Ooooh bread pudding is one of my fave things!!
Reheated leftover homemade beef barley vegetable soup with green salad & homemade blue cheese dressing. A Taylor gold pear for dessert.
@daveinwarsh I like that kind of soup. Mom made it too and it was the best. Nothing like what comes out of cans.
@Kidsandliz It’s even better the next day (just like chili). My wife makes everything from scratch. Everything. She grew up on a farm & they grew most of their food. I’m spoiled…
Indian food
Patio-grilled pork chops + mashed potatos; couple scoops of broccoli
Last night PB&J again plus a banana and candy bar I found in the way back of the snack drawer (which is likely why it was still there since the post christmas candy sale candy is now gone).
Two cannoli from Publix, fresh and crispy and excellent. Dessert may be a fruit salad.
Rotini with turkey meatballs, sauteed Roma tomatoes, scallions, baby Portobellos artichoke hearts, and Italian six cheese blend. Store bought tiramisu for dessert.

Deli thin sliced pastrami, ham, and beef rolled up in a tortilla with mustard and a little mayo. Wife was not hungry so it was an easy no-cook meal.
Pan fried pork chops with microwave frozen mixed veggies. Another ‘stuck at work until too late’ quicky dinner.
Same thing as last night. Peril of cooking for one, and why I eat out so much.

In place of going out to eat all of the time and having stuff with high sodium / fat content (if though it’s easy and yummy), get these. They are about $3-$4 each, easy, pretty healthy, and frigging delicious.
@hems79 Thanks, I’ll keep them in mind. But despite my dining out habits I eat only fresh veggies. Starch and protein can be boxed, canned, frozen, etc, but not vegetables. That’s why I get carryout mostly at Souper Salad, Panda Express, Taco Cabana and Taco Tote (local chain with a huge salsa/veggie bar).
@moondrake If fresh is just your preference and/or the loss of nutrients in frozen, I get it. However, there was no loss in taste nor texture in the teriyaki chicken I had the other day. Green beans tasted like they were harvested the day before and were still pretty crisp and tasty.
What are you getting at Taco Cabana? Drive-thru or do they have a salad bar inside?
Sigh. The nearest Taco Tote is 5+ hours away from me.
@f00l I always go inside because, you know, they fuck you in the drive thru. There’s no salad bar at TC, but I take good advantage of the salsa bar. I usually order the Cabana Bowl, which comes with a good handful of leafy greens. I use two or three 4oz containers of 50/50 fresh pico de gallo and salsa verde and add probably 6oz fresh onions to each meal. I don’t even have to ask for the larger salsa containers any more, they just hand me three when I order. When I get home I add a chopped tomato.
Leftover homemade crispy chicken & half a baked potato
Without the E. coli, salmonella, and norovirus.

@hems79 Do you have to order it that way special?
@djslack I just cross my fingers and hope for the best. So far, so good.
Chicken cordon bleu from my little local store’s meat department, mashed potatoes, veggies. I’m in the middle of my shift at work and about to eat a spinach salad.
What do you do all night long at work besides intimidating people who annoy you?
@f00l Believe it or not, I’m a fucking ray of sunshine and goodness at work.
It disgusts me
Why? Is there some payoff besides not getting fired?
@f00l Well, it’s a hotel. Everything is just how polite, helpful, and selfless you can be. In a moment of honesty I’ll deny later, I’m incredibly proud of how my guests and co-workers are fooled by it.
They think I’m really that sweet
That IS a little hard to believe.
A little less hard to believe
@KittySprinkles this makes me chuckle. I’m super nice to customers and get tons of compliments. If the customers could only see my eyes rolling or the faces I make sometimes when they walk away. I hope I never get caught, lol
@RiotDemon Hahaha. I’m lucky that I get to deal with mostly people staying in the hotel for business. People traveling for leisure are kinda shit! I rarely need to eye roll. Mainly these days for two people they hired that I want to throttle.
Seriously, leisure guests are awful
Are we tired of this topic? Oh well, I took a photo so I’ll post it anyway. Pork rib pan-fried in coconut oil with rice and Carribean inspired beans (black beans, onions, pineapple, chipotle, and a dash of bbq sauce and vinegar).

Sausage and mushroom pizza from Mancuso’s. Probably my favorite until you hit IL.
I had Noosa yoghurt (apple flavor). I think it’s my new favorite.
@msklzannie The only yogurt I actively like is lime 2% yogurt from a brand called Open Nature. It totally tastes like key lime pie. The mango is pretty tolerable as well.
Is there added sugar in this “key-lime yogurt”?
@f00l Almost certainly. Let’s see…
“Grade A Pasteurized Reduced Fat Milk, Key Lime Base ( Sugar, Water, Key Lime Puree [ Lime Juice Concentrate, Pulp Cells, Lime Oil ], Lime Pulp Cells, Locust Bean Gum, Pectin, Natural Flavor, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride, Fruit Juice Concentrate and Turmeric [For Color])andLiveand Active Yogurt Cultures ( S . Thermophilus, L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus, B. Lactis, L. Casei, L. Rhamnosus, L. Lactis ).”
Definitely not the healthiest yogurt on the market. But the only one I’m willing to eat. It’s not so much the sugar, they could use Stevia and I’d be just as happy. It’s the 2% milkfat. Makes it so much more palatable than the fat free stuff, which tastes like chalk to me.
@moondrake Mine tasted like
@msklzannie Does it have cinnamon? I don’t like cinnamon, and most apple things have cinnamon. I’ve pretty much given up on apple things.
@moondrake I really like Open Nature products. I tend to by their hummus most.
@moondrake Yes, but I tasted the nutmeg more than the cinnamon.
Leftover Pie Five pizza and leftover spaghetti. Just can’t seem to get out of work in time to do any real cooking. Not very inspiring.
But I picked up a couple of nice steaks at the store, and a bag of big shrimp for cocktails. Hopefully this weekend we’ll do our first sous vide steaks and they’ll be worth the wait and the expense of the equipment.
I had a giant Nathan’s hot dog from Sam’s Club with Jardines sweet/spicy corn relish & spicy brown mustard. Tortilla chips + salsa on the side. Washed it down with Bavarian Dunkel.

I’m either a multicultural savant or an idiot.
And I don’t need any comments from the peanut gallery
Hey I didn’t have any peanuts yet today.
Something against the “both” option?
Papa Ray’s Pizza, chopped garlic, onions, pepperoni, and bacon traditional crust. And since I made clam dip for the Puppy Bowl tomorrow, some chips and dip.
Tomorrow, making a sizeable batch of chicken wings, half with LaRue dillo dust (a sweet Texas BBQ style rub) and half garlic with parmesan added the last 10 minutes or so of cooking. And our last 4 monster cookies from the Christmas batch for dessert. It will be good.
@duodec Chicken wings turned out great! My wife made stovetop popcorn for the side, also excellent.
@duodec aww yiss, homemade popcorn.
Small amount of excellent brisket from Cousins BBQ.
Smoked chicken and cheese ravioli primavera.

@moondrake I think I’m having ravioli tonight. Yum.
@RiotDemon Chef Boyardee?
@riotdemon Easy homemade sauce, just a bunch of veggies and Italian seasoning sauteed in olive oil. The raviolis were


Publix shopper?
@RiotDemon Albertsons, we don’t have Public here.
@moondrake they were on sale at Publix, so I was guessing.
All the Albertsons are gone here.
@RiotDemon They were on sale at Albertsons, too. I love fresh pasta but I really prefer the unfilled kind. These were pretty good, though. If I’m hungry after popcorn at the movies tonight I’ll be eating the other half of the same meal. We’re seeing the animated Ghost in the Shell (again) in preparation for the live action one that’s coming out soon.
@moondrake I’ve never tried this brand. I hope this flavor is good.
I’m hoping the live action does the anime justice.
@moondrake fyi, the spinach and ricotta one was tasty. I kept it simple and just put a bit of butter and parmesan.
Roasteded Chicken and cheesy Broccoli
I bought ahead of cauliflower I need an idea of what to do with it
@CaptAmehrican I usually use them to make cauliflower soup.
@CaptAmehrican I would go with steamed with lemon and butter. Do you eat broccoli? Because they are pretty similar as far as recipes go.
A bagel with cream cheese
@mfladd I’ll send you some ravioli.
@RiotDemon Thank you.
A heated up slice of pizza with a hint of garlic.
(There was a pie of garlic pizza, this slice got frozen, and had barely gotten any garlic.)
Kielbasa, pierogies, and salad.
@dashcloud what kind of pierogies?
@cranky1950 Don’t know what brand, but it kinda sucked (although I think at least part of that was due to freezer burn).
@dashcloud Bummer, I like MrsTs potato and onion ones. There’s another brand that Fresh Market and Polish store sells and Iike their kraut pirogues.
I had Kinwah and some other healthy crap.
@cranky1950 quinoa?
@RiotDemon Yeah, pisses my wife off when I do that.
@cranky1950 who the hell decided to spell words so damn funny anyway.
@RiotDemon I dunno, think it’s done to keep the yupppies and dinks occupied.

@cranky1950 Do you like it? We’ve settled on it as a fair substitute for rice or couscous as long as its prepped and cooked right.
@duodec Yeah, it’s good. I can’t eat wheat or my immune system goes sortta crazy, so quinoa or curled veggies it is.
@cranky1950 never heard the term dinks before.

/image I learned something today
@cranky1950 Last week my co-worker pronounced quinoa “kee-no-ah”, and I had to hold everything in not to correct her.
Chocolate chip ice cream as the main course (on sale at Krogers for $2.50 a half gallon), peanut butter and honey sandwich as desert. Oh and cherry tomatoes.
/giphy chocolate chip

@f00l Grownups buy their own food and then choose what to eat. No kid in the house anymore that I have to feed a balanced diet to. I can eat what I want. When I had my first apartment I told my mom my first act as a grownup was to buy a thing of whipped cream in a can and spray it directly into my mouth (big drama growing up if we ever did that),
PS buy me some of those in the picture!!! I am reasonably sure they are not sold in a grocery store where I can use food stamps LOL
Then send me an address.
@f00l hey, if you are serious, email me at my user name at the usual yahoo and I will do that. Yummmmm chocolate!!!
Pizza and wings. Bad day.

/giphy pizza
@OldCatLady Dang, we had leftover pizza but forgot about the leftover superbowl sunday wings…
@duodec Well now you have tonight’s dinner.
animal crackers, pretzels, popsicles, and wings. The perks of being a single male.
The perks of being single.
The perks of not caring what anyone else you live with thinks, haha.
@RiotDemon Perhaps I’m being sexist, but in all my years I’ve never heard any woman admit to having a dinner like @elimanningface
@compunaut I probably wouldn’t admit to it either.
Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
@compunaut well considering my main course was ice cream the other day… that has got to be close.
@compunaut I’m not a fan of that specific group of items, but I’ve had chips and salsa for dinner more times than I can count. I regularly make meals out of fries, onion rings, chips, or cookies. I’m a woman and I eat what I want when I want, sometimes it’s healthy or elaborate, and sometimes not. I’m answerable only to myself.
@moondrake I stand corrected
I’m roasting a whole chicken, Jen is making mashed potatoes.
@PantHeist and brown butter chocolate chip cookies???
@duodec I wish
@PantHeist Me too…
Leftover super bowl garlic-parmesan chicken wings, but there were only a few left. So for a side I heated up some leftover basmati rice with butter, folding in finely shredded mixed cheddar, jack, and queso cheese, and bacon bits, and a touch of season salt.
You guys spend way more time on cooking than I could ever stand to do. Mind you I am not against eating what someone else has slaved over in the kitchen for hours on end, I am just not willing to spend my time doing that. If it can’t be cooked in about 15 min I’m out (except on rare occasions). I have to grocery shop when I am hungry because otherwise I’d come home with next to nothing. I have trouble forcing myself to start cooking unless I am already hungry and then I don’t want to wait around for ages for it to be done.
@Kidsandliz I love cooking. One of my ways to relax.
@Kidsandliz I guess you could just eat fruit & veggies most of the time and skip the cooking
@PantHeist Can I move to your house? I’ll do the dishes. : )
@compunaut There actually are quite a few things I can make that take less than 15 min. If I’d ever remember to start cooking before I was hungry then this wouldn’t be quite as much an issue.
Once mom said she’d failed as a mom because none of her girls liked to cook, etc. I told her no she didn’t fail, she made us realize this was not automatically the woman’s job and that we didn’t have to like it. And we at least know how to cook due to the slight problem that to eat you sometimes need to cook.
And of course there was this other issue that DHS takes a dim issue of not cooking if you have kids to feed…
@Kidsandliz Deal.
@PantHeist Thank you! What is for dinner tonight? Oh wait. I have no idea where you live.
@Kidsandliz Dunno yet, I’ll have to look at what’s already defrosted. Might be turning leftovers into some variation of brunswick stew. I live in coastal Maine- I’m actually in a giant furnished house right now because during the off season I rent one of the places that tourists pay crazy money for in the summer dirt cheap. Hope you don’t mind the cold.
@PantHeist So what do you do about a place to live during the tourist season? I grew up in the snow belt. I even attempted to swim in the ocean in Arcadia - got in up to mid thigh and changed my mind. Legs were bright red when I got out. Worked in Maine one summer (lived in Unity). Leftovers are fine. Sounds you are doing something fancy with them. Me - it would be heat them up in the microwave. End of story.
@Kidsandliz It varies, last summer we lived in Eustis- it’s near Mount Sugarloaf so its tourist season is winter, very cheap in summer. I go swimming in the ocean here every Jan 1. It hurts, but it’s invigorating. I say it washes all the shit from the last year off.
Chili cook-off at work today, so what with sampling all the entries (and desserts) I never got hungry enough to eat dinner after coming home.
Big portion of new SPAMtones !! https://play.SPAM.com/SPAM/apps/details?id=SPAM.pro
@David_Hr Also known as a big heaping portion of SPAM.
@thumperchick more spam here.
Spam spam spam spam
Spam spam spam spam
Lovely Spam!
Wonderful Spam!
Homemade potato soup and AE chocolate milk.
The soup is more of an art than a recipe. This time it included potatoes, water, milk, bacon bits, flour, butter, chives, celery leaves, parsley, sea salt, Hawaiian black salt, and a few shakes of pepper just so I can say I added it.
@msklzannie sounds tasty!
@msklzannie Hawaiian black salt? Google says it’s got all kinds of benefits. Where did you get it?
@OldCatLady HyVee
That looks great.
Like last Tuesday, a heated up slice of pizza with a hint of garlic (from the same pie).
I made ramen noodles and cabbage. Super cheap, and tasty.
We did our first long sous vide cook on a nice eye of round roast. Olive oil and mustard rub, then patted in salt, pepper, and sage, then vac-bagged with sprigs of fresh rosemary. 30 hours cooktime at 136F. Then a brief 30-40 second sear on each side and end using a cast iron pan. The juices in the bag were used to deglaze the searing pan, then simmered to reduce then used to make gravy.
The beef was a uniform beautiful pink all the way through, juicy, and (especially for this cut of beef) really tender. There was a vein of gristly fat that had not softened or reduced that we had to trim around that was not visible until we started slicing. The beefy flavor was awesome. I am becoming more of a sous vide fan each time.
Last night we took some leftover roasted chicken, cubed it, warmed it and ‘sauteed’ it with barbecue sauce, and served that on rice. Good stuff. We try to always have some cooked rice in the fridge for quick dinners…
Cioppino, with fennel, saffron, tomatoes, wine, two kinds of fish, shrimp and mussels. The Instant Pot on slow cooker mode made the base broth with veggies, and proteins were added at the end on ‘keep warm’ setting, so they didn’t get overdone. Italian bread to soak up the broth.
Prepare for invasion.
Fried pork chops, noodles with mushroom gravy, salad & a beer.
@daveinwarsh Hopefully ‘beer’ does not mean simply white-can generic ‘beer’…

You don’t eat/drink with a Repo Man* aesthetic?
@duodec LOL I used to drink cheap beer!
No, it was a Stone IPA.
I didn’t sign it into Untappd because I’ve had that one quite a few times before…
Half a chicken bacon ranch Cabana Bowl, and half a chicken bacon ranch Subway footlong, both leftovers from previous purchases. Kind of a chicken bacon ranch week I guess. Probably making something good tonight, have a friend coming for dinner.
Chicken & wilted spinach over spaghetti squash, w/ Woodchuck Gumption hard cider
I tried a method of cooking spagetti squash in a crockpot. It’s not good. Kinda bland with bad texture. No amount of parmesean is fixing this.
@CaptAmehrican I’ll find the recipe; didn’t use crock pot. It was surprisingly tasty, and would be especially good for somebody reducing carbs/gluten/pasta
@compunaut oh my normal oven method is tasty I was just looking to try something easy and could come home to pre cooked dinner.
@CaptAmehrican Yeah, squash was 5min mw, 40min oven. “Sauce” was browned chicken, broth, 1/2 lemon’s juice + sautéed onion, garlic & spinach.
@CaptAmehrican We bake the spaghetti squash also. It’s too sweet-tasting to use as a spaghetti noodle in my opinion. It’s a good side dish, though.
It’s madness, I tell you. So it’s 7pm and I’m driving home from watching John Wick 2, looking for something appealing for dinner so I don’t have to go home and cook. I pass by Arby’s, their sign is for a promotion on fried fish sandwiches. Huh? Are their french fries going to start tasting fishy like Long John Silvers’? Speaking of which, here’s Long John Silvers, their sign is offering a special on fried chicken. No fishy chicken, thanks. Next up is McDonalds, offering a special on coffee. Next was Taco Bell, promoting breakfast. It seems like the fast food chains are working toward a common menu. I ended up at home empty handed, resigned to stirring in a can of chicken, some pico de gallo and grilled onions with some (very expired) prepared mac-n-cheese.
An entire box of Caramel deLites. (Mistakes were made.)
@ciaccona Good choice. Better than mine of instant oatmeal.
Thinly sliced leftover sous vide eye of round roast sandwich with horseradish sauce. And a handful of Sweets chocolate orange sticks left over from Christmas.
The highlight of my day.
Just gotta find the hot sauce…
French Toast.
@mfladd I ordered French toast at cracker barrel once. It was basically scrambled eggs stuck to bread, covered in syrup.
Worst French toast ever.
Kosta’s Gyros - Gyros plate and fries. I always have leftovers because they put so much meat…
Green chile stew & toasted baguette
@f00l It’s a slow cooker recipe - I’m sure you could master it