Arrested Development. I've watched the entire series about 4 or 5 times now. It's perfect for binge-watching, as it's one of those shows where you can go back and find little jokes and gags that you didn't see the first time. Not to mention, one of the funniest shows in the last decade or so.
I once found myself alone on Thanksgiving. Just me and my Stouffer's Turkey Pot Pie, a decent bottle of wine, and a full day marathon of the original Star Trek. Arguably one of the best Thanksgivings ever.
I first watched House during the beginning of season four and really loved it.
I wanted to get caught up, so I downloaded the first three seasons of House and watched them over the course of six days, five of which I worked my regular schedule of about 8-10 hours a day. I also slept some, though my daughters to school two of the days and made dinner for them two nights. The 70 episodes are each about 43 minutes, so it works out to about 50 hours of TV over six days.
I've cut back a bit on TV since then, though I watched the first three seasons of Breaking Bad in a similar manner.
I'm a series buyer.. I've binged on full seasons of "Open All Night" to "Red Dwarf" to "3rd rock" to "Pushing Daisies" Etc., etc; that is, when I'm not glued to a monitor AND it's not football season..
@jqubed the good part about sports is there's no mandatory re-runs.. all games are premiers and once watched we don't care to see any more than highlights especially if our team lost.
@Al_Coholic .. Without going too deep; Open All Hours is also a British series and Pushing Daisies, American.. What I like about Daisies is the sets and atmosphere (on the scale of Warren Beatty's 1990 film 'Dick Tracy').. Very colorful and in Daisies case, fine acting.
@unkabob Pushing Daisies is one of my favorite shows. I love that's pure whimsy and delightfulness and romance and bright colors. It's a refuge of happy for me in a mostly dark and gritty TV world.
@JonT .. Not only me but the critics were surprised when it was cancelled after it's second season.. I'll never understand the tastes of TV viewers or is it simply a manipulation of producers who see series in terms of cost vs profit? Seems that way with some of the lame (so-called) 'reality' shows we're subjected to these days.
@Al_Coholic .. Keeping up apperances yes.. Haven't heard of IT crowd. Are you being served was one of my favorites as well. I actually saw many British sitcoms when PBS was a real station. Got the complete Black Adder on DVD too.
@unkabob Blackadder is awesome. I think the first season of that is my favorite. I haven't seen much of Are You Being Served, but what I have seen was pretty good. The IT Crowd is a newer one, and is possibly my favorite comedy series ever. It's a bit "nerdy" though... Not sure if it's as funny for people that are less tech-savvy, but I imagine it's still enjoyable. Another of my favorites is Fawlty Towers.
@Al_Coholic .. Yes, I've got that full series on DVD as well.. Okay, IT Crowd is new (at least relatively) which explains both why I haven't watched it and all the physical series I have.. PBS no longer broadcasts these shows from Britain which is sad in many ways. Man! I wish meh would fix this continual one-line reply box as when I post I always find I need to edit then I have to go all the way through the one line again trying to find the goof up and I'm sure others feel the same way. The regular comment box is great but this reply box... Big NastyMeh!
@unkabob Haha yeah, actually I feel exactly the same way about the reply line thingy. It's a pain in the ass if you're trying to put two or more sentences into your post.
I actually burned myself out on Arrested Development binge-watching it at my cousin's apartment one morning waiting to go to the airport that afternoon. I still think it's one of the funniest shows ever, but I can barely get through a full episode now.
@JonT I'm definitely disappointed in the negative effect it had on me, but I can still only take small doses of it now, such as animated gifs or clips on YouTube.
Don't normally, but just watched season 1 then 2 of Alpha House on Amazon Prime video. Couldn't call in sick the next day so just had to power through. . . Did not perform at peak efficiency the next day.
@kamajo Last week my wife and I watched two episodes of Parks and Recreation back-to-back. That was almost an entire hour. If I watch much more than that at one sitting it makes me want to kill myself for wasting so much time.
@JonT@jqubed@kamajo@SSteve... et al. Titanic was too long regardless. This version is much better and spends an appropriate amount of time on the topic: I am curious tho... do you spend more than ten minutes a week wasting time on (american) football or other sports?
@baqui63 Yeah, unfortunately. I've tried to cut back some because it takes up so much time, but I still watch a lot. When I was unemployed 2 years ago I watched every football game from the two colleges I follow closely, every basketball game from those schools (and many from the school I hate), every game from my favorite professional football team, and every game from my favorite professional hockey team. It got pretty ridiculous.
@baqui63 I occasionally watch a baseball game. I'm from San Francisco and am a Giants fan so I've been watching more than normal this October. I'll be watching one final game tonight.
@xLSxGaia.. Yeah, I'm waiting for the third Hobbit release (on blu-ray) then put 'em all in sequence with popcorn and good (real) sugar sodas (I would have said cervezo but this is a mixed audience me thinks).
American Horror Story. I binged-watched all 2 seasons that were available on Netflix...Now I just gotta wait for seasons 3 and 4 to become available....
How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, first season of Walking Dead, and my husband claims we binged on Stargate SG-1 when I was introducing him to it. My RDA crush was pretty strong back then, so I guess it's possible.
Also Red Dwarf at A-kon 2k. Even though I'd seen them all already.
When SyFy did their New Years Day Twilight Zone marathons, I would leave it on all day while I was on the computer and puttering around. Does that count? Oh, and I did binge watch Newsroom when HBO had their free weekend. On another note - is it weird that the word "marathon" looks like it's spelled wrong now that I've seen "mehrathon" so often?
Do TV marathons count? If so, I watched a week worth of M.A.S.H. a few years ago between Christmas and New Year's, I've watched several L&O marathons, and I saw many, many hours of the recent Simpsons marathon.
As I kid I would spend whole days watching the Twilight Zone marathons. Before VHS that was the only way you could binge watch shows. A few years ago my friend and I watched all 7 seasons of Buffy over Christmas week, and got started on Angel but I don't recall how far we got. We've done all of Firefly plus Serenity a couple of times. I'm planning a Lost binge this Christmas. We were doing some weatherizing exterior painting at my house this Saturday and we had these 1 hour breaks to let coats of paint dry and I got my friends hooked the Vampire Diaries and we watched 7 episodes in between rounds of painting. We also attended the Lord of the Rings and Marvel Marathons at the theater. The Marvel one was something like 14 hours, five movies with short breaks between each. I hope they do thos again for the Hobbit and the new Avengers.
@moondrake I also went to the Marvel Avengers Marathon thing and it was amazing. I loved that experience and would do it again in a heartbeat. To give a little more info, it was all of the Marvel movies in order of release leading up the Midnight screening of The Avengers. One of the most fun audiences for a midnight release ever. Here's a super crappy quality pic of the schedule:
@JonT Yeah, right, five movies plus the Avengers. We got out a little before 3am. My friend had arrived at 3am the previous morning to secure our places in line, so he was there for 24 hours. They had specials on hot dogs, sodas and popcorn, but I also had a stockpile of less sodium-enriched food like fresh veggies, fruits and hard-boiled eggs in a cooler in my trunk that we'd go and visit during the breaks.
I basically spent my entire year in Baghdad binge watching shows/movies.. Heck, really that's what I did for most of my 4 years in the Army.. lol. At least every time we were in the field.. That's why God gave us laptops!
When I was younger, all of the old Star Trek movies over the course of a few days. More recently I've binge-watched Monk, Warehouse 13, Burn Notice, The 4400, Lost, Firefly, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Chuck, Once Upon a Time, The Glades, and maybe some other stuff.
@katylava Thanks, and you apparently do too! :P I think The 4400 and The Glades are my least favorites out of all of those, but I've only seen the first season of The Glades so far.
@katylava I also watched Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and am watching Resurrection, but both of those were one episode at a time as they came out, so I can't really count that as binge-watching... Although I usually do watch them right before or after the new Once Upon a Time episode that comes out the same day, so I guess they kind of count too...
@Al_Coholic i still haven't seen the end of Wonderland... my DVR didn't get it because storm or something. i need to watch it since the dude is on OUAT now.
@katylava Another one I strongly recommend, if you somehow haven't already seen it, is The IT Crowd. Quite possibly my favorite comedy series of all time.
86 episodes of The Sopranos back to back around 2008. That was before the wifey and I had our twins and lil girl. I was checking eBay for a tommy gun for about a month lol
I am binge watching 13 seasons of Supernatural. I am currently on Season 6. Dean is my new hero. A wiseass who kicks ass, and is into cheeseburgers and PORN!
12 episodes of 24 back in the day. I only had 3 dvds from netflix.
Tie for me. I binge-watched 8 episodes of Lost one night and 8 of House of Cards another. That's all I can take. My whole body hurt the next day.
Watched the first 2 seasons of game of thrones and the first episode on season 3 in a day and a half.
I watched the entire new season of episodes of Arrested Development when they release them on Netflix last year.
I watched entire seasons of Lost in what I would call My Lost Weekends...
Arrested Development. I've watched the entire series about 4 or 5 times now. It's perfect for binge-watching, as it's one of those shows where you can go back and find little jokes and gags that you didn't see the first time. Not to mention, one of the funniest shows in the last decade or so.
I love purple.
50 Episodes of Clannad strait. That's right around 16 hours. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Gah, do I have no life or what.
I once found myself alone on Thanksgiving. Just me and my Stouffer's Turkey Pot Pie, a decent bottle of wine, and a full day marathon of the original Star Trek. Arguably one of the best Thanksgivings ever.
@jsh139 tears of jealousy perhaps ?
@ceagee possibly...
I watched the whole first season of The Apprentice on DVD all at once. Overnight. I just couldn't stop.
@Starblind for admitting that .... you're Fired!
I watched the entire series of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia over two days beginning on New Years Eve. Such a great show!
@conandlibrarian I just started watching this. (Season 2)
i watched 24 for almost 48 hrs straight..ok..i may have dosed off a few times..but i did watch all 190+ episodes over a week or 2 period
@eazyrider It’s not difficult with that show. That’s the only way we watched it and it gets your adrenaline pumping that way for sure.
I first watched House during the beginning of season four and really loved it.
I wanted to get caught up, so I downloaded the first three seasons of House and watched them over the course of six days, five of which I worked my regular schedule of about 8-10 hours a day. I also slept some, though my daughters to school two of the days and made dinner for them two nights. The 70 episodes are each about 43 minutes, so it works out to about 50 hours of TV over six days.
I've cut back a bit on TV since then, though I watched the first three seasons of Breaking Bad in a similar manner.
I'm a series buyer.. I've binged on full seasons of "Open All Night" to "Red Dwarf" to "3rd rock" to "Pushing Daisies" Etc., etc; that is, when I'm not glued to a monitor AND it's not football season..
@unkabob Yeah, if we want to throw sports in the mix I've lost a solid 12 hours some Saturdays during college football and basketball season.
@jqubed the good part about sports is there's no mandatory re-runs.. all games are premiers and once watched we don't care to see any more than highlights especially if our team lost.
@unkabob In fact, if I already know the outcome of the game I can't then watch the game, but I will watch highlights.
@unkabob Red Dwarf and 3rd Rock are pretty awesome. I haven't seen the other two though.
@Al_Coholic .. Without going too deep; Open All Hours is also a British series and Pushing Daisies, American.. What I like about Daisies is the sets and atmosphere (on the scale of Warren Beatty's 1990 film 'Dick Tracy').. Very colorful and in Daisies case, fine acting.
@unkabob Pushing Daisies is one of my favorite shows. I love that's pure whimsy and delightfulness and romance and bright colors. It's a refuge of happy for me in a mostly dark and gritty TV world.
@JonT .. Not only me but the critics were surprised when it was cancelled after it's second season.. I'll never understand the tastes of TV viewers or is it simply a manipulation of producers who see series in terms of cost vs profit? Seems that way with some of the lame (so-called) 'reality' shows we're subjected to these days.
@unkabob Those sound pretty good. I'll have to check them out sometime. Have you seen Keeping Up Appearances or The IT Crowd?
@Al_Coholic .. Keeping up apperances yes.. Haven't heard of IT crowd. Are you being served was one of my favorites as well. I actually saw many British sitcoms when PBS was a real station. Got the complete Black Adder on DVD too.
@unkabob Blackadder is awesome. I think the first season of that is my favorite. I haven't seen much of Are You Being Served, but what I have seen was pretty good. The IT Crowd is a newer one, and is possibly my favorite comedy series ever. It's a bit "nerdy" though... Not sure if it's as funny for people that are less tech-savvy, but I imagine it's still enjoyable. Another of my favorites is Fawlty Towers.
@Al_Coholic .. Yes, I've got that full series on DVD as well.. Okay, IT Crowd is new (at least relatively) which explains both why I haven't watched it and all the physical series I have.. PBS no longer broadcasts these shows from Britain which is sad in many ways. Man! I wish meh would fix this continual one-line reply box as when I post I always find I need to edit then I have to go all the way through the one line again trying to find the goof up and I'm sure others feel the same way. The regular comment box is great but this reply box... Big NastyMeh!
@unkabob Haha yeah, actually I feel exactly the same way about the reply line thingy. It's a pain in the ass if you're trying to put two or more sentences into your post.
@Al_Coholic ... Totally agree.
I actually burned myself out on Arrested Development binge-watching it at my cousin's apartment one morning waiting to go to the airport that afternoon. I still think it's one of the funniest shows ever, but I can barely get through a full episode now.
@jqubed You are so wrong. And if you disagree
@JonT At least we can agree on Arrested Development.
@JonT I'm definitely disappointed in the negative effect it had on me, but I can still only take small doses of it now, such as animated gifs or clips on YouTube.
A local station (they still make those!) binge-shows the Three Stooges on New Year's Eve and Day, so the least I can do is watch.
Don't normally, but just watched season 1 then 2 of Alpha House on Amazon Prime video. Couldn't call in sick the next day so just had to power through. . . Did not perform at peak efficiency the next day.
Hi my name is Denise...and I'm a Netflixxer....Breaking bad, Dexter, True Blood....I have many addictions
TRUE BLOOD! And Bleach, Attack on Titan, and Game of Thrones. Annnd also the entire first season of Bojack Horseman on Netflix.
My best friend introduced me to FMA Brotherhood by marathoning the whole show. Took almost 48 hours, I think we slept maybe 4 hours during that time.
There was also the time when I got a three seasons of Stargate SG-1 for my birthday and I watched them over a long weekend.
the first binge was Burn Notice.. Wife and I got hooked and watched the first 5 seasons in a weekend..
My daughter (10) binged thru the whole first season of Star Trek (TOG) in a weekend.
@armith Star Trek (TOG)? The Other Generation? Maybe I need moar cawfee but do you mean TOS (The Original Series)?
@baqui63 could just as easily be TNG... still one letter off
@baqui63 my bad.. Original series.. Typed from my phone so I didnt proof my post.. Once we complete the movies to generations we will go thru TNG..
@baqui63 TOG is "The Original Generation".. It's definitely a mix between TOS and TNG.
@armith Hmmm... I should put ST:TNG on my plex server... been a while since I watched it
2 episodes of breaking bad. That's not even two hours, I kinda remember watching titanic, think that's about three hours and that was too long.
@JonT, that's what my wife tells me too, guess it must be true.
@kamajo Titanic was too long.
@kamajo Last week my wife and I watched two episodes of Parks and Recreation back-to-back. That was almost an entire hour. If I watch much more than that at one sitting it makes me want to kill myself for wasting so much time.
@jqubed yeah, even Kate Winslet's boobs couldn't save that one.
@SSteve my limit too. One show a day max. I've been known to turn off a show in the middle of an episode if my mind wonders.
@SSteve "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
@JonT @jqubed @kamajo @SSteve... et al. Titanic was too long regardless. This version is much better and spends an appropriate amount of time on the topic: I am curious tho... do you spend more than ten minutes a week wasting time on (american) football or other sports?
@baqui63 Yeah, unfortunately. I've tried to cut back some because it takes up so much time, but I still watch a lot. When I was unemployed 2 years ago I watched every football game from the two colleges I follow closely, every basketball game from those schools (and many from the school I hate), every game from my favorite professional football team, and every game from my favorite professional hockey team. It got pretty ridiculous.
@baqui63 I occasionally watch a baseball game. I'm from San Francisco and am a Giants fan so I've been watching more than normal this October. I'll be watching one final game tonight.
not a show but i watched the lord of the rings the complete trilogy (the long versions) about 11 hours
@xLSxGaia.. Yeah, I'm waiting for the third Hobbit release (on blu-ray) then put 'em all in sequence with popcorn and good (real) sugar sodas (I would have said cervezo but this is a mixed audience me thinks).
I watched the first three seasons of Breaking Bad in a weekend once. That was pretty epic.
I binge watched Veronica Mars and probably knocked out 5 episodes at a time.
What show HAVEN'T I binge-watched for 11+ hours?
American Horror Story. I binged-watched all 2 seasons that were available on Netflix...Now I just gotta wait for seasons 3 and 4 to become available....
How I Met Your Mother, Supernatural, first season of Walking Dead, and my husband claims we binged on Stargate SG-1 when I was introducing him to it. My RDA crush was pretty strong back then, so I guess it's possible.
Also Red Dwarf at A-kon 2k. Even though I'd seen them all already.
there would of course be more, except i tend to watch stuff when it's on.
When SyFy did their New Years Day Twilight Zone marathons, I would leave it on all day while I was on the computer and puttering around. Does that count? Oh, and I did binge watch Newsroom when HBO had their free weekend. On another note - is it weird that the word "marathon" looks like it's spelled wrong now that I've seen "mehrathon" so often?
Let's see…Black Adder, Twilight Zone, Monarch of the Glen, Star Trek, X-Files, and CuttThroat Kitchen… not all in one sitting of course….
My first TV binge was eight straight episodes of the Larry Sanders Show on a VHS tape my parents had recorded off of HBO, circa 1998.
HOC and OITNB. 2 Seasons at a time
3 Seasons of Warehouse 13.
@kiya46107 i like your style
@kiya46107 @katylava Hell yeah. Awesome show.
Do TV marathons count? If so, I watched a week worth of M.A.S.H. a few years ago between Christmas and New Year's, I've watched several L&O marathons, and I saw many, many hours of the recent Simpsons marathon.
As I kid I would spend whole days watching the Twilight Zone marathons. Before VHS that was the only way you could binge watch shows. A few years ago my friend and I watched all 7 seasons of Buffy over Christmas week, and got started on Angel but I don't recall how far we got. We've done all of Firefly plus Serenity a couple of times. I'm planning a Lost binge this Christmas. We were doing some weatherizing exterior painting at my house this Saturday and we had these 1 hour breaks to let coats of paint dry and I got my friends hooked the Vampire Diaries and we watched 7 episodes in between rounds of painting. We also attended the Lord of the Rings and Marvel Marathons at the theater. The Marvel one was something like 14 hours, five movies with short breaks between each. I hope they do thos again for the Hobbit and the new Avengers.
@moondrake I also went to the Marvel Avengers Marathon thing and it was amazing. I loved that experience and would do it again in a heartbeat. To give a little more info, it was all of the Marvel movies in order of release leading up the Midnight screening of The Avengers. One of the most fun audiences for a midnight release ever.
Here's a super crappy quality pic of the schedule:
@JonT Yeah, right, five movies plus the Avengers. We got out a little before 3am. My friend had arrived at 3am the previous morning to secure our places in line, so he was there for 24 hours. They had specials on hot dogs, sodas and popcorn, but I also had a stockpile of less sodium-enriched food like fresh veggies, fruits and hard-boiled eggs in a cooler in my trunk that we'd go and visit during the breaks.
I basically spent my entire year in Baghdad binge watching shows/movies.. Heck, really that's what I did for most of my 4 years in the Army.. lol. At least every time we were in the field.. That's why God gave us laptops!
When I was younger, all of the old Star Trek movies over the course of a few days. More recently I've binge-watched Monk, Warehouse 13, Burn Notice, The 4400, Lost, Firefly, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Chuck, Once Upon a Time, The Glades, and maybe some other stuff.
My sister watches a lot more than me though.
@Al_Coholic yes, yes, yes, meh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and maybe. you have excellent taste.
@katylava Thanks, and you apparently do too! :P I think The 4400 and The Glades are my least favorites out of all of those, but I've only seen the first season of The Glades so far.
@katylava I also watched Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and am watching Resurrection, but both of those were one episode at a time as they came out, so I can't really count that as binge-watching... Although I usually do watch them right before or after the new Once Upon a Time episode that comes out the same day, so I guess they kind of count too...
@Al_Coholic i still haven't seen the end of Wonderland... my DVR didn't get it because storm or something. i need to watch it since the dude is on OUAT now.
@katylava Ahh that sucks... I think it definitely got better as it went on. The last few episodes were pretty intense...
@katylava Another one I strongly recommend, if you somehow haven't already seen it, is The IT Crowd. Quite possibly my favorite comedy series of all time.
@Al_Coholic yes it's wonderful. i wish i could affect the right accent for "have you tried turning it off and on again?"
86 episodes of The Sopranos back to back around 2008. That was before the wifey and I had our twins and lil girl. I was checking eBay for a tommy gun for about a month lol
Thanks, @ruouttaurmind.
So, who is going to binge watch all 12 seasons of Big Bang Theory first?
We started off and on about three months ago, but slowed down as we caught up to this season.
P.S. Episodes are really only 21-23 minutes of actual show content. We watch OTA recordings from syndication and cut the commercials out.
Blame @TheFLP if you feel the urge.
@mike808 Watching a season 30 min. OTA recordings goes surprisingly quickly. Even an hour OTA recording only has about 43 min of actual programming.
I binged the entire series of Breaking Bad over the course of about three weeks.
I am binge watching 13 seasons of Supernatural. I am currently on Season 6. Dean is my new hero. A wiseass who kicks ass, and is into cheeseburgers and PORN!