What are your favorite Google neural-processed photos?
1You probably heard about what Google's neural network can do with photos, and I thought it would be fun to have a thread where we post either our own photos or our favorites.
Here's my cat...
The Solidarity Cows from a Wisconsin event a few years ago...
A dragonfly photo I took last summer...
And, well, who doesn't love the Teletubbies? (I love how this one came out, including the flowers in the corner became a horse-dog-centipede)...
Got any of your own favorites?
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And a heads up: Kids have found this and there are dozens of nekkid lady pics on the current view. They'll vanish in a few hours, and there aren't any in the queue that are quite that vivid, but, y'know, pick your moments if that's a concern. (One of the nice things about ad blockers is that they can block those at work too.)
@editorkid Yup... Clicked before I read your comment. HR may be having a chat with me soon.
@Willijs3 Just show them what you saw and ask, "How is that porn? I mean, what are you into that I'm not seeing here?"
@editorkid I think 4chan may have gotten to the site...don't look at the "top all time" images unless you like uh...well, weird furry porn.
@JonT We need to have a chat about your workplace internet habits
@JonT Where were you two minutes ago, when I hadn't read your comment???? D:
This one is insane! The background details actually kind of make sense...it's like an intentionally painted landscape. The computer is learning. Skynet is coming.

So which of you glorious bastids sent Irk along?
I mean, talk about your weird furry porn...
@editorkid We need to have a chat about your workplace internet habits
@NigelF I know. This is the first time I've seen Irk in days.
@editorkid - Irk's been out, looking for breakfast.
There's also an alternate site that works much faster and doesn't seem to be quite as, well, porny. I'm not saying it's 100% clear, mind you, but it updates pretty quickly and smoothly, so if something turns up, a quick page reload will probably hide it. This site doesn't have as many filters, but its filters have names and examples, so you can kind of see what direction your upload might go in. (But I kind of like the aggressive randomness of the first site, too.)
@editorkid We can always fix the lack of porn.
One of my absolute favorite podcasts right now We Have Concerns actually talked about this in a recent episode and did a pretty good job of explaining what's going on. Highly recommend giving this (and every other episode) a listen!
Had to use the alternate site @editorkid posted.

Needs more dogs.
I like this one a lot
Things got weird
From that Dreamscope version, with the Trippy filter...
The Rolling Stones actually don't change that much.
@Moose For all the reasons this is great, I think the best part is somehow you and your dog got crowns.
You know how it's impossible to grab your phone and get a picture of your cat when it yawns? Once, just once, I got one, and the transformation is really weird.
@editorkid i did the same:
although, i'm a little more creeped out that i searched my google photos for "emilie yawning", and while it didn't find that exact picture, it found the picture of milton yawning (my other cat, also solid black).
I decided to do a progression using the same image

See you in your nightmares.
@hollboll No Shit! :) You just need to add a few Sea Monkeys for the full effect.
@hollboll The first three are nice, but that last one... rowr.
The next president of these United States:
This started as a closeup of a pineapple.
@JonT Because pineapples aren't weird enough...
The original Irk upload finally processed!
Good article on this at http://www.iflscience.com/technology/artificial-intelligence-dreams
@katylava Before I click, how many furries are in there?
@darksaber99999 all of them + infinity.
From the other site:

@JonT How many dogs are living in Meh's walls anyway?
Hey, @hollboll, you finally made it all over the front page, and there's hardly any gratuitous nudity at the moment. (Enjoy that while it lasts.)
Cats love it!