@duodec I want to like it too, but I find so much of the dialog in the trailers offputting. In your face, Neil Armstrong? The fuck does that even mean?!?
@jaremelz I am too. The trailer looks charming, but that… doesn't mean much. Regardless, it is the film I am most interested in… hoping doesn't suck, and therefore seeing. I hate watching movies in the theatre, but… I'm hopeful for this.
@brhfl I had serious concerns after seeing the few frames that they released last year. I'm a bit more hopeful now. I just want it to be good, instead of an attempt to cash in on nostalgia with a completely thin plot and zero original charm. But really, I'm all about Snoopy.
@thismyusername@brhfl This is the Snoopy that was in my crib when I was brought home from the hospital after being born, a mere 44 years ago. He's more new thread than old (although even some of that 'new' thread is 20 years old), but I still love him.
From the footage shown at the D23 Expo last month, I unexpectedly found Zootopia to have a lot of promise. I wasn't planning on seeing it, but I probably will now.
While I'm super stoked for SW and The Martian the real winner here is gonna be Hateful Eight. Tarantino is on a fucking role right now. Gonna be a sad day when he finishes #10.
@studerc Definitely more hyped for Hateful Eight than most others on the list (though I'm sure I'll see them all). Did he say he's retiring after 10 movies or something?
@JonT He claims that's what he'll be doing. I have doubts he'll be able to really walk away, not an obsessive mind like his. Some idea will pop into his head and he'll be compelled to make it happen. That said, Basterds and Django are excellent and make me really excited about Hateful Eight. I can't say he's getting better, because Basterds trumps Django in my book.
@JonT@jaremelz Tarantino has gone on record multiple times saying that his plan all along was to only direct 10 movies. Once those ten were completed he would stop being a director, citing something about how he wanted one 10 film filmography and anything past 10 would be sub-par filming.
He does however work collaboratively quite often with other film-makers, most notably Robert Rodriguez. So while he will no longer write/direct, he will probably remain in the film industry.
There are several on the list that we'll go see. I'm interested in all of them. However; the only movie I've gotten ridiculously excited over isn't coming out until Feb 2016, Deadpool. (I voted for Hateful Eight for this round, though.)
@mfladd I mean, don't get me wrong, I got a bit misty-eyed when I saw the Falcon for the first time. But that saber! Agh. I'm gonna love it. He can't let me down nearly as much as the last one did. Why isn't it December yet?
Definitely the Martian, but also Crimson Peak, Sicario, Beasts of No Nation, and Youth. There's a few that've been shown or released internationally that I'm dyyyying to see and I guarantee I'll get my grubby internet paws on by the end of the year, like Tale of Tales and The Witch.
@goldenthorn Dying to see Crimson Peak! While I do not have a crush on ye old Hiddleston, I do think he is a good actor. Del Toro is a magnifcent director, and I just plain love creepy Gothic horror. Very excite about this one.
I'm excited to see that Mad Max movie... They must have done some pre-screening because there's a lot of hype around the movie.
PS Everyone seems to be excited about "The Martian" and I have no idea what it is. Guess I'll have to watch a trailer... le sigh. What are you doing to me, Meh.
I am a total curmudgeon, and I hate going to theaters and monitoring upcoming films. I never watch trailers, and I don't look forward to movies. I watch some, yes, but I never anticipate them. "Once bitten, twice shy" you might say.
All of that in mind: I am so soooo fucking looking forward to the Martian. I giggled with glee when I watched the trailer. I read the book in one sitting, and then read it again. I can't get over how much I want to see that movie. I have literally never been this excited about a film.
There's a new Star Wars movie? About time. What's it been, 30 years? But I'm not into all that fake stuff. I like history movies, like The Martian. None of that imaginary stuff for me...
I have mixed feelings about SW, am hoping that The Martian has not been ruined in becoming a movie, and still have to dow... er, watch Mockingjay part 1.
I'll eventually see most of these, likely in my living room, but I rarely look forward to movies with any real excitement.
All these are actual "go to the movies" movies for us. Looking forward to SW, of course, and my kiddo and I are ready for Katniss to whine and shoot things. Spectre will be great, because Daniel Craig is the 3rd-best Bond, and I have seen everything QT has done, so Hateful Eight is a must-see as well. As mentioned above, I'm waiting for Crimson Peak, because good Gothic horror, yum!
We just watched the trailer for Krampus last night, and we're pondering going- my family is Dutch, and St. Nicholas and Krampus were what I was raised with, along with Santa.
As for The Martian, that's going to be my horror movie. Hubby read the book, loved it, and made me read it. I hate space, and space travel, so between this and Gravity, those are my personal worst nightmares and why I will never, ever set foot on a space shuttle. I assume that I'll be watching this with my hands over my face, just like Gravity.
I did not even know of any of the other options after star wars
I have already bought into the hype too much
But still worried about the cinematic styling of JJ Abrams
"The Martian" with the hope that a great book isn't screwed up too badly by hollyweird. Star Wars was already kinda degraded by Lucas :(
@duodec I want to like it too, but I find so much of the dialog in the trailers offputting. In your face, Neil Armstrong? The fuck does that even mean?!?
@duodec after reading the book, I want to see the movie. I, too, am afraid they will ruin it like movies always do for a good book!
@duodec if anyone can bring star wars back to glory it's JJ.
Erm, Peanuts Movie.
@brhfl sounds like a case of Peanuts envy
@brhfl I am so worried about this one. Please, please don't let it suck.
@jaremelz I am too. The trailer looks charming, but that… doesn't mean much. Regardless, it is the film I am most interested in… hoping doesn't suck, and therefore seeing. I hate watching movies in the theatre, but… I'm hopeful for this.
@brhfl I had serious concerns after seeing the few frames that they released last year. I'm a bit more hopeful now. I just want it to be good, instead of an attempt to cash in on nostalgia with a completely thin plot and zero original charm.
But really, I'm all about Snoopy.
can't wait....
@thismyusername @brhfl This is the Snoopy that was in my crib when I was brought home from the hospital after being born, a mere 44 years ago. He's more new thread than old (although even some of that 'new' thread is 20 years old), but I still love him.
@jaremelz Damn, I am sleepy as hell.

@brhfl Worth hoping for.
@brhfl http://www.wahwahmachine.com/3821
Star Wars, definitely!
From the footage shown at the D23 Expo last month, I unexpectedly found Zootopia to have a lot of promise. I wasn't planning on seeing it, but I probably will now.
While I'm super stoked for SW and The Martian the real winner here is gonna be Hateful Eight. Tarantino is on a fucking role right now. Gonna be a sad day when he finishes #10.
@studerc Definitely more hyped for Hateful Eight than most others on the list (though I'm sure I'll see them all). Did he say he's retiring after 10 movies or something?
@JonT He claims that's what he'll be doing. I have doubts he'll be able to really walk away, not an obsessive mind like his. Some idea will pop into his head and he'll be compelled to make it happen. That said, Basterds and Django are excellent and make me really excited about Hateful Eight. I can't say he's getting better, because Basterds trumps Django in my book.
@JonT @jaremelz Tarantino has gone on record multiple times saying that his plan all along was to only direct 10 movies. Once those ten were completed he would stop being a director, citing something about how he wanted one 10 film filmography and anything past 10 would be sub-par filming.
He does however work collaboratively quite often with other film-makers, most notably Robert Rodriguez. So while he will no longer write/direct, he will probably remain in the film industry.
There are several on the list that we'll go see. I'm interested in all of them. However; the only movie I've gotten ridiculously excited over isn't coming out until Feb 2016, Deadpool.
(I voted for Hateful Eight for this round, though.)
@Thumperchick can't wait for deadpool, I hope it's true to the leaked tester footage ;) It appears it will be (rated R).
No mention of the Krampus movie?
@togle I have a friend who is so obsessed with Krampus that I'm considering driving all the way to Portland just to go see it with him.
@jaremelz I love the idea of krampus, but Im not sure how it'll all carry over into movie form
@togle I like quite a few of the cast members. I think this will fall into cheesy goodness, but not as over the top as say, Slither.
Eta, I'm trying to think of a movie which better illustrates what I mean, but I'm sleepy as hell.
BTW that is a Sphero's Star Wars BB-8 Droid you see in the video! (same maker as Ollie)
When are you going to these meh.?
@mfladd Damn, if that new saber doesn't look cool as hell. I squee a bit every time I see it.
@jaremelz yeah, I peed a little.
@mfladd meh will sell these in 2045 when the "new" star wars (aka 7,8,9) are remembered fondly as "classic" star wars.
@mfladd I mean, don't get me wrong, I got a bit misty-eyed when I saw the Falcon for the first time. But that saber! Agh. I'm gonna love it. He can't let me down nearly as much as the last one did. Why isn't it December yet?
dragon ball z super
Definitely the Martian, but also Crimson Peak, Sicario, Beasts of No Nation, and Youth. There's a few that've been shown or released internationally that I'm dyyyying to see and I guarantee I'll get my grubby internet paws on by the end of the year, like Tale of Tales and The Witch.
@goldenthorn Dying to see Crimson Peak! While I do not have a crush on ye old Hiddleston, I do think he is a good actor. Del Toro is a magnifcent director, and I just plain love creepy Gothic horror. Very excite about this one.
I have no clue what is going on in the real world.
The Hobbit Part Four
I'm excited to see that Mad Max movie... They must have done some pre-screening because there's a lot of hype around the movie.
PS Everyone seems to be excited about "The Martian" and I have no idea what it is. Guess I'll have to watch a trailer... le sigh. What are you doing to me, Meh.
@Bogie Read the book. Hope for the best for the movie...
I am a total curmudgeon, and I hate going to theaters and monitoring upcoming films. I never watch trailers, and I don't look forward to movies. I watch some, yes, but I never anticipate them. "Once bitten, twice shy" you might say.
All of that in mind: I am so soooo fucking looking forward to the Martian. I giggled with glee when I watched the trailer. I read the book in one sitting, and then read it again. I can't get over how much I want to see that movie. I have literally never been this excited about a film.
There's a new Star Wars movie? About time. What's it been, 30 years? But I'm not into all that fake stuff. I like history movies, like The Martian. None of that imaginary stuff for me...
I have mixed feelings about SW, am hoping that The Martian has not been ruined in becoming a movie, and still have to dow... er, watch Mockingjay part 1.
I'll eventually see most of these, likely in my living room, but I rarely look forward to movies with any real excitement.
All these are actual "go to the movies" movies for us. Looking forward to SW, of course, and my kiddo and I are ready for Katniss to whine and shoot things. Spectre will be great, because Daniel Craig is the 3rd-best Bond, and I have seen everything QT has done, so Hateful Eight is a must-see as well. As mentioned above, I'm waiting for Crimson Peak, because good Gothic horror, yum!
We just watched the trailer for Krampus last night, and we're pondering going- my family is Dutch, and St. Nicholas and Krampus were what I was raised with, along with Santa.
As for The Martian, that's going to be my horror movie. Hubby read the book, loved it, and made me read it. I hate space, and space travel, so between this and Gravity, those are my personal worst nightmares and why I will never, ever set foot on a space shuttle. I assume that I'll be watching this with my hands over my face, just like Gravity.
@koalamoo I love space and space travel and movies about these things. That is why I hated Gravity.