What was your favorite costume?
4I know not everyone can or does dress up every year for Halloween, but I also know a lot of you are big fans of the season and wouldn’t miss a chance to go all out.
If you have a pic, share it! If you don’t, tell us about your favorite costume and maybe even share a bit about it.
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/showme My favorite Halloween costume
@mediocrebot Ah yes, this old classic, the…snow…man…clown…wizard?
@dave Now you just need to get AI to generate a story about this great costume and the bots will win the day.
My favorite Halloween costume was a combination snowman, clown, wizard. The reason it’s my favorite is not because of how it looked, but because of the adventure it took me on:
– [AI took over here]
I was walking home from a Halloween party one cold night. I had on my big, puffy snowman costume, complete with a carrot nose, and my face painted white with black circles around my eyes. I was also carrying my wand, which had a big, glittery star on the end. As I walked, I stumbled on a loose paving stone and went sprawling onto the ground. I lay there for a moment, trying to catch my breath, when I heard a strange noise coming from the alleyway next to me. I sat up and peered into the darkness, and saw a pair of glowing green eyes staring back at me. I scrambled to my feet and started to run, but the thing in the alleyway was faster. It chased me for blocks, until I finally lost it in a maze of side streets. I made it home safely, but I’ve never forgotten that Halloween night, and I always make sure to carry my wand with me when I go trick-or-treating now!
I’m the same thing every year.

And for when I need a stand-in/stunt double/doppelganger:

@PooltoyWolf Which came first? The pool toy, or the suit?
@ExtraMedium The suit was commissioned in 2013 and Mactoy was made in 2020.
@PooltoyWolf So you were just a young pup (pun intended) when this got started. Insane quality work. I’d worry about my old body outgrowing it.
@ExtraMedium I would have been around 24-25 when Mac was finished. Unfortunately his bodysuit is form fitted, and I have since gained about 20 pounds…heh
So I’m a bit of a dork and this is how I hand out Halloween candy. My daughter is 14 and has realized that she’s not the trick-or-treating kid any more and on Monday she told me she wanted to hand out the candy. Then follows that up with, “Can I wear the armor?”
It got me in the feels

@capnjb you raised her right!!! But I would love to see her as another Star Wars character handing out with you
@tinamarie1974 Now it’s my time to shine!
When I left the hospital last year with the first beard in my life, people told me I looked like Obi-Wan. It’s short notice but I think I need to source a Jedi robe ASAP 
@capnjb oh now that is an exciting development. I think we need pictures
@tinamarie1974 It’s not flattering, but this was my first day home with my two month coma beard.
Couldn’t walk then, but now I can run up stairs. It’s been a good year and I’m loving living life 

@capnjb i think you will make a GREAT ObiWan!!! And serious congrats on your progress, that is amazing
@capnjb @tinamarie1974
Congrats on your recovery. The best things in life require some work! Glad you’ll be around to see your kid(s) grow up.
@tinamarie1974 Thank you. I’ve got an amazing wife and daughter who I likely put through hell for a long time, but they have been my biggest cheerleaders. I am certainly blessed and have a profoundly new beautiful look at life.
And I’m not shy about talking about it. Sorry about my verbosity. 
@capnjb @tinamarie1974

@capnjb @tinamarie1974
Wow months in a coma, could you hear people talking to you while you were in the coma? I’m sure you have some very interesting stories. Glad things turned out so well for you.
@Star2236 @tinamarie1974 Well… my body stopped working but my brain did not. If you’ve ever had a dream that felt so real when you woke up that you had to think about it for a moment… that dream was probably only a few minutes long. I had that dream for 8 weeks. It took a long time to unpack everything and even now that I know that things didn’t happen and couldn’t happen, but I was in a pretty dark place for what felt like a year or more. I lost a lot of people close to me. I now know it wasn’t real, but I have memories from that time that are as just as real as watching my daughter pitch two weeks ago. It’s been a lot to carry. I’m proud and stubborn and didn’t want to burden my wife with dumping anything more on her so I sucked up my pride and actually started talking with a therapist about a month ago. It’s actually pretty great.
@capnjb @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
Wow, that’s an incredible and profound story! I’m so glad you’re recovering. When you say you lost people close to you, do you mean people from the dream world?
@Kyeh @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 Yeah, so… it was all in my fugue state. I lost many friends, my father, my daughter and my wife… three times. I can’t explain how I got her back each time… it just was… but I have very real memories of each time I lost her. And I don’t know how to forget those memories and it breaks my heart every time I remember them. Which is why I found a therapist. My wife doesn’t know about any of that and I’m not going to dump anything else on her because she was such a rock star when I couldn’t take care of my family. But we’re celebrating 22 years next month! Definitely not meh
@capnjb @Kyeh @tinamarie1974
I bet she would be a lot more supportive than you think. Also our better half can always tell when somethings nothing us and is (majority of the time) happy when we open up about it to them.
@capnjb @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
That’s truly amazing. I wonder if it was when you yourself were actually at a tenuous place physically? I hope you’re able to get past the sadness soon. Your family sounds like the best!
@Star2236 That’s likely true, but I am carrying so much guilt I need to shoulder it and not put it on her. I went to the ER with what I thought was a hernia and woke up two months later with a chest that looks like a jigsaw. Sorry… this is feeling like a therapy session
I don’t mean to share so much… and apologies to ExtraMedium as I’m sure this wasn’t the direction this thread was intended to go. I did buy a light saber today… so that’s a win 
@Kyeh That’s very possible. I had some dire moments and when I had come to and was learning how to speak and swallow again, I had more than one nurse come into the ICU, see me and smile, and say ‘we didn’t think we’d see you again’. That will humble you to your core. And yes, I’ve got an amazing family… my girls are the best. Fell in love with my Jenny the first time I saw her smile
/giphy forest gump jenny

@capnjb That giphy is so perfect!
Don’t ever feel sorry for sharing your story on here. This is a safe place to let go of everything. I’ve shared bits and pieces of mine. I’ve had an open neck surgery that later turned into a cerebral Venus thrombosis (blood clot in the brain), a stroke, I had to learn how to talk again and had cognitive issues. Talking on here has helped me, especially bc there’s a lot more people in my boat than I realize. I went to a therapist for a couple years but I hate therapy bc that’s basically what I did before I got hurt (and my childhood). I’m not a therapy person. This site has helped me more that therapy could.

What a wonderful outcome to a very scary time. Thank you for sharing. I’ve been on both sides of the situation and for me it was worse being in your wife’s shoes. My guy doesn’t believe in therapy and two years after his 6 weeks of unconscious we’re still talking about and processing his crazy vivid dreams. It’s probably going to take you all a long time to recover from everything you’ve been through but at least you’ve still got each other! That’s what’s important!
Healing prayers for all of you!
@Lynnerizer Thank you for that. Tell your guy, I’m in the same boat. I wasn’t a therapy guy either, but I was carrying a lot. And I carried it because I was too proud to unload it on my wife. I hated the process of setting it up because I didn’t think I needed it, but I did it and each and every session I ran the show. It was fantastic to just let it go. I’d talk for the whole hour. I let my therapist know I’d be happy to be the first chapter in her book. She told me I’d need to write the prologue for it.
But seriously, if your guy would like to talk to someone who went through something similar, I’d be happy to have a conversation with him. Send me a whisper if he’s up for it. I’ll send my email, cell#, or my zoom account. It’s a tough place to be. And I’m crawling out of that hole 
My mom made our costumes when we were little and I always liked this one.
@Star2236 Very cool! My mom did the same for a few years. She made me an excellent vampire costume and the cap managed a few years of use.
Those are great costumes! Cuties!