If you are using a cell phone turn it sideways and you’ll get a different posting screen, it’s amazing! Tinamarie shared that with me not to long ago. Good luck!
@Humanosaurus I would love to let my bird go outside and fly. I do not clip his wings so he’s a full-flight bird and does fly all over the house. If I have company over, I need to put him in his cage because he can fly and will attack anyone that goes near me. He’s a great security bird and likes to go for the eyes.
Unfortunately, he was born in captivity and I don’t believe he has the necessary skills to be outside on his own and I’m afraid if I let him fly he wouldn’t find his way back and would end up dying a couple days later. For this reason, he stays inside.
Oh, I did buy a flight suit for him, like this one:
He does not like it when I put it on. At first, it was so hard to put on him that I thought it was too small. So I brought it to the pet store where I got both the bird and the flight suit and my bird bit the employee as he attempted to put the suit on. I was so embarrassed. Eventually I did get it on all by myself and it fits perfectly but he hates it and keeps tugging on it with his beak trying to get it off. So that is no longer an option to let him go outside either.
Note: the flight suit is tethered so he can fly but not too far away and you can always pull him back in if you need to.
@cengland0 My cousin had a conure that looked just like yours.
He was the friendliest, silliest, funniest, most personable bird I’ve ever met.
My cousin keeps several different species in her house (dog, cat, bunny, pig, lizard, more…) and the conure was friends with all of them.
Yes, I’m using the past-tense. Poor guy only lived a handful of years, but he made a big impact in a short time.
@DennisG2014 My conure is very friendly to me and Mrs. cengland0. But he’s very protective of us when other people are in the house and wants to protect us from the “enemy.”
When I first got him, he loved everyone. But from working at home and him being with me the majority of the day, he has become suspicious of other people and will attack first and won’t ask any questions later.
I suspect mine will have too short of a life too. When I got him, I brought him to the vet and it was discovered he has an enlarged heart which has no cure. I could have returned him for a refund but they probably would have just euthanized him. At least he will have a good life with me for as long as he can. I think it’s going on 9 years old now and they live to be 20 to 30 years, I think.
@Lynnerizer I don’t have any photos of him in his suit but, as you probably already discovered, there are plenty of photos of other birds with their suits on the web.
The idea of the suit is good. It gives you a tether and also a diaper so you can bring him in public places without worrying about him making a mess. But mine hates his suit so I don’t add any stress to him by trying to put it on. Birds don’t handle stress well.
Ash is the grey cat, Gary the tabby… They seem to appreciate eachother’s company. We’re guessing they’re brothers, they were surrendered to the shelter together, and we adopted them as a pair.
Rocket is the lab in front, just turned 1, and Bruno is the shepherd in back, he’s 5ish.
@moonhat@Pony Oh, I agree as well. This photo is from last year, and is an old temp pen we’d use for raising chicks. The girls (and Chad) were in there off and on for a couple weeks while I worked on their tractor, I just don’t have a lot of great photos of them. I appreciate the concern!
@Pony No worries! I honestly wish I could let them free roam, but our dogs would harass them endlessly, and when they’re away, I’ve got a couple foxes around to worry about.
@smigit2002 We can’t free range either. We’ve got a ridiculous number of hawks and falcons, as well as foxes, coyotes and even the occasional mountain lion. So frustrating. We have a really large covered run for them though, and a nice big coop that my hubby built.
Thats funny, the miniature gene didnt carry through! We had one of those when I was growing up, my first dog. Her name was Hilldi, short for Hilldagaurd, mom said German dog, German name! Hilldi was a miniature too and right from the start mom made sure she’d stay that way feeding her Fit n Trim dog food!
Your guys a cutie, huge for a smaller size dog. More to love as I often say adout myself these days!
@phendrick@tinamarie1974 Today is the 9th anniversary of bringing her home. We have no idea on life expectancy. She’s a great dog, mostly. Our youngest two daughters have come through the sickness and are feeling better, now its the eldest’s’ turn to be down. Thanks!
@capnjb Wow, that is a deep cut for sure. I originally wanted to name him Trogdor, but my girlfriend wouldn’t allow it. Especially being that he was a gift for her.
I love those dogs, so much character in such a tiny package!!
I hear ya about tryin to figure out the picture postin, you must be on a cell phone. I was having issues myself and @tinamarie helped me out. (She’s so nice like that!) If you turn your phone sideways you’ll find your options will change and the picture icon will appear. Good luck!
I had a pet rock named Skip. He (or was it she) drowned. Ok, Skip may still be alive, but I can not get down to the bottom. The memories are too painful whenever I see Skip skipping along the top of the shallows. Skip, why did you have to go to the deep end?
@hchavers if you had a Google home, you could have taken pictures of your pet rock, and then Google would have made a commercial of your memories together and make us all cry during the SuperBowl.
He/she’s got the most beautiful markings! My guy Tuc loves to lay with all fours up in the air too! My first cat to do that, means they are totally relaxed, safe an secure. Biggest compliment in my opinion!
Now thats a sweet set up!! Our guys or I should say our girls just roam free, then become dinner for our neighborhood hawks. We stink as chicken farmers!
@Lynnerizer I used to have pet chickens until my HOA sent me a nasty letter saying I have to get rid of them. I miss my chickens.
I originally let them come out of the coop and go anywhere on the property they wanted until one day a chicken was missing and one died in the pool all on the same day. I could only assume some creature got in the yard and was terrorizing them. Might have been a hawk, cat, osprey, eagle, etc.
I had to build a PVC pen for them to walk around in and protect them with chicken wire all around and on the top. Didn’t lose any chickens after that but I felt bad that they only had a small area to move around in. But I did let them out for several hours when I was home and could keep an eye on them.
They completely destroyed the grass wherever I put the pin so I had to relocate it frequently.
@Lynnerizer We had to cover the top of the run area, an Eagle lifted off a hen a few yrs ago and a hawk chewed the head off of a hen a few weeks ago. The hawk flew in & out of a crack in the netting.
@daveinwarsh We have a 6-foot chain link fence around the chicken run. The local coyotes figured out that if they ran at the fence, the stupid chickens would panic and fly out and they could grab them. So I had to put a chicken wire top on the run. Now racoons have found/made gaps in the chicken wire top and managed to score a few drumsticks. I think the local predators refer to me as “Colonel Sanders”.
@macromeh No raccoons lately, I ‘got rid’ of a few a long time ago & they never came back.
Had a coyote trying to dig under the 5’ chain link fence, I ‘got rid’ of it also.
The main chicken coop has an electric metal door that closes at dusk/opens in morning. Since installing that door (takes 4 D-cells every 6 months) the mouse/rat/vermin problem has been 100% solved. The hens are always on their roost in the coop long before it closes.
Yeah, those hawks are relentless! Even though it is the natural life cycle it’s still so hard to lose one.
Our electric door is called Johnny and it stands 6’2" has dirty blonde hair and glasses!
@stolicat I have to tell visitors to my house that, no, I’m not a hoarder. All those boxes and brown paper shopping bags are not trash, they’re cat beds/play-houses!
Clyde and Oakley being cute like always. Brother and sister rescues that have been with me since they were just a few months old. They are going to turn 5 in May.
@riskybryzness fortunately not. Captain came from a shelter and was very scared for the first few months with us. You would never have known he was even in our house. Suddenly he decided everything was cool, and now lays on our bed like this almost every night. He loves a good belly rub.
Just took this one right now with Oakley sleeping next to an IRK bag. Too good to pass up on posting. (I tried to reply to my other post and add it there but couldn’t figure out how.)
@elimanningface Nope, I only have 4 cats. It was 5, but we recently lost our 14 year old cat to cancer. My neighbor down the road has hordes of cats that live on his property; he’s the cat guy. I’m the crazy chicken lady. I have 35 chickens, 10 ducks, 3 geese and 10 quail.
@elimanningface@Pony Every once in a while, when someone hears me say I have cats, they’ll ask me how many I have.
I like to respond with some version of, “let’s see… [counting on fingers] there’s Mopsy, Flopsy, Muffy, Buffy, Mittens, Sparky… ooh, can’t forget Floyd, and then there’s… Nah, just kidding, I only have two.”
BTW - as the workday went on, it started creep into my head that it might have sounded offensive asking if you were a cat lady. Didn’t mean it that way, just meant you seem to have a lot of cats! Thank you for sharing w/ the community!!!
@DennisG2014@elimanningface@Pony It’s only by accident. All of mine are abandoned strays or feral. I had 4 others I found homes for. Now I wish I had kept 2 of them as they were absolutely delightful cats!! I am probably placing Tigger and Peaches as well since I have too many cats for my budget and when I rescued them I hadn’t been thinking about keeping everybody since this place is only 2 rooms and my budget is really stretched.
@moonhat When I used to volunteer at a kill shelter they used me to tell the difference between scared cats and feral cats since I can often touch and pet scared cats that others can’t. What makes me sad though is that they attach to me and then I break that attachment giving them away. I have heard that several of them have really grieved. But I can’t keep all of them.
Old pics, but I’ve never managed to take any better ones, and they still look the same, just bigger.
Smokey & Tiger are sisters.
First pic is the very first night I brought them home, 2nd pic is not long after.
2013; Can’t believe my little girls are 7 already!
I’m really envious of all of you who have more than one pet who are cuddle-buddies.
After having a couple of one-at-a-time cats and always feeling guilty when I had to leave them home alone, I decided to get two litter-mates, so they could keep each other company, and waited quite awhile to find the ‘right ones’.
When I first met my kitties, at an adoption event, they clung to each other.
The two pics I posted above are basically the closest they’ve ever been.
The 2nd pic shows them both trying to claim the same spot - not sharing.
They don’t fight over spots anymore, they just let whoever gets there first claim it and kind of take turns in all the favored spots.
They don’t hate each other, like, they’ve never had knock-down, drag-out, screaming fights, but they definitely don’t like sharing the same space (or me) with each other and will take a swipe and/or spit a hiss if one violates the other’s personal space.
They kind of maintain a minimum separation of about a foot at all times, like a personal safety bubble.
If they have to pass by each other in a narrow space, like a doorway, they’ll side-eye each other as they pass, wary of the other taking a swipe.
It’s kinda funny but also kind of sad, especially when I see other people’s kitty-sibs being all cuddly w/ each other.
@DennisG2014@moonhat They are probably more attached than you realize - two cats I had together for over 12 years sort of hung out together but never got cuddly, would occasionally spat, but when one died the other wandered the house for weeks meowing and looking for him.
@DennisG2014@stolicat stolicat is right! I think being cats, they play it cool much more for our benefit and love each other more when we’re not looking.
This is Cooper. He was 12 years old when we had to say goodbye just last Friday. I’ve always been sure he was part dog. He loved cuddles, chasing his tail, stealing bread, sneaking sips of milk from cereal bowls and curling up right on top of you for a nice nap. He’d see me off in the morning and greet me when I’d get home at night.
@christinerenee We got him and his older “brother” at 4 and 7 years old from our oldest daughter’s daycare lady, so we knew their temperaments. The old one can get grumpy at times, but Cooper was the gentlest, most loving kitty I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know.
All our packmates, as well as the stupid cat, are angels now. Well, for the stupid cat that’s a maybe but we can hope. Their wings get in the way of pictures; even when looking at those taken while they lived, for some reason they always get blurry…
@cinoclav Dang…google image search says that fancy box goes for like $100. I guess you don’t have to feed a box, so it’s cheaper in the long run to have a fancy box for a pet than a cat or dog. You should stick some googly eyes on it.
“Who’s a good box? Yes, you are!”
@cinoclav That’s a nice remberance. I was at the vet once waiting to pick up one of the cats - another guy, rough looking rancher type, was there also. We started chatting a bit and I asked what pet he had there - he said he was waiting to get his old dog.
A few minutes later one of the vet techs came out and told him that his dog was ready, and she handed him this little box, and he became very puddled up, thanked her and left. It’s amazing the effect an animal can have on the crustiest of types, and I think everyone in the room was wiping tears away.
@stolicat@medz Yeah, that’s not actually the box my cat is in. Nor our two dogs. They’re all in the basic cherry box the crematorium provides. But the one I posted just looked a lot nicer and kind of emphasized my point. So now I’m thinking my lost furry friends deserve a nicer box. Of the three that we have, the cat’s box sits on the dresser in the bedroom. The two dog boxes are sitting on the sill in front of the bay window in the living room. They both liked to lay there and look out the window and it seemed like the right place for them to continue on.
@cinoclav We considered taking the ashes home for one of ours, but I didn’t think it would be very comfortable to sleep with the box sitting on my chest every night. (as the cat would usually do)
I hope you know I’m only joking around and meant you no disrespect nor distress.
@medz No worries, absolutely no disrespect even considered. Know what you mean though - I tried feeding the box but had to stop once the ants tried carrying it away.
@cinoclav It is so hard when are animals we love die or need euthanized. They play such an important role in so many of our lives - especially if we are going to hell and back. I know, on occasion, I never would have made it without my cats. I wish with my earlier cats I had had them cremated.
Baxter and Hunter. We were only planning on fostering Hunter for a few weeks (we have too many cats as it is), but when Bax adopted him, we couldn’t bear to break them up.
(This is especially sweet because Baxter has been indifferent to all the other pets - chickens, ducks, goats and cats are all ignored. But he and Hunter connected somehow.)
Feral kitty (Peaches)
Took only 4 days to get to this point (she was 5 mo old at the time).
With her buddy Tigger (they’d like to live on the first floor instead of the 4th as the squirrels and birds are too far away - the bird feeders along the fence is where I snatched Tigger when it was apparent he was abandoned).
My 19 year old next month whom I bottle fed from 10 days old - “conveniently” needed fed every 3 hours in between written and oral comprehensive exams. Fortunately she slept in my pocket through orals. Not sure what my committee would have done if she had awoken and needed fed in the middle of the 2 hour oral exam. This is why I did not adopt a human baby and instead adopted a nearly 10 year old.
Actually thinking about it the calico died Sept 2018 and the orange one Dec 2018. I miss them both. Don’t even want to think about my 19 year old one dying.
@medebbie@therealjrn Or ladybugs. Currently those are invading and getting in to my apt via the cracks. My cats are in heaven as they have all these toys that move to play with. You can tell when one is in the house as they are all looking at it on, for example, the ceiling.
One time my 2 cats (who died 1998 and 2001) came tearing down the stairs together and in unison, in the living room, abruptly turned sideways, fluffed out, back arched, tail raised… I couldn’t figure out what the heck they saw. The only explanation has to be ghosts.
@Kidsandliz …when he’s feeling frisky (usually when playing with a crumpled piece of paper or an ice cube, he does all sorts of tricks for us! Would you like to see more?
@Pony I love this face. And he or she looks so soft~!
I’m too tired…
Because I can’t figure out how to add photos to comments.
@katjabee this little icon right here.
If you are using a cell phone turn it sideways and you’ll get a different posting screen, it’s amazing! Tinamarie shared that with me not to long ago. Good luck!
My good boy, Rory!
@ChompyGator yaaaas, such a good boy!
@ChompyGator beautiful!!
I have a pet conure.
Sleeping in my hand.
Are you sure he’s just sleeping?
@Lynnerizer Oh yes. He’s a squawker so we know when he’s awake. Here’s the next shot with his eye opened after he heard the camera shutter.
@cengland0 @Lynnerizer He’s pining for the fjords.
@Humanosaurus I would love to let my bird go outside and fly. I do not clip his wings so he’s a full-flight bird and does fly all over the house. If I have company over, I need to put him in his cage because he can fly and will attack anyone that goes near me. He’s a great security bird and likes to go for the eyes.
Unfortunately, he was born in captivity and I don’t believe he has the necessary skills to be outside on his own and I’m afraid if I let him fly he wouldn’t find his way back and would end up dying a couple days later. For this reason, he stays inside.
Oh, I did buy a flight suit for him, like this one:
He does not like it when I put it on. At first, it was so hard to put on him that I thought it was too small. So I brought it to the pet store where I got both the bird and the flight suit and my bird bit the employee as he attempted to put the suit on. I was so embarrassed. Eventually I did get it on all by myself and it fits perfectly but he hates it and keeps tugging on it with his beak trying to get it off. So that is no longer an option to let him go outside either.
Note: the flight suit is tethered so he can fly but not too far away and you can always pull him back in if you need to.
@cengland0 My cousin had a conure that looked just like yours.
He was the friendliest, silliest, funniest, most personable bird I’ve ever met.
My cousin keeps several different species in her house (dog, cat, bunny, pig, lizard, more…) and the conure was friends with all of them.
Yes, I’m using the past-tense. Poor guy only lived a handful of years, but he made a big impact in a short time.
@DennisG2014 My conure is very friendly to me and Mrs. cengland0. But he’s very protective of us when other people are in the house and wants to protect us from the “enemy.”
When I first got him, he loved everyone. But from working at home and him being with me the majority of the day, he has become suspicious of other people and will attack first and won’t ask any questions later.
I suspect mine will have too short of a life too. When I got him, I brought him to the vet and it was discovered he has an enlarged heart which has no cure. I could have returned him for a refund but they probably would have just euthanized him. At least he will have a good life with me for as long as he can. I think it’s going on 9 years old now and they live to be 20 to 30 years, I think.
@cengland0 @DennisG2014
Ive never seen one in a flight suit, at first I thought you were foolin around. Guess not!!
@Lynnerizer I don’t have any photos of him in his suit but, as you probably already discovered, there are plenty of photos of other birds with their suits on the web.
The idea of the suit is good. It gives you a tether and also a diaper so you can bring him in public places without worrying about him making a mess. But mine hates his suit so I don’t add any stress to him by trying to put it on. Birds don’t handle stress well.
@Sabre99 oh look at that love! adorable!
Ash is the grey cat, Gary the tabby… They seem to appreciate eachother’s company. We’re guessing they’re brothers, they were surrendered to the shelter together, and we adopted them as a pair.
Rocket is the lab in front, just turned 1, and Bruno is the shepherd in back, he’s 5ish.
And here are our chickens, while we’re sharing.
@smigit2002 That’s a really sad looking chicken pen. Please consider upgrading. They need more space than that.
@Pony @smigit2002 I agree
@moonhat @Pony Oh, I agree as well. This photo is from last year, and is an old temp pen we’d use for raising chicks. The girls (and Chad) were in there off and on for a couple weeks while I worked on their tractor, I just don’t have a lot of great photos of them. I appreciate the concern!
@smigit2002 Happy to hear it. Sorry to be a busybody. I’m a crazy chicken lady, and my birds are spoiled rotten. lol
@Pony No worries! I honestly wish I could let them free roam, but our dogs would harass them endlessly, and when they’re away, I’ve got a couple foxes around to worry about.
@smigit2002 We can’t free range either. We’ve got a ridiculous number of hawks and falcons, as well as foxes, coyotes and even the occasional mountain lion. So frustrating. We have a really large covered run for them though, and a nice big coop that my hubby built.
@jwilloughby aaaawwweeee so sweet. What kind of puppy?
@tinamarie1974 She’s a Bull Weiner. Bull Mastiff and Miniature Dachshund mix
Our daughter was sick so Moxie was cuddling with her
@jwilloughby @tinamarie1974 I see the “miniature” gene didn’t carry over. How old is the pup? And healing prayers for your daughter.
@jwilloughby @phendrick @tinamarie1974
Thats funny, the miniature gene didnt carry through! We had one of those when I was growing up, my first dog. Her name was Hilldi, short for Hilldagaurd, mom said German dog, German name! Hilldi was a miniature too and right from the start mom made sure she’d stay that way feeding her Fit n Trim dog food!
Your guys a cutie, huge for a smaller size dog. More to love as I often say adout myself these days!
@jwilloughby @Lynnerizer @phendrick I see the miniature, otherwise that little guy would be a HUGE puppy. Bull Mastiffs are really big!
Clearly the puppy and your daughter are good buddy’s. Very cute!! Hope your daughter is feeling better
@phendrick @tinamarie1974 Today is the 9th anniversary of bringing her home. We have no idea on life expectancy. She’s a great dog, mostly. Our youngest two daughters have come through the sickness and are feeling better, now its the eldest’s’ turn to be down. Thanks!
Here is Homestar Runner
Here is Marzipan
And this is Todd
@tonylegrone I’m pretty sure this dog’s name should be Dennis.
@capnjb @tonylegrone I quite like ‘Todd’.
@tonylegrone And for the record…
@capnjb Wow, that is a deep cut for sure. I originally wanted to name him Trogdor, but my girlfriend wouldn’t allow it. Especially being that he was a gift for her.
@tonylegrone that is a fantastic nose! too cute
@tonylegrone You could have gone with any of the four Gregs then.
@capnjb That would be such a hard decision
https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A90071e3b-222d-417b-a5f9-178369ce7cae I could t figure out how to add a picture so I just sent a link… meh… too tired to deal
I love those dogs, so much character in such a tiny package!!
I hear ya about tryin to figure out the picture postin, you must be on a cell phone. I was having issues myself and @tinamarie helped me out. (She’s so nice like that!) If you turn your phone sideways you’ll find your options will change and the picture icon will appear. Good luck!
@Ambiverbal look at those faces. so sweet!
@moonhat Thanx!
I should say this is Riley and her 7 babies. They are Manx and if you look closely you’ll see several short tails in the bunch.
This is Connie
@christinerenee Connie looks like she’s the boss…
@moonhat She definitely thinks so
I had a pet rock named Skip. He (or was it she) drowned. Ok, Skip may still be alive, but I can not get down to the bottom. The memories are too painful whenever I see Skip skipping along the top of the shallows. Skip, why did you have to go to the deep end?
@hchavers if you had a Google home, you could have taken pictures of your pet rock, and then Google would have made a commercial of your memories together and make us all cry during the SuperBowl.
yekoP in his natural habitat
@missamynoel What a sweet face
@christinerenee she gets away with a lot with those big eyes
Lunatic plotting my murder, because I made her wear a hat…
Baby Kidd
He/she’s got the most beautiful markings! My guy Tuc loves to lay with all fours up in the air too! My first cat to do that, means they are totally relaxed, safe an secure. Biggest compliment in my opinion!
@krobb1290 @Lynnerizer does she have “tortitude”?
@krobb1290 That’s a great gallery - I love calicos and rarely see a calico with that much black
Does this count? Fenris wants to say hi!
@PooltoyWolf Who is that that Fenris is riding?
@phendrick That would be yours truly riding Fenris!
The Mister Whiskers. He’s old and wants us to get of his damn lawn.
@therealjrn please tell mister whiskers that he is a good cat
@riskybryzness aw…He is! I really didn’t capture his best angle there. Here he is a couple of years ago wearing his dinosaur outfit he got in a BOC.
Chevy with a fresh kill.
The hens.
Now thats a sweet set up!! Our guys or I should say our girls just roam free, then become dinner for our neighborhood hawks. We stink as chicken farmers!
Our own personal greeter!
@Lynnerizer I used to have pet chickens until my HOA sent me a nasty letter saying I have to get rid of them. I miss my chickens.
I originally let them come out of the coop and go anywhere on the property they wanted until one day a chicken was missing and one died in the pool all on the same day. I could only assume some creature got in the yard and was terrorizing them. Might have been a hawk, cat, osprey, eagle, etc.
I had to build a PVC pen for them to walk around in and protect them with chicken wire all around and on the top. Didn’t lose any chickens after that but I felt bad that they only had a small area to move around in. But I did let them out for several hours when I was home and could keep an eye on them.
They completely destroyed the grass wherever I put the pin so I had to relocate it frequently.
@Lynnerizer We had to cover the top of the run area, an Eagle lifted off a hen a few yrs ago and a hawk chewed the head off of a hen a few weeks ago. The hawk flew in & out of a crack in the netting.
That’s why it is called a “chicken tractor.”
@daveinwarsh We have a 6-foot chain link fence around the chicken run. The local coyotes figured out that if they ran at the fence, the stupid chickens would panic and fly out and they could grab them. So I had to put a chicken wire top on the run. Now racoons have found/made gaps in the chicken wire top and managed to score a few drumsticks. I think the local predators refer to me as “Colonel Sanders”.
@daveinwarsh @Lynnerizer so THAT is how the chicken crossed the road.
@cengland0 @macromeh I also built a 'Chicken Tractor last spring to raise new chicks in.
Before they start laying, they go into the main pen.
@macromeh No raccoons lately, I ‘got rid’ of a few a long time ago & they never came back.
Had a coyote trying to dig under the 5’ chain link fence, I ‘got rid’ of it also.
The main chicken coop has an electric metal door that closes at dusk/opens in morning. Since installing that door (takes 4 D-cells every 6 months) the mouse/rat/vermin problem has been 100% solved. The hens are always on their roost in the coop long before it closes.
Yeah, those hawks are relentless! Even though it is the natural life cycle it’s still so hard to lose one.
Our electric door is called Johnny and it stands 6’2" has dirty blonde hair and glasses!
@Aspirant_Fool Did you get the chair to match the cats, or vice versa? (They’re beautiful!)
@Kyeh The chair predates the cats by a few years, the matching was a happy accident.
@Aspirant_Fool @Kyeh Eventually, any furniture will come to resemble the cats.
@Aspirant_Fool @macromeh True, but it’s nice if it starts out that way - then it’s not so obvious that it’s covered in cat hair.
Lily, Dusty and Sparky
@stolicat i see the cat traps are working splendidly
@jnicholson0619 yes, they’re amazing - I get them at amazon and each one is good for trapping three cats …
@jnicholson0619 @stolicat
Yes, I was wondering if they shared that one box or do you have a box train set up for them?
@stolicat Did you buy all your cats at Amazon?
@stolicat I have to tell visitors to my house that, no, I’m not a hoarder. All those boxes and brown paper shopping bags are not trash, they’re cat beds/play-houses!
@DennisG2014 Yes, that’s classic - sometimes they build little forts …
@stolicat Ooh, and the brown packing paper!
My cats love that more than anything.
Awww… He’s a shy one, a? So handsome!
@melbell Nice! I really miss my Dobermans.
Mort having a Mort moment.
@lordbowen oh, Mort! Cheer up cutie!
Django (black kitty) & Taffy (orange kitty, RIP)
Bailey waiting for snuggles.
Clyde and Oakley being cute like always. Brother and sister rescues that have been with me since they were just a few months old. They are going to turn 5 in May.
Charlee Pepper and Max
@sadalex Is it a trap?
@riskybryzness fortunately not. Captain came from a shelter and was very scared for the first few months with us. You would never have known he was even in our house. Suddenly he decided everything was cool, and now lays on our bed like this almost every night. He loves a good belly rub.
@sadalex please tell him that he is a good cat
Must be a blankey from his granny, how sweet!
@Lynnerizer I made it myself!
@badjuujuu @Lynnerizer gorgeous face and Afghan!! Was it crocheted?
@Lynnerizer @moonhat Yes, it is a crocheted blanket
@badjuujuu @Lynnerizer very nice!! I can’t bypass knitting hats, everything else is too hard. Good job!
Sure, wish I was this flexible.
Molly The Boneless Cat
Meet Tucker. Tuc’s the most bestest cat in the whole wide world! His mommy said so!
@Lynnerizer What a fluff ball!
This is Aya, who is not technically allowed on the couch.
@abbeyd even with that sad, adorable face?
@Evolucion7 I’m a sucker for a Siamese. Is this beauty a talker?
@moonhat She’s very chatty. #nevershutsup
@Humanosaurus oh my god that’s so cute! You could make a Christmas card out of that one!
@moonhat I did.
@Humanosaurus archie says Belated Merry Ginger Christmas!
@Humanosaurus ohhhh! I love it. All boys?
@moonhat Yep. Isaac (foreground) and Newton are brothers and about a year and a half old. Oliver (left) is older, he’s about 3-1/2.
@Humanosaurus Lynxpoint Siamese are the best.
Shasta says, “I’m playing king of the mountain…Come & Get Some! Warning: I play to win & will kiss my way to winning!!”
Just took this one right now with Oakley sleeping next to an IRK bag. Too good to pass up on posting. (I tried to reply to my other post and add it there but couldn’t figure out how.)
@ahacksaw The newest member of my quartet of Siamese. I should post the dog too, out of fairness.
Bandit prior to the Battle of Actium
@moonhat OMG! That tie! Cute!
@moonhat the tie. This was my Sam all dressed up
@tinamarie1974 oh Sam, so handsome!! He almost looks like a little teddy bear!
@moonhat thanks! He was my sweet boy. Also not very happy with that tie on, that was his stink eye face lol.
Panda checking out Bucky Badger
My favorite kind of stew
@6k5zr4tm7mxi85z Please share your recipe!
@pony just curious - are you referred to as the cat lady/man in your neighborhood?
@elimanningface Nope, I only have 4 cats. It was 5, but we recently lost our 14 year old cat to cancer. My neighbor down the road has hordes of cats that live on his property; he’s the cat guy. I’m the crazy chicken lady. I have 35 chickens, 10 ducks, 3 geese and 10 quail.
@elimanningface @Pony Every once in a while, when someone hears me say I have cats, they’ll ask me how many I have.
I like to respond with some version of, “let’s see… [counting on fingers] there’s Mopsy, Flopsy, Muffy, Buffy, Mittens, Sparky… ooh, can’t forget Floyd, and then there’s… Nah, just kidding, I only have two.”
@elimanningface @Pony But no ponies, @Pony??
@moonhat Nope. And believe it or not, my nickname has nothing to do with equines.
@Pony - I think @Kidsandliz has you and @dennisg2014 beat.
BTW - as the workday went on, it started creep into my head that it might have sounded offensive asking if you were a cat lady. Didn’t mean it that way, just meant you seem to have a lot of cats! Thank you for sharing w/ the community!!!
@elimanningface No offense taken at all.
@DennisG2014 @elimanningface @Pony It’s only by accident. All of mine are abandoned strays or feral. I had 4 others I found homes for. Now I wish I had kept 2 of them as they were absolutely delightful cats!! I am probably placing Tigger and Peaches as well since I have too many cats for my budget and when I rescued them I hadn’t been thinking about keeping everybody since this place is only 2 rooms and my budget is really stretched.
@DennisG2014 @elimanningface @Kidsandliz @Pony Liz, they’re sure lucky to be with you while you’ve got them though!
@moonhat When I used to volunteer at a kill shelter they used me to tell the difference between scared cats and feral cats since I can often touch and pet scared cats that others can’t. What makes me sad though is that they attach to me and then I break that attachment giving them away. I have heard that several of them have really grieved. But I can’t keep all of them.
Old pics, but I’ve never managed to take any better ones, and they still look the same, just bigger.
Smokey & Tiger are sisters.
First pic is the very first night I brought them home, 2nd pic is not long after.
2013; Can’t believe my little girls are 7 already!
I can’t post 2 pics in one comment without the first one getting duplicated.
pic 2:
@DennisG2014 they are both so darn pretty!!
Funny, Luke is pretty tired, too.
@caberbach Awwwww, what a sweet face!! They’re such beautiful pups!
@mvalleeis That looks like my childhood dog. So cute!
I can’t figure out how to post a picture from my phone.
@kittykat9180 Turn your phone sideways and you will get more options on the bottom of the comment window.
Click on the circled icon and upload your image to cloudinary dot com and it will automatically put in the URL into the message for you.
Turn it sideways before clicking reply.
I’m really envious of all of you who have more than one pet who are cuddle-buddies.
After having a couple of one-at-a-time cats and always feeling guilty when I had to leave them home alone, I decided to get two litter-mates, so they could keep each other company, and waited quite awhile to find the ‘right ones’.
When I first met my kitties, at an adoption event, they clung to each other.
The two pics I posted above are basically the closest they’ve ever been.
The 2nd pic shows them both trying to claim the same spot - not sharing.
They don’t fight over spots anymore, they just let whoever gets there first claim it and kind of take turns in all the favored spots.
They don’t hate each other, like, they’ve never had knock-down, drag-out, screaming fights, but they definitely don’t like sharing the same space (or me) with each other and will take a swipe and/or spit a hiss if one violates the other’s personal space.
They kind of maintain a minimum separation of about a foot at all times, like a personal safety bubble.
If they have to pass by each other in a narrow space, like a doorway, they’ll side-eye each other as they pass, wary of the other taking a swipe.
It’s kinda funny but also kind of sad, especially when I see other people’s kitty-sibs being all cuddly w/ each other.
@DennisG2014 Yes, mine love each other and cuddle up all the time, BUT I think they prefer each other to me! Rude.
@moonhat I’d be ok with that… It’s kinda what I was hoping for.
Wanna trade?
@DennisG2014 @moonhat They are probably more attached than you realize - two cats I had together for over 12 years sort of hung out together but never got cuddly, would occasionally spat, but when one died the other wandered the house for weeks meowing and looking for him.
@DennisG2014 @stolicat stolicat is right! I think being cats, they play it cool much more for our benefit and love each other more when we’re not looking.
I’d post a pic if I knew how…
@Tenorsinging If you rotate your phone to landscape mode, the full editor should come up and you’ll be able to attach a pic.
@Tenorsinging If you are using a phone, turn your phone sideways and you will get more options on the bottom of the comment window.
Click on the circled icon and upload your image to cloudinary dot com and it will automatically put in the URL into the message for you.
Turn it sideways before clicking reply.
This is Cooper. He was 12 years old when we had to say goodbye just last Friday. I’ve always been sure he was part dog. He loved cuddles, chasing his tail, stealing bread, sneaking sips of milk from cereal bowls and curling up right on top of you for a nice nap. He’d see me off in the morning and greet me when I’d get home at night.
@SpenceMan01 Someday I want a cat I can trust around babies
@SpenceMan01 Aww. So sorry for your loss. He looks like a sweetheart.
@SpenceMan01 He looks he was a really good kitty. He was lucky you picked him.
@SpenceMan01 so sorry. It is always hard to say goodbye to a fur baby
@SpenceMan01 Oh - I’m sorry you’ve lost such a wonderful little guy! He was beautiful too.
@christinerenee We got him and his older “brother” at 4 and 7 years old from our oldest daughter’s daycare lady, so we knew their temperaments. The old one can get grumpy at times, but Cooper was the gentlest, most loving kitty I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know.
Super Belle the Wonder Dog investigating the camera:
Zoe Monster doesn’t seem all that thrilled about picture time, does she?
All our packmates, as well as the stupid cat, are angels now. Well, for the stupid cat that’s a maybe but we can hope. Their wings get in the way of pictures; even when looking at those taken while they lived, for some reason they always get blurry…
Thanks for reminding me…
@cinoclav Dang…google image search says that fancy box goes for like $100. I guess you don’t have to feed a box, so it’s cheaper in the long run to have a fancy box for a pet than a cat or dog. You should stick some googly eyes on it.
“Who’s a good box? Yes, you are!”
@cinoclav That’s a nice remberance. I was at the vet once waiting to pick up one of the cats - another guy, rough looking rancher type, was there also. We started chatting a bit and I asked what pet he had there - he said he was waiting to get his old dog.
A few minutes later one of the vet techs came out and told him that his dog was ready, and she handed him this little box, and he became very puddled up, thanked her and left. It’s amazing the effect an animal can have on the crustiest of types, and I think everyone in the room was wiping tears away.
@stolicat @medz Yeah, that’s not actually the box my cat is in. Nor our two dogs. They’re all in the basic cherry box the crematorium provides. But the one I posted just looked a lot nicer and kind of emphasized my point. So now I’m thinking my lost furry friends deserve a nicer box. Of the three that we have, the cat’s box sits on the dresser in the bedroom. The two dog boxes are sitting on the sill in front of the bay window in the living room. They both liked to lay there and look out the window and it seemed like the right place for them to continue on.
@cinoclav We considered taking the ashes home for one of ours, but I didn’t think it would be very comfortable to sleep with the box sitting on my chest every night. (as the cat would usually do)
I hope you know I’m only joking around and meant you no disrespect nor distress.
@medz No worries, absolutely no disrespect even considered. Know what you mean though - I tried feeding the box but had to stop once the ants tried carrying it away.
@cinoclav It is so hard when are animals we love die or need euthanized. They play such an important role in so many of our lives - especially if we are going to hell and back. I know, on occasion, I never would have made it without my cats. I wish with my earlier cats I had had them cremated.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz So true - and they do KNOW when you’re going through hell, or just really sad!
@bleedmichigan favorite pic so far (but the night is young)!
@elimanningface thanks Jet is an awesome dog. Great with kids and plays fetch with 8 ft long 2x6
@briancmason Great face!
Best. Thread. Ever.
@DennisG2014 I was just going to post that!!
Some of the animals where my daughter lives
Baxter and Hunter. We were only planning on fostering Hunter for a few weeks (we have too many cats as it is), but when Bax adopted him, we couldn’t bear to break them up.
(This is especially sweet because Baxter has been indifferent to all the other pets - chickens, ducks, goats and cats are all ignored. But he and Hunter connected somehow.)
Goat cat (either that or a vulture, AKA Lizzy)
Top shelf just under ceiling.
Looking out the window
With her buddy (not mine)
The three young ones
All of the gang but one
Tigger (bird feeder dinner bait kitty)
Hey human - when will you win so I can play?
Feral kitty (Peaches)
Took only 4 days to get to this point (she was 5 mo old at the time).
With her buddy Tigger (they’d like to live on the first floor instead of the 4th as the squirrels and birds are too far away - the bird feeders along the fence is where I snatched Tigger when it was apparent he was abandoned).
Campus kitty whom I snatched from Campus after she was dumped
My 19 year old next month whom I bottle fed from 10 days old - “conveniently” needed fed every 3 hours in between written and oral comprehensive exams. Fortunately she slept in my pocket through orals. Not sure what my committee would have done if she had awoken and needed fed in the middle of the 2 hour oral exam. This is why I did not adopt a human baby and instead adopted a nearly 10 year old.
Then we have my two siblings who died 3 mo apart 2 years ago (at age 17.5). Here they are about 9 years old
At about 17 years old
Max (the yellow kitty) was a real cuddle cat - humans, other cats - it didn’t matter. Here he is cuddled up with goat cat.
Actually thinking about it the calico died Sept 2018 and the orange one Dec 2018. I miss them both. Don’t even want to think about my 19 year old one dying.
Freyja gets what she wants, when she wants it
This is Catniss Evercream. She’s a dumbass
@acrylic shower curtain licker
@acrylic So who’s scooping who’s poop again?
@acrylic Looks like a relative of Grumpy Cat.
Same markings, just without the smooshed face.
Shadow and toothless, yin and yin.
@anitat92832 Cool warlock eyes!
/giphy so fluffy
@medebbie Yikes!
@therealjrn You think his feet are big, you should see his_____!
@medebbie Proof that cats can see ghosts.
@medebbie @therealjrn Or ladybugs. Currently those are invading and getting in to my apt via the cracks. My cats are in heaven as they have all these toys that move to play with. You can tell when one is in the house as they are all looking at it on, for example, the ceiling.
One time my 2 cats (who died 1998 and 2001) came tearing down the stairs together and in unison, in the living room, abruptly turned sideways, fluffed out, back arched, tail raised… I couldn’t figure out what the heck they saw. The only explanation has to be ghosts.
@Kidsandliz @medebbie Ghost ladybugs are the worst!
@therealjrn They were seeing ghost flies…a least that’s what they tole me.
Here’s Cora:
@sammydog01 d’aww
@medebbie So why was that crazed baby just walking on its front legs?
@Kidsandliz …when he’s feeling frisky (usually when playing with a crumpled piece of paper or an ice cube, he does all sorts of tricks for us! Would you like to see more?
@medebbie Tricks are always fun to watch.
@Kidsandliz @medebbie Yes! IMHO you win this thread!