@unksol I hope this is an obvious joke… The slide locks back when you’re out… And if you’re not counting rounds when being assaulted by clowns… When are you. If you are waiting for the click… Eh…
@PhysAssist you should still be counting your shots and probably have a moon clip or half moon clip if fighting clowns with a revolver.
If you absolutely insist on a revolver I’d lean toward an 8 round .357 SW although I’ve never shot one. Just in theory. But I’m pretty sure 13 rounds from a .45 HK USP would be more effective and a faster reload. And we are talking clowns so…
To answer your last point first- which means we shouldn’t use half measures- napalm, or willie-pete would be more of a sure thing…
As to round counting, I agree in theory, but in practice, despite rigorous training, from what I have read, neither police, nor those in the armed forces seem to able to perform this effectively in “the heat of battle” either.
I haven’t tried that particular weapon either, but I have to agree that some other semi-auto with an adequate load-out would def be a better option- but remember we weren’t debating adequacy, just the question of weapons clicking when empty.
…and BTW, not even all modern semi-autos have a last round hold-open, much less the older heritage models peeps may have inherited from earlier generations.
For all that I’m not disagreeing- I’m just sayin’…
@PhysAssist if you insist on using a revolver as your primary you should subconsciously know when you are out. You will definitely get a click if you don’t and then you might be fucked.
The vast majority of semi autos used by… Anyone. Lock open. Yes there are exceptions.
Obviously keeping track of your rounds relies on the weapon starting In your pocession as you use it normally. I keep 1 in the chamber and 12 in the mag.
Some 9s let you do 15+1
If there are clowns I’m delaying on the way to the rifle. Cause fuck attacking clowns
@unksol until the slide locks back? Wheelgun speedloading? What kind of Amateur hour clown massacre is this that you aren’t using a long gun of some kind? If you aren’t appropriately equipped and skilled in the fine art of surgery from a
Distance, stay away from clown territory, as you, like most people, will probably find them…
@rogerbacon you will note the question was attacked by clowns. Not hunting clowns. As in a group of clowns jumped you out of no where with murderous intent.
And I said reload like you would with any attacker.
And I specifically said I would be firing on the way to the rifle.
I have no desire to murder innocent non violet clowns. Even if I think they are a little creepy in general.
Attackers are attackers the clown makeup just makes it extra weird
I’m sorry, I should have abstained from that, but I’m still bitter about the preventable loss of lives…
My apologies to the funny people who started and added to this before I f’ed it up.
@PhysAssist eh… There was an election. People spoke. Someone lost. Someone stoked an insurection while lieing for years. Someone will be tried for it. Someone will go down in history with a massive fail.
Enjoy it.
Some people tried to grab onto his coattails and are truly pathetic and I can’t even imagine why…
If they wanted to have a conspiracy theory the most logical would be that Trump was working for the democrats to worm his way in and destroy Republicans. Cause how the fuck could anyone be this stupid…
LOL, hug them back.
Bonus: I had a clown hold the door open for me today. . .it was a nice jester.
I always have my seltzer water at the ready.
Watch out for the mimes - they’ll do unspeakable things to you.
Shoot 'em

a supersoaker works too
Stay calm. Don’t wig out.
Ask they if they have a HUGE Bear Hugg! With arms wide open!
Try to laugh it off…
Try to make-up - and join them
I say, hey fam, MCL, 2 scoops of succulent whoop!!! Pass the Faygo.
Yes, I am a senior citizen Juggalette
Double Bonus: Why won’t cannibals eat clowns?
They taste funny
Some of these are so stupid there funny.
@Star2236 and some…
Pound them with rotten eggs until they realize the yolk’s on them.
Give them a big toothy grin and hold out a red balloon.
Realistically pull the trigger till it goes click then reload
@unksol I hope this is an obvious joke… The slide locks back when you’re out… And if you’re not counting rounds when being assaulted by clowns… When are you. If you are waiting for the click… Eh…
/youtube pull the trigger till it clicks
I was going for one of those movies that the guy gives the girl a gun but it always goes to this. I don’t dislike it just takes a minute
@unksol Maybe it’s a wheel-gun [revolver?]?
@PhysAssist you should still be counting your shots and probably have a moon clip or half moon clip if fighting clowns with a revolver.
If you absolutely insist on a revolver I’d lean toward an 8 round .357 SW although I’ve never shot one. Just in theory. But I’m pretty sure 13 rounds from a .45 HK USP would be more effective and a faster reload. And we are talking clowns so…
To answer your last point first- which means we shouldn’t use half measures- napalm, or willie-pete would be more of a sure thing…
As to round counting, I agree in theory, but in practice, despite rigorous training, from what I have read, neither police, nor those in the armed forces seem to able to perform this effectively in “the heat of battle” either.
I haven’t tried that particular weapon either, but I have to agree that some other semi-auto with an adequate load-out would def be a better option- but remember we weren’t debating adequacy, just the question of weapons clicking when empty.
…and BTW, not even all modern semi-autos have a last round hold-open, much less the older heritage models peeps may have inherited from earlier generations.
For all that I’m not disagreeing- I’m just sayin’…
@PhysAssist if you insist on using a revolver as your primary you should subconsciously know when you are out. You will definitely get a click if you don’t and then you might be fucked.
The vast majority of semi autos used by… Anyone. Lock open. Yes there are exceptions.
Obviously keeping track of your rounds relies on the weapon starting In your pocession as you use it normally. I keep 1 in the chamber and 12 in the mag.
Some 9s let you do 15+1
If there are clowns I’m delaying on the way to the rifle. Cause fuck attacking clowns
@unksol until the slide locks back? Wheelgun speedloading? What kind of Amateur hour clown massacre is this that you aren’t using a long gun of some kind? If you aren’t appropriately equipped and skilled in the fine art of surgery from a
Distance, stay away from clown territory, as you, like most people, will probably find them…
In tents
@rogerbacon you will note the question was attacked by clowns. Not hunting clowns. As in a group of clowns jumped you out of no where with murderous intent.
And I said reload like you would with any attacker.
And I specifically said I would be firing on the way to the rifle.
I have no desire to murder innocent non violet clowns. Even if I think they are a little creepy in general.
Attackers are attackers the clown makeup just makes it extra weird
Your plan concerns me a little.
@rogerbacon @unksol
You’ve got something against violet clowns??
/image violet clowns

(Oooo, perfect image!)
Holding a bunny.
I doubt random attack clown mobs is her jam.
Yes spelling issue. Shame
Maybe just make clowns are creepy.
Tell them the joke’s on them- Trump lost!

/giphy Trump clowning
I’m sorry, I should have abstained from that, but I’m still bitter about the preventable loss of lives…
My apologies to the funny people who started and added to this before I f’ed it up.
@PhysAssist eh… There was an election. People spoke. Someone lost. Someone stoked an insurection while lieing for years. Someone will be tried for it. Someone will go down in history with a massive fail.
Enjoy it.
Some people tried to grab onto his coattails and are truly pathetic and I can’t even imagine why…
If they wanted to have a conspiracy theory the most logical would be that Trump was working for the democrats to worm his way in and destroy Republicans. Cause how the fuck could anyone be this stupid…
Simply thanks.
When a clown farts, does it smell funny?
@cbilyak Yep. Just like the Dutch Oven sold by Meh arriving for Valentine’s Day does.