@chienfou The correct answer was “Ain’t nobody got time for that” but we’ll accept “you had the time, but you squandered it!”, because it made me laugh.
@bdb - It’s a satire of Brit-tv documentary shows. Diane Morgan (“Philomena Cunk”) is sometimes a little too broad for my taste as well, but some of it is hilarious. That Look Around You science-satire @thisismyusername linked is also a scream.
Excellent, thanks for sharing! Gives me a bit of a Look Around You vibe…
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
@daveinwarsh this guy does
/image flavor-flav

/youtube 25 or 6 to 4
@daveinwarsh Does anybody really care?
Love it - She’s a hoot! Awesome fusion of thought provoking questions and WTF?!
That was better than I expected.
She’s awesome, but I don’t have the Time for this…
@cjester66 … too late… you had the time, but you squandered it!
@chienfou The correct answer was “Ain’t nobody got time for that” but we’ll accept “you had the time, but you squandered it!”, because it made me laugh.
Oh, come on! You had to know that anything discussing the nature of time would eventually get around to Dr. Who!
@rockblossom One of my favorite episodes evah!!!
I think her name is Philomena Crunk! I wish that was my name, and that she’d stolen it from me.
Clark may know more than Cunk, but Cunk has better hair.
@aetris Oops yeah, it’s “Cunk” not “Crunk”, isn’t it! I think “crunk” is either drug slang or some form of techno music.
Is she Ali G’s sister?
@daveinwarsh one of the all time best albums.
Still have both my original standard and master recording LPs.
The alarm clock section of Time is much less harsh on the master recording.
Wait, my watch doesn’t measure time? Nope, I’m not buying that.
Is this meant as a satire of science videos and/or YouTube videos? In which case it did not work for me.
If it was meant as actual information, or interesting observations, then I found it horrible.
@bdb - It’s a satire of Brit-tv documentary shows. Diane Morgan (“Philomena Cunk”) is sometimes a little too broad for my taste as well, but some of it is hilarious. That Look Around You science-satire @thisismyusername linked is also a scream.
@bdb the opening line didn’t tip you off?
I forgave the too forward grammar jokes; that was a great line.
@aetris Thanks. Just not my type of satire, I guess.
@InnocuousFarmer Too close to being a bad documentary to trigger my funny switch, I think.
Time is a flat circle.