What do you shave with?
6This may be getting a little personal... but So be it... Wherever you shave what is it that you use? I have very very sensitive skin... NOW despite that... what I'm about to say will probably make you CRINGE...
I use an electric rotary razor, dry, no cream or lotion, no pre shave gel, no post shave... Dry dry dry... I use canned air to blow out the shavings from the razor and I tend to change the blades every 12-18 months (when I cleaned the blades with water, I was changing them every 3-6 months.) Then sometimes I do touch up with a Bic sensitive or whatever I can find... again Dry dry dry... I have used a bic sensitive dry dry to do the whole face... IF I use any moisture it seems to make my face blow up like a balloon...
I'm trying the dollar shave club... I had a coupon code to try... didn't work... so I stopped right there... well a few days ago they sent me a code... still interested? First month on us... so I'm trying their top razor and see how it works... IT's free... so I'll see... I'll probably try dry dry... then maybe wet... but who knows... Also when I did use any kind of shave lotion, the only thing I could use was Women's sensitive... cause... Women are shaving more sensitive locations... and more of it... so their stuff is more gentle, even over the men's sensitive... It was a bit embarrassing purchasing it however.
- 32 comments, 66 replies
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@mfladd OMFG... I'd be screaming like a baby if I was doing that dry... I may like a little pain but that's not cool.
@sohmageek pain is subjective. On a scale of 1-10 where are you?
I use a Merkur single blade razor. My wife bought it for me last year. It took a while to get used to. I basically had to relearn everything, including to slow down. I no longer have to make 3 passes to get a close shave though, so it ends up being faster.
I need to get a lather brush. My brother claims it makes it even smoother
@capguncowboy Sometimes The Art of Shaving offers a free starter kit which includes a nice brush. Might be worth signing up for their emails.
@capguncowboy i've been thinking about doing this. how long did it actually take to relearn to shave? i'm not a very patient person.
@carl669 by the third time i shaved, I had it down pat. The first couple of shaves though -- my neck was pretty chewed up. Basically, you HAVE to shave in the direction your hair grows. Shaving in the opposite direction causes razor burn or even cuts. The hair on my neck grows in about 15 different directions, so it was trickier for me than it would be for most.
The savings is the main reason I switched, but after the first year of using it, I've come to like the shave better too. I picked up a 100 pack of Personna blades for $13 when I purchased my Merkur. In the past 11 months I've had it, I've only gone through about 15 of them. The initial investment was about $25. So my $40 (with tax) investment will end up lasting about 6 years, and then I'll spend another $13 and use it another 6 years.
@capguncowboy i have the same issue with the hair on my neck. but, i think it might be worth the savings for me to learn. how often do you have to change out the blade? and how long does the brush last? i only shave a couple times a week (perk of being a software tester and not having to interact face to face with customers)
@cinoclav - do they offer this routinely? i poked around a bit, and it seems the last time they offered it was in 2011.
@carl669 blades are cheap when you're buying them in bulk, so while you can get a multiple shaves out of one, I always find myself using a fresh one every time.
brushes last a long time, unless you let them stay super wet and they get nasty. I've been using a cheap Tweezerman one since... May of 2013, according to amazon. get badger, not boar. Also realize that the first time you use it, it's really really really gonna smell like a badger :)
@Lotsofgoats badger you say?
@carl669 yes now imagine them being clubbed to death so I can tear out their fur and rub my face with it
@carl669 i probably change blades less often than i should. I normally change it out every 3 weeks or so, but i normally have a beard so i don't have much to shave
With style, because that's just how some bitches roll.

@jaremelz i approve of this
@carl669 I quite hoped you would ;)
I tend to have rather sensitive skin myself and shave every 3 or 4 days, though I could shave every day due to my fast growth. I use the Dorco Pace 6 Plus razors. Dollar Shave Club actually buys their razors from Dorco. If you watch Slickdeals, you'll find some really good deals for Dorco. Typically the 6 Plus will go on sale for about $1.10 per cartridge. That's the same blade as the Executive on DSC which is $9 for 4 cartridges per month. Every day prices, DSC tends to be a bit lower but when they go on sale, Dorco blows them away and it's time to stock up. I touch up those particularly sensitive areas like just under the nose with an electric, a Braun Cooltec I got for free from BzzAgent for reviewing it. I used a Panasonic for years before that. I always use shave cream with the blade, normally the Barbasol Sensitive. There's typically a light layer of shave cream left for when I use the Braun. http://www.dorcousa.com/
@cinoclav Can you skip the occasional month like with DSC?
@jaremelz you don't have to order subscription style. You can buy a starter pack, or go for a year's worth of razors for a great price. You buy what you need, instead of worrying about a subscription.
@Thumperchick Very cool, I must have missed that being mentioned. I'm a bit all over the place tonight.
Dollar shave club uses Dorco razors, which you can get cheaper directly from Dorco's website.
@Humper has used them for quite a while, I even gave them a shot. Unfortunately, they aren't working out for me. The blade and resulting shave feels like it's from a half used razor - right out of the package. I never quite get that smooth shave I want from them. @Humper seems to be coming to the same conclusion.
Also, I was spoiled by not needing more than water to shave before - but with these, I have to have a shave gel or it just pisses off my skin.
Some people get a great shave - you might be on of them! For us though, we're running through what we have, then going back to what just works.
@Thumperchick something I have found that is wonderful and doesn't take much - share with Humper.
@mfladd He has gone to the shave soap and brush side, saving the need for after shave moisturizers, but I check it out!
@Thumperchick Have you tried this one
? I love these
@Thumperchick it's not an after shave, but a shave cream. I endorse it 100%.
@Thumperchick Kiss My Face is just the best stuff there is, in my book. Excellent for sensitive skin.
@Foxborn yep. I got a box with a bunch of different ones they offer.
@Thumperchick Husband's been doing that ever since I knew him. Oops, this didn't go where I wanted it. Referring to the shaving cream and brush.
@Thumperchick The Dorcos work great for me. Easily as good or better than the overpriced big names I used to use.
@cinoclav Like I said - some people get a great shave from the Dorco razors. I don't. It's worth the price to try them out, for sure.
@Thumperchick I'm not tagging everyone too early... But it seems that the razors they use people kind of like. But directly from the manufacturer. But I tend to get bic sensitive 2 bags of like 15 or so for $2 on sale. I haven't needed to buy them in about 4 years. Now unfortunately the electric is more expensive. But using just a manual causes a lot of discomfort no matter what I do. So I'm highly doubtful I'll replace that.
Just to update this. I broke and bought refills for my Hydro 5 (Schick) and did a side by side with the Shai 6 (Dorco).

3 passes with the Shai 6 did nothing but get the blades clogged - even with rinsing after each pass. Still needed to go over the area again.
(I know, I'm part Bumble...)
1 pass with the Hydro 5 and the area was clear of hair.
This is why I'm going back to my branded razors. They just work better for me. I also never got that "smooth" feeling from a Dorco shave. It always felt like I shaved with a half-dead blade.
You can't beat the price on the Dorcos, unless you have to use multiple blades to do one job, and still aren't happy with the results.
A Chick-a-roo here. Try Dorcousa.com they are the bomb in quality AND Price, constant sales too. they have men's and women's. It's 100% on line so no shopping the ladies section at walmart and hoping people think it's for your wife. It used to be what Dollar shave club used but no more. You can by one set with a handle and the handle is supposed to be usable with ALL their refills. I love the Shai Soft Touch, and I also Shave dry most of the time and no cream / gel and soap only for non leg areas even in the shower. Trust me these guys make the best razors
@Foxborn It's still what Dollar Shave Club uses.
@cinoclav I swear I remember them changing cause they had to send a new handle
@Foxborn Which blades are you using? I seem to recall the twin blade that DSC sells was made by someone else. The 4 and 6 blades are definitely Dorco.
@cinoclav i use the dsc" humble twin", since they started advertising. its never changed... And is identical to the twin blade(5pk) and handle sold @ dollar general for $3
continued from above... which is definitely a Dorco, in fact THIS Dorco - http://www.dorcousa.com/pace-comfort-thin-ii-tna3006/
oh!... also, DSC says their blades/handles will only work with their stuff... Currently have their Dorco twin handle(linked above), with an old generic Atra II blade i've had in the medicine cabinet for my headblade classic. fits just fine, stays on like a champ.
Have you never had to purchase something more embarrassing than women's sensitive shaving lotion? Seriously? How long have you been married?

@christinewas don't know why but in college my female friends dared the guys to buy us our "Monthly" supplies. (it was a conservative college) to make it more fun we made them guess who's was who's. this is what happens when when you have a dry campus
@christinewas totally. But this was when I was 15 on that I had to use women's sensitive gel. I only stopped that maybe 7 years ago or so. Now I wouldn't give a shit about it ;)
For face, dry rotary electric shaver, like you. I wash it out with water occasionally. I've never sported a full beard. I can go a couple days in between shaves without looking too terrible.
Rest of body (chest, balls, underarms, etc...), I trim with sideburns trimmer and then use disposable razor for baby smooth finish. Underarms I don't use razor due to irritation, but I keep it short.
Edit: I used to use Neet for sensitive areas. Then they quit making it. I got a chemical burn from Nair Sensitive Areas. Never again.
I use a very old Gillette butterfly open razor to shave my neck and my head (although I have a mustache going for November). I go with Shark Super Chrome blades and I've used a bunch of different shave soaps.
Van der Hagen has a very good entry level shave kit for anybody wanting to make the change. I find that my shave is better, and after the fixed cost of getting supplies you'll wind up spending way less on shaving.
@Lotsofgoats I've been thinking of trying it. But I worry about the "stuff" you have to put on your face. That and I feel that I have developed a heavy hand shaving.
@sohmageek some people do a bunch of prep with this or that, but really all you need is some shave soap and a brush. VDH works fine and is affordable and you'll wind up going through it pretty slowly.
@sohmageek if you're worried about sensitivity, there are so many different soaps available that one is bound to work for you. Proraso has a sensitive skin formula with eucalyptus that I've used.
as for being heavy handed, some blades are super sharp (Feather, etc) and others are very forgiving (Derby, etc) so you just gotta find the one. there are different weights when it comes to the handle itself, too.
I shave all sorts of myself with a standard safety razor. The great thing about a double-edged handle is the wide variety of blades. I've had blades that worked poorly everywhere, blades that made my legs silken but turned my face into just one big wound, and then eventually found some happy medium blades. I use a Tradere Open Comb handle, and generally use Gillette Silver Blue blades. For my chest/belly I generally use something creamier, like Alba or Avalon's cream shaves, but for the rest of me, I discovered Shave Secret oil a while back. Some just use it as a preshave, but I found I could use exclusively it… about 7-8 drops for a given area worked in, then wetted, then shaven. At some point, it occurred to me, 'hey, this shit seems reverse-engineerable, and it's kinda pricy.' Now I make something which is pretty damn close — roughly 1:2 parts castor to grapeseed oil, with menthol crystals added as I see fit. The castor oil is sticky, so when you wet the area everything just gets slick. The grapeseed oil is a thin carrier, and is very skin-friendly.
I stopped shaving a while back when I was injured, and haven't cut my hair either . . . I'm beginning to look a lot like this (but with a receding hairline):
and the Mrs. and my son don't quite know what to make of it . . .
I like it though. : )
@Pavlov Is that Billy Connolly? 'Cause I love me some Billy Connolly.
@joelmw love Billy... more familiar with his work since the mid 90's, and some of my favorites aren't even comedy related.
he's done several great travel/road documentaries, and one on cultures and personal views on death, not long after his Parkinson's diagnosis.
He's even the voice on my GPS (along with my "custom" TARDIS vehicle Icon.) the only way i would change the voice from Billy, is if tomtom would release a Tom Baker Voice. (even if Tom can't Do it, all they need is access to BT's data base. He did all the VO work for their first IVR system.[British Telephone, Voice Over, Interactive Voice Response])
@1Cherokee Amen! Great products.
@1Cherokee I've considered trying them but I've read some very mixed reviews, including several mentioning the blades rusting. Plus the Dorcos tend to be less expensive and last longer (per the reviews.)
I have been using Harry’s for a year or so now. I prefer the original handle, but that’s neither here nor there. I have not had a problem with rusting blades. I shake out the water and put it in its holder. Right next to the sink in the bathroom. No rusting. I like their gel and cream, but like the Cremo brand as well or better, and I think it’s cheaper.
I used to use a Gillette fusion and replace the blades every half year or so. I also did the dry for a long time, but that was more about storage space than preference. I had about three minutes to shave every morning so I didn't bother with shaving cream most mornings, but when I had the time i threw some shaving gel in there. Now that I'm not required to even morning, I haven't shaved for about five months, so god knows what kind of shaving advances have happened since then.
I use hair clippers for my face. My face is sensitive, and I have yet to find a blade that does not either hurt like hell, or tear my face up.
@sohmageek I feel you on very super sensitive skin. I used the Schick intuition for a bit and it was fantastic. (I think that's the one? With a shaving gel of sorts around the razor.) That said the gel stuff doesn't last long and I had to get a new razor every week or two. Got to be offensively pricey rather quickly
I use a Braun electric shaver, the kind that can clean itself in its charger. No lotion or anything; I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be done dry. If I'm in a rush I can do a reasonably decent job in just a minute or two, especially if I'm doing a good job of shaving every day. If I haven't or want to do a close shave everywhere it takes a bit longer but isn't bad time-wise. I've also figured out I can shave the back of my own neck with it. As long as I'm using the actual shaver part it won't affect the longer hair I want to keep, and if I get it within a day or two of a haircut and then keep going over it every two or three days I can keep the back of my neck in pretty good shape between haircuts.
@jqubed Typically if it's the kind that self cleans in a solution, you can use it either wet or dry. You might be surprised what a very thin layer of shaving cream/lotion/oil does to make it feel oh so good.
I use a straight razor. I quite like it, though it has a bit of a learning curve. Just don't be afraid of small nicks at first, and maybe read about some grips and watch some videos. Small cuts don't hurt (unless you plan on showering after, they sting a little then. Maybe get a styptic pen/powder for that case).
Just remember, use hardly any pressure. The moment you start pushing down the blade will punish you. Though this becomes second nature after just a few shaves.
If straights aren't for you, you can check out DE razors.
@Nexar Thanks for the tips there. Not many bring up single edge blades/shavers. There must be a lot of users out there as the blades can be found at RiteAid and Walgreen all the time.
I have read that it is as close as one can get to a straight razor feeling without using one.
The thing that keeps me away from a straight razor is the "care"... stropping or all that stuff one reads about.
I do enjoy SE and DE shaving and wonder what you would recommend picking up as a good starter blade for a straight razor?
Another Dorco user here. I went the DE route, though. $1 for the PL602 razor and $8 for 100 ST301 blades. I bought these a year ago and can go another 3 years at the current rate.
If you answered anything other than Skarp, you're probably doing it wrong:

@sohmageek I've tried many things and found 1 that works for me. Total Shave Solution
Just a few drops of oil and I can shave in any direction-my neckline has a freaking spiral!
Someone earlier mentioned the "Shave Secret" oil, this is similar, but it was no comparison to the "Total Shaving Solution" oil. I use it with my grandfather's Gillette handle and Japanese Feather brand blades. As far as disposable razors, the only one that doesn't tear my face up is the original Gillette Mach 3 - no turbo.
Their websites say that it can be used with electric razors also.
@bluebeatpete Interesting. I have found the two to work identically, except Total Shaving Solution is typically far more expensive. Edit: accidentally backwardsed my thoughts…
@bluebeatpete I just ordered some of this. My face HATES being shaved. Electric razors, two, three four, five blade razors, DE safety razors (tried a few different blades), gel, foam, cream, badger-hair brush, hot water, cold water, etc. I'll try anything. I'm looking forward to trying this oil and we'll see what happens. Thanks!
@DaveInSoCal Another thing I found to work well is coconut oil. A light coating before any foam, cream or even the shave oil helps get a smoother shave. Makes the expensive shave oil last longer, cause you don't have to use as much.
Ladies, the coconut oil trick works for legs too.
@bluebeatpete I gave this a shot and it's definitely a nice shave. Basically no need for lotion afterward, either. The only problem I have with it is that it's extremely hard to clear the blade between strokes D:
@bluebeatpete Do you just use this, or do you use a shave cream as well?
@Bogie Only the oil. Shave cream is a thing of the past...
@Lotsofgoats I know. If you shave at a sink, it sucks. I put my showerhead on the "blast" setting and wave the razor under it every few passes
@bluebeatpete Do you have a mirror in the shower as well? I'd be afraid I'd kill myself if I couldn't see what I was doing.
@Bogie Oh yeah, one of those "fogless" ones with suction cups. Not gonna shave by braille! The extra warmth in the shower helps me get a better shave.
A woot electric razor from 2007. I need a new one hint hint.
Monthly I run a beard trimmer over my face and call it a day.
The end.
I use Mehrunes' Razor. Gotta be extra careful: if I nick myself, it might kill me, and my soul will be claimed by the Daedric Prince of Destruction.
Actually, I haven't shaved in five years. The most I've done is cut some stray/extra long hairs out of my beard or mustache with scissors.
I have a really hard time when I shave. I get gnarly ingrown hairs, especially on my neck. I've gone through so many different styles, types, ideas, when it comes to the typical razors and nothing has worked.
In August I broke down and decided to try safety razors. I purchased This one, to be exact.
Since I was terrified that I'd cut myself, I did a lot of research on blades, and found that different ones work for different people's hair types. So I picked up this multi-pack of razors and am working my way through from the "beginner" BIC blades. I'm on the Gillette 7'oclocks and I'm liking them a LOT better than the BICs. I haven't gotten to the Feather ones, but they're supposed to be the best. I need to learn before I get to the pro blades, though.
I also picked up this badger hair brush. These things are expensive, but I figured if I'm going to do this I'll go all in and buy the cheapest one with the best reviews :P
I went through about 5 different shave creams before I came across Proraso Eucalyptus & Menthol Shaving Cream. I love the cool fresh minty feeling after I'm done shaving. Take some time to research/read up on making a good lather, as it does really matter. If it's too dry, the razor sticks and you can cut yourself, if it's too watery it doesn't stay and makes your skin sticky. So it's important to take your time and enjoy this MANLY step.
As of today I have only drawn bad blood once, and that was the 2nd time I shaved. I had a nasty ingrown hair on my neck that I couldn't get out, and shaved off a chunk of skin because I wasn't careful.
My overall experience? I will never go back. The initial investment was a little costly, but the cost of razors are VERY minimal, so over the course of the first year I will break even. As for ingrown hairs, I get them, but maybe 1 every shave, which is a HUGE improvement.
TL:DR Changed the way I shaved in August of this year, and now I'm a bad ass.
@Bogie Feather is the sharpest, though that doesn't imply "best" -- best is whatever works with your skin, even if that's a piece of broken glass.
@Bogie Congrats on the success of your experience. I don't know much about ingrown hairs so can't help much with that...
I do love using Feathers. I was lucky to have found my fathers original shavers & my fav is an adjustable butterfly type. Great for the Feathers. The thing I learned early on is to let the weight of the shaver pull the hair while keeping the skin taught.
Again, everybody is different and I wasn't able to get much pleasure out of the Proraso but have had great success with Taylor of Old Bond Street - I have sensitive skin and instead of going with the menthol types a lot of sensitive shavers find that lavender is very good. TofBS Lavender uses essential oil so the smell goes away quickly.
The best tip I learned was to never keep your blade in the bathroom as it causes it to oxidate. I air dry then take a bit of oil (any will do) and wipe down the blade and razor. Keeps all looking great.
sorry to necro this thread, but just figured i’d come in and say i’ve been shaving with a DE razor for 1 month now. (first shave was actually on xmas day)
it. is. awesome. it definitely takes longer, but the quality of my face… it’s like buttah! and zero razor burn/bumps. i’m also averaging one small cut per shave now. so thanks to @capguncowboy, @cinoclav and @lotsofgoats for the advice above.
also thanks to @Bogie. i got annoyed looking at all the razors and ended up just buying the one in his comment above.
@carl669 now you’ll save money AND be a cool dude
@Lotsofgoats i will admit, it is pretty cool. next step, straight razor!
@carl669 glad to hear someone heeded some of my advice! My plan to take over the world is finally taking hold!
@carl669 glad i could help someone!
@carl669 I had to Google DE razor. A safety razor? I used those all the time in the 70’s-80’s. They work great and blades used to be cheap. As I got ‘older than dirt’, my face/neck got too many imperfections (weird bumps & old scars). I use electric now.
@daveinwarsh yeah, that. i saw it called both when i did my initial research.
@carl669 I would go straight razor were it not for sharpening v. the ease of just using a new blade
@matthew It took you 14+ months to come up with that reply? I like it.
DSC sucks. Sticking with Gillette fusion.
Since this thread has come back, I’ll throw in my two cents as a lady.
I’ve been shaving with Gillette fusion razors for years, and I was at the end of my most recent 16 pack of refills that I had bought when I had access to a BJs or Sam’s club… So I decided to try Dollar Shave Club, the executive line that’s supposed to be comparable.
Terrible. Hate them. I have super fine blonde hair on my legs, to the point that it’s almost pointless to shave. I like the feeling of smooth legs, so I still shave. They are ok the first shave or two, but then they tear up my legs. With the Gillette razors, I would maybe change my blade every month, and that’s including shaving my armpits and whatever else. (Shaving a few times a week.)
I’m trying to finish using them without just throwing them away. I just shaved this morning, and my legs feel like they are 2-3 days out. I really wish I could of done laser treatments on my legs.
When I hit my 40s, I finally got tired of the wet razor. Got a Norelco shaver, which I use in the shower. Faster, easier and as close as a wet razor. I don’t feel the need to skip a day anymore. Cheaper than Gillette blades, and basically no chance of injury. I’m not going back.
Husband really likes dollar shave club, so I just got my own handle and steal his. He’s got a beard and just shaves the moustache, so he barely uses his razors. Apparently I really need to look into dorco, now!
a wootoff rechargeable that I bout in 2007. Rotary not that foil shit. hint hint.
@cranky1950 Norelco

@compunaut Remington
I rarely shave but when I do, I use a Venus.
See, when the old menopause hit, the hormonal thing changed. The hair on my legs magically disappeared, except for about ten or so hairs on each leg.
I do have five or six chin whiskers that get plucked out as soon as they’re long enough.
I shave with this, dry. Blades last about a year. It comes with a spare set of blades. Works out great as a Christmas gift for me. If I’m going out in the evening, I need to shave again…