What Happened to My VMP?
3I've been a VMP forever, well, at least since Meh convinced me I needed to purchase a Speck Ipad mini case way back on day zero +1.
Fast forward to today...I am purchasing a couple routers (I have no idea why) and it is asking me to purchase a VMP membership. My credit card has not expired and I haven't cancelled. Any idea what happened. Do I have VMP still? Will I be double charged if i select to become one again? Would someone be willing and able to explain this to me (@hollboll)? Thanks!
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Did you do a meh.com/support? Because that's really… that's what you need to do.
@brhfl i know, but it's late and i haven't started a thread here in a while (or ever)...and if this was something that affected others i figured i'd have a better chance at an answer before monday.
@jaybird Fair enough!
Can you look back and find monthly VMP charges? Maybe it lapsed at some point?? I really have no idea, just making guesses...
@luvche21 i could, but i just ordered the walkie talkies last week and vmp was in full effect then.
Jay - email support. They may not even be able to answer you here due to privacy concerns.
I do know that if a charge for VMP comes back for any reason, it cancels your membership. Meh/diocre doesn't send emails for that.
You can re-up with your purchase today and if they owe you time on your membership - they will make it good.
@Thumperchick Seeing "Meh/diocre" for the first time, and that's awesome!
@Thumperchick 'Suzie' - I will email them. I was initially thinking there had been a glitch in their system that affected many users and I missed a general public announcment. This has been fun though :)
@jaybird thanks Bob.
@Thumperchick Doing my part to thwart the stalkers
@luvche21 lemme know if you're interested in buying mehdiocre.com
@medz do you own it?
@medz you should sell it to the octopus.
@luvche21 yup
Did your credit card update? Happened to me. They issued one of the new fanged chip cards, and it wouldn't charge anymore
@Cerridwyn yea they change the CSC even if they keep the card number the same. so the computers are like "erm, this is wrong."
@thismyusername exactamundo
@thismyusername At least one of my cards, this did not happen to… really surprised me. Got a chipped card w/ the same expiration, same CVV. No activation necessary.
@brhfl weird, was the previous card also chipped?
I guess it's just a "best practices" sorta thing, lets face it these guys (the card companies) don't really care too much for security in general. ;)
@thismyusername Nope! But also nowhere near expiring? I thought it was super weird when it happened.
@brhfl well they have to send out the chip cards, so thats normal to get, they were supposed to be switched over in oct 2015, but once again they all missed the voluntary deadline... well most of them (the card issuers)...
@thismyusername Yeah, I guess the trend I had noticed was my other cards were closer to expiring, so when I got chipped versions of them, they were 'new' - new CVV, new expiration. That odd duck was not near expiration, thought maybe that had something to do with the otherwise-identical replacement.
weird this happened to me too, i already emails support, i was just checking the forums. i had been on vacation for a while and haphazardly checking meh. don' think my cc updated because i didn't have to change anything in the buy process. i'm not too worried, meh has always been awesome with the customer service in the past, i'm sure it will work itself out. i only came here to look and see if i missed an announcement.