@Thumperchick glad to have you back. these vol mods were totally taking advantage. i mean, @narfcakemade them sell cat shirts. what the fuck? i was even made to buy one. what the second fuck??
@medz@sammydog01 I just don’t understand it. Let people buy their t-shirts without having to hear about airplanes and health care and whatever else. They just want t-shirts. For fucks sake.
Why so much toxicity? Be kind to each other, right?
I shared a deeply personal and wrenching saga of batteries, a refrigerator, and the trials and tribulations of a fateful lapse in judgement, followed by ruminations on my heartbreaking journey of redemption and healing.
In retrospect, it may just have been a bit of indigestion.
@mike808@narfcake It’s too harrowing to talk about again. It’s all here. All of it. I’m drained; an empty carcass, desiccated by the soul-sucking parasites of shame and self-loathing.
You missed the catshirt.
(You probably don’t miss cleaning up the spilled spam in aisle 3, though. Welcome back to the mayhem.)
@narfcake I bought catshirt(s).
@Thumperchick Yay!

/image invisible high five
meh tried to withhold our fidget spinners again. When faced with a revolution, however, they caved and finally shipped them.
@medz The probably thought we were all drunk when we bought them.
i said “fuck”. you missed that.
@carl669 well, fuck. I hate it when I miss that.
@Thumperchick glad to have you back. these vol mods were totally taking advantage. i mean, @narfcake made them sell cat shirts. what the fuck? i was even made to buy one. what the second fuck??
@carl669 @Thumperchick Whaaaaa?

I don’t know what you missed, but we missed you.

/giphy missed you
@therealjrn awwwww thanks!
Some people going around being assholes about fat people.
@RiotDemon Mean people suck.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01
Big is beautiful.
@medz @sammydog01 I just don’t understand it. Let people buy their t-shirts without having to hear about airplanes and health care and whatever else. They just want t-shirts. For fucks sake.
Why so much toxicity? Be kind to each other, right?
@RiotDemon I’m kind of glad I missed that…
I sick.
@Barney Oh no!

/giphy get well soon
@Barney Here, have a smile:

/image get well soon purple

/image sparkly purple get well soon
@Barney I’m sorry! Hope you get well soon.
@Barney wrap up in/with something warm…

Hope you feel better soon!

/image get well soon purple round kansas
@Barney I thought you were looking a little purple…
Get back to feeling very, very purple soon!
Um, us???
@llangley that goes without saying.
I shared a deeply personal and wrenching saga of batteries, a refrigerator, and the trials and tribulations of a fateful lapse in judgement, followed by ruminations on my heartbreaking journey of redemption and healing.
In retrospect, it may just have been a bit of indigestion.
@shahnm You ate expired batteries again, didn’t you?
@narfcake @shahnm Nah. Left 'em on the counter overnight.
@mike808 @narfcake It’s too harrowing to talk about again. It’s all here. All of it. I’m drained; an empty carcass, desiccated by the soul-sucking parasites of shame and self-loathing.
You missed that meh handed out winning lottery tickets.

/giphy just kidding
PS glad you had a good vacation.
I think you missed Goat electioneering