You need the tag /giphy at the start of a new line, followed by the keywords you hope will cause it to cough up something appropriate. If the first image is junk, just hit the edit button, and when you save, it will fetch a different one.
@xenophod You are very clever! But, I still don’t know how the hell to do it. I know now, the only way I’ll ever figure it out is if someone writes it out for me step by step; like a recipe. I don’t expect it but it would be appreciated.
OK, this won’t address a gif YOU created, but if you go to giphy.com and enter the term you want in the search bar you will get a buttload of options.
Once you settle on a specific one, click on it
It will open in a box with an option to the right that says share.
Click on that and a button will pop over the gif that says ‘copy gif link’.
Click that button then paste the link into the post.
as a new line,
I actually like to do my own cleaning. Plus, I’m thinking the nicer I am to robots in the present, the nicer they will be to me when they inevitably take over in the future
Oh, ghods, the Dallas Fair Park people need to get one of those for the restrooms during the peak of their big events. Floors get NASTY! Of course, it would need to be able to open the stall doors, too. More work needed.
@werehatrack Thanks, I am trying to get over my cat paranoia; Ailurophobia. But, you’re right; I know they are responsible. After all, they regard their hairballs as art and don’t like the robot vacuuming them up.
That’s one reason my coop is up on legs. I can just rake out the leaves/grass clippings I put in there directly into the coop and they will proceed to scratch it into the (you guessed it) leaves and grass clippings I throw in there. Voila, instant compost.
@Kyeh Robot mowers scare the hell out of me! I can see it now; the damn thing would get some kind of malware infection and take off mowing the neighbors pot farm down.
Hah - if you could stabilize it so it would fly upside down low to the ground, the propellers could shave off the grass.
@accelerator@Kyeh One of my rural neighbors applied for permits for a pot farm (we got notice from the county of a hearing scheduled for comments a while back). Neighborhood scuttlebutt says she proceeded but it must be contained within her old barn, since nothing is visible from the road. (I actually don’t care much one way or the other.)
@accelerator@macromeh My main concern would be about the smell. Several years ago my mother was convinced that there must be a dead skunk out in the condo grounds and her friend even went out searching. Finally my brother told her, “Someone’s growing pot nearby!”
@Kyeh@macromeh Recreational pot goes on sale here on April Fools Day. Plenty of people are wanting to get in on the “Breaking Bad” Its a hot topic down at the city hall here in my small rural horse country town. nobody wants a pot farm next to their house.
Yeah, they use a LOT of water, too.
Of course, once it’s legal everywhere, the huge profits will go down, so maybe there’ll be fewer farms…
@accelerator@Kyeh I haven’t noticed any smell, but she has a long driveway and most of the property where the house and barn are slopes away below road level. I guess it can’t be a very big operation if it all fits in her barn. I don’t care much about a small “boutique” production/wholesale operation with no retail sales and the type of traffic that might entail. BTW, this is my “80’s pop star” neighbor - I guess her band is doing a gig in an L.A. club next weekend.
@accelerator@Kyeh I wondered the same thing. It’s legal here to grow a small amount for personal use, but maybe they need more than that.
It seems to be popular among (fading) celebrities to have a pot farm. Jim Belushi has a farm (and associated cable “reality” show) in southern Oregon.
@tinamarie1974 Agreed, Microsoft really needs to get its head out of its ass. Maybe for 11? It could happen!
@ircon96 @tinamarie1974
/8ball Will Microsoft make 11 less infuriating than 10?
Better not tell you now
@werehatrack Who knew the 8ball is a craven corporate shill?!
The toilet, good lord, the toilet
@awk Wow, seems like a lot of people have some really nasty toilets in their lives!
Only if men are involved. Men with shorter bats please stand closer to the plate.
@awk @ludiddley4 that really was funny.
@awk @bayportbob @ludiddley4 @ircon96 It is not that the toilet is nasty but they are not fun to clean.
@yakkoTDI Idk, that tiny guy in his little boat is the life of the party 'round here!
Deez Nuts
@somf69 ^ for people of a certain age ^
(Chef’s kiss)
/giphy chef’s kiss
The refrigerator.
Poopy diapers
My garage or my office. At one time, people could tell which was which.
I want it to fold the clothes it just washed,
@rtjhnstn I would be happy if it only folded the fitted sheet. Is that too much to ask?
@rtjhnstn @TheCO2 the trick is: Never fold the fitted sheet. Wash, dry, and put it right back on the bed!
@callow @rtjhnstn I was wondering why my girlfriend has four fitted sheets on our bed. Now I know.
My ex wife’s…
Yeah, that.
@TheCO2 her curio cabinet?
Windows & blinds
My clock.
Robot cleaning Robot
my toilets.
Embarrassed to add this but I cannot make an animated Gif file post here. Any help? Signed: Noob
@accelerator If you don’t mind the randomness, just use the /giphy line.
/giphy not a cat
You know I’ve never known how to do that that and didn’t wanna sound really dumb and ask. I’m so phone/computer dumb. I’m gonna try it
@Star2236 I’ve tried everything, but nothing works. I know it’s simple, but I just can’t seem to make it work. Let me know how you succeed.
@accelerator @Star2236
You need the tag /giphy at the start of a new line, followed by the keywords you hope will cause it to cough up something appropriate. If the first image is junk, just hit the edit button, and when you save, it will fetch a different one.
/giphy something appropriate
@Star2236 @werehatrack Okay, made it work with choosing random giphy. Was hoping I could choose a specific one to post. Thanks for your help!
@accelerator @werehatrack
I have to have someone show me, I can’t figure it on my own.
Does this not work?
This works. I think.
I made you a gif of me posting a gif from my computer.
@xenophod You are very clever! But, I still don’t know how the hell to do it. I know now, the only way I’ll ever figure it out is if someone writes it out for me step by step; like a recipe. I don’t expect it but it would be appreciated.
@accelerator @werehatrack @Star2236
OK, this won’t address a gif YOU created, but if you go to giphy.com and enter the term you want in the search bar you will get a buttload of options.
as a new line,
I actually like to do my own cleaning. Plus, I’m thinking the nicer I am to robots in the present, the nicer they will be to me when they inevitably take over in the future
Oh, ghods, the Dallas Fair Park people need to get one of those for the restrooms during the peak of their big events. Floors get NASTY! Of course, it would need to be able to open the stall doors, too. More work needed.
I’m afraid that if we make the robots clean the bathrooms too well, they’ll eventually stop us from making messes in the first place.
That Somatic thing is fantastic!
@werehatrack @xenophod
My experience with robot vacuums.
/giphy robot lost
Robot vacuums are all the same for me. They get lost and die and then fall apart.
Are you sure that the cats aren’t taking them apart for the useful toys?
@werehatrack Thanks, I am trying to get over my cat paranoia; Ailurophobia. But, you’re right; I know they are responsible. After all, they regard their hairballs as art and don’t like the robot vacuuming them up.
@accelerator @werehatrack
If they start selling NFTs it’s time to move!
Cars I want a robot to come wash my car and vacuum the inside.
@Neech big same. Someone keeps filling my car with trash every time I drive it.
The chicken coop. Nasty, filthy creatures.
That’s one reason my coop is up on legs. I can just rake out the leaves/grass clippings I put in there directly into the coop and they will proceed to scratch it into the (you guessed it) leaves and grass clippings I throw in there. Voila, instant compost.
It should clean the dog poop out of my yard
I think Meh should sell robotic lawnmowers.
@Kyeh Robot mowers scare the hell out of me! I can see it now; the damn thing would get some kind of malware infection and take off mowing the neighbors pot farm down.
Hah! You live next to a pot farm!?
@accelerator @Kyeh
I’d worry about the drone that crashes into it and makes a hybrid that will fly!
@accelerator @chienfou @Kyeh
Flymo exists.
@accelerator @chienfou @werehatrack
That looks pretty neat - have you tried one?
@accelerator @Kyeh @werehatrack
here’s a failed attempt…
@accelerator @chienfou @werehatrack
Hah - if you could stabilize it so it would fly upside down low to the ground, the propellers could shave off the grass.
@accelerator @Kyeh @werehatrack
@accelerator @Kyeh One of my rural neighbors applied for permits for a pot farm (we got notice from the county of a hearing scheduled for comments a while back). Neighborhood scuttlebutt says she proceeded but it must be contained within her old barn, since nothing is visible from the road. (I actually don’t care much one way or the other.)
@accelerator @macromeh My main concern would be about the smell. Several years ago my mother was convinced that there must be a dead skunk out in the condo grounds and her friend even went out searching. Finally my brother told her, “Someone’s growing pot nearby!”
@Kyeh @macromeh Recreational pot goes on sale here on April Fools Day. Plenty of people are wanting to get in on the “Breaking Bad” Its a hot topic down at the city hall here in my small rural horse country town. nobody wants a pot farm next to their house.
@accelerator @macromeh
Yeah, they use a LOT of water, too.
Of course, once it’s legal everywhere, the huge profits will go down, so maybe there’ll be fewer farms…
@accelerator @Kyeh I haven’t noticed any smell, but she has a long driveway and most of the property where the house and barn are slopes away below road level. I guess it can’t be a very big operation if it all fits in her barn. I don’t care much about a small “boutique” production/wholesale operation with no retail sales and the type of traffic that might entail. BTW, this is my “80’s pop star” neighbor - I guess her band is doing a gig in an L.A. club next weekend.
@accelerator @macromeh
Wow! Maybe it’s all for her and her entourage.
@accelerator @Kyeh I wondered the same thing. It’s legal here to grow a small amount for personal use, but maybe they need more than that.
It seems to be popular among (fading) celebrities to have a pot farm. Jim Belushi has a farm (and associated cable “reality” show) in southern Oregon.
My car
I’d rather have this than a robot vacuum:
Teeth/mouth. Get some nano bots in there to clean in between the teeth and never floss again.