What do you shave with?

sohmageek went on a bit of a rant said

This may be getting a little personal... but So be it... Wherever you shave what is it that you use? I have very very sensitive skin... NOW despite that... what I'm about to say will probably make you CRINGE...

I use an electric rotary razor, dry, no cream or lotion, no pre shave gel, no post shave... Dry dry dry... I use canned air to blow out the shavings from the razor and I tend to change the blades every 12-18 months (when I cleaned the blades with water, I was changing them every 3-6 months.) Then sometimes I do touch up with a Bic sensitive or whatever I can find... again Dry dry dry... I have used a bic sensitive dry dry to do the whole face... IF I use any moisture it seems to make my face blow up like a balloon...
I'm trying the dollar shave club... I had a coupon code to try... didn't work... so I stopped right there... well a few days ago they sent me a code... still interested? First month on us... so I'm trying their top razor and see how it works... IT's free... so I'll see... I'll probably try dry dry... then maybe wet... but who knows... Also when I did use any kind of shave lotion, the only thing I could use was Women's sensitive... cause... Women are shaving more sensitive locations... and more of it... so their stuff is more gentle, even over the men's sensitive... It was a bit embarrassing purchasing it however.