Some B, but more D…for the first time in forever, my kids are old enough to actually sleep in longer on Christmas morning than me and I have some time to waste before they get up.
I’m putting together the Space Walk puzzle today, washing some laundry, watching Mythbusters, it’s rainy and on the cold side for us (rained almost two inches in the past 48 hours), we were gonna have barbequed steaks for dinner, but it’s raining, so that’s a big no.
Husband asleep on the loveseat, not working because he doesn’t want to bother the neighbors with the noise.
B. Totally not C. Ok maybe a little C.
B and C
Ain’t Xmas yet here
Still Christmas eve here. But B and C.
B. (Merry Christmas!)
No point when everyone is vulnerable and far away.
Some B, but more D…for the first time in forever, my kids are old enough to actually sleep in longer on Christmas morning than me and I have some time to waste before they get up.
My grandson isn’t feeling well, so postponed me going over for Christmas. Christmas movies today. It’s okay.
MEHry Christmas to all…
A and B.
I’m putting together the Space Walk puzzle today, washing some laundry, watching Mythbusters, it’s rainy and on the cold side for us (rained almost two inches in the past 48 hours), we were gonna have barbequed steaks for dinner, but it’s raining, so that’s a big no.
Husband asleep on the loveseat, not working because he doesn’t want to bother the neighbors with the noise.
Meh is rocking compared to our home.
Right now I am killing time between putting together a trampoline and waiting for Chinese food.
Sometimes your life is a disaster because of things that weren’t your choice.
All of the above, which I’m pretty ok with right now.