Bought an ornament for my mom at the airport on the way to visit last week. There’s an unopened box of 18 fidget spinners for a white elephant exchange and, still processing, a Fuko probably not arriving in time to be my Christmas morning present to myself. Nobody else is getting anything because I’m, like, a scrooge or something. (I have the “I got laid off just before Thanksgiving” excuse, but honestly I just don’t do gifts.)
This much:
/giphy sobbing
So… All of it, and you got the bill already?
You couldn’t even divide by the % that I am done.
None of you are done until you have bought something for me!
ELUNO, I found the perfect pet for you, and he has talent:
@Shrdlu I’ve got a friend for him.
@RiotDemon @Shrdlu HOORAY!
@RiotDemon @Shrdlu
@mfladd the gold/blue one looks like he’d be a good air traffic controller.
been done
my preference is to be done before black friday
/image LOL goat
Well, that’s been true for about 40 years. Even when my daughter was little (she’s 38) we would have most of it done before then.
So I make up the other 20%?
@mflassy Sure. I already know what I am going to get you.
Just don’t piss yourself with excitement.
@mflassy @mfladd At least Squirrel Underpants always have room for nuts.
@mehcuda67 @mfladd
Saw this earlier, but because of meddling by @therealjrn, I didn’t end up posting it.
Bought an ornament for my mom at the airport on the way to visit last week. There’s an unopened box of 18 fidget spinners for a white elephant exchange and, still processing, a Fuko probably not arriving in time to be my Christmas morning present to myself. Nobody else is getting anything because I’m, like, a scrooge or something. (I have the “I got laid off just before Thanksgiving” excuse, but honestly I just don’t do gifts.)