I once saw this sweeping epic of a movie called ‘Eurotrip.’ Apparently in this the protagonist exclaims while sitting in a robe in Eastern Europe “gotta love that exchange rate.” So clearly going to Eastern Europe is your best bet.
@chacham@Targaryen There’s a weird Imgur thing where you have to use http instead of https for the embed to work. Not sure if that’s on our end or theirs. (I’ll mention it to @Shawn or…I guess I just did.)
@dave@PlacidPenguin@shawn – oh hey i looked into that. apparently imgur blocks sites that have linked their images in anything that’s not a forum post. i’m guessing meh used imgur links in deal story at some point. i’m also guessing imgur has some bug report in their backlog that says “blocking only works for https links”.
not sure why i would be able to see the https images just fine… maybe because i’m logged into imgur?
@dave@PlacidPenguin@shawn confirmed i could see https imgur images fine because i was logged in to imgur. i logged out and hard-refreshed (my original comment with https imgur link) and i couldn’t see it any more.
@chacham@dave@shawn@Targaryen I don’t get this. I use the imgur API to upload images for my blog, and have never had a problem viewing them, even when I double-check in incognito mode.
Where do you think they treat forums differently? Or, I’m assuming, meh has a “special deal” with imgur to host images?
See, that works on my website, which just confirms my theory…
/image Germans love David Hasselhoff
I mean that imgur has a special deal with meh that has some limitations on image use.
@stinks it’s actually against their ToS to hotlink to them for blog posts. they just haven’t caught you yet!
from their faq:
We allow hotlinking on forums, but hotlinked images cannot be used as content for a website, including blog posts, avatars, site elements, and advertising. You can read our terms of service for more info. If you believe your site has been mistakenly blocked, please contact us for assistance.
Though I am using the imgur API as a commercial application (posts are from a stand-alone Markdown editor I’ve written & sell) over on mashape, so you’d think I’d better be able to display images that I’m paying to upload, or I don’t really get the purpose of the API. Well, that I’ll have paid for if users ever post over 10,000 images in a month I guess.
I take it you guys aren’t paying to use the imgur api. ?? Though now you’ve got me wondering how they count requests in my API usage. Wonder if they keep track of requests for those images from any source, like a browser, or if requests have to be tied to my API key. Seems like it has to be requests over the API with a key, so they’re eating the bandwidth on anonymous/third-party requests.
Thanks for the info. That’s interesting, and potentially more complicated than I’d hoped. Guess I oughta consider moving to S3.
@therealjrn Just in case the numbers (on top) or scancode/barcode (on bottom) can be used to claim the ticket. I want to be safe.
Ultimately, stores use the scancode/barcode to give you the winnings. The number on top used to be used for entering second chance sweepstakes (until they limited it to only two types of games or something.)
I had left the country for a bit and gave it up, and now i can’t get it anymore, until the new, zombie vmp shows up and turns us into mindless drones again.
And even then, it will only be $4.99. You wana tell me exactly what i am supposed to do with the leftover penny?
They did not have Bingo, but they did have Keno. Truthfully, i should have bought 5 $1 tickets because that would be a near guaranteed win. But i wanted something long and drawn out for maximum pain when i lose.
If i can figure out how to play this thing, we can start scratching it tomorrow.
And it begins. Let’s see the instructions… something about scratching numbers and kosher certification.
With 20 numbers, the best place to start is obviously the middle and it ought to be scratched my my lucky dime. I know it’s lucky because it’s been hiding so successfully in the drawer for so long.
And there we go, 66, what could be luckier than that? Where are they…where are they…if the numbers weren’t in order…there we go! And scratched off in Game 4 and Game 9. 66ers, 49ers, Lady Luck is a comin’ my way.
/youtube Proof that 17 is the most random number between 1 and 20.
Today’s scratcher is a shirt button i found lying on the table. It’s lucky because i found it, duh!
And it’s 51, for an opening shot at Game 7’s $500. 51 is a great number. Not only is Area 51 full of surprises, but yesterday’s number was 66, which is 15 more than today’s 51. And meh recently did the X files. Weird.
But it gets weirder. Yesterday’s number 66, is a multiple of 11, the spot that as scratched off. Today’s number is 51, a multiple of 17, the spot that was scratched off. Yesterday’s multiple, therefore, was 6, today’s 3. If the next one is the same as the spot, it’ll be confirmed.
The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. ‘Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?’ he asked.
‘Begin at the beginning,’ the King said gravely, ‘and go on till you come to the end: then stop.’
Okay. So, if i begin at the beginning and stop at the end, that means to scratch the last one. Good idea!
Today’s scratcher is a dental pick i got at the dollar store together with a toothbrush, tongue scraper, and mirror. (Why doesn’t meh have deals like that?) I even gave a set to my dentist. The attendant was trying to be polite, until i told her that i got it at the dollar store, at which point she finally laughed. But i digress.
And as can be clearly seen, a dentist’s pick is a terrible pick to pick to scratch a scratch-off with. (Say that 5 times real fast.)
So, the number is 2, which gets us into Game 8. 2 is not a multiple of 20, but it does seem to have reversed our luck.
Speaking of Game 8…
/8ball Am i going to win any money? You may rely on it
@RiotDemon Thanks. That, at least, I know how to play. I was figuring it was some complex game thing that I’d have no idea what to do with and would be a fail with 18mbps.
@Kidsandliz@RiotDemon Heh. If you just read up a few comments you’ll see i won $5, and decided to buy another lottery ticket. I am now scratching off one number a day to annoy as many people as possible. Though, since noone is actually reading this, i think my evil plot is not working very well.
In order to make it interesting, i am commenting on which number i scratch, what i scratch it with, and finding some arbitrary importance to the number. I’m trying to milk this 5 bucks for all it can give me. I would have bought a vmp, but i really haven’t the money to purchase anything. I wish i had a job. Know anyone that needs a sql developer in Detroit?
Day 4. Normal, random, kingly advice. What’s next? Well, the picture looks off with place 11 scratched but not 10, so we’ll do 10 just to even it out.
I’ve got a really slick idea for today’s scratcher…bicycle grease. I’m going to make a straw man’s argument, and oil use the plastic tube that came along with it instead.
While the tube worked fine in my numbers, scratching the numbers off in the game proved to be much harder. Anyway, today’s number is 65, next to 66 in counting, my numbers, and Game 4 and Game 8. Weird that in Game 8 there’s no dotted line to the left of the 65.
Half the numbers scratched off worked in Game 8, and Game 8 requires 10 numbers, or half the total numbers i’m given. So, it’s looking good. Game 4, also half of 8 in number (but not in prize) has the same two numbers scratched off, meaning only three more needed to get that $25.
Day 5, time to finish off that design by scratching off the two top corners. But, it’s one a day, so let’s do it right, and start from the top right.
I used to have a back scratcher. I do not know where i lose them, or maybe i gave them away. But Pier 1 Imports no longer sells the $1 bamboo back scratchers like they used to. Those were excellent! I really could use one right now.
Out of desperation, i started using the upper end of my shoe horn for all my back scratching needs. It’s powerful and does the job, though i have to be careful not to scratch too hard, or i may not have any my epidermis still intact. Now let’s see if it can scratch a ticket too.
The scratcher gave nice and clean scratching on the right side; the tippy top itself did not work. It was somewhat unwieldy, but that’s why it’s so good at shoe horning and back scratching.
Anyway, we got a fifty, giving a second number in Game 7. Just 6 more to go before that $500 is mine. We’re only 1/4 of the way through the numbers, so, there’s a lot that can happen.
@cinoclav@therealjrn Well, i guess i can check it out, even though i am a bit skeptical.
I have a few other computers too. There’s my 2011 mac mini, an earlier Windows box (came with Vista, iirc (which was immediately upgraded to Windows XP, perhaps)), and an original macbook air. Nonetheless, this Ubuntu laptop seems to be the latest and greatest. However, i just installed Virtualbox with Windows 10 on my mac so i can get some experience with SSIS. The mac has the most memory, at 16GB.
I want a couple new computers. I want an up-to-date Ubuntu box for my daily needs, and a Windows box just to play the latest games.
Are they any good? Most back scratchers tend to be flimsy or not scratchy enough.
Go ahead and buy one on my word. Tell them “TRJ sent you.” They will smile at you and perhaps ask you to donate to the “soldier’s kids” Go ahead and give them the extra dollar, it’s for the children. Just for me, make sure you ask for a girl’s toy or a boy’s toy.
That drives them crazy.
If you are not satisfied, I’ll gladly assist with your refund, provided you have a valid Dollar Tree receipt and $5 in unencumbered funds.
Day 6, time to finish off finishing off what i started yesterday, and get the first spot.
I have a remote controlled truck (Tamiya TT-01e) which i got at a sample merchandise sale. It’s really nice and fast, and the kids love it. Right now it happens to be missing a screw near the front-left knuckle, so it veers off course a lot. I’ll get to fixing that soon.
/giphy Spaceballs the flamethrower
Anyway, the remote control works, but the antenna isn’t what it used to be. Perchance its bifurcation was to help us, which brings us to today’s scratcher.
That went well; a nice clean scratch. I also cleared the top once i was at it. Anyway, it matched one of the numbers in Game 8, bringing the total to 2, just like in Games 4, 7, and 9.
One oddity today is the pairings. The two middle numbers are found together in Games 4 and 9; the top left and bottom right corners in Game 8; and the top right and bottom left in Game 7. Also, two of the 3 pairing are consecutive.
And so 6 numbers got 8 matches. It’s looking good so far.
@cinoclav Heh. I’m glad you enjoy it. I have to spend a minute or two thinking about it, and then giving it a good reason. It’s silliness, which adds to the fun.
Day 7: The day i noticed there’s no way to scratch a number that does not border another. Not counting corners, none border two others either. I am not sure which to do, so many choices. But upon looking, it seems i overscratched yesterday and revealed part of number 2–that’s a no-no–so i guess that claims today’s prize.
I’ve always wondered why i keep old sim cards lying around. Then i put them back in storage and stop wondering until next time. But i think i may have found a reason: Mayhap they make good scratchers! (Are you as excited as i am?)
Good as yesterday’s. I even cleaned up yesterday’s a little, i’ve just afraid to go too far again. The number is 18, which brings back a high-school memory. What’s that? You want to hear a stupid little story? Of course i’ll oblige. I’m glad you asked.
There’s was a guy who used to wear some sports jersey (or was it just a shirt?) with the number 18 on it. So, someone just started calling him 18. Not a bland version of the number, but a very lively eigh’teen! Even at the mention of his name, the number came up. And to this day, you mention 18, and i think of him. The opposite is true as well. I hope i bump into him one day, but i really don’t, because if i was stupid enough to say the number upon getting him, well, hmm, it’s better to stay in memory alone.
< we got into Game >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
( why did /cowsay remove the from )
( the )
o ^__^
o (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
/ whose C-note would add music to \
\ my life. /
\ ^__^
\ (true)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
( why did /cow change the dollar s )
( ign to true )
o ^__^
o (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Can’t edit it anymore. The entire conversation was something like:
/cowsay we got into Game 6
/cowthink why did /cowsay remove the 6 from the end?
/cowsay -e $ whose C-note would add music to my life
/cowthink why did /cowsay change the dollar sign to “true”
/cowsay shutup brain, stop thinking
/cowthink talking to yourself? You must have…
/cowsay don’t think it, don’t think it…
/cowthink …mad cow disease!
/cowsay I hate you.
In other news, i noticed the “more…” link does not have cowthink or whatdog.
@chacham Going with #2 seems like a dangerous move. Now you have so many decisions to make which might actually drive you mad. Do you keep going across? Do you move down and start creating mini squares? Do you skip to the space under the 50 and begin a pattern that way? Do you go left of the 02 and start working the criss-cross?
@cinoclav I was wondering about the same thing. I was almost settled on the penultimate number to keep the design. But whatever happened to randomness?
Day 8: To keep some randomness, /roll was used (in a comment above) to decide the next number, and it chose 13. Let’s see what --help does:
/roll --help
Usage: /roll XdY
Roll X Y-sided dice
Examples: /roll rolls 1 6-sided die. /roll d20 rolls 1 20-sided die. /roll 2d20 rolls 2 20-sided dice. /roll 2d20+5 rolls 2 20-sided dice and adds 5 to the total. /roll 6d20b2 only counts the best 2 values of 6 20-sided dice. /roll 6d20w1 only counts the worst value of 6 20-side dice. /roll 2d20+5d10 combines rolls of 2 20-sided dice and 5 10-sided dice. /roll 6d20 --show rolls 6 20-sided dices and shows the value of each dice. /roll -bg Boardgame mode. Rolls 2 6-sided dice. /roll -c Chance mode. Rolls 1 100-sided die. /roll -y Yahtzee mode. Rolls 5 6-sided dice.
Today’s scratcher is a roll of packaging tape i found in the storage box along with my computer stuff. Well, not the tape, but the sharp part, in an effort to stay on the cutting edge.
On second thought, that was a terrible choice for a scratcher! It started to take the number itself off, and wasn’t clean at all. Regardless, the number is 41, and for the first time, there are no matches. gasp But just as well, as i didn’t to scratch anything else with it anyway. We’re still one ahead, with 8 my numbers and 9 in the game itself.
What a way to start a weekend. And its gloomy outside too.
I once saw this sweeping epic of a movie called ‘Eurotrip.’ Apparently in this the protagonist exclaims while sitting in a robe in Eastern Europe “gotta love that exchange rate.” So clearly going to Eastern Europe is your best bet.
@Targaryen What happened to the image of the ticket?
@chacham @Targaryen There’s a weird Imgur thing where you have to use http instead of https for the embed to work. Not sure if that’s on our end or theirs. (I’ll mention it to @Shawn or…I guess I just did.)
@dave @Targaryen
Thanx. Maybe add that to the image text box.
@Targaryen scuzi, mi scuzi.
@chacham @dave @shawn @Targaryen
Is there where I get to tell @katylava: ‘I told you so.’ ?
@dave @PlacidPenguin @shawn – oh hey i looked into that. apparently imgur blocks sites that have linked their images in anything that’s not a forum post. i’m guessing meh used imgur links in deal story at some point. i’m also guessing imgur has some bug report in their backlog that says “blocking only works for https links”.
not sure why i would be able to see the https images just fine… maybe because i’m logged into imgur?
@dave @PlacidPenguin @shawn confirmed i could see https imgur images fine because i was logged in to imgur. i logged out and hard-refreshed (my original comment with https imgur link) and i couldn’t see it any more.
@Targaryen One of my top 3 favorite movies.
@chacham Yeah, what @Dave said.
@chacham @dave @shawn @Targaryen I don’t get this. I use the imgur API to upload images for my blog, and have never had a problem viewing them, even when I double-check in incognito mode.
Where do you think they treat forums differently? Or, I’m assuming, meh has a “special deal” with imgur to host images?
See, that works on my website, which just confirms my theory…
/image Germans love David Hasselhoff

I mean that imgur has a special deal with meh that has some limitations on image use.
@stinks it’s actually against their ToS to hotlink to them for blog posts. they just haven’t caught you yet!
from their faq:
/cc @dave @shawn, in case you didn’t know
@dave @katylava @shawn Interesting. Chalk one up for not being a popular blog.
Though I am using the imgur API as a commercial application (posts are from a stand-alone Markdown editor I’ve written & sell) over on mashape, so you’d think I’d better be able to display images that I’m paying to upload, or I don’t really get the purpose of the API. Well, that I’ll have paid for if users ever post over 10,000 images in a month I guess.
I take it you guys aren’t paying to use the imgur api. ?? Though now you’ve got me wondering how they count requests in my API usage. Wonder if they keep track of requests for those images from any source, like a browser, or if requests have to be tied to my API key. Seems like it has to be requests over the API with a key, so they’re eating the bandwidth on anonymous/third-party requests.
Thanks for the info. That’s interesting, and potentially more complicated than I’d hoped. Guess I oughta consider moving to S3.
@dave @katylava @shawn Guess I oughta add I thought this kind of CDN-esque use of imgur was k3w1 cuz StackOverflow does it. /shrug
What’s up with the batteries @chacham?
@therealjrn Just in case the numbers (on top) or scancode/barcode (on bottom) can be used to claim the ticket. I want to be safe.
Ultimately, stores use the scancode/barcode to give you the winnings. The number on top used to be used for entering second chance sweepstakes (until they limited it to only two types of games or something.)
So, just playin’ it safe.
@chacham @therealjrn
If you truly were playin’ it safe, those batteries would be back in the fridge where they belong.
@ruouttaurmind @therealjrn
It’s okay, you can have them free of charge.


@chacham @ruouttaurmind @therealjrn
I thought we’d been over this… Is it time for a refresher course already??
Obviously you pay your VMP with it!
@chienfou Showoff!
I had left the country for a bit and gave it up, and now i can’t get it anymore, until the new, zombie vmp shows up and turns us into mindless drones again.
And even then, it will only be $4.99. You wana tell me exactly what i am supposed to do with the leftover penny?
/image batman giant penny

@chacham it’s here already.
@RiotDemon Whadayaknow. I hadn’t even realized. /me is embarrassed.
Okay, where do i send the ticket to now?
Reinvest! Keep it rolling!
@medz Heh. I’m tempted to purchase a Bingo ticket, and scratch off just one number a day, posting all progress here, of course, day by day.
/image michigan lottery bingo.

@RiotDemon @medz
They did not have Bingo, but they did have Keno.
Truthfully, i should have bought 5 $1 tickets because that would be a near guaranteed win. But i wanted something long and drawn out for maximum pain when i lose.
If i can figure out how to play this thing, we can start scratching it tomorrow.
@chacham top prize is way higher on $5 tickets
@medz true. More confusing to scratch though.
@chacham @medz
Short version for the pictured game: Scratch your numbers and try to complete game sets.
@medz @PlacidPenguin Excellent. The fun begins tomorrow!
/giphy fun begins tomorrow

4 mcD breakfast burritos and a reese’s cup.
@cranky1950 oh hell yes!!
And it begins. Let’s see the instructions… something about scratching numbers and kosher certification.
With 20 numbers, the best place to start is obviously the middle and it ought to be scratched my my lucky dime. I know it’s lucky because it’s been hiding so successfully in the drawer for so long.
And there we go, 66, what could be luckier than that? Where are they…where are they…if the numbers weren’t in order…there we go! And scratched off in Game 4 and Game 9. 66ers, 49ers, Lady Luck is a comin’ my way.
@chacham you should do one number an hour.
@chacham That $300,000 is as good as yours!
/image coffee

Day two. Yesterday we did the normal thing. So, today has to be random. There are 20 numbers to scratch, and the most random number out of 20 is 17.
/youtube Proof that 17 is the most random number between 1 and 20.
Today’s scratcher is a shirt button i found lying on the table. It’s lucky because i found it, duh!
And it’s 51, for an opening shot at Game 7’s $500. 51 is a great number. Not only is Area 51 full of surprises, but yesterday’s number was 66, which is 15 more than today’s 51. And meh recently did the X files. Weird.
But it gets weirder. Yesterday’s number 66, is a multiple of 11, the spot that as scratched off. Today’s number is 51, a multiple of 17, the spot that was scratched off. Yesterday’s multiple, therefore, was 6, today’s 3. If the next one is the same as the spot, it’ll be confirmed.
Day 3 (skipping Saturday). We’ve been normal and random. Now it’s time to ask what to do.
Okay. So, if i begin at the beginning and stop at the end, that means to scratch the last one. Good idea!
Today’s scratcher is a dental pick i got at the dollar store together with a toothbrush, tongue scraper, and mirror. (Why doesn’t meh have deals like that?) I even gave a set to my dentist. The attendant was trying to be polite, until i told her that i got it at the dollar store, at which point she finally laughed. But i digress.
And as can be clearly seen, a dentist’s pick is a terrible pick to pick to scratch a scratch-off with. (Say that 5 times real fast.)
So, the number is 2, which gets us into Game 8. 2 is not a multiple of 20, but it does seem to have reversed our luck.
Speaking of Game 8…
/8ball Am i going to win any money?
You may rely on it
@chacham OK so how on earth does this game work?
@Kidsandliz I post stuff and you ignore me?
@chacham @Kidsandliz it’s like bingo.
@chacham apparently so
@RiotDemon Thanks. That, at least, I know how to play. I was figuring it was some complex game thing that I’d have no idea what to do with and would be a fail with 18mbps.
@Kidsandliz @RiotDemon Heh. If you just read up a few comments you’ll see i won $5, and decided to buy another lottery ticket. I am now scratching off one number a day to annoy as many people as possible. Though, since noone is actually reading this, i think my evil plot is not working very well.
In order to make it interesting, i am commenting on which number i scratch, what i scratch it with, and finding some arbitrary importance to the number. I’m trying to milk this 5 bucks for all it can give me. I would have bought a vmp, but i really haven’t the money to purchase anything. I wish i had a job. Know anyone that needs a sql developer in Detroit?
/giphy woohoo, five bucks!

@chacham maybe you need to start a new thread to get their attention.
@chacham I’m reading it and thoroughly enjoying the suspense.
@RiotDemon The thought of starting a new thread every day seemed like spam to me. So, i just continued this one.
@chacham I meant a new thread just for the new ticket versus the old one.
@RiotDemon You really think that would be a better idea? I could do that, i guess.
/8ball should i do that?
My reply is no
@chacham I am lurking…
Day 4. Normal, random, kingly advice. What’s next? Well, the picture looks off with place 11 scratched but not 10, so we’ll do 10 just to even it out.
I’ve got a really slick idea for today’s scratcher…bicycle grease. I’m going to make a straw man’s argument, and oil use the plastic tube that came along with it instead.

While the tube worked fine in my numbers, scratching the numbers off in the game proved to be much harder. Anyway, today’s number is 65, next to 66 in counting, my numbers, and Game 4 and Game 8. Weird that in Game 8 there’s no dotted line to the left of the 65.
Half the numbers scratched off worked in Game 8, and Game 8 requires 10 numbers, or half the total numbers i’m given. So, it’s looking good. Game 4, also half of 8 in number (but not in prize) has the same two numbers scratched off, meaning only three more needed to get that $25.
Here’s to hoping!
Day 5, time to finish off that design by scratching off the two top corners. But, it’s one a day, so let’s do it right, and start from the top right.
I used to have a back scratcher. I do not know where i lose them, or maybe i gave them away. But Pier 1 Imports no longer sells the $1 bamboo back scratchers like they used to. Those were excellent! I really could use one right now.
Out of desperation, i started using the upper end of my shoe horn for all my back scratching needs. It’s powerful and does the job, though i have to be careful not to scratch too hard, or i may not have any my epidermis still intact. Now let’s see if it can scratch a ticket too.
The scratcher gave nice and clean scratching on the right side; the tippy top itself did not work. It was somewhat unwieldy, but that’s why it’s so good at shoe horning and back scratching.
Anyway, we got a fifty, giving a second number in Game 7. Just 6 more to go before that $500 is mine. We’re only 1/4 of the way through the numbers, so, there’s a lot that can happen.
Does my back itch right now?
@chacham Dollar Tree stores here have $1 back scratchers.
@chacham your poor left click button. Did it go on an adventure?
@therealjrn Are they any good? Most back scratchers tend to be flimsy or not scratchy enough.
@RiotDemon Observant!
I think it got depressed too much. I believe i still have it though, just too hard to reconnect it. I got used to using the buttons above the pad now.
@chacham @therealjrn Yes, Dollar Tree has bamboo back scratchers that are most definitely sturdy. https://www.dollartree.com/Bamboo-Back-Scratchers/p297352/index.pro
I truly hope you win enough money to buy yourself a nice new computer. Looks like it’s about time for one.

They also have shoe horn back scratchers! But they really don’t look very sturdy.

@cinoclav @therealjrn Well, i guess i can check it out, even though i am a bit skeptical.
I have a few other computers too. There’s my 2011 mac mini, an earlier Windows box (came with Vista, iirc (which was immediately upgraded to Windows XP, perhaps)), and an original macbook air. Nonetheless, this Ubuntu laptop seems to be the latest and greatest. However, i just installed Virtualbox with Windows 10 on my mac so i can get some experience with SSIS. The mac has the most memory, at 16GB.
I want a couple new computers. I want an up-to-date Ubuntu box for my daily needs, and a Windows box just to play the latest games.
Go ahead and buy one on my word. Tell them “TRJ sent you.” They will smile at you and perhaps ask you to donate to the “soldier’s kids” Go ahead and give them the extra dollar, it’s for the children. Just for me, make sure you ask for a girl’s toy or a boy’s toy.
That drives them crazy.
If you are not satisfied, I’ll gladly assist with your refund, provided you have a valid Dollar Tree receipt and $5 in unencumbered funds.
Crazy? Please elaborate. You have gotten my attention.
@chacham Asking for a “girl’s toy” or a “boy’s toy” triggers some of the people working there.
@therealjrn Oh, i created a new post. Oops.
If you say so. I can’t imagine that being a problem here in Detroit though. I wonder…
Day 6, time to finish off finishing off what i started yesterday, and get the first spot.
I have a remote controlled truck (Tamiya TT-01e) which i got at a sample merchandise sale. It’s really nice and fast, and the kids love it. Right now it happens to be missing a screw near the front-left knuckle, so it veers off course a lot. I’ll get to fixing that soon.
/giphy Spaceballs the flamethrower

Anyway, the remote control works, but the antenna isn’t what it used to be. Perchance its bifurcation was to help us, which brings us to today’s scratcher.
That went well; a nice clean scratch. I also cleared the top once i was at it. Anyway, it matched one of the numbers in Game 8, bringing the total to 2, just like in Games 4, 7, and 9.
One oddity today is the pairings. The two middle numbers are found together in Games 4 and 9; the top left and bottom right corners in Game 8; and the top right and bottom left in Game 7. Also, two of the 3 pairing are consecutive.
And so 6 numbers got 8 matches. It’s looking good so far.
@chacham I think my favorite part of this adventure is discovering what new and wondrous scratching device shall be utilized each day.
@cinoclav Heh. I’m glad you enjoy it. I have to spend a minute or two thinking about it, and then giving it a good reason. It’s silliness, which adds to the fun.
Thank you for noticing.
Day 7: The day i noticed there’s no way to scratch a number that does not border another. Not counting corners, none border two others either. I am not sure which to do, so many choices. But upon looking, it seems i overscratched yesterday and revealed part of number 2–that’s a no-no–so i guess that claims today’s prize.
I’ve always wondered why i keep old sim cards lying around. Then i put them back in storage and stop wondering until next time. But i think i may have found a reason: Mayhap they make good scratchers! (Are you as excited as i am?)
Good as yesterday’s. I even cleaned up yesterday’s a little, i’ve just afraid to go too far again. The number is 18, which brings back a high-school memory. What’s that? You want to hear a stupid little story? Of course i’ll oblige. I’m glad you asked.
There’s was a guy who used to wear some sports jersey (or was it just a shirt?) with the number 18 on it. So, someone just started calling him 18. Not a bland version of the number, but a very lively eigh’teen! Even at the mention of his name, the number came up. And to this day, you mention 18, and i think of him. The opposite is true as well. I hope i bump into him one day, but i really don’t, because if i was stupid enough to say the number upon getting him, well, hmm, it’s better to stay in memory alone.
Can’t edit it anymore.
The entire conversation was something like:
In other news, i noticed the “more…” link does not have cowthink or whatdog.
@chacham Going with #2 seems like a dangerous move. Now you have so many decisions to make which might actually drive you mad. Do you keep going across? Do you move down and start creating mini squares? Do you skip to the space under the 50 and begin a pattern that way? Do you go left of the 02 and start working the criss-cross?
I don’t envy you at all.
@cinoclav I was wondering about the same thing. I was almost settled on the penultimate number to keep the design. But whatever happened to randomness?
So, today’s number will be decided by…
/roll 1d20
You rolled a total of 13
Day 8: To keep some randomness, /roll was used (in a comment above) to decide the next number, and it chose 13. Let’s see what --help does:
/roll --help
Usage: /roll XdY
Roll X Y-sided dice
rolls 1 6-sided die./roll d20
rolls 1 20-sided die./roll 2d20
rolls 2 20-sided dice./roll 2d20+5
rolls 2 20-sided dice and adds 5 to the total./roll 6d20b2
only counts the best 2 values of 6 20-sided dice./roll 6d20w1
only counts the worst value of 6 20-side dice./roll 2d20+5d10
combines rolls of 2 20-sided dice and 5 10-sided dice./roll 6d20 --show
rolls 6 20-sided dices and shows the value of each dice./roll -bg
Boardgame mode. Rolls 2 6-sided dice./roll -c
Chance mode. Rolls 1 100-sided die./roll -y
Yahtzee mode. Rolls 5 6-sided dice.Today’s scratcher is a roll of packaging tape i found in the storage box along with my computer stuff. Well, not the tape, but the sharp part, in an effort to stay on the cutting edge.
On second thought, that was a terrible choice for a scratcher! It started to take the number itself off, and wasn’t clean at all. Regardless, the number is 41, and for the first time, there are no matches. gasp But just as well, as i didn’t to scratch anything else with it anyway. We’re still one ahead, with 8 my numbers and 9 in the game itself.
What a way to start a weekend. And its gloomy outside too.
/image sad face