I do like PB or Almond Snickers, but not regular peanut. Almond Joy, York Peppermint Patties.
/image peanut butter snickers
The king though is 100 Grand (aka $100,000 bar)
/image 100 Grand
Although I do like Twix and Kit Kats, my preference is a nice, solid bar of dark chocolate (not too bitter) that I can really sink my teeth into. Or maybe just biting the head off a chocolate Easter bunny, even though it’s technically not a bar.
The ‘zon has them. I also saw them around Halloween, local to me. So there are options!
I got a big ol’ box of Whatchamacallit bars from the 'zon. They’re my jam.
Twix and Kit Kats and also Trader Joe’s pound plus chocolate bars (or the smaller version). And Russel Stover pecan ones. And their large milk chocolate hearts, santas, easter bunnies - none of which are sold locally anymore which sucks.
Forgot to add 100 grand bar and nestles crunch (actually the trader joes crunch bars are better but since I don’t have a trader joes around here no choice).
@captain7391 So, if you get the double pack do you throw the left one away? Or donate it to the homeless? Perhaps a drawer somewhere where you just push all the left ones.
Heath bars, Butternut, Zero, Zagnut, Snickers, Clark Bar, Payday, Almond Joy, Mounds, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, 3-Muskateers, Milky Way, Hershey Bars with Almonds, Hershey Bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Chunky, and late in my youth the Million Dollar bar all listed here roughly in my order of preference in those halcyon days of wonder in the late 1940s and early 1950s at the Swan Theatre (Norcross, GA) for the Saturday matinee featuring some Western or another.
Candy bars were a nickel for a rather large bar, much, much larger than a $1 bar of any of these today.
Admission was first 7¢, which went to 9¢, and then to 11¢. This was terrible, for if I was so lucky as to have a quarter, the price of admission ate into what I was left to eat. Most of the time, I would have something like 20¢ or less to splurge. Money was hard to come by.
So I got rather picky. I seldom bought Almond Joy, Mounds, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, 3-Muskateers, Milky Way, Hershey Bars with Almonds, Hershey Bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Chunky, and Million Dollar bar.
Instead, I would circle through the Heath bars, Butternut, Zero, Zagnut, Payday Snickers, Clark Bar, over a few weeks with the first five being my favorites. Still are, but I can’t tell you the last time I saw a Butternut, Zero, or Zagnut bar.
Other items on my sugar rush hit parade were Tootsie Rolls, Sugar Daddy, Sugar Babies, Goobers, M&Ms, Necco Wafers, Good ‘n’ Plenty, Raisinets, Bit O Honey, Mary Jane’s, Whoopers, Tootsie Pops, and Milk Duds in no particular order of preference, though I seldom bought a Sugar Daddy. Tootsie Pops were great for getting something for those last couple of pennies.
Occasionally, I would get a bag of popcorn, which wasn’t as over-salted as commonly found in theaters today. I seldom if ever bought a drink, preferring my sugar in sold rather than liquid form.
In those days the carbonated drinks were Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Royal Crown (aka RC), Dr. Pepper, and Nehi. Individual sodas were 5¢. Pepsi, RC, Dr. Pepper, and Nehi were sold in 10-oz bottles, while Coke was in a 6-oz bottle. A carton of 6 of any of these was 25¢.
I usually settled for a few slurps from the water fountain.
We grew up in an era without a fluoridated water supply or toothpaste, so cavities were a problem for which I have paid and continue to pay dearly over and over and over again in my later life.
I have a few Heath Bars and some Almond Joys squirreled away, neither of which I eat very often. If I had to list a special one as a quiescent (not active) craving, it would be for a Butternut or a Zero bar.
@Jackinga Walmart has Zero bars. I love the Dark Chocolate Raisinettes from Dollar Tree. That’s my go-to sneaking into the movie theater. I’m not paying $5 when I can get it for $1.25. It’s been ages since I’ve seen Butternut but I think I saw Zagnut not too long ago. I just don’t remember where.
@Jackinga I don’t eat a lot of chocolate, but Heath bars and Zagnut are my jam. When I go sweets, I trend towards sour candies. But yeah, toffee is my thing And Peanut butter. And all the other things
@ironcheftoni yeah, Cadbury in the US is just rebranded Hershey, not the real stuff. There again, UK Cadbury isn’t as good as it was 20 years ago. When they were bought out by Kraft they started cutting corners the taste difference is noticable. Sadly Cadbury isn’t nearly as good as it once was.
Pretty much if it’s chocolate, I like it, although there is some, I don’t like, it comes from some of the northern European countries. I’m also not a fan of caramel.
@werehatrack well I meant to decide to get some. The poll answer was other. The correct answer is nutrageous.
I decided to play a game to wait till 2359 while being distracted by multiple cats and the big fat quiz of the year 2023. Which I somehow missed/forgot about.
Dark chocolate is always better so. I seem to have beat the clock cause why not
The 5 pound Hershey bar has always been one of my favorites. You can really sink your teeth into it, even though they are not easy to cut with a knife.
Nestle Coffee Crisp.
Hershey‘s or Reese’s.
American: 100 Grand.
Overall: Lion Bar
/image lion bar chocolate

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. But the Eggs/Trees/Pumpkins/Bats are better than the actual cups because they have more filling and no ridges.
@braveit1 Maybe you should sue them because the Pumpkins don’t actually have faces on them.
Hershey’s or Kit Kat.
Chunky bar

/image Zero candy bar

@IndifferentDude zeros are great! Haven’t seen one or had one in a long time.
@OnionSoup I buy mine at Walmart. A 6-bar pkg. is only $6.48!
@IndifferentDude my favorite too!
@IndifferentDude @OnionSoup Great tip! Thanks. Gives me a reason to go to Walmart.
/image cow tales

Does that count as a candy bar? Maybe not…
I do like PB or Almond Snickers, but not regular peanut. Almond Joy, York Peppermint Patties.

/image peanut butter snickers
The king though is 100 Grand (aka $100,000 bar)
/image 100 Grand
Mostly the crunchy and contrasting flavor of Take 5

@arosiriak oh man do they still make those? they are soooooo good
Although I do like Twix and Kit Kats, my preference is a nice, solid bar of dark chocolate (not too bitter) that I can really sink my teeth into. Or maybe just biting the head off a chocolate Easter bunny, even though it’s technically not a bar.
@heartny But if you want to really get into it, you take take that chocolate bunny to a bar first.
I chose Milky Way, which I do love, but my favorite of the most recognizable brands is probably 3 Musketeers. Mmmm, nougat.
Zero bars are my go to and one of the best reasons to travel by car. Getting one at every stop! Love them!
/image Mars bars

@Salanth That looks like a UK Mars and not a US Mars bar.
It hits every point. It has it all.
@PocketBrain @Ziggie stop eating my cats
And good luck to me trying to find any. They’ve almost vanished completely.
@werehatrack what? noooooo
The ‘zon has them. I also saw them around Halloween, local to me. So there are options!
I got a big ol’ box of Whatchamacallit bars from the 'zon. They’re my jam.
Kit kats
Twix and Kit Kats and also Trader Joe’s pound plus chocolate bars (or the smaller version). And Russel Stover pecan ones. And their large milk chocolate hearts, santas, easter bunnies - none of which are sold locally anymore which sucks.
Forgot to add 100 grand bar and nestles crunch (actually the trader joes crunch bars are better but since I don’t have a trader joes around here no choice).
Twix, but right Twix only. Don’t come at me with that left Twix trash
@captain7391 So, if you get the double pack do you throw the left one away? Or donate it to the homeless? Perhaps a drawer somewhere where you just push all the left ones.
Reeses Thins but only as a substitute for Hersheys bars in a s’more. Otherwise regular Reeses

on the smore tip whoa!
@catthegreat You have to try this! It is so awesome
/image Zero Bar

Heath bars, Butternut, Zero, Zagnut, Snickers, Clark Bar, Payday, Almond Joy, Mounds, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, 3-Muskateers, Milky Way, Hershey Bars with Almonds, Hershey Bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Chunky, and late in my youth the Million Dollar bar all listed here roughly in my order of preference in those halcyon days of wonder in the late 1940s and early 1950s at the Swan Theatre (Norcross, GA) for the Saturday matinee featuring some Western or another.
Candy bars were a nickel for a rather large bar, much, much larger than a $1 bar of any of these today.
Admission was first 7¢, which went to 9¢, and then to 11¢. This was terrible, for if I was so lucky as to have a quarter, the price of admission ate into what I was left to eat. Most of the time, I would have something like 20¢ or less to splurge. Money was hard to come by.
So I got rather picky. I seldom bought Almond Joy, Mounds, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, 3-Muskateers, Milky Way, Hershey Bars with Almonds, Hershey Bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Chunky, and Million Dollar bar.
Instead, I would circle through the Heath bars, Butternut, Zero, Zagnut, Payday Snickers, Clark Bar, over a few weeks with the first five being my favorites. Still are, but I can’t tell you the last time I saw a Butternut, Zero, or Zagnut bar.
Other items on my sugar rush hit parade were Tootsie Rolls, Sugar Daddy, Sugar Babies, Goobers, M&Ms, Necco Wafers, Good ‘n’ Plenty, Raisinets, Bit O Honey, Mary Jane’s, Whoopers, Tootsie Pops, and Milk Duds in no particular order of preference, though I seldom bought a Sugar Daddy. Tootsie Pops were great for getting something for those last couple of pennies.
Occasionally, I would get a bag of popcorn, which wasn’t as over-salted as commonly found in theaters today. I seldom if ever bought a drink, preferring my sugar in sold rather than liquid form.
In those days the carbonated drinks were Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Royal Crown (aka RC), Dr. Pepper, and Nehi. Individual sodas were 5¢. Pepsi, RC, Dr. Pepper, and Nehi were sold in 10-oz bottles, while Coke was in a 6-oz bottle. A carton of 6 of any of these was 25¢.
I usually settled for a few slurps from the water fountain.
We grew up in an era without a fluoridated water supply or toothpaste, so cavities were a problem for which I have paid and continue to pay dearly over and over and over again in my later life.
I have a few Heath Bars and some Almond Joys squirreled away, neither of which I eat very often. If I had to list a special one as a quiescent (not active) craving, it would be for a Butternut or a Zero bar.
@Jackinga Walmart has Zero bars. I love the Dark Chocolate Raisinettes from Dollar Tree. That’s my go-to sneaking into the movie theater. I’m not paying $5 when I can get it for $1.25. It’s been ages since I’ve seen Butternut but I think I saw Zagnut not too long ago. I just don’t remember where.
@Jackinga I don’t eat a lot of chocolate, but Heath bars and Zagnut are my jam. When I go sweets, I trend towards sour candies. But yeah, toffee is my thing
And Peanut butter. And all the other things 
York Peppermint Pattie
Twin Bing Bar

@mschuette Chandler and Monica? But they’re not twins.
@xobzoo Twin Buffay just doesn’t work, though.
Reese’s, butterfinger or anything cadbury from the uk or Canada.
@ironcheftoni yeah, Cadbury in the US is just rebranded Hershey, not the real stuff. There again, UK Cadbury isn’t as good as it was 20 years ago. When they were bought out by Kraft they started cutting corners the taste difference is noticable. Sadly Cadbury isn’t nearly as good as it once was.
Reese’s peanut butter cups
Pretty much if it’s chocolate, I like it, although there is some, I don’t like, it comes from some of the northern European countries. I’m also not a fan of caramel.
Skor. Better than Heath.
3 Musketeers. Well, not actually crave, but I can never stop once I start to indulge. They are not allowed in my house, even at Halloween.
3 Musketeers, Reese’s Fast Break, Aero Bar. Top 3
Violet Crumble from Australia is hands down my favorite candy bar.
/image nutrageous

Is the one I asked for. In highschool when asked. I don’t really have candy bars in last 15-20 years. I guess I have 5 minutes to think
@unksol Take all the time you need, if you aren’t voting in the poll. The comment thread will still be here.
@werehatrack well I meant to decide to get some. The poll answer was other. The correct answer is nutrageous.
I decided to play a game to wait till 2359 while being distracted by multiple cats and the big fat quiz of the year 2023. Which I somehow missed/forgot about.
Dark chocolate is always better so. I seem to have beat the clock cause why not
@unksol @werehatrack Most things are staying up for sale for two days now!
@Kyeh @werehatrack when did that happen? It offends my standards. One deal. One day
@unksol @werehatrack Yeah - they’re sneaky that way. It’s been going on for a little while now.
@Kyeh @werehatrack we know how that went with woot … The 2 day mehrathons I can excuse
@werehatrack @unksol Hey, it looks like Irk saw your comment and agrees with you:
@Kyeh @werehatrack lol. they have sidedeals for that.
Consistency matters when that’s your deal
Also technically irk is only referencing the 2 day mehrathons. Like I said. I’m ok with that.
The 5 pound Hershey bar has always been one of my favorites. You can really sink your teeth into it, even though they are not easy to cut with a knife.