Cage fighting for middle management and maybe fencing for the upper crust. I also think fencing should require all participants to speak with a Cambridge accent.
@00@Kyeh At least golf courses do absorb some rain, provide green space, and reduce runoff issues. One near me was shut down, and is now in the process of being converted into a medium density housing development - and the expected runoff is going to make flooding in neighborhoods just to the north and northwest of me significantly worse.
Mountain biking.
@yakkoTDI Those cunts at Enron did a lot of “extreme” sports. Actually plenty of type-A douchebags at various companies still do.
Croquet should make a comeback IMO.
Tiddley winks
Hide & Seek
@daveinwarsh How about just hide?
Tax evasion
@2many2no You haven’t been paying attention have you?
I thought pyramid scheme building was America’s business class pastime.
@hchavers Too risky. Grifting and gaslighting are the newest trend.
Javelin catching
Air Hockey
Diving into silos of gold coins.
Lava flow surfing.
Paying taxes like the rest of us, except now including the “unearned” benefits received.
Auditioning to be an ass on “Shark Tank”.
Taintball (i.e., naked paintball, for maximum pain effect
Axe throwing
@heartny I feel sorry for whoever loses the coin toss and has to receive.
@heartny @tweezak Those who have the coin dinnae be throwin’, if all’s fair.
@heartny Axe catching.
@Kyeh …on REALLY tall buildings, right?
Pickleball, dressed in Wimbledon whites
“The Purge”
Cage fighting for middle management and maybe fencing for the upper crust. I also think fencing should require all participants to speak with a Cambridge accent.
@rockblossom Only real swords allowed, of course, none of that non-lethal competition equipment!
Beer pong
Caber tossing
@ybmuG If only there were a catching component.
I vote they call the position a “glacadair.”
Pokémon Go
@ybmuG I’m rolling people in the UL PC with a team my friend suggested. I’d be upper management in no time!
Coming up with stupid responses to a poll on a website
The Game of Life
Precision Target practice
Pocket pool?
Peanut butter jelly time!
Painstakingly rewilding the land used as golf courses.
@00 This is my favorite answer.
@00 @Kyeh At least golf courses do absorb some rain, provide green space, and reduce runoff issues. One near me was shut down, and is now in the process of being converted into a medium density housing development - and the expected runoff is going to make flooding in neighborhoods just to the north and northwest of me significantly worse.
@00 @Kyeh @werehatrack neighbors here successfully fought that and the former golf course is now a park.
@00 @werehatrack
@ybmuG Nice! “Rewilding” is what I really liked there - not “developing.”