Weird Flavored Beverages
9So we're sitting here discussing flavored drinks and we started talking about our favorites, which lead to this:
What's your favorite weird flavored beverage?
The conversation started while discussing 21st Amendments Hell or High Watermelon beer (seriously, anybody in San Francisco who can send us a case of this? We'll Periscope it)
We also have a local Super H Mart grocery store that has weird flavored sodas like Popcorn, Buffalo Wings, and Ranch. So if there is enough interest, we were thinking about Periscoping weird flavored drink testing. Send us your suggestions!
Or don't.
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I think a Meh field trip to Japan is in order to investigate this further.
If youse guys have a SodaStream, there are lots of interesting syrup flavors that you can find on teh Googlez. And if you want to make your own, Pinterest is ready for you. Chicago has some locally made syrups that turn up at farmers markets and I'll see if I can find out what they're up to these days, too.
Define weird beer and I may be able to deliver
@sohmageek This tastes like Fruity Pebbles

Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer: Who says you need to chew your pizza? This brew actually is made with a whole margarita pizza in the mash and plenty of pizza spices to enhance the flavor.
Maple Bacon Coffee Porter: The best part of waking up is The Funky Buddha’s maple bacon coffee beer in your cup.
Voodoo Doughnut Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Ale: Can’t decide between a chocolate, peanut butter, banana donut and a nice ale? Well, you’re probably already drunk, but at least you’re covered with this Rogue Ale brew.
Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout: Yes, this Wynkoop Brewing Company specialty really contains bull testicles—three per barrel, to be precise.
Oyster Stout: This Porterhouse Brewing Company stout is brewed with oysters shucked directly into the brew tank, for that “silky, salty finish.”
Coconut Curry Hefeweizen: New Belgium Brewery’s innovative brew combines the sweetness of coconut, the spicy flavor of curry and a hint of banana.
Personally, I had some horchata beer that was decent, maple bacon beer, sriracha beer, and a couple other odd-balls.
I don't think I've ever really had any extremely outlandish flavored stuff. I've tried various chili pepper flavored beers and they've all been pretty good. I've had the horchata blue moon flavor that's out right now and liked it but probably couldn't drink more than 1 or 2.
Making it out to the Great American Beer Festival in Denver is definitely on my bucket list. I had a roommate that told me all about it and made it sound like the most amazing thing. You can taste a ton of weird and crazy flavored beers there because these breweries will let you taste all of their weird one-off experimental stuff like peanut butter beer and key lime pie beer and sometimes they brew weird beers specifically for the festival.
@JonT Crunchy was the name of Burlington Beer company's Peanut butter stout. It was very good! I still have a bottle somewhere...
@JonT DuClaw Brewing makes a huge amount of fascinating weird beers, including Sweet Baby Jesus (chocolate peanut butter) and Dirty Little Freak (chocolate w/ coconut), both of which are amazing!!
@JonT I did the GABF a number of times and loved it. It was a great yearly tradition that sadly ended.
Had a taste of this stuff the other day. It tastes like you father's root beer. Could really fake out a non drinker.

@Teripie I have this in my fridge. It's got quite a kick (I rarely drink).
When I was at the Texas State Fair last year I tried the Funnel Cake Beer. I actually liked it.
@conandlibrarian Did you try the fried beer they had a few years ago? A lot of people hated it but I didn't think it was that bad
@Kleineleh Nope. This past year was my first time going to the State Fair. Actually, it was only my second time in Texas ever. It was a great trip!
@conandlibrarian The funnel cake beer was really really good. A great beer, with the powdered sugar rim. Super smart.
@conandlibrarian Ah, I see. Well I'm glad you enjoyed your stay! Now you and @ChadP are making me want to try this beer. At 9am.
@Kleineleh hated the fried beer. made me vomit. similar to the jelly belly beer flavor. way too strong.
@ChadP I might have been the only one in the state who actually liked it. There was a whole group of us at the back of the line who tried it for free because everyone who bought it ahead of us hated it and were just handing it out. Did you try it with whatever that sauce was that came with it? I thought it was better that way. Of course, I also didn't like beer at the time, so maybe that was the key...
Us East-coasters could send you HoHW as well — it's distributed all over (unless there was a different reason you specified SF). It's out there, but super refreshing on a ~100º day.
As for other weird drinks, local hipster bar does all these vodka infusions, and they (used to?) do a habanero garlic vodka. I love it, but the next morning is what one might call adding insult to injury — on top of being hung over, you have a crazy sore throat and the world's worst garlic breath.
@brhfl I was going to say the same. There are a few bars around Philly with it on tap too.
@brhfl the point is, we can't get it here in those adorable cans. Please send cans of HOHW. Send a lot of them.
I volunteered at a fund raiser at our science museum called "Science on Tap". One vendor had beer made with banana Runts, the candy. We weren't allowed to try it.
Grapefruit beer how I love you!
(I've never eaten a grapefruit in real life, but the beers with it are so damn good.)
@dashcloud I've been really happy with the radler trend around here in Seattle, because it often includes grapefruit and other citrus beer!
@dashcloud I assume you've had
It's pretty damn delicious on these brutal 100+ degree Texas summer days.
@JonT I'd take the 100+ dry heat over the 90 degree w/ 65% humidity any day...
@JonT Don't think so- will have to try to get it!
@sohmageek Current humidity here in DFW is around 65%. Arizona this is not.
@todaresq I tried the pumpkin pie and cranberry ones from the thanksgiving pack. I believe @dalek tried the brussels sprouts one and had immediate regret.
@todaresq You could dedicate an entire thread to Jones.
@cinoclav Definitely... love Jones!!!
Dogfish ancient ale
They are freaktastic, and I don't like beer.
This isn't a beverage, but if you have an H Mart you should go look for the corn-shaped, corn-flavored gummies. If you like corn.

@mossygreen that's weird. I want some.
@JonT Well, if you don't mind waiting awhile, I'm planning a trip to my area H Mart on Thursday to see if they carry them (I learned about them out of town). Assuming success, I'd be happy to throw some in an envelope for you.
Unrelated: while out of town I was also introduced to the wonderful Daiso Japan store, which apparently just opened (like, last week?) their first non-West Coast store in Carrollton. Have you been there yet? If so, is it amazing?
If you have a Rocket Fizz near you they have all sorts of unusual flavors. I have a bacon soda and chocolate bacon soda in my fridge I have yet to try; been waiting for a gathering to test it on some
unwitting victimsfriends.@jqubed We do have a rocket fizz a few miles away. Love that place. I've been working on a tour of root beers, and I need my Albanese gummy fix.
@jqubed The first Rocket Fizz is in my hometown. The store is cool and all, but what used to be there was the coolest saloon ever. It has been open in one form or another since the 1800's. I miss the Buck....(sad face)
Not sure if I like Hell Or High Watermelon, which is available in New England. The beer is nice and refreshing but the watermelon flavor tastes like a Jolly Rancher.
Had to switch over to Sam Adams Porch Rocker.
@The_Baron Agree completely. The porch rocker is a far better summer beer. Watermelon flavor tasted like an overly sweet extract or something...
"Brain Wash - Blue; A blend of herbs, caffeine and jalapeno oil."
Currently cooling in the fridge…
@JonT Not sure if them being cold will really help the flavor...
@JonT Looks like Melba is the sane one.
I'm a fan of celery soda, even though it is pretty weird.
Really like this web series "Obsessives" about people passionate about whatever aspect of food/cooking. The enthusiasm is contagious!
This dude talks all about crazy-flavored sodas.
@JonT That guy is the best. You're on a roll today with the good finds.
@JonT Indeed. Many, many sodas (and other beverages) at the Soda Pop Stop, which you can order online if you don't live in SoCal. (It's really worth a visit!)
Here's a category just right for this thread: Something Different.
The last five summers, they've done a soda sampling fundraiser, and the last couple have been themed. Last year was all about root beer. This year it was international sodas.
@The_Baron That stuff is great. Definitely weird, but great.
@Moose seconded, this stuff is really delicious. you just gotta be brave the first time, @The_Baron.
@Moose I was talking to a coworker about aloe juice before this post. Lot of sugar and other stuff added usually. Straight aloe juice actually tastes like butthole.
This came up because we went to find 100% cranberry juice, which is tart as hell.
It was a juice adventure day.
Well, Clamato. Which is weird, but not unusual.
Since this didn't get posted yet, I'm posting it:
the Brad Tries ... series
Lots of crazy drinks, foods, and snacks on video there.
I accidentally tried Cucumber Lime Gatorade about a month ago. Once I adjusted my expectations to "vegetable flavored," it was actually pretty refreshing
@Kleineleh my new favorite as well! Limon Pepino
I tried Grass Jelly Drink once. The taste wasn’t bad, but the texture was….chewy.
Inca Kola is pretty good, if you want to get your bubblegum flavor fix in liquid form.
Funnel Cake Soda. Now appearing at Winn-Dixie. (It does not taste like a Funnel Cake.)

There is a Mountain Dew product here. I think it's in a few select markets as well. It's not bad -- it's absolutely disgusting
@capguncowboy Is that different from Dewshine? Internet says Johnson City Gold hasn't been made since 2013 but I'm really curious about it...
@Moose Yes, it's much different. It was a beer flavored (non-alcoholic) Mountain Dew.
Dewshine is actually (I'm pretty sure) is a real sugar version of a citrus drink, which is pretty tasty. It tastes a lot like Dr. Enuff, another local offering that's bottled by the Mountain Dew bottling facility in Johnson City, TN.